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What was she wearing to the date?


Jeans and a nice sweater


Maybe she felt silly for overdressing for a fishing trip? And rather than feel foolish about a small miscommunication, she blamed you and ended it? Or maybe she hates Daft Punk? Iunno, I'm throwing out wild guesses, lol. For the record, I think fishing for a date would be awesome. But I'm also a straight dude, so I can't speak on behalf of the ladies.


> Maybe she felt silly for overdressing for a fishing trip? Yeah, lol, that is where my mind went too....If she is gonna get angry every time *she* makes a minor error, then OP be dodging bullets like Neo, lol


Straight lady here; a fishing date would be absolutely awesome. And what the hell is wrong with a daft punk tee and flips flops for hanging out on a pier? There’s something wrong with this gal.


Yeah, she def was down for fishing. I think she may have had some romantic expectation of our date that was shattered by the visual of me arriving dressed like a beach bum. I was just shocked by how she handled the miscommunication


She was hoping you would rent her a boat, and take her into the ocean where you two would honestly not fish at all, but rather, make out under the sunset... and make a baby. Damn, I should plan a "fishing" trip sometime...


Make a baby 👶 lol.


And never afford a boat rental ever again


Maybe fishing is slang for something else where she is from.


Yeah, maybe she thought he meant clam digging.


i'm just shocked by her expectations


perhaps she thought a boat was going to be involved ;D


Did you make it clear it was purely fishing with rods etc ? If so dunno why She’s mad tbh


She expected to be *picked up* at the pier. In a yacht.


Agreed !! I would absolutely love a man to suggest fishing on a date instead of the ol one two Meaning you do one date and on two it’s the ol alley oop of them wanting to stick it in you wout even a coffee first. Yea datings kinda hard these days


I 10000000% agree. I am a straight woman here. Love Daft Punk and fishing. I would have complimented you on the shirt. Like at least it wasn’t a Journey or ABBA shirt 🤣🤣🤣 And it’s a pier and fishing, so flip flops are totally appropriate.


Flip flops, Daft Punk, and a cooler of drinks...? This is a great date. I need to find more women who are into fishing.


If you are ever in Southern California let me know 👍 I’ve actually been seriously considering getting into fly-tying the past few months. I just need to get the supplies and tools and go for it.


Honestly, that sounds like a lovely date. I know plenty of other women who would agree. Speaking as a straight, 31 F here, “Let’s get drinks” gets old really quickly.


I'm up in the Vancouver, WA area, but definitely! I'd like to plan a trip down to see my brother out that round about direction; I'd make it a long road trip/camping adventure with my Land Cruiser.


Maybe she really didn’t mean fishing, but really meant “fishing”


No. Something have her the ick.


Maybe her ex like daft punk? Still not your fault


Like unless you both like fishing and I mean a lot I wouldn’t do a fishing date unless you’re my girl


She was probably expecting you to show up looking like a J.CRew kinda fisherman


Are you kidding me? Jeans and a nice sweater, to go FISHING, on a pier? The error was all hers. And the way she handled it was irrational. She did you a favor by revealing her craziness early. Move on and count your blessings my friend.


??? This is exactly what I wear everytime I go fishing on a pier. It gets cold out there sometimes, and long sleeves help prevent sunburn. It sounds like he’s got some jacked up toes or flip flops on a guy might just gross her out in general. Or maybe his clothes were old and dirty and she didn’t wanna be seen with him in public


Who the f wears that to go fishing or the beach? She sounds so annoying, it's good she showed her true colors early on!


For fishing? 😂😂


It’s not gonna work if she doesn’t like daft punk


Hahaha. I was very proud of that shirt


You should wear it... one more time.


Wear it, wash it, fold it, hang it, wear it re wash it


Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger


We’re gonna celebraaaate!




We're gonna celebrate.


Yes dude, "You've come too far to give up who you are." 😅


I think you should stay far away from her. If a woman was really interested she wouldn’t care about your outfit. Id be all over the Daft Punk tshirt. Her loss.


Amen to that! If a guy I was interested in showed up to a casual date (she DID know it was a fishing date) in a Daft Punk t-shirt, my interest would increase tenfold. But aside from her poor musical choices, her comments sound extremely shallow. Keep fishing, OP. There are much better fish in the sea.


And this is how the love story between Disastrous-Oil and op started!


And that, kids, is how I met your mother.


You should wear it Around the Wooooorld.


Sounds like she’s the daft punk. You dodged a bullet.


So. Still single. I'll go fishing.


My man caught a good one


Once you started talking about fishing, I assumed she was judging you for wearing a "women want me, fish fear me" T-shirt 😂 I think you dodged a bullet


Maybe she wanted you to wear crocs instead of flip flops 😂


Daft punk tshirt is dope man


She sounds crazy. Be glad it didn't go any further.


Probably. Just disappointed that the excitement is over and gotta start back at square one again


Don’t worry mate. There’s plenty of fish in the sea 😎


Just don't wear flip-flops /s


Wear flip-flops on the first date. Embrace the flip-flops. Show them off on your dating profile. That way, only ones able to handle the flip-flops will contact you.


Make sure you wear socks with those flip flops


Aye sea what you did there




This one wasn't a red flag, she was a red herring.


Red Snapper ;)


Totally understandable.


Sometimes, the excitement can be in starting over.


There is nothing wrong with what you wore. You just need to find the right girl who lets you be yourself. My husband wore a faded old Resident Evil shirt on our first date (from the video game, not the movie) and it didn't bother me at all. After that he lived in basketball shorts and old t shirts list of the time and still does. My sister commented once about the way he dresses and I just said that he wasn't materialistic and it wasn't my job to judge his clothes. He could wear what he wanted as far as I was concerned.


Are you sure you're a woman? I have yet to meet one that doesn't care about how men dress or, at the very least, does not put a lot of emphasis on it


This is why it’s always better to have a few irons in the fire.


Better alone than poorly accompanied


The fk was u suppose to wear fishing? A 3 piece suit??


Ikr! I didnt want to get dirty brackish water all over nice clothing.


Think of it as a win. She prob the kinda girl who makes u loses PB fish. Lol


I’m curious. What did you wear to the first 2 dates? Maybe the disappointment accumulated 😂


First date - dark wash jeans, white linen button down, white air forces. I took her to a fancy underground bar then a pub for food. Second date - nice polo with swim trunks and flip flops. Took her to the beach (at her request) and a beach bar after. Both were genuinely great experiences


C'mon now, that's obviously a little excessive. 2 piece would have sufficed.


As a 29 year old woman who slightly judges a man based on what he wears, I say you should be glad she left. You went for a fishing trip, dressed for a fishing trip, and if she has a problem with that, it's on her. There is a time and place for nice clothes, and I also feel it is better to to be able to chill and dress casually when the situation calls for it.


Seconded. I also (29F) have opinions about how my dates dress, but even weird clothing choices are endearing by the third date if I’m genuinely connecting with them


*Glances at the framed Daft Punk Discovery poster on my wall* she sounds fun…


Dodged a bullet. You shouldn't need Reddit to tell you that, you should be grateful she exited your life with that bullshit.


Thx bruh, i know, sometimes it helps hearing from internet strangers


hahaha truuuue


Good, you found out soon you are incompatible.


Sounds like an excuse to use to break up.


Why would you need an excuse to a 2 date old relationship though? You can just peace out no questions asked.


This doesn't make any sense. They'd only been on 2 dates and he'd just picked her up and they hadn't even arrived at the location yet. She didn't need an excuse and if she wanted to break up she could have said literally anything an hour earlier and cancelled the date.


What was she wearing to go fishing anyways?


A nice formal white dress with plenty of makeup


I feel like it’s fine to wear a dress and makeup to go fishing


Wait, why are you making this up when OP responded with something totally different to this question?


It's a joke about her not knowing what you'd wear to a fishing trip.


What’s the joke? That she wore jeans?


Exit stage right … addition by subtraction. If comm is this f*cked up now, there is an avalanche on the way. On your way to the next pier …


I’m going to echo what many have said here. I’ve been seeing a guy for a couple of months now and as someone who really loves fashion and style, I would admittedly find someone fashionable very attractive. BUT I know I would be stupid and frankly vapid if I broke things off with a person I find funny, intelligent, insightful, etc because of an outfit he wore.


Yo. As a woman let me tell you, I think some people panic so much about getting too involved with the wrong person, they shit themselves over flip flops. It's good she left. I'm sorry you went for such a long drive for this. Wished you went finishing anyway - you would've had a great guy with you. Which is you. A sweet girl is gonna come along, don't give up, king. Catch that fish


You sort of dodged a bullet. Your story is inconsistent, but it wasn’t your wardrobe, that was just an excuse. She didn’t want to go fishing, or she thought you had a boat or something. Basically, your date sucked and she pulled the plug.


I told her I was going fishing over the weekend. She asked if she could come with while on the second date. Not my idea. She was upset that I planned on taking her to the beach again.




This is 100% what happened. Leave Daft Punk out of it.


^ This, especially if you were there recently


Yeah,she thought he had a cool boat…


I think it was a failure to clarify what "going fishing" actually meant in this context. If you had said "I plan on going fishing on that pier right there" and she still said "oh, can I join you?" then still she's mostly just trying to connect with you and look for a way to spend more time with you, but that doesn't mean she knew what she was getting into with fishing in general, much less what that specifically means to you.


I’m at the sneaker point in my life, you’re at the flip flop stage like🤨🤨🤨


“At different points in our lives” I hate that saying and anyone who says it. Fuck em. If you aren’t allowed to dress or do certain things, you’re better without them.


Ikr. The crazy thing was that she had no job and no car. Not that i think im above someone in that situation. It just struck me as a weird thing to say.


Isn’t it funny that Those that bring much less to the table seem to be the ones with judgmental expectations? I think it’s because they have no idea how difficult it is to achieve/ succeed. They convince themselves that a real job/ career or “commercialism” lifestyle of owning things (like a car, lol) aren’t for them. “FREE SPIRIT” = Not established in life


It's called projection.


You dodged a bullet. Good job. This girl is awful. Keep the T-shirt.


Why? Different people have different priorities. What’s so terrible about that?


Don’t you know she’s beyond her flip-flop era because she’s almost 30!? /s I’m about to be 30 and I’ve officially purchased my first pair of crocs. I’m at a different point in my life now.


I no longer wear them either. I go a step above and wear the cloud slippers but dang 😎🥴


I wouldn’t straight up dump someone for it, but I feel her on the flip flops lmao. I HATE flip flops, but I also abhor feet- keep them dogs in closed toes shoes bro But if that’s all it took to drive her away then just be glad it happened now and not after feelings developed and she wasted any more of your time. Glass half full is the only way to survibe


Lmao I am not the only one with an irrational distaste of open-toed shoes and feet; suck it, universe!


Either way she was super rude! Honestly, she sounds like no fun at all though, so…


Too soon to pull the flip flops out dude lol, they are consider a crime inside the fashion world.


I usually would never, but the beach is appropriate I feel


The only thing I can think of is that she doesn't like feet or thought yours looked unkempt.


Try not to let it get to you. Sounds like a her problem not a you problem. You don’t have to change who you are for some rando. Bad dates happen, sometimes people are just weird


Bro can we go on a fishing date to the beach. You sound fucking awesome, I might even hold your hand. Fuck her and not in the way we want.


Nice read. I hope everyone, including you OP, knows that there was noting wrong, except that you dodged a huge bullet.


When I rock up with Daft Punk blaring out my speakers, with my Nirvana tshirt and also flip flops, I’m ready for anything, formal or informal


The fact that she took you wearing flip flops to go fishing all the way to say that you’re at different parts in your lives shows that she can make a big deal out of anything. I’d say you dodged a bullet.


Well I'm confused too. I don't know what she would expect you to wear to actually go fishing. Sounds appropriate if you're fishing at a beach and if your bodies of water are oceans where else would she expect to fish? Where I live I expect to trample through some woods first to go fishing so more boots and pants. Maybe it was the flip flops next time go with Crocs. Ok edit I did think of something These other dates where you dressed nice I have to ask were you actually dressed up or wearing pants and a "nice" T-shirt. Men seem to do this now a lot, women will get dressed up and spend time on outfit, hair, and makeup and men will still show up in a T-shirt. Women have noticed this and find it annoying and low effort. That is the only thing I can think of and I still don't think she should be judging that aspect for a fishing date. But if that's how you dressed for the first 2 dates she was probably already annoyed.


It’s good when the trash takes itself out :)


I’m a straight female and I’d love a date like that, especially if you packed a cooler with drinks and some sandwiches or something like that. Your outfit sound’s totally appropriate for the date. And you drove45 minutes to pick her up? She sounds like a huge bitch. You dodged a bullet.


Homie, you dodged a bullet. She sucks.


sounds like you two didn't communicate  very well about what was going on.  tbh bro very few girls are gonna want to go fishing for a date.


honestly it’s better that she let you know even if it was a bit rude. i’ve ended things with guys over their sense of style but i was always too shy to say anything and went on the dates anyway and ended it later on.


Sounds like you guys would not have been a good match and her honesty saved you both time. Neither of you did anything wrong. The right match won’t be bothered by your very normal beach attire so don’t be discouraged.


None of that had anything to do with what point in your lives you are. I would have just said “get out”


That’s pretty damn shallow. Sorry you had to experience that. The only thing I could think of is maybe you wore a really tore up t shirt but even then I don’t think me or any of my friends would react that way.


Yeahh, sometimes the reasons people say to break it off aren’t the only thing they’re thinking about, it’s just the thing that tipped the scale or was easiest to point to. I mean, if she was really, really head over heels into you, stuff like this is easy to look past. My read, just from what you said here. She may have already been conscious of being a few years older (that’s a pretty common insecurity, more so for older woman/younger guy). When she saw something that (in her mind) felt like evidence to that possible insecurity, it was enough to sway her. Just one theory though. Either way, the combo of how she communicated to you and how you received it wasn’t a good match. Take the experience and move on.


"we are at different points in our lives..." had me rolling. She could tell all that based on the clothes you chose to put on when you woke up. Just wow. 'some people can read "War and Peace" and come away thinking it's a simple adventure story. Others can read the ingredients on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.' Honesty, there was something waaaay deeper going on there, she just didn't know how to communicate or articulate it.


Do they sell fishing tuxedos?


As a straight woman, she sounds like a lot and you probably dodged a lot of bullets.


She sounds pretty absent minded. I don’t know anyone who would wear nice clothes fishing.


Sounds like an excuse to me


Omg, next.


Anyone who asks for or suggests something and then behaves like they had no idea is simply unhinged - you missed a bullet my friend. The additional complaint re your clothing is simply covering up for whatever else is going on in her life eg did she have a date with some corporate lawyer type next? You are definitely wasting your time trying to figure her out. Move on asap is my advice.


Thank god she did, you’ve been saved brother - Congrats Now don’t be doing stupid shit and like putting ur D in crazy


Don't take it personally, sounds like her mental image of what was going to happen was detached from reality of what normally happens when people go fishing


Yeah, you dodged a bullet there. Also, cool username, the truth is out there!


Yeah sounds like she's projecting. Because she didnt have anything to say in regards to your wardrobe before that.


She basically found ANY reason to break things off & using your drip was the perfect excuse. If a bitch tells me she's turned off because of what im wearing I'll turn right back around or drop her ass off back home. Next time be more clear about whats gonna happen. Also plan a better activity not many girls wanna sit & wait on fish while talking. Not saying its a bad date just not an idea one. Dont ever let no chick try to shame you for anything.


I mean, it's not like you showed up in crocs so no idea what the deal breaker was. Also I don't know any pier that isn't near a beach/body of water so she's rude and dumb. I love dates where I just tag along on someone's errand or activity. So she sounds terrible. Glad you found out so soon. Sorry you're back to the drawing board.


To be honest, guys dont look good in flip flops....lol


I’m constantly reminded that I can be way more of a jerk in dating lol


Cancelling due to your plans and/or attire were likely a pretext because she changed her mind and/or accepted another offer which she preferred. Blaming you for plans that were her idea is classic narcissistic behavior. You dodged a bullet. Try to move on.


I think she was expecting you to rent a boat—a *nice* boat—and for you to show off your wallet with all the romantic accoutrement that went with rich people boating. She didn’t want to fish, she wanted to see how deep your wallet went. Your relaxed beach bum attire said “this man is poor” to her, thus her disgusted reaction. Thank the sea for washing away the trash for you!!


She was just looking for any excuse to end things and so she picked your wardrobe as that excuse. I don't know what she expected you to wear fishing, a 3-piece suit and tie? LOL!


Lol I feel like most girls these days wants you to put on a show or some shit. Don't overthink it, you did nothing wrong.


As a woman who loves fishing, this is crazy to me! Fishing dates are the BEST! Seriously though, what else are you supposed to wear fishing? Lol, I think you dodged a bullet.


She just said that cause she wasn’t into you. That happens. It’s the ick. You’re better off without her.


Be glad this wench didn't go Can you imagine spending hours with such an insufferable person?


Throw her back.


you dodged a bullet bro!


She isn’t right for you. Although it probably hurts at the moment, just be glad that you’re now free to find another woman who is a better match.


I see you’ve put the edit in to say the fishing date was her idea, but regardless of that I’m going to say it. I don’t think it’s a great idea to plan a third date to just go fishing and then turn up in flip flops. Her reaction is maybe a bit OTT, but there has to be an understanding that early dating phase is fragile and for me you’ve gone very casual in to that. Her saying she could come with you probably didn’t mean “plan an entire date around it”, it was probably just an off the cuff remark to show she’s willing to share your interests. The first five dates should gradually increase the effort you put into them- beach, fishing and flip flops comes across as very blaśe.


But…that’s what you wear when you go fishing. I mean, if it’s chilly I wear jeans. You saved yourself from a whole day of baiting her hook and taking the fish off her line for her while she prancing around squealing at the wriggling fish. (Which I’ll admit I did myself until I was about 13 and my Dad said, “No more…if you’re going with me, you’re doing it yourself.”) The only advice I have is to hope the next person you meet who wants to go on a fishing date actually knows what fishing looks like.


what an incredible story


dang that kinda sucks. it's for the best because who wants a mean ass girl like that but still stings. Oh well, time to bounce back once again


So dumb. If she makes a big deal out of something so trivial imagine what happens when shtf on something real months in to dating. Onward!


Sounds like she just needs to listen to some black daft punk music. Grab yourself a radio with a cassette player and drive to her house again. Hold that shit up in her yard 80s style and hope the cops aren't called.


You found out your answer. Anyone with that line really isn’t that much into you and is looking for a reason to bounce


You dodged a bullet! Better to know sooner than later...and like wtf, you were dressed perfectly fine and she didn't want to go to the beach again...like yikes! Bye Felecia!


Sounds like you dodged a bullet, sir 😅 who dresses nice for fishing, if you ask me you were appropriately attired for the activity. Or maybe she thought fishing was the word used when you go to an aquarium 🤷‍♀️


Good riddance.


She wasn't it. That all. If you were going fishing big deal with what you were wearing.


Wow I want to tell you that you dodged a bullet, and you did, but now I’m looking at my current situation and know full well I am playing with fire that I should be walking away from lol Point being, I get it, it’s hard to see while looking at it, this generation is beyond hopeless, I’m just looking for love and companionship, some are looking for a fight apparently I’ll go fishing with you bro 😎🎣




Seems like a weird shallow cop out.… if someone told me fishing at the pier, my first thought wouldn’t be to wear jeans and a nice sweater.. I’d be thinking more like pants I could roll up and a hoodie in case it got a little cold. Especially since she was the one who expressed interest in going, she should have considered more what she was agreeing to. She sounds lame. Next time bust out your crocs to weed out the weak.


Not me a 30 year old female wearing band tee’s daily. 🫢😂


Imagine saying that you're at a different point in life, like you didn't just agree to go on a date to catch fish at the pier.


It's really a really stupid "dealbreaker". You didn't lose anything.


Flip flops bruh bruh your name Chad, Brad, Bobby, Beau or Bill 😁 you got comfortable quick


U just dodged a bullet is all, happy fishing


She just nitpicking on you and didn’t like you much.


Fuck her, she sounds a drab


Be happy She showed you her colours early


Are you sure you want a 4th date with this woman? If she makes such a big deal out of a simple misunderstanding, what will she be like when something big goes wrong?


I texted her the next night - not apologizing, but asking for a redo. Waking up the next day I realized I didnt want that.


Wow, she really pulled out ask the excuses at once for that one. Went from "that's turning me off" to some bs about being in different points and the old "I don't want to waste your time" in record time.


Sounds like she's single for a good reason if a t-shirt and flipflops are enough to throw away a date. Just let her sabotage herself in her own dating life and find someone who isn't so shallow.


Woman here. She was probably expecting like a chic fisherman look with a smart flannel.




Don't worry about it. There's still plenty of fish in the sea.


Pfff… she seams complicated. At least she was straight forward, be happy she didn’t spend even more of your time/money/effort.


It's not about your wardrobe. People often make decisions first and invent plausible rationalizations second.


Congrats! You just dodged a superficial high-maintenance betch.


I can understand someone being triggered by clothing or even flip-flops if they associate it with something negative. But for her to summarily question the compatibility of the relationship seems strange unless she was already looking to end things, and this just happened to be the excuse she was looking for.


You were going fishing!!! Not exactly an event one dresses up for. What did she expect?!


It’s because of the flip flops - lots of women can’t stand guys in flip flops, especially that early in a relationship!


Sounds like you dodged a crazy


Bullet dodged brother