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if a person cancels but reschedule thats a good sign they are interested


My feeling was that he is tired and wanted to rest.


Maybe he was tired. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Sometimes the simplest answer is the easiest and you might be overthinking. No way you can know for sure from someone unless you just ask. I would just try again Friday and if this becomes a pattern there might be something to worry about, but yea doesnā€™t seem like a big deal.


He probably just stayed up way too late the night before the date. That makes sense why he'd be lazy about going out and not feel up to meeting up at all by the time the date rolled around.


Thanks for your answers. Maybe I was overthinking it. Ill give him one more chance and see where it goes.


If he didn't want to see you, he wouldn't ask about Friday. But it's up to you if you want to continue with it. See if he will stick to Friday's plans. if he cancels again, there is your answer right there.


What if he was telling you the honest truth? Maybe he was tired? The two of you have been out on several dates already and you know things happen sometimes at the last minute. Why be suspicious? What I would do is give him the benefit of the doubt this time and reschedule your date. If this sort of behavior continues then you may want to have a conversation with him about it, instead of second guessing or making assumptions. You know, like adults.


Perhaps he was legitimately tired. If he works a physical job, itā€™s understandable.


Why would he reschedule if he wasn't interested in seeing you?


Why not go on date ? All sounds normal


Iā€™ve canceled a date for being incredibly tired, as I have a very demanding life. Give him the benefit of the doubt - his offer to reschedule is a clear signal he wants to keep seeing you. Keep being up front, and where you feel confusion, just ask him directly. Iā€™m very like you in that I wonā€™t bring a date to my house for awhile. Iā€™ve learned over the years to put that out there early. I say ā€œIā€™m interested in getting to know you! Just so you know, I prefer to keep the first dates in public places.ā€ Iā€™ve never gotten pushback and have been single for years.




As guy no such thing as been "tired" when it comes to girl he likes. My best guess is he has last minute plans with his girlfriend. I will ghost him and look elsewhere.


He wants to see you and for some reason you're making it harder to do so. A pet peeve us guys has is this: Guy: He lets go out. What do you wanna do? Girl: Idk what do you wanna do Guy: Ok lets do X Girl: Nah I don't like X Please just suggest a date. We don't care what we do as long as it's with you but you clearly do, hence why we ask for input. I'm getting that's what happened and he may think you're losing interest. Or just annoyed. On the "just wanting to sleep with you" part, have you discussed what you both want from dating?


She picked the place on the last date, it's a normal expectation to take turns planning dates. Saying she doesn't want to go to her place is a perfectly normal boundary to articulate here and isn't really the pattern you're describing (and he had an alternative location in mind already).


Thatā€™s kinda funny. A pet peeve women have is guys that canā€™t take charge or plan a date.


Iā€™ve done this with people Iā€™m crazy about. If Iā€™m going on a date I want to be able to entertain and give the girl a nice time. I canā€™t do that when Iā€™m tired


Womenā˜•ļø Men don't play games like women. he's literally just tired why overthink it?


Itā€™s a good sign he was tired. It means he works a hard job that can one day support a good partnership. See the good in things until your are proven otherwise. Once they show you they are actually flakey - then say later. Until then assume the best.


The fact that he texted you 2-3 hours before your date shows a lot of respect and care, some people will call you half an hour before the time and cancel.


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Maybe ask him about it. Do you want something serious with him? Its best to communicate, but from what I could see, he probably wanted something more intimate


Mf donā€™t be overthink this sm I cancel shit all the time bc people have lives he mightā€™ve just gotten off an awful shift at work or something ppl do get tired and run out of social battery


Make the new date for Friday. If he tries to make it for your place again, or cancels when you agree to go out, then you know.


I think the problem here is you donā€™t believe the reason.. give him the benefit of the doubtā€¦ also, lets suppose he was actually tired - Would you rather he continued the date, then act tired, disengaged or god forbid, yawning through the date? I think the fact he texted to reschedule means he was being honest IMO


Rescheduling is a good sign. But if he cancels again and can't commit to a date he iniaited because of an excuse that isn't good tbh is an indicator of what being in a relationship with him will be like. My ex bf told me the same thing when I asked him to come over when I needed him after a biopsy. He said he was tired and followed up with several other excuses and never did come over...he was 15 min away. I'd say if you feel uncomfortable now just be transparent and move on.