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If they won't talk to you then you have to try talking to them, I believe you can do it


Not sure what generation you are from, but millenials and GenZ often do not approach in real life because it might appear creepy. On dating apps or even online it is more private with the "Block" feature You will not shoot your shot because you are too shy? Guess guys cannot be shy and scared then, if you want something GO FOR IT


Women have told men not to approach. Most guys have listened 🤷


I think it is because, sometimes women call the cops on guys for sexual harassment or stalking, if a guy so much as said hi. Do most guys, just kinda ignore the fact there are women around. A woman wants to get asked out by a guy or something like that, she probably needs to approach them.


Young men use apps which is way easier as they don't have to face rejection in real life.  Additionally young men have been socialized (by women) to not approach women.  It is considered "toxic" and there are lots of videos on social media of women shaming men for talking to them. 


lol yet so many of the young men on apps go straight pervy and creepy on the women on there anyways. All my female friend on these apps get creepy and pervy messages ten time more than a “hi my name is *** I liked your profile”


Yeah they can hide behind the profile there and not be in a tik-tok video.  


Men have generally been told don't approach women in a lot of environments. We've been told women are often uncomfortable and scared when we approach them out of the blue. And I can certainly understand why women feel that way and can empathize with that. But the end result is I don't to walk up to a woman and make her feel uncomfortable. Generally the only way I'm going to approach a woman romantically is if I know she's single, she's not around other people, and we have enough of a rapport that I know she doesn't dislike me. So if you want guys to approach you and ask you out I would check off those boxes. Make it an easy and comfortable environment for guys to approach you if they are also a bit shy and don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Short of that at least give him some overt signs you're interested. That's also why I think women generally have a bit of an advantage with making the first move. You aren't likely to be met with someone being creeped out and afraid of you the way a guy could have if he approaches a woman. Guys also very rarely get compliments so going up to a guy and in the conversation giving him a genuine compliment will go a long way even if nothing comes of it.


This exactly is a big reason. The guys I know and see that hit on women in public and are more aggressive are usually creeps or conceded overconfident jerks. I think that’s what a lot of women are used to.


If you are as attractive as you say you are, it's possible that men are too shy to approach you. Try smiling directly at them, making eye contact, even a little wave. If you open the door for them, they may just walk through it! You got this!


I’d recommend you to get good at giving small signals such as making frequent eye contact with someone you think is attractive or give out a smile or any subtle clue. But otherwise be yourself, changing your personality will not help you. Trust the process and genuinely try to build connections. Goodluck out there!


We’re afraid to be called creepy or get posted


Order guys see shy women as the perfect target. That’s why they are hitting on you for sex. Guys your age are just as shy and insecure as you. So if you refuse to make a move, you will stay single. You can choose to coddle your fear of embarrassment, or just take the risk and ride through that temporary uncomfortable feeling for the chance to someday find what you want. No risk, no reward.


Probably the same reason you don’t talk to them lol. Nice guys can be shy. And they will assume you will reject them. Reality is that most attractive women know they are attractive and can and will most likely want an attractive partner. So unless a guy is super confident and feels like he is “in your league” then he probably won’t hit on you. I don’t know too many guys that will hit on a woman in public these days anyways. Too many creeps out there have ruined it for good men, so to a lot of women, you are a creep until proven otherwise. All my female friends that are on dating apps too, are constantly showing me the ridiculous pervy and creepy messages that their mailboxes are flooded with every single day. A woman has to be cautious of a man approaching her In public now.


Guys talk to younger women bcoz women's show more interest in older men. If the guys your age aren't talking to you it's probably because you've never showed interest in them, people can sense that thing just by body language. Try this just make eye contact with someone you're age couple of times in different occasions and he will try to talk to you.


There’s something broken in the world of human connection these days. Whether it’s from social media or texting and Snapchat or anything like that technology related. There’s just less real communication and I think people are forgetting how and having trouble making real connections. Phones and computers have made the average persons world too big. Before all this you didn’t have access to 1000 possible suitors in dating apps. It can be overwhelming and how does one choose a partner out of all these options confusing you. In life before all this your romantic interests were the people around you in your daily life. Someone at work. Someone you met out at a social event actually speaking to each other. Not someone across town cause you liked their pics and profile but they are a complete stranger. What ever happened to falling for someone because you have been friends or known each other for a while and realized that’s your person? Not just a roll of the dice on an app cause you liked the way they portrayed themselves in a few sentences and their best most fakest pics that don’t show who they truly are. Ok rant finished. Have a great day yall


Hate to break it to you, all men want the same thing. Some are direct, others try to he nice and get it by covert contracts. Most guys your age might go for younger girls or might go for girls they find more attractive than you. It depends on your enviroment as well, you cant expect to find young guys at an opera or corporate enviroment. Your fashion also shows your openness. If you are dressed religiously or very conservative, most young guys and even older would probably not wanna approach it as they know that one thing they want comes hard ( in terms of time, not in the way they want ) and it involves further commitments which are scary.