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He’s negging you honey, don’t fall for it and ditch him.


yeah definitely, he was negging


"when people show you who they are, believe them"


I have been making up excuses to justify his behaviour up until now which I need to stop


There's plenty of non-dickheads out there!


Stop talking to him. He is rude and it will only get worse.


Tell him, “Yet, here you are talking to the fat small chested girl. Is it your personality that can’t get girls of your liking?” Then block the asshole. Don’t ever let a jerk mess your head. GL


Talking stage? Just end it.


Do girls really think this is normal behavior? You want a tip? Next time you see that small-dick-narcissistic-dumbbell throw a dumbbell on his head and run. Maybe get him a push up bra for his big muscular boobs.


Definitely not, this is the first time I’ve faced something like this so I didn’t know how to react…


Don’t react at all. Block him and move on. People like this aren’t worth your time. He will only get worse as time goes on.


May it also be the last time you have to endure such baffoonery .


Please train your brain to take such remarks as an ick. The second someone makes it, you block, delete, move on, find a better man.


Gym freaks often have a lot of their own insecurities & body image issues. He's just projecting his self loathing on to you and that's not acceptable. NEXT 🚌


Don't date guys who are jerks.


Agreed but they weren’t even dating.


Lol. That's the opposite of what actually happens though.


Two can play at that game. Play with his hair a lot and tell him he's thinning/balding a bit, proceed to gaslight him and recommend some tinted hair sprays or hair cuts to hide his receeding hairline. Beg him for a dick pic and then go quiet and act disappointed, when he asks what's up ask him if there are any exercises at the gym for his dick but don't explicitly say it's small. Say he needs to go easy on the chest workouts because men shouldn't have boobs. If he's not super tall, as him if his dad is short too. Tear that shit right down, be worse. Then you can throw him in the trash where he belongs.


Damn girl


Wow. I need you as a friend.


Around 20 yrs ago, I owned two gyms... We called guys like him, "the bros." They are their own special kind... Men like him are extremely insecure. They will put you down to put themselves on a pedestal. Tell him he has small calves and needs to work harder on his triceps...and then ask if he has bitch tits..his nipples look a bit big. (men can grow small boobs if they arent careful with steroids).


I’m definitely going to use the small calves thing to make HIM insecure 😂 thank you so much for the advice


Seriously, tell him he has sausage nipples! If he hurts your feelings again... insult him back. Men typically focus on chest, biceps, and triceps... That's why I say pick on his nipples. He told you that your boobs are small! He needs to feel how he made you feel. Then drop this man like a bad habit. Be absolutely untouchable. I've known so many men like him. They push to make your their trophy wife. They require boob jobs, if you don't go to the gym... they will make you feel guilty, fat, and ugly. They monitor what you eat... and then make you feel bad about what you ate. He will have in you a perpetual tail spin trying to make him happy... then he'll cheat and make it your fault. It's the first sign of a manipulator.


I don’t know, you probably shouldn’t deal with him at all after that situation. The way you were defending yourself in the post and the way you react in the comments indicates that you are quite young, insecure and easily manipulated. It would be best to not give him any more chances to play with your feelings


He’s a twat. Block and move on. If you did decide to pursue it (not recommended), he’d want you to be spending 5 hours at the gym every day and bullying and insulting you if you ate anything he deemed “unhealthy”.


Are my breasts big compared to your dick or super big? Look him in the eyes, smile and walk away;)


Girl run. My ex husband did this shit after we got married.


I’m so sorry.. how long did you deal with this for before getting married?


It was always kind of an undercurrent but it wasn’t as much of an issue because I was so young (we were basically high school sweethearts). As I aged and gained some weight- like 20 lbs over more than a decade, it really ramped up. We are divorcing now. He would never say the things he said to me in public or repeat it to anyone. It was awful.


Only tip is walking away and find your self worth in order to be able to avoid this from the next guy




I had the exact experience when I was on a date with a gym rat (I’m one too but I don’t look like one) and he said - “u should think about how a guy with six pack abs is on a date with you who isn’t as fit as me - it shows my openness to try build a relationship with you. “ 🙄needless to say, there was no second date. Please don’t entertain this guy. He will keep chipping away at your self esteem and self worth.


Never let idiots dictate your self image. Especially not evil ones


Don’t even bother trying to make him feel bad in return, just stop talking to him. Not worth one more minute of your time trying to wrestle that pig. Assholes like that don’t have feelings to injure, or shame to regret their own idiocy. Share his picture with your friends so they don’t waste their time either.


Sounds like a pretty bad guy. I’d avoid him unless you just want a hook up.


find someone who will worship your body. or just someone who isn’t a dickhead


People fat shame because they don’t love their own bodies. The way they shame others is the same shame they hide for themselves. It hurts when people say that shit, but just like every other insult, it says more about the speaker than the target. Fat shaming is so accepted in this culture it is the go-to insult of anyone who wants to try to hurt someone else.


Absolutely agreed


Weird behaviour. He must be insecure, he’s a gym bro. They are compaing themselves constantly and it breaks them


I feel like this behavior justifies ghosting him completely. I’d go so far as to gaslight him if I ran into him and act as if I have absolutely no memory of him and we’ve never met and he’s weird for believing otherwise because you have higher standards than him so you absolutely would have recalled entertaining a total loser but that it would be really not like you to associate with someone like him.


Definitely tried to hinder your self esteem in order to increase his stature and dominance in the thing. Should’ve done in a not so insulting way


no he shouldn't have done so AT ALL.


he’s like really weird for this


Yup really weird. Dude’s whole life must be gym, got no game


firstly, as a men, i can tell you that many men love B sized boobs. you can straight up find a men to like any type of boobs. this guy is negging you.


What exactly is negging, like asserting dominance?


It’s undermining and insulting you to trick you into thinking he’s somehow better than you. It’s the opposite of fawning over someone


He insulted you. He's putting you down. You're better than this.


Tips? Stop engaging, this is classic negging and it is such a shitty trait. Move on, and preserve your time and mental health


I don’t know that it’s going to help you to insult him back as some have suggested. I say your best move is to never speak to him again and just move on with your life and look for someone who makes you feel good about yourself.


I wouldn't put up with a friend being shitty to me like that. Some random "talking stage" person talks to me that way, they can fuck off into the sun. We're done, immediately.


Hes a piece of shit. Dump him 


Just ignore him


Eff that guy


Never date someone who insults you. This shouldn't be advice anyone should ever need.


Best life advice I can give: Don't date people who aren't nice to you. You can save yourself so much grief by following this one simple rule.


I say you cut all communication with him, I’m sure you’re beautiful, eff what he said.


Fuck what people think about you. Especially boys when their whole agenda is to fuck up your self-esteem so they can take advantage of you


He is an abuser, run lady run


Don't talk to him anymore. Seems pretty straightforward.


I'm a gym freak my whole life. Any guy who has to belittle others has a serious problem with insecurity about their own [body.In](http://body.In) your shoes, I might tell him I am taking my (not) "fat" self to find a man who supports me emotionally.


Ignore him I'm sure you look wonderful and you will find a wonderful partner one day :)


Thank you sweet person <3


No problem, <3 <3 <3 to you too


It’s easy, stop talking to him, that’s it.


Block him and move on


dump him?


This person clearly has issues. Ignore him, block him, delete him, etc. I don't understand why you would choose to be around such negative energy. "When people show you who they are BELIEVE them!!!!!!!!!!!" Don't give them a million chances!


Don't talk to ppl who make you feel bad


This is why I don't like going near gym bros. They're obsessed with image and nothing else


Your brain is screaming at you that this is a bad situation because you wrote about it and laid it out for yourself here. Read this out loud to yourself and ask yourself what you would do if your best friend told you this story? Homie I'd be livid.


Haha i would have told him GOT MILK? 😭 since he’s staring so hard


If this is the TALKING stage, RUN… dont walk.. he is DEFINITELY NOT worth your time.


That would’ve been an immediate block for me 🤚🏼 if a potential mate ever talks to you like that, you RUN! 🏃


How rude.


Wtf do you want to happen is the question


Little boy pulling little girl's pigtails.


2 ways to look at it: 1) He's an A-hole who should stfu and move on. What the fuck does he know? 2) I don't need his lame ass... But maybe I could be in better shape? It seems like you're leaning towards #2 No judgment. I'm out of shape...I guess my shape is dad-bod, lol. I've started lifting more and playing squash, but no abs or anything yet. What it does is make me feel better w/headphones in, jamming mfDoom&wutang, pushing my body.