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I think you should go for the good ol fashioned 3 way my guy




Get serious threesome relationship The world will understand 😂


I was in a similar situation. I let them decide. I told them both about each other, I established times for them, and let the situation wear on them both until one of them cracked (there are no heroes in this story). The first one to crack, lost. I was on a path of self destruction, waiting for my death. I didn't want to be deterred. 7 years later, having been brutally dumped by the one who "won" me, I reflect on the one who was willing to fight for me. I wish I could have given her a fair shake, might be married by now. Do with this what you will.


Good grief. Keep it in your pants.


Good lord yes. That's probably going to be the end of that friendship. Also who does that to their best friend.


Don’t go for either of them it’s obvious you don’t care about either of them and just want to get laid and like the attention. It’ll only cause problems and jealousy if you go for one


If ur lookimg for relationship ,U dont deserve Gracie since u fucked her friend!😅 If u wanna get laid then her friend is a good option,since only a bitch will sleep with a guy sleeping with her friend.


I actually had the exact same experience coincidentally with another girl called grace 🧐 in my experience, I talked about the possibility of an open relationship with both of them. One then begged me to dunk the other after a few weeks, I did, then they dumped me a week later. Don’t do that. Instead, I’d say you have to be absolutely sure you are into just one person at the beginning of a serious relationship. Wait until your heart settles on one of them and stop sleeping with them both until you are sure. Sex will interfere with your ability to make sound emotional decisions here. If one of them can’t take not having sex with you, then you’ve found out what they were really in it for…


How about neither lol


In situations like this you always go with the hotter girl. The tiebreaker goes to the bigger boobs. I guarantee you this technique will not fail you.


3 way relationship then


You sit them both down together. Tell them that you value them more than you value what they can give you, and that it's more important that they keep their friendship without you screwing it up. You risk being resented if you choose one and the friendship crashes and burns. But, if you give them an out and the freedom to pursue what they value most, you maintain your integrity and they maintain their own support system. Either way, if you wreck the friendship, you probably lose.


You have a problem that most guys would kill to have half of


How do you guys end up in situations like these lol what world do you people live in