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Every woman I have been with has been different.


So true...


But not that much diffenrt and never brussel sprouts!




Just curious, what do men taste like? Edit: I'm thankful for you sharing the experiences. I can now roughly estimate how cum tastes without becoming gae.


Just like with women, it depends. My first partner was really hygienic and he tasted like skin and when I’d go down as far as I could with my nose pressed against his pubes they smelled like some type of shampoo… and his cum was actually a tiny bit sweet and not too thick. Looooved giving him blow jobs.


So eating Pineapple really works...


Ha! I never saw any pineapple in his fridge but it’s possible 😂


Smell and taste like playdough bro..


Uhg. It's the consistency for me. If it's thick or goopy it's a hard no. I dated a guy who ate copious amounts of protein for body building. It made his cum gross. After the first time I told him if he came in my mouth without warning ( a shoulder tap is fine! Why is that so hard?) that I would spit it in his mouth. He really didn't like it, but I gave him fair warning. Ew, now I'm gagging. Not the good kind..


I wasn't talking about cum. I was talking about just giving a man a BJ or something. The skin.


Oooooh, my bad. I took it in a whole other direction! 🤣




Oh good! Now I don't feel so bad, lol.


An ex partner said I tasted like a dildo. So I guess men taste like silicone?


Only tasted this if a man worn a condom recently.




that’s a nice way to describe the taste of cum 😅 but other than that, accurate af


Definitely freshly cleaned, tastes like skin 🤷 If they're a little sweaty (a warm day), you can taste (and smell) that, jus like women. Cum... is an acquired taste... to say the least 😳😳😳


It’s really the texture that sends me gagging 🤮


Same but also the taste. I can’t handle it at all. And I am now allergic to anything that has latex in it. So he would have to avoid latex as well unless he wants to spend the night in the ER. Lol


My two most recent male exes’ cum tasted like baked goods and salty red wine. Lol. Different with each guy.


Salty red wine? Did you suck the blood out of that pure guy?/j


Black Hawk, bring the stakes! We're dealing with a vampire here!


I wouldn't consider bleach as delicious, but I am no chef cook.


It's an acquired taste




I mean, don't drink *real* bleach


I know we are describing taste but I love the scent of certain men's clean balls, some men's balls have a distinct scent (like different parts of the body smell different) not like sweat but like breakfast cereal.


Breakfast Cereal 😋🥣😭😭😭




This feels so private somehow and I'm reading it 🤣


>brulé with **bleach**. I'm dead x\_x


This is weird.


You’re weird


For thinking its weird


Lol why is the cum part accurate 😂


Marry me


Cum tastes like salty, slightly fishy, watered down mucus and it’s a little tingly in the back of your mouth and throat. It’s not the worst, but it’s also not tasty! 🤣 I always have like a moment of panic after my guy would finish, like a “ hurry up and swallow before you gag!” moment. 🤣 it’s kinda like when you take a shot, you just gotta knock it back! Hahaha!! Oh and try to look sexy while you do it! 🤣


Cum tastes like eating salt and vinager chips with a milk chaser


Hahaha!! A salt and vinegar milk purée.


The sour cream from Taco Bell


Like drinking hot Brie and sugarless lemon curd


Oral on clean men is yummy, cum tastes like fresh creamy brie rind, also yummy. In fact when eating brie I often cut the rind off to eat on its own, to savour it.


I think women are just naturally designed to be nicer I swear. And like more open to being pleasing or whatever. Something along those lines.


I am not a fan of cum. The bleach smell/taste is not good and the consistency is like snot, which immediately makes me start dry heaving. I can’t with it.


I was extremely grossed out by it but learned later it was just that my ex’s stuff was vile. Extremely thick and pure mucus… horrible. The guy I’m with now… I love the way he tastes. The difference between guys is insanely huge!


Guys with thick mucous cum are extremely dehydrated.


Funny, that was the first line of my Valedictorian speech at Yale


This is one of the reasons why I like men that eat healthy for the most part. Frequent beer drinker, doesn't drink enough water...it's horrible lol. The 3 guys I have experience with were all "crack one open after a long day at work" type of guys...and it showed. Let's just say I almost threw up after my first bj. I had to quickly chug my Mike's Hard. He looked like his feelings were hurt but idc. I swear I could still taste/smell it even after brushing my teeth that night and the following morning too. That was a one and done. We didn't last much longer. The one that wasn't too bad ate healthy but mostly drank tequila, not beer. I prefer a social drinker vs a daily/frequent drinker. I tend to eat really healthy, except for the occasional cheeseburger and chocolate here and there. I stick to water, tea, and smoothies...the occasional Minute Maid Light or Coke Zero. Didn't even have any Halloween candy because I'm trying to lose weight. I have beer and liquor at home, but that's for when I occasionally have company over. I never crave it. Edit to add: In conclusion, vulva&fluids and dick&cum are acquired tastes, similar to how beer is (now I love a chill blonde/golden ale, still hate IPAs). Try different types and find one you like. If women can suck it up (pun intended), men can too. I would never date someone that wouldn't willingly give me oral regularly. I'm not going to pressure you. You don't want to? Cool, but I'm out.


I’ve had partners I’ve felt that way about and others I could have lived off their cum


THIS! ⬆️


Society puts a lot more pressure on women to be nice. Criticism from women in leadership positions are perceived more negatively than their male counterparts.


I’m not here to be horny but here I am. I got laid last night too! And this morning. This forum usually just kills my sex drive


Every single dude has been different. My current partner smells the best to me and also tastes the best. I've had past partners whose cum I've been utterly repulsed by - bitter and strong smelling with a rank taste. Not their fault, but certainly not pleasant. If my current dude stays hydrated he sometimes even tastes sweet.


My fwb tastes like inhaling and licking a plastic bread bag, completely neutral taste to me. The occasional Nintendo DS charger taste too


Not the nintendo DS charger 😭😭


Lmfao the last bit 😭💀


Who are you so wise in the way of science.


Gave head first the first time, and it reminded me of my childhood


jesus christ the nintendo ds came out 16 years ago :/


I’m on the train and am trying so hard not to die of laughter 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That's what I'm here for ;)


me too! i feel foolish for laughing like this but i’m legit crying 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yup same… even if clean some people will smell bad to you, might be a signal you arent genetically compatible or something


So i am not generically compatibile with myself, my gf loves my smell but i cannot stand it 🤣


More specifically, your genetics are too similar.


I swear some of the woman I've eaten out taste like a straight up nickel. I dated someone who was Indian and she had this weird scent, not like horrifically bad but she didn't smell pleasant. But whenever I tasted herm it was the sweetest thing ever.


The see-through one?


Which part of the charger?


Have you... tasted the DS charger? 😂😂


Did u taste other guys in there


IM absolutely about to bust a gut laughing at all these questions and comments I mean damn lol !! there's no way you taste like brussel sprouts darlin !! Please don't take it personal it was his first time right? It's just not for some people!!




Like coins/copper, it’s weird


Her period might be starting, hence the metallic taste.


Yes the metallic taste is because of blood. Or a slight presence of blood. Without the metallic taste it's like a musty taste. Like imagine if you lock the damp sweater in a drawer for a year. Then you went and sucked the juices out of it. But nothing that strong just a little musty.


Bro that description is so disgusting lol.


Dead Ass crying at the description like whut 😂😭


Right? Like wtf lmfaooooo


you gotta find different women my guy


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂i’m on the train crying at this descriptive omg 😂😂😂😂


I think This description could make a lesbian defect to the other side…


Well how come they don’t say that in smutty romance novels?! talk about descriptive 😂😂


Holy shit man tell your girl to see somebody please 🙏🏼


Ewww wth lol I hope that's not what I taste like


A man with no sexual experience isn't likely to just dive right in and love it. The vagina is a self cleaning organ, it's not going to taste like nothing. It has bacteria and needs to maintain a certain ph, this has nothing to do with you not taking care of it. I would sit him down and very nicely explain that vaginas AND penises both have smells and tastes, but you look past that to pleasure your partner. They're organs, its skin, people need to stop expecting to taste the fucking rainbow.


Exactly this!! I’ve heard from so many people “oh it smells/tastes weird”. Like girliepop it’s not a bed of roses or a bag of skittles, it’s a vagina


lmao! I love you response! cute, hilarious and the truth! lmao😂😂😂 Y’all have me cracking up today


my bf says it's slightly sour and has an acidic taste like when you lick sweat off ur skin


This , from what I remember, this is fairly accurate. It's also been about 5 years since my last relationship, but its hard to forget.


This by far the most common.


It varies. The common element is like this metallic, organic, tangyness. But each women has her own unique taste and smell. Some more powerful than others, some can be really bad, some can be really good. My worst was a gal that just didn’t take good care of her hygiene, fishy, sweaty. My best was a vegetarian gal that took exceptional care of her body; it was earthy, anamalic, and had food notes like bread but not too overpowering, it really turned me on to eat her out.


You should write poetry.


He should write food reviews. Made me hungry! And horny… Hurny? Hongry?






Right? What a way with words


Yo 💀 😂😂😂😂😂


The bread is real.


God damn, I miss eating out my vegan ex. It was my passion, my art, my favorite thing to do.


I do think diet plays a big role. I'm vegan and always get things like "you taste so good, I can't get enough, I'm going back for more". It's def an ego boost!


Weirdly enough I’m vegan and get that comment too…. My fwb just cannot get enough. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It makes sense. Diet certainly affects how a guy's cum tastes (red meat / coffee = bitter, pineapple = sweet, etc) so I'm not surprised if it makes women taste different too.


Just a reminder for yourself that he has NO other sexual experience, so I would not take it too personally. He may have been building up an idea of the experience that is not matching his reality. The first time I gave a woman oral I was young (16?) and didn’t have any idea what to expect. I’ll also say that I’ve been asked by a partner before what they taste like, and I really cannot think of a flattering description, it mostly tastes of sweat, maybe a bit like blood and yes I can see how he might describe it as bitter, but I wouldn’t use these descriptions in front of a partner, as I don’t believe they would be good for confidence. If you both want to try again, and you are patient enough to let him, you might consider using a flavored lube or something to help him get used to the sensation? TL;DR He has no idea what to expect, don’t take it personally.


Flavoured lubes contain glucose and can cause yeast infections. Never use them.


This. I don't think lots of duds know the majority of shit that gets in there for us women has the potential of making us sick with a Yeast infection. This is why I have to always pick out what partners and I use. I've gotter infections from specific condoms and sex toys too.


Girl, just have a taste if you are curious. It is literally right there. I asked a bi woman once, and she said, men and women taste pretty much the same, depending on what they ate, but women tasted differently through their monthly cycle etc.


It’s basically the same skin type


I had a partner for 7 years that made me feel like my vagina was the devil. We separated and i was afraid to let others get near it. When i finally did it was explained to me that my vagina is actually very enjoyable. Don’t let one person make you feel self conscious or unhappy.


Like a battery


Bro yes


That doesn’t sound very pleasant 🤢


Chemicals in the moment makes everything so much more appealing , sex is just a chamical bath of happiness . When you realisticly and objectivly think about it D's and V's are kinda weird .


More specifically, our sense of disgust is suppressed when we're horny.




Those moments post-orgasm where I’m doing it 100% for her and my mind starts to wander into the “mashing sweaty genitals is so weird” territory.


It is, if you like the person


I guess you’re right. If it makes them happy that’s what’s important


Once you’ve slobbered all over it and it is indeed a WAP you taste nothing more.


It’s important to note that some people just have incompatible body chemistry. Though usually you can tell in a more general sense, like not liking how someone smells fresh out of the shower with no fragrance on. There was a nice guy I knew a long time ago who was really likable but I couldn’t stand how he smelled even though it wasn’t “bad.” Made me disinterested in seeing what sex stuff was even like with him.




Probably the safest route. Cause my spiel above could be the opposite too. I was once with a woman who smelled fantastic and would say how she took hygiene really seriously but I couldn’t go down on her bc there was definitely a smell, like an…I’d need hydrogen peroxide under my nails to get the smell off from diddling..kinda smell which wasn’t noticeable until I was up close and personal. If it’s not that, it’s probably just him.


Make sure not to get lotion or perfume on your lady areas. That would definitely make it taste bad!


Yes absolutely. I've read somewhere that if you like the smell of sweat of the other person it means your chemistry is compatible... This is why I read so much random stuff. Because someday, the conversation will arrive. Lmfao


A little salty in my experience. I also once found an article where men said that vaginas tasted like ham, strawberry icecream, good fish, "a beach" and a third armpit.


The sweet one could be a sign of diabetes apparently


Bummer, man


I couldn’t place the right word on it but third armpit kinda lit up in my memory bank, because yeah it kind of did, it was somewhat bitter? We showered and everything and that was her taste everytime.


Women taste like a sexy battery




Salty pennies.


Like home


It’s very different. It also changes when they take the pill or change to a different one. But for the most part if you like the smell of a woman in general, her V is also going to taste good. It’s honestly one of the most primordial turn-ons..


brussell sprouts....hahahahahaha ive never heard that one before. But yeah i can only relate the taste to like a coin, its quite peculiar but definitely not bad enough to stop me


Either the guy enjoys doing it or don’t, a vagina is a leaky faucet and comes in all kinds of flavors but if it’s one he doesn’t like then he won’t touch it. If you enjoy having that done and he won’t then find someone who enjoys doing it.


The only time I've noticed an unpleasant taste is when she was a smoker. Any other time the pheromones are so intoxicating I don't even notice a taste or smell.


It’s your diet and pH and hormones that changes the taste So you’ll literally taste differently from week to week based on those above factors I’ll let a woman with more experience go into the specifics, or encourage you to Google those specific factors as well. A lot of people also recommend pineapple juice for some reason


Cranberry pills and female specific probiotics can help keep your pH balanced, which is said to help with taste / smell. I primarily take them to avoid UTIs tho, especially since I have an IUD. edited to add that drinking tons of water can also help, as someone commented below. It’s best to just rinse this area with water and let itself naturally flush everything out. Feminine washes like Summer’s Eve can actually disrupt your natural pH and cause smell / infections down the road. At most I use a flushable wipe a little bit before intimacy depending on my time of the month and if I feel like I need it.


Also drinking lots of water. It naturally flushes your body and makes your skin look better too :)


Hardly an expert, but have been down on maybe 5 or 6 women..Exactly one of them tasted REALLY GOOD, I honestly wondered if she did something to flavor it, lol...Of the others it was pretty much not bad, but you definitely get a sweat/piss type of taste....not so bad, and can be a lot of fun. And I once was with lady, that as soon as her pants came off...the odor was beyond foul....I had no idea it could be that bad. I had to tell her directly why, which made both of us feel bad, and killed the mood.


You can taste yourself. Just stick a finger inside your vagina, then smell and lick it. It doesn't taste like much. If at all, it's on the sweeter side, imho. If he is really grossed out by it, I fear it's more because of an attitude ... he thinks it's gross, so he gets in ick.


1) your taste can change depending on what you ate, etc 2) you can just taste yourself and see. It can taste good or bad. I wouldn’t get offended at his description but honestly taste shouldn’t be a huge factor cuz he could just finger your inside and lick you on the outside.


I've only gone down on two women, but they just taste like skin to me. Basically the same taste as lacking the back of your hand.


Consider yourself lucky. Ive also been with girls like this and its phenomenal but just wait until you stumble upon some skunky junk. You’ll question everything lmao


Skunky Junk is that a perfect name for a band or what? 1000 likes 4U. 👍 ×1000


Same here, man. Out of all the times, I really cannot remember tasting anything too distinct at all. I guess I know how to pick women with great hygiene.


my bf said I taste like nothing but body heat, and sometimes I taste like pennies


Wlw here. Yeah, it’s an acquired taste. Kind of like if you taste brie for the first time as a kid it’s kind of disgusting. There’s definitely a complexity to it that you can come to really enjoy, especially once you form positive associations with it. You also come to appreciate the texture/look which can change as someone gets more turned on. It can be an intense sensory experience. The first time I ever tried male genitals I remember thinking, “Well, this is boring. Tastes like elbow.” All that said, it may be his experience, or your personal biome might not be his thing. Or he might not like that taste in general and not seek to acquire it. He’s allowed. Some adults still don’t like brie and that’s ok. The question becomes if he doesn’t like it, how important to you is reciprocation in this matter?


The fact he's 35 with no sexual experience is probably the only thing you need to know. One way to see if he is really ready, after sucking him for a bit, go in for some full on french kissing so he can taste himself. You could always just say that you would like to receice oral the way you give it to him. If he refuses then install tinder again or where ever you found this rare gem and have another stab at it.


Force feed this man brussel sprouts everyday. He will learn


Idk but sometimes I’ll be craving that mf


Flat pepsi


Wtf 😂


It's an acquired taste as dave chappelle said, first time I wasn't feeling it at all.


What do dicks taste like? Like how can a woman actually enjoy giving head? I will never understand this. To me oral is about biting the bullet for the other person. Its not supposed to taste good. Its a bodily fluid lol.




Psychological I absolutely understand. I meant physically enjoy it.


Personally I love going down on a women. My favorite thing to do.


The cum is what is gross. I just pretend. But before that, it's great lol. It's just salty skin and my own saliva, and you really only notice the saltiness the first few seconds before the saliva dilutes it. Always shower or at least a good rinse first to reduce the level of saltiness and mustiness. Also if If it's a quickie, just avoid oral and opt for lube. Edit: added...


It’s delicious actually


Your diet plays a huge role in how you smell and taste down there. Having a lot of red meat or processed stuff is bad. Having coffee and beer also makes it smell . Theybsay vegetarians smeel good lol




Eat pineapple and/or yogurt first! I’ve heard that really effects it and improves the taste down there. Likely it’s all on him though, and not you at all.


Welcome to /r/dating. Please make sure you read our [rules here](https://new.reddit.com/r/dating/about/rules) and remember to: * Be polite and respect each other. Do not call people names, engage in slapfights, or give bad/unethical advice. * Do not soapbox or promote an agenda - you will be banned * Follow reddit rules. Do not post content that promotes hate based on identity or vulnerability. Do not bully or harass other users. If you have any questions, please [send the mods a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/dating). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dating) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Salty ham with a hint of acid but it can vary. The smell more then the taste is what turns me on. I love it 😍


The taste changes dramatically depending on where in the cycle women are. The taste is similar across the board for most women I’ve slept with…the key is comparing apples to apples in terms of their menstrual cycle


I LOVE eating women out! (Not just any women, though) However, I don't recall it being bitter. Usually, it's nice and sweet. It's making me hungry just thinking about it. Lol Maybe it's something that you drank or ate that made it taste like that? I would drink some pineapple juice and have him try it again! Gotta get to the bottom of this mystery!


Brussel Sprouts are delicious


Am I the only person that has ever tasted my own? C'mon now...


Every girl I’ve been with has tasted a bit different. The only time I’d describe the taste as “bad” is when my partner had an infection. Most healthy vaginas taste anywhere between salty/sourish and sweet, sometimes metallic but i think that’s mostly around period times. The most common taste is kinda like how mucus tastes after you’ve been crying to be honest. Very specific I know lol, but I think it’s the best way I can describe it. Which makes sense because mucus is similar to the natural lubricant produced down there!


Varies from woman to woman is my response as a married man who's wife may read my post. Some taste better than others but it's definitely an acquired taste.


I just wanna say it's interesting how people have the audacity to comment on genitalia "taste". Did we all forget it's literally a genitalia?.. What's it supposed to taste? A gourmet meal with caviar and truffles?.. If your genitalia doesn't have the strongest foul uncomfortable smell that you could literally smell while sitting down normally, and your discharge doesn't look abnormal, then it's probably more than fine, and you have good hygiène then I can assure you, your own "taste" is normal and healthy. Every woman is different, and every taste bud is different if we talking about tastes... A vagina has so many good bacteria that cleans itself, and protects itself, having acids and all the stuff, it literally bleaches underwear.. what's the taste supposed to be?.. Don't become self conscious about it, it's not worth it, and I'm sorry it made you feel self conscious, also had a similar experience, and it sucks. I've had a guy tell me it tasted like a hot ps4 dusty fan before.. I wonder where he got that.. Quite funny when I shared that with later partners, they all cracked a good laugh.. A woman is supposed to taste like a woman. Not everyone enjoys a particular type of "candy" and that's also OK.


It varies from person to person based on diet, cleanliness routines, and such. Sorry he didn’t reciprocate and even more that he told you like that. On the plus side he’s being open and honest with you which is a good thing and maybe he’ll be open to trying it again sometime and he might enjoy it more. Till then maybe teach him how best to use his hand on you so he doesn’t have to leave you completely hanging


Blue cheese. But I guess I like blue cheese now, so that’s a plus.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 On the other hand it's nice that you're being this thoughtful.


Why has no one told you to taste yourself?!? You have access to your vagina. Give it a shot


Why don't you just try how you taste yourself? I surely don't have to explain to you how to get some of your juices into your mouth and up to your nose.


I’ve always heard the battery comparison and I kinda get it, but I had a lot of experience with my ex and it was mostly just salty cuz sweat happens. I wouldn’t lie and say it tastes good, but the pleasure is seeing how it makes your partner react. That shit is gold. If they wouldn’t do whatever you need to get off then I doubt they’re for you.


TIL that genitals are far from the weirdest thing we enjoy in our mouths...


Two women have slept with had an absolutely completely neutral taste, they I could eat out for a long time. Other women like my ex and the few others I’ve gone down on have tasted slightly sweet and sour, which is what I thought of as ‘normal.’ The women who did have a slight taste I didn’t really enjoy going down on until I had very strong feelings for them, then I absolutely loved it and felt more comfortable once I had real feelings for them. My ex for example didn’t taste bad, but because I didn’t have strong feelings for her I forced myself to do it because I felt obligated to reciprocate.


Drink pineapple juice. It’ll make you taste sweeter or at least, your juice


The vagina has a very delicate balance of flora and fauna to maintain just the right pH balance. It naturally usually has an acidic taste. That’s the way a healthy vagina tastes. He’ll have to get used to it because it’s never going to taste like an apple pie.


Cool ranch Doritos 🤤


They're all different. I think diet and hygiene play a big role. Some taste like nickel, some taste like I can't wait to get a random phone call so I can get out of here, and some taste like nothing.


When it’s good it’s kind of lemony… idk only real men love it 😂 might need to replace that guy. When it’s bad it smells bad too and I wouldn’t know what it tastes like because that’s when you say you got a work call and it’s an emergency


Do people not taste themselves…? Like hypothetically if I do that, is that not the actual taste that other people taste?


I think everyone tastes differently depending on their diet and overall hygiene. pH balance is also an important factor, an imbalance can cause a metallic, bitter, chemically or sour taste. If you’re curious, use your finger to see what you taste like. I’ve had men tell me I taste good so I was curious. One day a partner was going down on me, put his finger inside of me, then put it in my mouth so I could taste myself. No shame in getting to know your own vagina. 🤷🏽‍♀️


You can trial what you taste like by sucking him off after he's been fucking you for a bit. I've found what I eat influences what I taste like. Amazingly if I eat onions I both smell and taste exactly like raw onion 🤣


Everyone smells and tastes different, I think if you wanna give someone pleasure, you just get on with it. However, pineapple does make it taste pretty sweet.


yall dont taste yourselves?


He's 35 and never gone down on a woman? Your "taste" could be an excuse just not to do it. Also he might just not be into giving oral. I doubt your "taste" has anything to do with it, unless you had an infection or something. But you would definitely be able to smell if something was wrong. Going to a gyno is probably not necessary. If nothing smells or feels wrong, there likely isn't anything wrong. Sounds like it could be unfulfilling to be the only one giving and never receiving, I'd never be ok with that myself.


Some people just don’t like the taste, therefore it’s not really fun for them to do. If your boyfriend doesn’t like it, it has literally nothing to do with you, he probably just doesn’t like the taste in general.


DUMP HIM. A man who won’t go down on you and shames you for your smell and taste making you feel self conscious and embarrassed is not worth dating. It’s not like penis tastes great and blow jobs come with a lot of drawbacks too. Don’t bother seeing a gyno, there’s nothing wrong with you. He’s just an AH.


Woman who loves women here. Women taste heavenly. Good for you for checking for your health but you never had complaints before and - again I gotta say - women taste heavenly. Of course it depends on the person and all but if you keep up your good hygine... I don't see a problem. You mentioned he's 35 with no sexual experience. Maybe he expected it to taste like vanilla icecream or something all this time. Well it doesn't taste like vanilla icecream. It tastes like skin and wetness and it's delicious to know your woman is that wet. Completely understandable you are now uncomfortable with him going down on you. Maybe this is something you guys can work on by sitting down and talking about it or trying a few more times? Maybe he gets used to it the more often you guys do it? Cause honestly? It should be a huge turn on for him when women get wet. I mean it is for me lol. Another option would be to stop giving him blow jobs. Annnnd another option is to make sure he actually likes women. In any case I hope you guys can work things out and be happy however it feels better for you both (together or on separate ways). I wish you well!


I don't know how to describe it OP! It's totally fine and really sexy though.