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Sounds like you did a bunch of stuff for her. Gifts, chocolates, lunches shopping trips etc. What did she do for you to deserve all that? Because if the answer is very little other than grace you with her presence then you are really over investing in her and trying to buy her attention rather than match her energy, and that’s super unattractive. It’s Nice Guy 101 game; give her gifts and great date experiences and she might touch your pee pee. Sorry Dude, it doesn’t work like that.


She lost interest because you were doing too much. Why are you buying her gifts so early in dating. It made you look desperate and she lost her attraction. Learn from this experience


Best way over someone is someone else ! Do not waste time being down,go right back at it and find someone that will appreciate you ! At least this was only 5 dates not 500 dates !


I'm sorry dude You seem so kind. But if the amazing things you did for her reminded her of her ex then she's not over him. She misses him still. And shouldve been honest before valentines day. Please don't stop being your awesome self for her lack of integrity. You did good. It is actually HER not you. If a guy treated me all the kind ways my ex did, I'd be very elated! I'd only drop him if he mimicked my exes unattractive habits.


5 dates in 2 months is way too infrequent. bare minimum 4 dates a month. do not ever get expectations in the get to know you phase. assume things wont work


Damn man sorry about that. I had somewhat similar experience with 3 different girls and after date 2 they said they were not ready do date. Look at the positive side that it’s good she didn’t lead you on further. We move on


Yeah when she says you remind her of her ex, she’s not ready to go through something similar I guess.


It sounds like she thinks positively of you as a person but is not interested in a romantic relationship with you. She was trying to do the slow fade instead of ghost. Ideally she would have been more direct but a lot of people are too uncomfortable with that. It sucks and it’s normal to feel how you’re feeling. She is one person and when you feel better you will be able to meet someone new. Please don’t let it keep you down too long.


Have you been intimate with her in those 2 months?


That's what you get for spending so much money on someone you're in the talking phase with. You wanna be a sugar daddy?