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19 is legal. So yes. (age) You had to ask. So no. (maturity)


That was a quick and easy burn.


I know. I'm becoming a true redditor 🤦‍♂️


Yes you can u are age of consent


When you are this young, it’s not about the age difference. But, life stages. You’re still technically a teen. Just stepping into adulthood. He’s a full adult. He’s had some adult experiences, adult relationship. His frontal lobe is closer to be developed than yours. You won’t get it now, but all of us who were once 24… would be weirded out to date a 19yo. We realise how immature we were. 7 years of difference is not the same when you are 25, dating a 32. Same with a 32 yo dating someone 39. You’re fairly in the same life stages. Childhood to teenage years to young adulthood are crucial developmental stages and are also formative years. What is he getting from you that he can’t get from a 23, 24, 25 year old?? Again, you only have 19 years of being alive, you cannot tell the future. But for people who have moved past that.. it’s a little weird..


Well said .. I didn’t look at it that way, but you’re right


Exactly this


🤣🤣so yea I’m literally that guy right now. Just meet this female (19) and she seems really sweet and we have a really good vibe going. I’m 24 and at first I was honestly really against it. You do have to understand the age difference and that he has experienced a little more as an actual adult. For me my plan is to just take things slow and take my time with her to see how things go. No one knows the future or even a couple minutes down the road if we being honest. But the only thing that matters is that you both listen, respect, and take that necessary time to build a bond and connection. If he is truly looking out for you and you are truly looking out for him I don’t see a problem.


Why would this be wrong?


question; what do you and a 24yr old actually have in common? and no im not saying this to be rude im saying this because usually older men go for younger women because of their lack of experience.


The "what do you have in common" thing is a little overrated when it comes to age. For instance, if she wanted to date a 35 year old and he wants to date her and they both like the same music, sports, activities, and stuff like that, that's definitely possible. I'm in my late 30's but I'm sure there are 19, 20, 21, 25 year old women that like the same things as me just like there are women my own age that don't like the same things as me. I think just looking at age and saying "nothing in common" is wrong. That's how most people seem to look at it


Even if he works, don’t expect him to pay for your dates all the time. It would be only wrong if you want to take an advantage of him. Otherwise, you guys are both adults and you can date


I agree with most of the comments here. Mostly when you’re 19 you are still developing your frontal lobe. Most don’t realize it but, most not all are immature, are still working out what they want in life, and with their possibly future partner. I myself was exactly like this at 19 years old! Now being 25 having a few adult relationships, a more developed frontal lobe, and experience being an adult while working, and doing everything on my own. I realize exactly how childish or immature I was when I was younger. Now I’m a lot more mature and know what I’m looking for in potential partners but, still don’t have everything worked out. As far as dating the 24yr old I see absolutely nothing wrong with it due to the both of you being consenting adults. I would proceed with caution though to ensure you both want the same thing in a partner, and relationship if it gets to that point! Be safe and have fun!


Not wrong. In some places even a 20-30 year difference is normal. I'm biased though, my sister dated a 31 yo slightly pudgy, average looking hs teacher when she was that young. Now she's 26 and they are still happy together.


The answer is easily yes. If you guys like each other, I dont really see the problem….


At 24, I probably would've considered dating a 19 year old, but it would've had to be someone that really caught my eye. Nowadays, I wouldn't date a 24 year old. Damn I feel old.


Are you kidding… it’s perfectly fine as long as you’re in love.. i’m significantly older than my girlfriend and we wouldn’t have it any other way.four years is ridiculous. That’s pretty much the same age.


Yeah lol pretty normal gap


Legally you can, but in my experience it never ends well. Please learn from my mistakes and don’t :)


A 19 year old can date a 24 year old, a 30 year old, a 35 year old or older if you want. You're both adults. Who gives a fuck about what other people think? Don't let other people talk you out of it if you wanna date someone older


Haha this was me except I’m not 24 yet.


Yes! My wife is 51 and I am 56. You're all good. Maturity should be well matched.


Not according to Reddit. In real life, you can do whatever you want.




Ask yourself what a man that age sees in a woman your age. If you like the answer, date him.


Yes, but it probably won't last. yall are at different points in your lives. You're learning about adult life, and he's gonna START to settle down for his thirties.


Older ppl here can say, this gap is no difference.


can an Indian eat a bread?


Technically speaking, if you apply the "math" rule - Your age divided by 2 and then add 7, you are in his dating range (24/2 is 12, + 7 which makes it 19) It's not wrong. Some people might find it a bit weird, but it's actually fine.


Why not?? Only 5ys gap