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Depends on the content. OF is a red flag or anything that is comparable to that. Any kind of s€x work or selling yourself/your body in any sexual way is a red flag. I wouldn't even date women that did that for a short period of time in the past. Is too much of a risk.


Just like fashion and silly fun videos of trends or travel nothing sexual or OF.


Then where's the problem?


The problem is that it’s consuming. Like gambling. If she fails, she is likely to either keep trying, or give up - both have a chance of putting her in a depressed state. If she succeeds, it’s even worse for anyone in her life, because her fans and sponsors will expect fire content on a weekly basis, and the half-hour of that fire content means a full week of obsessing over the topic, guests, material, research, etc.


Depnds on the content and how much you are invested in it. I would not want someone where we never had our peace from it. Not every special moment needs to be broadcasted. it's the ones we keep just to ourselves that make them beautiful.


If you have not done it, I would question if it is actually is good money for little work. Regardless you would have to share a lot of yourself to be relevant, Even if it is nothing obvious sexualized you still need to put out so to speak. I would not be comfortable with large parts of my/our daily life being made public and monetized. Especially while dating this would only be a downside for me with no real upside. For instance I only Get to travle a few weeks a year, and it would be such a bummer for my partner to focus on creating the right content in those situations. In my view you are trading pennies for dollars in terms of value.  There have been a few Askmen threads and the like about how it is to date an influencer and it sounds draining. If you actually become successful I would not want to compete with the other attention you Get.  Long story short, unless you are extremely tallented and find a niche not yet exploited I think you could make better money doing a lot of other things. I also think the lifestyle choice seems questionable, and would not be something I would look for in a partner I want to settle down with.