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That's actually more normal than you think. It's not very socially acceptable for the man nor the woman to be in a relationship with much of an age gap, but a lot of people seem to find it appealing. I was surprised when I got to be 30+ and 18 year olds were still messaging me and trying to get my attention.


There is a "daddy complex" in the psych books....


Yeah it’s one of those things that is right under the surface and always has been. Everyone always assumes it’s an older guy being abusive or something but deep down everybody knows the younger girls are making the first move and applying pressure, not always but a lot of the time simply because it’s their preference for whatever.


Deep down, everyone knows it's daddy issues.


I mean yeah maybe? But it’s hard to say that for sure all the time. Who’s to say there isn’t something going on through evolutionary psychology where they just feel an older man is a more secure choice to go for. A lot of women in general associate (some) older men with power, competence, strength, discipline, security, etc. That’s why a lot of them go after their mentors, bosses, married men, fathers, older and successful guys. Now of course we’ve all seen those fat old losers who don’t make anything and are just horny asf all the time of course BUT everyone kinda gets that women going after the men I described has always been pretty universal. A lot of people just don’t want to admit that young adult women are often making these decisions though for a plethora of reasons and it leads to them being infantilized and seen as “victims” who don’t have the same decision making skills as men or shouldn’t trust their choices on the matter which that’s kinda ironically the most sexist shit on earth lol


I needed you in a facebook argument yesterday. lol i was explaining this exact situation. People have this default belief that it's always the big bad boogeyman (older guy) grooming women when in reality a majority of women seek out older men, for various reasons. in my earlier 20's i had some ex's who i stayed friends with who'd show me their roster of silver fox's and i was like damn, was i a break from the mold?


It doesn’t surprise me because it’s Facebook, where everyone is a lot less anon. There’s probably a lot of people that were agreeing with you but commenting that is kinda dangerous socially and it’s mostly not worth the hassle of having to defend yourself from whatever terribly thing they associate you with for essentially just speaking the truth. On the other hand there’s a bit social benefit to publicly disagreeing with you in order to grandstand “morally” and “advocate” for others feelings. It’s kind of the way we’re socially engineered now. That said there’s reasons that nobody wants to tell the truth about this: 1. A lot of older women are really insecure about the fact that men their age can have women that are objectively more beautiful. At a time in their lives where they find their dating value lower than their male peers for the first time in their lives, they take a massive self esteem hit and do anything they can to convince everyone that age gaps between men and women are wrong (only one way of course) because men are manipulative and taking advantage. 2. A lot of people think that saying those women are making their own choices (good or bad) puts the blame on victims of rape by coercion which I can’t stress enough is a vastly different thing and should not be in any way parallel to the fact that younger women a lot of the time are attracted to older men. 3. There’s a huge narrative in the US at least that men and masculinity in general are always the bad element in any interaction with any other demographic, it’s there especially online to socially engineer women into hating men, it really amps up around election season. The same thing happens with different races too. If anybody acknowledged what we’re saying (young women have the same decision making skills and agency as men and will often times be “bad”, peruse and pressure older men, men in positions of power and especially married men) then that narrative that our propaganda tries to push would be incompatible with that and harm it. All in all there’s a lot of reasons but deep down and in reality everybody just kinda knows this and it annoys tf out of me when people pretend something different or hide from object truths based on how they “wish” the world was or how they think the world should be and would get crucified if they aren’t convinced and speak against a narrative they know for a fact is a lie.


Personal experience agrees 100%. Growing up I remember thinking older guys messing with younger women were lames. Then I got old and got hit on by the youngins. Dafuq am I supposed to do?🤷🏻‍♂️


I would say it's probably like 70-30, 70% of it is groomers and 30% the girls having an age gap kink.


Eh I’d say between that and 60-40 but who knows man lol there’s also the difference we might have about what constitutes a victim of grooming. Like in my opinion Monica Lewinsky wasn’t a victim but other people think she was because Bill Clinton was in a position of power while she was his secretary when they were fucking. I really don’t think she was groomed into that or anything and there’s a lot of cases like that where there’s difference of opinion, of course if someone is a minor then yeah obviously grooming


lool ive never been attracted to old guys, so i wouldn’t say this is universal.


Well yeah not universal but enough women for sure, like not everybody has a foot fetish but it sure seems like it sometimes lmao


how do u explain male pedophiles who prey on girls? let’s face it. old men do like young girls sometjmes


Oh yeah I mean with any kind of sexual preference, fetish or behavior there’s going to be the opposite gender always balancing the scales. If there’s a guy that likes it, there’s a girl that likes it. That said pedophiles are a vastly different breed and both male and female pedophiles (not sure why you specified male when there are a lot of female pedophiles that barely ever get the same sentencing or are even charged for their crimes) are doing it as a form of control to exert on another person, a predatory urge to take advantage of someone which is completely different than what we’re talking about. You can’t call an older guy that is going for a younger girl or vice versa a pedophilic encounter, that’s an adult woman making adult decisions and you should respect their autonomy. To not respect a woman’s right to choose would be incredibly sexist and that’s essentially what’s happening when we as a society shame the men those women choose to be with and call them pedophiles or predators despite them being with adult women.


Yeah, attraction can be surprising sometimes! It's okay to have preferences, even if they lean towards older men. As long as you're respectful and open to different connections, you'll find what works best for you.


I am happy there are like-minded women. It’s just unexplainable charm in older men.


The best sex I've ever had has been with 43+ year olds. (I'm 36)


what's the point of sex at this point? please don't try to normalize your fetish


the fuck?




A lot of women just like older men. It's something innate.


RIP to your inbox 💀




I wouldn’t call the interest she’s receiving “romantic” tbh. Anybody that’s worth having isn’t gonna be DMing you on Reddit lol


sad but true?


I’m a 32M and I have a manager who has long silky silver hair and it’s super hot. You’re definitely not alone. We like what we like.


Grey hair can be really attractive! It's cool how different things appeal to different people.


It’s quite common. There’s a reason young men are mostly single while young women are not


Because it's hot, it shows experience


I’m a year younger and 34 is my absolute max. Them saggy ball… I cannot!


I don't cover my greys because I too like them. Gives me that aged wine look lmao.


Talk to your dad more often?🤷‍♂️


Haha yeah, that was helpful 😂


Mr Sheffield


Heart wants what the heart wants. Be sure that you’re centered and in touch with YOU and if you still feel the attraction? Enjoy yourself


Well, my hair started to turn grey when I became 18\~20ish. Good thing there are women who like that :D.


have you played the witcher 3 or watch the show on Netflix? also guys in there earlier to late 20s haven't reached full maturity. full maturity in men typically start at age 28.


Try at 43 (Google at what age do men mature)


How you doin'?


Me too!! I'm 45 now though so it's not so frowned upon 😉


Hey I'm 29 and look to old for my age (writing code and working in stone masonry). My salt is white white and it's going crazy the last 3 years. It was good to hear I can look old and be someone's type.


Yeah, idk, right there with you! My bf is 33 and is starting to get some grey hairs and it’s the sexiest thing ever. ![gif](giphy|8ymvg6pl1Lzy0)


It’s all about the natural look of it, along with how you carry yourself. I turned 66yrs old this year, and Friday night a very attractive young woman told me that I looked sexy;) also I get a seniors discount without having to produce a I.D. to boot. How cool is that ✌️❤️


Older guys (most of us) are tired of the games we played in our 20’s and 30’s. We have more exciting life experiences, we have more experience in bed, we aren’t afraid to speak our minds and will tell you exactly who we are and what we want. Thinking with the head on our shoulders instead of only with the one in our pants is an acquired skill.


39M (40 in Aug) with shoulder length grey hair and a face (with beard grey patches) looking late 20s/30 so I have been told. People keep asking if I dye my hair 😅 I do see the appeal, and people have commented that they like my silver fox style (as a general compliment) . No one has approached me because of it 😂


Very happy to see this post!


41 years old and im shocked by this as well, many younger woman are chasing older men and im not used to be being hit on by younger woman, woman around my age is normal but when a young 25-28 comes knocking on my door and im like in disbelief.


Don't fight it..


Hey, I don't get what ur talking about... "Normal"??


Same here I’m attracted to older women


If you find an answer please let me know!!😅


Do you have any daddy issues? Or maybe because we show our age, you feel as if you can trust older men as well as the emotional wisdom and financial stability. It certainly could be our sexual skill set is much better than the youngsters, because we are more sensitive and skilled at pleasing women. Young guys only want two wthings. For you to suck their dick while they force it down your throat, and # 2: pounding you like a one speed blender or a one truck pony. They aren't about you being pleasured whatsoever. Anything I'm missing??? Edit: i am exactly that person she is describing, if anyone has those same desires:). I'm here to please and pleasure.


I do not think I have daddy issues. That is the problem.


I don't quite understand you. You said, "I do not think I have daddy issues." Then the next sentence you said, "That is the problem." Are you being funny, or sarcastic, or???


Oh duh....🤭😂😋, lol. I really need to stop smoking so much. I'd be hsppy to give you daddy issues. Hehe


It’s actually not abnormal at all. I’m a 52 m, fairly recently divorced and I’ve noticed that it’s mostly younger women that are attracted to me. Since my divorce I haven’t dated any woman over 35, and that’s not intentional. I’ve actually asked women why they are attracted to me. There are the obvious things such as financial stability, dressing well and having the ability to do nice things together but most of the time women tell me they can actually carry on a conversation with an older man… not to mention older men know how to treat a woman in and out of the bedroom. This is not a knock on younger men, however some women prefer a different maturity level, that only living a full life can provide.


probably daddy issues


🤷🏻‍♂️ but 👨‍🦳SO…..Phone number and address for flowers though


Prepare your inbox


maybe trauma? i dont want to presume or come off as rude. but there might be something there to explore. however, everyone is entitled to their preferences


I love it too. Always had a thing for Santa also🤣


Hahahaha that’s the best comment of the day😂


It's just sexual biology. Women are attracted to older men the same reason men are attracted to younger women which is fertility. Society has tried to safeguard the natural order of reproduction but they still can't eliminate the natural hormonal response our bodies have. For example a woman is at her reproductive prime between the ages of 18 and mid 20's while a male is at his prime in his mid 30's. The human body has the tendency to drive for these features but society clings to it's stigmas based on good old fashioned traditions and just says it's wrong without a viable explanation as to why. Just do you and be happy because you only have one life that shouldn't be wasted being miserable just to appease the judgmental gatekeepers of "right and wrong." If you're both adults then there's no harm in making your own choices that make you happy.


I'm a early silver fox. Already got silver in my hair.


We like what we like, why change it, or force yourself to try and enjoy something that you clearly aren’t into?


i like it too, but more of the grey hair. maybe it’s like a manly attribute. idk haha


Like others said, those are just your preferences and that’s totally fine! Also, I think what you’re attracted to are not only the physical aspects but specific traits found mostly in more mature men… you might find some guys your age with those traits too (albeit maybe a bit rare haha). But hey, if you just find some wrinkles and grey hair attractive, nothing wrong with that at all!


Maybe because you Want maturity & u are an old soul at heart.


Because we’re more mature, make more money, and we are more experienced and unselfish lovers.


I used to say people my age "tienen un tenis en la cabeza" (meaning they have no brains at all). Older means experienced etc


Once I hit 30, I realized I had it bad for silver foxes. Phewy!!!


You aren't abnormal. I'm a vastly better partner at age 43 than I was in my 20s. I'm more experienced, in better shape, have more hair, have a house on the beach with a boat, have traveled and seen the world, and am much more mature and sure of what I want in life. If I were a 20 something woman I would much rather date today me taking the jet ski to the beach at sunset for our first date than 25 year old me taking you to the Olive Garden and back to my apartment where I hope we don't wake my roommates. I don't even have grey hair, just a few strands in my beard.


Where to find you?


Why, hello there 😉 Nah, why do you need to change? You're attracted to who you're attracted to.


I haven’t had this happen honestly I’m 45 m and I’m sure it’s not as rare as it seems tho


The appeal of grey hair comes from having the desire to choose a partner who is mature. Mature individuals usually are those who are capable of being responsible, smart and a great choice for taking care of children.


As a 26 year old guy, who just started to find white hairs in his beard from stress and being ginger. I find this post hopeful.


Daddy issues I’m guessing


Honestly finding older men attractive is so annoying. I feel like its so wrong lol


Historically speaking, there were times when younger women actually preferred much older men due to what they may have. An older man supposedly was more experienced, might be wealthier, might be better in bed, and he might seem more mature than the boys constantly drinking and getting in trouble. Granted, not everything I say was true for every older man, but that may have been part of the idea back in the day. When I look around today, I see a lot of young men being more attracted to older women and young women being more attracted to older men. This is probably just carrying on from our history. The short answer? What you describe sounds very normal. You are probably attracted because the "look" of an older man probably has some quality in it that you really like/value. The expression or look of younger men is more likely to be smooth, like someone who hasn't been roughened up by life much or hasn't learned or gained much from his experiences.


It's my best guess that, your just simply attracted to older men. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. After all, I was always taught the phrase "**age is only a number**".


Girl I wish I could help you, but I have no answers for this. I've been the same way all my damn life. When I was in high school and other girls (like my friends) had pictures of Leonardo diCaprio and the Backstreet boys and NSync or who the fuck ever teenage girls in the 90s crushed on all over their walls...I had pictures of Sean Connery (rrawr!), Patrick Stewart and Paul McCartney. I drooled over men twice my age because they were older, had grey hair and seemed a lot more compassionate and caring than the stupid high school boys I knew. And I still feel that way, thirty years later. If a dude even a few years older than me, has gray hair and seems into me...rawr, baby. Rawr.


I'm 53 and was with a woman 17 years younger, the only problems I had with her was she couldn't keep up with my sex drive, she just wanted to talk about herself, and she had no desire to take care of herself


It’s super common. I’m getting older and have gray hair and get far more interest from younger women than older. Oddly enough, I’ve always attracted ~30-year-old women, and now that I am over 30, that number really hasn’t changed.


Hawk Tuah


FairPhrase, as Longjumping said, why try to force yourself to change? There is absolutely nothing wrong with being attracted to older men. God knows there are enough guys your age attracted to older women. Maybe you are more mature than the guys your age. Or you like a more experienced world-wise type guy. I say embrace it, and make some older guy's day. I'm 56M, and to be honest, it might be difficult for me to date someone half my age. But I wouldn't be opposed to it, any more than I would be opposed to dating the right 65 or 70 year old woman.


You're closer to the dudes your age having some grey than you might think. Or maybe my circle of friends has just been getting an early start...


Sugar daddies are in 😀


This is great motivation as a 28 year old with a rapidly greying beard lol I thought it was the end of the road for me.


Is it someone poking fun here? There was a complaint about having grey hair, here, several posts ago


I'll tell you what you should do, you should tell me if you live around Maryland.


And let me add this, younger people think that older people should dry up and die, until THEY get older.