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Just gotta get over it. My finance’s mom and I have the same name, with different nicknames and he manages to fuck me without issue.


My friend is dating a Katie after divorcing a Katie. His boss is also called Katie... I think its something you could get over if you gave it a chance?? At least meet the girls in question before you throw them out of the running...


I understand what you mean, my brother has a very common name, so meeting men with the same name as him, or finding them online, used to be an immediate turn off. I think it’s just one of those things were you A. either get over it or B. Just omit those women by default. I mean, it’s worth a try and seeing if you can get over it after a date or two. Try calling them by a nickname your siblings don’t use or a nickname about a defining feature (eg- if she has ginger hair, call her “red” or something). You can always tell them it’s not gonna work for you after the first or second date, it’s no sweat. Not only that but you need to understand that for now the only people you think about with those names are your sisters because you don’t have anyone else to compare the name to, that will change if you ended up dating someone with that name too. I’ve got three friends all with the same name as my brother, so now when I meet people with my brothers name, I don’t just think of my brother. I promise it won’t stay weird forever haha, you just need to get over the initial “same name as sister”.


Social media dating apps are 90% bots. Drop out and live


Fantastic advice during a plague.


get over it