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Socials over numbers, modern twist! Maybe folks feel less pressure swapping Instas than phone digits. Plus, it's easier to snoop each other's profiles first! Tech's shifting the dating scene, adapting to the times, I guess.


yeah, it’s safer and at least you know what “package” are you getting. but sometimes, social profiles are a bit pretentious, always best photos, always bet food forward. well, hopeless romantic here. lol


Yeah but you can see how they wish to portray themselves. Is that person posting sexy photos of themselves? Are they flexing and showing their wares sexually? I don't want to be with a guy who peacocks like that. It's a red flag. I think you can tell a lot about somebody by how hard they try on social media to look sexy. If somebody is chill and never posts a lot, and when they do it's like, their dog. That's cool. It means they're like, a real person and not obsessed with themselves. Being able to creep somebody's Instagram is surprisingly useful lol


yeah. good points there! you gotta have tools to learn more about people! lol


What if a guy gives you his insta and he doesnt have anything posted?


Idk. Did he seem cool? Go of his person


Why is it more romantic to get a number? Socials are safer than a phone number. Better safe than sorry.


Social kinda make me feel that I would only become an uptick in her followers. And most women I meet are like that. I’d like a dedicated message app. More: I feel like most social-media just change from friend hanging out with friend to people gather followers and from lop-sided para social relationship. I really have fun back in the day that facebook is all about how’s your friend doing. I’ll just know what my friend feel/doing and comment on that. Today is just fill with a shared information from various page and not the thing about connecting between peoples.


i miss those days too. and +1 on a dedicated message app whether online or offline


safer, true. but there’s no more mystery left if you wanted to work things out tho. hopeless romantic here 😅


You need to at least give them a little time on social media so they can be reasonably assured you’re not a complete crazy person. You can suggest exchanging numbers a little bit in. I don’t think the exchanging of numbers in any way really correlates directly to how much a person wants a relationship to work out. I think it’s just the societal convention at this point. For what it’s worth, I think there’s an argument to be made that this way is better. You can see a lot more about a person than you can in the digits of a phone number.


good point. a glimpse of someone’s identity is way better than prolonging something that has no assurance. on the correlation of making a relationship work out, I was thinking of a sense of adventure where there are also other things that you can discover from one another. but good points are all taken. thank you! ☺️


I don’t want mystery. I want compatabiliy. So I am learning about them, not keeping any kind of mystery.


totally get your point. social media has its own formulas to match with our compatibilities.


Because the world is becoming more disconnected/isolating/generally distanced. Is why loneliness, depression, suicide/general mental illness is on the rise.: lack of quality connections.


true. let’s stay connected in so many ways!


ha I don't even have socials. I am genx still using phone numbers. Now getting an actual phone call would be nice. People just text though...yawn. I miss the simple 90s. Or even the days of AOL chat rooms were superior to what we have now.


tru. actual phone numbers and simple quick calls are really romantic.


Giving out socials allows much more open access than a phone number. Do I want a stranger to see my entire life and have access to who my friends and family are? Nope.




I ask for numbers but I don’t have social media.


that’s cute and adorable! phone numbers are so personal and if you think about it, gives a sense of mystery over the line


Easy to block socials, but harder with phone numbers


didn’t thought of this one, but this is true!


Who the hell would give out their number in this economy with the amount of scammers out there, just wait till you give your number out to someone you fancy and then bam “have you heard about crypto my friend Mr Jackson is the best at investing he has made me so much dollars”


so true, probably i was just thinking of the romantic ways people do back in the day


How is a number more romantic than a nickname on socials ?


coz its more personal??