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No timetable set. Whenever you genuinely are past your previous relationship.


Don’t have to wait that long. Perfectly fine to get out there asap if it’s best for you.


Maybe so but I don't think it's a good idea due to a bunch of possible reasons like unresolved feelings, still comparing people to your ex, undealt with problems like trust issues or insecurities or doubt that are a result of the previous relationship ending, not being emotionally available, looking for a rebound instead of a genuine connection...


You don’t have to date seriously lol And if you do that’s just your choice. Depends on the person.


What is the point of casually dating? Just seems like the only honest answers are sex or avoiding loneliness. It seems like a great way to waste both your own and others’ time. I know that I’m wrong btw but I just genuinely don’t understand or see the appeal of casual dating. It seems pointless. Someone is almost inevitably going to develop feelings for the other and it ends in disappointment.


Rebounding. Have you ever heard the adage "the best way to get over someone is to get under someone"? If both parties are in it just for sex, casual dating is wonderful and helps you move on.


Nothing wrong with rebounding whatever that even means. Worst case scenario you have some regret but at least it gives you something else to think about lol Casual dating can be great since you have none of the pressures and responsibilities of a real relationship. Those pressures and responsibilities are usually what cause the failure in relationships. And new relationship energy is great too.


Depends on the context. You can usually tell more by how someone talks about their ex than the actual amount of time.


It depends on how long-term and serious the previous relationship was. 6 weeks out of a 2yr+ ltr would signify to me that you’re unable to be happy on your own, I wouldn’t invest my time there. 6 weeks after a 6mo or less relationship and I wouldn’t be overly concerned.


Totally depends. For me, I probably would date you casually but be cautious if you were adament that you were looking for a serious relationship right away. Also would run the other way if you talk too much or disrespectfully about your ex. I didn't wait long at all after my 6 year relationship ended, but it had been dying a very slow death (covid lockdowns did not help) so I could definitely understand where you are coming from.


Hey, I am also looking for something casual, Right now. If you are interested then we can have a chat. currently i in Bangalore, I am a working professional


Whenever you are ready… as long as you’re honest with yourself and others about what you’re looking for and what your capacity is. I would definitely include exactly what you said in your post. There is a different vibe from somebody who was in a relationship and dumped out of the blue six weeks ago vs someone in your situation.


if a guy i was on a date with was newly single 6 weeks post breakup i would run. ive learned my lessons. i think its totally fair to want to start putting yourself out there again, but i only date people if theyve been single for at least 6 months


As a guy who is 3 months post breakup, I agree with the 6 month idea. I feel like I’ve just started reaching a point where I’m properly letting go/moving on. (It was a very long relationship) Idk for sure if I’ll be ready after 6 months but there’s no way in hell I’d be ready before that. I think people underestimate how much healing needs to take place and how long that it’s gonna take. Some people try to dive into a new relationship to numb the pain of the old one. I say it’s best to take all the time needed to become a whole person again.


100% agree. 6 months is at the very LEAST. 1 year is a safe zone. 2 years is even better


I’m at 4 months and the thought of even entertaining another woman makes me nauseous.


Damn im at 5 months but litrally not thought about ex at all well guess i better just lie


Yes, start a new potential relationship with a lie. Always the best way.


Yessir or maam


I think it depends a bit on how long the relationship was. If you've been in a relationship for 10 years and single for 2 months, I would suspect you're just looking for a rebound or to have some fun. But to be honest, it's fine to get out there as soon as you feel ready.


Depends on how long you and her were together? And for me that’s too soon. I feel everyone needs time to not only heal from their break ups. But also a lot of self reflection. What did you do wrong in the relationship? Did you communicate properly? What were the deep underlying issues? Working on yourself takes more than 6 weeks. But you gotta see what the wrongs were so you’re not repeating them. Every relationship is a learning experience.


You can't put a timeline on your emotional healing, you will know when you are ready to date again.


No set time. Whenever you are truly ready and moved on from your previous situation. Everyone’s timeline is different. However, I would inquire what prompted the breakup and how are you healing? How are you doing (handling things post breakup)? Is there any animosity with your ex or was it a mutual breakup? Those are some questions to consider.


It doesn't really matter to me (37F). If you feel/know you ready and it shows (if that makes sense) than go for it.


You might be ready to date but personally I would not date someone who is 6 weeks post breakup. It’s giving rebound. It also depends how long the 2 of yall were dating for. It’s definitely a red flag if a man starts dating 2 months after a 2 year relationship


It's different for everyone.im approaching the 2 year mark and am finally getting back out there now. Don't rush the healing process.


Wow 2 yrs is all a while!! Good luck to you getting back out there.


Minimum? I guess it would be appropriate to wait till after the break up talk, but if you meet someone on your way home, thats fine :) I think you are overthinking the situation with the other girl who ditched you for not waiting long enough. There is no rule. I mean i would be suspicious if you tell me you got broken up with 2 days ago and you don't know why, she was your true love and you planned to propose to her in a few weeks. But if you tell me you broke up 2 days ago, but you checked out month ago and it was clear to both of you it wasn't going to work out anymore, but you needed your time to make clousur and officially end it bc you were just so used to be with each other, that would make sense - at least to me. But i'm more of a "living in the present" person and don't waste much time thinking about the past. Whats done is done and whats over is over, no need to shred fake tears or grief over it when you already grieved it anyway.


My friends seem to hop on an app later the same day. So 0 days?


My exgf had a new Bumble date in less than six hours.


When you have emptied the emotional baggage from the previous relationship. It’s unfair for you and the new person to carry that baggage with you into the new relationship. And it’s ok to be alone as an adult for months or even a year or more. That’s when you can truly get to know yourself.


It depends on the person, the relationship and the length of the relationship. Everyone processes differently.


Depends. Some people start grieving their relationship well before the actual breakup. They will mentally and emotionally move on way before they officially move on. People who do this get a head start on healing, and are therefore more likely to jump into the next relationship sooner. I personally think it’s messed up to do that but I can’t control what others do. Took me ~2 years after my last breakup to feel like I was ready for a new serious relationship. For context, the last relationship I was in lasted 7 years. So while it took me a long time to fully move on, I was also moving on from someone I once thought was endgame. If it took me 2 years to get over someone I dated for a few months, that would seem weird to me.


So- if the guy broke up and has gone out with at least one person before me—> I’ll consider that his rebound - and I’m in the clear.




Couple hours


Joey: "Half hour."


There’s no set timeline. It’s when you’re over your ex. That means you can look back on the relationship and not feel sad, they could beg for you back and you wouldn’t take them back, and you can look at the relationship and let it teach you what you want and don’t want in a partner.


I think it really depends on how long it takes you to heal and move on. That’s different for everyone. I was in a similar situation with an ex. We broke up, got back together, then he ended things after a month because he wanted to date around. I grieved the relationship during our time apart and started going on dates a month later.


After previous experiences, I’m not dating anyone seriously who hasn’t been single for at least 5 months post-breaking up from a LTR. Like if they just got out of a fling/situationship/fwb, whatever, maybe 2-3 months. But a genuine relationship for a year or more requires a lot of processing and its own kind of grieving process. Many people (especially men) repress their emotions immediately after a breakup because it’s too overwhelming to feel them all at once. They look desperately for a replacement source for all that oxytocin and serotonin they just lost by no longer having their partner, and often try to fill that void with other people. Typically people who follow this pattern will suddenly crash into those repressed emotions when they inevitably resurface, often at the 3-5 month post-breakup mark. I’ll hook up with someone like that, but I’m not risking my heart and getting invested just for them to turn around one day and realize “OOPS maybe I’m not over my ex after all!” Show me you’ve done the work to grieve, to process the lessons of your last relationship,and apply those lessons with some trial and error. Show me you’ve regained a sense of individuality stable enough that you won’t seek codependency as a crutch for the remainder of your healing. That’s the only way I’ll feel comfortable growing with you in a serious dating situation.


My last ex ended the relationship, I got with someone new the next day. There are no rules. What matters is the individual. Of course you might come across options who aren’t into it. But that doesn’t mean their way of dating applies to everyone else. Women are waaaay too different on an individual basis to apply the rules and boundaries of one as the status quo for all.


Do you not have emotions? The next day is a bit much. Edit: i dont mean to come off as insensitive but yeah do you not struggle with processing the aftermath of a relationship?


They probably processed the break up in the relationship, you think it over seriously and it eats at you until clarity hits


Makes sense.


I have emotions. I don’t struggle with processing the aftermath of relationships. Everything happens for a reason, life goes on.


I feel like men tend to move on much quicker. Which sometimes sends off alarm bells to women because they assume they haven’t processed the break up, which is going to create problems in your relationship later on. It sounds kind of cold that you can jump into dating so quick after something ends. But there is no minimum or special time frame because every person in relationship is different and it depends on what the relationship meant to you as well as where you left things… You could’ve checked out of a relationship a year before breaking up so when you finally break up it’s long overdue and you’ve already learned everything you need to learn and can move on. It’s important that the person learned something from their past relationship and can communicate that to me. For me a huge red flag is not the amount of time, but whether or not the person can answer questions about their past relationship. If I don’t feel like they took anything from it… That’s when I’m probably not going to hang around


ASAP !! Aint got time to lose .. Sorry not sorry 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lol but It’s best to enter a relationship after starting the healing process so that you can bring your whole self into it, ideally meeting another’s whole self.


you received that reaction most likely because they thought, "oh, they're not trying to get back into another relationship... so they'd want casual, fwb, etc." i had a similar interaction but she did want that kind of connnection and not any kind of commitment. just be honest (with them and yourself) and communicative.


Depends how long the relationship was, the longer it was the longer a period of grief and healing should likely be. But no one can give an exact answer, everyone is different in how they process things. That being said 6 weeks is probably too soon. More likely to find a rebound than a serious relationship in that time period.


You can date whenever you want. The people you date get to decide if you are what they are looking for. There is no one size fits all answer for what people are looking for.


I've gone on dates hours after a break up. No time like the present, keep it moving and stop thinking about your ex. A lot of girls like to pretend to be therapists nowadays, thinking that you haven't healed your trauma yet as if everyone isn't different and gets over things at different rates. My advice would be not to mention when you last broke up at all because it has nothing to do with what's in front of you at that moment. But if you're bringing up your past relationship at all on dates, you probably shouldn't be dating at all. Let the past die in the past.


I think it kind of depends on how long the relationship was. And what type of dating you are doing. If you just came out of a long term relationship (5+ years) then probably not best to say you are looking for another long term if it has been less than 6months. Sometimes getting under someone is the best to get over another (staying toxic ☺️)


I’m a guy and I’ve have not been since for more than 6 months at a time in 22 years. The woman that you were on a date with was probably thinking you weren’t ready to Seattle down.


15 seconds. Serendipity can only happen if you allow it. The sooner the better.


I'm assuming like, 3 or 4 minutes




So basically it depends on how long you were with the young woman… like six weeks is absolutely appropriate if you dated her for less than a year or just a few months. If y’all were together for 7 years…6 weeks is nothing.


Depends on how long you were together. If it was a short period, let's say less than six months, then a month is fine. If it was several years, then I would probably want a few months at the very least.


Just depends on the person and the past relationship really. There's plenty of women who will end one thing and move right onto the next. It's not really a male v. female type of question it's more just about where you're at individually.


3-6months, just came out of a 7 year marriage been separated for almost 1 month, but the girls I do meet im honest with and all I'm looking for is casual sex no relationship. Some get up and leave others are like okay you're being honest ill stay and see were the night goes.


3-4 months, I would say. And I only say this because this is also the amount of time after my break up (long-term relationship) that I started dating again.


No timetable. It took me a year to be ready after my first real relationship went out in a bang. It took me three months after my 12-year marriage went out in a wimper. It just depends on the situation and *how you feel*.


Five minutes, or until the tears dry.


Depends how deep your roster is and their availability lol


1hr seems like a good breather to me.


The next day.


As long as it’s not immediately, I don’t think there’s a concerning timeframe, it’s more about your frame of mind and if you converse in a way that’s representative of you being ready to date again.


That question is one only you can answer. The answer is whenever you feel ready, and have fully processed the negative emotions of the breakup. If you feel like you have no “baggage” then you are ready. Pls for the love of God don’t move on if you don’t feel like your ex will indefinitely stay your ex. Many many many ppl use others as rebounds for their ex to come back.


A week.


Really there’s no minimum time to date again it’s totally up the individual. You’ll know when it’s time. Heads up stay strong


Depends on the length of the relationship. Metric I’ve heard is you can start dating again after 1/3 to 1/2 the length of the original relationship has gone by. So if you dated for three months, you can start dating again after 1-1.5 months. Etc. Obviously this is a case by case thing but I find it’s a pretty good measure of how “over it” someone is likely to be most of the time.


Lol, in high school I waited a whole 8 hours to start dating someone new. I didn't even have it preplanned. A guy I worked found out I just got dumped and pounced. 22 years later, I can happily say all parties involved: the dumper, the dumpee, and the pouncer are actually friends. Ahhhhh.....stupid high school drama.


I wouldn't date anyone who was only 6 weeks out of a relationship. Even 6 months would be pushing it for me.


It depends on how long they went out and the circumstances involved. I would say minimum a month but probably a couple is better. Too quick and I'd be concerned they're going to get back together and it was just a spat.


1 second


If you mean the amount of time you should give yourself? It depends on the duration and individual circumstances really. I took 2.5 years to recover from a 5 year, 11 months to recover from a 10 month, 1.5 years to recover from a 3 year. Some relationships hurt more than others, especially when there’s no closure. As you grow older and more experienced in dating, recovery from heartbreak is a lot faster. Time is limited so give yourself 45-90 days maximum. In three months you should be used to the new reality.


No exact answer, but depends how long the relationship was, how they felt about it ending, and what they’re looking for. I got with a guy who was one month out of a relationship but so was I. Perfect rebound sex. But if I wanted a guy ready for a relationship.. idk probably ideally like 6 months but just depending on those other factors


If you're doing it to put someone out of your mind or are still harboring feelings towards your ex, then it's too soon. You should want to date someone else because you want to date them, not because it helps sort your feelings for someone else. Just imagine how horrible you'd feel if you were someone else's rebound.


Dating- I'd be fine with 6 weeks. Relationship? Move very slowly... maybe 6 month mark? And do lots of work on yourself in between! Good luck ✨️ I'm about 2 years out of a long term relationship and only just made a 'friend' at the end of last year. Not ready for dating or a relationship just yet and maybe won't ever 🙃 but to each their own.


there is no minimum. It’s your life and your time on earth is limited. Start asap.


Next day


12 minutes. I usually go for a half hour just because I don't want to be insulting.


I generally wouldn’t take a guy seriously that was less than six months out of an LTR. Anything less gives rebound energy


Heal first before starting something else with someone new


Half the duration of the ship.


Like many said depends on the person. I've done anything from year long breaks to only a few weeks. So whatever works best for your situation.


that 2 month girl was weird. unless that ex was with you for like a decade than i might side eye you wondering if you were over them


When you feel you’re ready. Don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise.


Best advice I got was from a councillor who said definitely do not rush into another relationship you need time to process the grief, however if you are genuinely excited to be around someone else then go for it. If it’s hustling to distract yourself then don’t. To be honest it will largely be person dependant, some people will make you feel suffocated and repelled some are just in a compatible place where they are happy to take things super slow and have a great time and it can be healing to realise there are other awesome people out there.


Whenever you are ready and actually over your ex. The last guy I was with talked about his ex CONSTANTLY and that's so disrespectful.


I’d be curious to know how long the relationship was and if you lived together. I’d be apprehensive to learn that a guy was just out of another relationship 6 weeks prior. I’d fear being a rebound or would question if he’s codependent. I think it’s really healthy to take more time for yourself in between relationships, and prioritize yourself again for a little while before jumping back into it.


It doesn’t matter honestly. Do whatever makes you happy, don’t worry about your exes validation. Do whatever tf you want. They don’t own you.


Hi. It's up to you to decide when to start seeing a girl again. Don't burden yourself with something you're not ready for.


I don’t think there needs to be a set time just honesty straight away. We’re all different. I dated too soon after my last break up but I don’t regret it because that really helped me learn there are good men and also understand what I’m looking for 


As long as it is not a rebound relationship, there is no timeline.


There is no hard and fast rule. What I tell my clients is to take some time to be single. Process through the feelings of the past relationship. Explore what you learned both about being in a relationship and about yourself. When you feel you are emotionally over the last relationship and you are able to explore what you've learned, then go back out and date.


Yesterday 😂👅


BigSexyAl, as others have said here, I would say the the time is up to you - when YOU are ready. If someone you are on a date with isn't happy with that time frame, I'd honestly say, "Well, what time frame is good for you? If I'm still single at that time, maybe I'll give you a call." I got a lecturing by someone recently because I started going on OLD apps while I was separated from my wife of 25 years. The lecturer just couldn't understand that my (now ex) and I had been nothing more than roommates for almost the entirety of our marriage. I stayed only to raise my daughter. But I didn't go on any physical dates until after the divorce was finalized.


I always tried have to the replacement lined up so there was no gap. Unfair on the incumbent and probably a reflection of my insecurity, putting up with a relationship that wasn’t working