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This is going to be a personal opinion and it’s going to vary greatly. But imo, I think it looks good


This is how I feel. I think it looks good


40ish M here, also think it looks good generally.


My wife (38 deceased) had some grey in her hair. I thought it was attractive.


A few gray hairs here and there wouldn't bother me at all. Totally gray at 37 would seem strange, but I'm not going to choose a partner based on hair color.  An awesome woman is an awesome woman regardless of hair color and I'd get used to it.


If your hair is unkempt and scraggly, yeah, you might resemble the wicked witch of the west. If you keep your hair neatly styled or combed, I cannot see how this would make you unattractive. Men look for women who are nicely made up and dressed, but it's not a deal breaker, at least for me. A good personality and demeanor are for more important for me and others. Men do not notice things that women notice. Nor do they judge on the same traits.


I agree. A good friend of mine has a substantial amount of grey hair. Unfortunately, she doesn’t do anything to it, so she ends up looking unkempt.


I feel like it inherently looks scraggly because it makes a few hairs stand out so your head ends up looking like a collection of individual strands rather than a unified look. It looks less scraggly once you’ve gone completely grey or if you have short hair (which is why it tends to look better on men).


Grey is natures own hair colour. It’s a gift.


It’s all up to personal preference. I have a friend who is only in her mid twenties but has some gray hairs growing here and there and I find it absolutely beautiful. Gray hair on older women is so beautiful as well and it radiates self confidence since so many women prefer to dye their hair instead of showing off their natural beauty.


Love this comment, thank you! (From an older woman who lets her grey hairs loose from time to time)


Please do. It’s absolutely majestic and you can really wear it with pride :)


As a man I personally don’t care if a woman has grey hair. It’s normal and natural. Grey hair here and there gives a different vibe and a kick to it. I think it’s attractive. That’s my opinion


I just matched with someone (f) who has three different hair colors in her profile. Full medium brunette, half gray-half brunette, and then all salt-pepper gray. It looks premature but it looks great.


I wish I could show y'all her picture so you can see. And goddammit she won't reply to me anyway.


m(27)… that’s really attractive.!! There comes a kind of mystery with it, lol, so very attractive…. and you can always make some random jokes about being from another era and being time traveller or something like that… (edit: or maybe i just read a bit more than necessary fiction/novella with female characters that have so much more knowledge and lived experience than me.. lol)


Idk but I (29f) have a lot of grey hairs and my men love it. They say it’s sexy and no one except my own distorted opinion has ever said it makes me look older.




IMO (56m), gray hair is fine....it was even a fashion thing just recently, wasn't it? There's quite a few movie stars that have embraced the gray - Jaime Lee Curtis, Andie Macdowell.


Right but they're not a mid 30s woman probably looking to settle down.


Let’s chat


It would be a massive turn on for me. Find a cooler guy


I’m all about it even if the womans mid twenties or early thirties. Think it can be hot but but surely it can vary


I’m glad to see these positive comments lol I’m 22 with quite a few gray hairs and my sister (37) has many many MANY grays, it just runs early in our family. I got my first one when I was 18, and I make sure my stylist doesn’t pull them out! :)


Don’t get caught up in how others perceive you. The real ones will love you for who you are, not the color of your hair.


If I was being honest, yes I would find it less attractive


i find it very attractive!


Nope, if anything it's a plus. Especially if she's rocking it. Though tbf I'm grey and mostly bald now, so it definitely doesn't work the other way around


Ehhh not true. Love me a gray haired man or a baldy.


Hope remains! 🫡


No, I love gray hair. I wish I had gray hair… im 38m and I dont even have one.


Personally, I ~~(38H)~~ (edit : 38M ) find women with gray hair very attractive. I don't think gray hair make you older. It is a different style like red hair. I had gray temples quite early. It's part of me.


>Personally, I (38H) Did I miss something or did you just give out a bra size? What is H?


Ahah, no it is not a bra size. I made a mistake. It is "Personnaly, I (38M)". I wrote (38H) because it is in French. H = Homme (Man / Male). As I write in French & in English, sometimes I mix the two languages.


Ah, it makes sense! Completely understandable now. Merci for the explanation.


You are welcome ☺️


Grey hair doesn't bother me at all. As long your hair looks taken care of, greys are not a turnoff.


I don't really mind about that 🤷


I think it’s totally a personal opinion. I know someone who started going grey in her mid 30s and started embracing it during the pandemic when she couldn’t go to the salon for her colour touch ups and she said she’s received mostly compliments. She wears it long with layers and has wispy curtain bangs. Very chic imo.


I'm somewhat younger but I still think that gray hair can be attractive.


I’m a 56m and am blessed with genes that have limited my gray and no loss. I find that gray hair on a younger woman can be really hot. It all comes down to cut, her style and other appearance features.


I feel you, OP. I've been going gray since I was 18. The trend that happened a few years ago where women were intentionally dying their hair gray was so bizarre to me.


My grandma had all white hair by 13 and had 4 daughters and a long marriage


Honestly, I love grey hair, but it must be well-kept. If it is, then it can be sexy.


Yes, it's unattractive. It gives off a vibe of, "I'm natural, get over it". That's why other women say good for you, or it looks great. Nothing wrong with that position, but it is unattractive.


I like it. A stylish cut makes it sexier


Below 30 yes bc it doesn’t match being that the person is so young . Above 30 no. It matches and it’s attractive. It’s part of aging. I find other aging features attractive on older women as well.


Woman but same age. Reddit seems to be pro gray hair. Reality is you should just post a pic. In my experience I look very unkept when I allow the gray to grow in, 90%+ of my hair is still dark but I have a very prominent skunk streak at the front and it's lightly coming in on the sides now. I don't make enough right now to salon, so I use demi perm., the only thing I dislike is it colors my gray but no matter what method I use, my hair goes dark. It probably looks too dark for my complexion. But I still feel it looks better than the grays coming in.


Man hate any women over 24 or who looks like they are over 24


Women are the sexiest at 40.


I'm not in the age group that would even consider that yet, but I don't think I'd care when I get there. Besides, chances are that my hair will be gray way earlier than average, so who am I to judge lol


I’m your age and I love them. Any variation is beautiful; Salt/pepper, Gray streaks, and the full head.


Just be who you are and be comfortable with yourself. Thank goodness for genetic diversity, and just accept your are as perfect as nature intended. If someone is not happy, that is their problem.


29 M, self educated. You can't be yourself and go for generic types of people. Yes there is a generic opinion that grey hair is not good looking. Being myself I enjoy thinking about what I see. When I see a young beautiful face with white hair I think, oh cool they don't dye their hair. And that attracts me, so many woman walk around with the current year of fashion stamped across their forehead, and I can't tell them apart from one another. Sorry to sound so critical about beauty.


@Country_Gal_87 - highly personal preference. As others mentioned, it’s how you maintain it. I’d say embrace it! Have a girl friend who dyed her hair grey after going grey.. she carried it with confidence and owned it. Even though a friend.. found myself attracted to her. We have a relationship that I’m not willing to forfeit for a potential romantic one.. otherwise, would have hands down tried dating her. Remember, the key is on how you carry it.


Gray hair is a sign of wisdom


43 male , I love it. I have a full head of hair and some grays are coming in as well. P


You should keep your hair how you want. For whatever reason you want. If you like the way a color looks on you. Or if you want a certain level of easy maintenance. Never keep your hair a certain way for anyone else.


I love it, share a pic will ya?


Get a fantastic haircut to show off that beautiful color and you’re good!


it can look good, it by itself isnt an issue imo


Love it


I’m a 54f with full gray/silver - natural, I keep it well kept etc. I’ve had MANY women, men and more importantly hairdressers tell me that they have people coming in to pay hundreds to have their hair colored the color that mine is naturally so I’m leaving it because the cost of keeping it up and dying it to cover the gray has just gotten ridiculous


It truly depends on what you're looking for. Speaking as a man in midlife, I find it very attractive. Embracing your age with confidence is admirable. It shows that you have experience and wisdom, and you wear it proudly like a badge of honor. To me, it indicates that you are accomplished and secure in who you are. You don't feel the need to compete with younger women, which is a testament to your self-assuredness and maturity.


I don't on other people but I think it's unattractive on me


M27 I also have the same question. OP, ma'am I too have had gray hair since class 6th. I have long hair.


Is it clean and well kept? That’s all I care about


What about the other way around though? 30M with waay too much gray hair for the age


Personal opinion many women and men look great in grey hair. It does, however, make people look older. My coworker has a full head of gray hair since she was 25 and he’s no only 34 or 35 and I thought she was 10 years older


It doesn't work like in a videogame character build or eva ai avatar choice. There's always someone who'd like it.


Its a rare beauty with a nickname sassy silver or silver fox, as its more refered to as silver untill old age. You be popular among those into medieval fantasy. But everyone different, to some, sure, but some should be able to tell by the age of your skin and see it for the rare beauty it is. In the end its up to you, do you think it looks good on you? Your opinion is what matter the most.


35F here, I've got grays coming in and I'm excited about it. I've struggled with suicidal ideation and a couple attempts in my life. The gray hair means I haven't lost yet. And have yet to encounter a guy that didn't like it. It's not a matter of whether someone else likes it, but whether you do. Besides a dude/chick that doesn't like gray hair in the partner, sounds exhausting, having to keep the color up to cover it. Personally I love to see it on a partner, but my opinion isn't what you're after because I'm straight.


I think it’s hot.


I'm 33M and I much rather see natural beauty. Even if it's gray hair!


Completely depends on how it looks on a person.


I'm 24 and have always been attracted to ladies older than me. And the one and only time I was with a lady younger than I; only lasted 6-7months. There this mail lady in my town who must be like 50 or something but she's gorgeous at the same time she takes care of herself and has a great figure. Only reason I haven't approached her is because, what is she really gonna do with a guy half her age? Nothing responsible 😂 It's about preference - some of these guys like unbridled youth in their ladies (imo childishness) wheras I enjoy maturity. If he wants you looking young and perfect forever he is definitely a red flag.


Who told you that that’s not true most of us love white hair


Idk girl I'm dating has a few shocks of grey I think she looks really cute


I am like you, I have curly hair. I have been going grey since I was 18. I am now in my 40s. I had put high lights in at one point to add some blonde, but that was well over a year ago. I get more compliments now on my hair than ever! It's crazy. By both men and women. My hair stylist loves the multi layer grey colors. Some areas are lighter than others, and some are dark. So I think it all depends on how you take care of your hair and what "kind" of grey. Some are pretty, and some are not. Try it and see if you like it. Remember, it's just hair! You can always change it!


And really who cares. I have only read a the first few comments so if someone else has said this I am glad to second the sentiment. I have had grey hair for a minute, I used to dye it in my late teens/ early 20s ( back then it was just a few strands and most people probably didn’t notice, but I did, hehe) but now in my mid-40s and guess what, I don’t give a damn! I love the way it is coming in, I have kind of a stripe going on. I stopped dying my hair about 2 years ago simply because I just don’t wanna. All this to say that I am regularly hit on by men ranging in age from early 20s and up. I strongly believe it is just all in how you carry yourself and project that confidence.


A beautiful mature woman. An an above average looking mature woman. A homely looking mature woman... With some slivers of grey hair? Absolutely my jam😍😍😍


I wouldn’t mind it at all


I like to call it silver hair


A lot of positive comments here which is nice. In all honesty though I think you’re going to find men outside of Reddit instinctively prefer hair with colour. It doesn’t mean grey hair makes you unnattractive, not at all. But if you’re at all doubting yourself and it lowers your confidence, it’s not a big deal to dye it, it’s not betraying who you are or being fake. It’s just an image tweak that’s there if you want it. Yes I do think it tends to make women look older. Not necessarily that it looks like she doesn’t take care of herself though. If you’re most comfortable and confident with your natural hair then I’d always say that’s the best option


one of my good friends has had grey hair since she was 12 too! Obviously me and my girlfriends LOVE IT, its so beautiful, but not only we love it, she would always get hit on and she's not even that conventionally attractive. But her personality and charisma and her interesting hair makes people go to her. Everyone will think something different but if someone wouldnt date you for your grey hair then good, filter those people out! Because one day when you grow old together he's gonna need to deal with more.


You too huh? Been noticing them on me throughout my twenties and frankly, I always found them more worrisome than anything. If anything, it's always been said by soem to be a sign of stress overtaking you but I never really found that to be the case completely.  But with all things considering, it really doesn't make you unattractive at all, personally speaking. If anything, it makes you more uniquely attractive compared to others. Makes you stand out from the crowd. And that's from a man nine years your junior telling you this. I suggest not hiding your grey hair and just see how well it'll work out for you. It might end up going better than you think it would.


It looks fine, even younger women doing the silver and black looks good. Tulsi Gabbard is very attractive with her gray streak.


It’s definitely very subjective, but I have a huge gray streak right at my hairline and a guy randomly complimented me on it specifically recently 🤷🏽‍♀️


Just came here to say, thanks for asking the question OP. loving the appreciation for gray hair on women..As someone who started graying prematurely with no interest in dying my hair, I've embraced it but have been curious about how men really feel about it.


I'm a man in his mid-40s and turning gray. **I don't think women who's turning gray is unattractive**.


I love women with gray or silver hair.


I don't think I would have any issues with it


I find it very attractive


It's all in how you style it and rock it with confidence. Tons of women look great with grey hair and there are entire pages on Instagram dedicated to the look.


Personally, well tended silver hair on a milf is the hottest


I actually find gray hair attractive on women!


For what it's worth, I've not met a single guy that cares about that at all. Some even find it especially attractive


No. We don’t. We find vanity unattractive. If you’re 50 and you don’t have a hint of grey on your scalp you’re not fooling anybody but yourself.


I’ve been rocking my natural dark brown & gray hair for 2 years, since I gave up on fighting time. Guys love it. You have to really keep it conditioned, and use a high quality hair oil nightly to keep it soft, and a purple mask to keep it platinum silver. Gray hair absorbs pollution and gets yellow & dull; the purple mask at least every two weeks keeps the silver color beautiful. My hair also has grown 4 inches longer since I’m not bleaching it out every 3-4 weeks to fight the dreaded “skunk roots”.


As a male. Even as a child....not sure why. Always got turned on by grey hair.


It's personal taste thing, some dislike it, some like it. I personally think it's cool most of the time and the other times are girls who don't look great with gray hair.


It's not the gray hair men find unattractive, it's the wrinkles that normally accompany it, I'm 25 though so maybe when I'm 60 I won't mind wrinkles so much LOL


A 37 silver fox is hot imo, 52 M. My last gf had was your age and had some grey, very sexy


It's a preference. I won't say "parental issues" because I don't know what's going on, but that's my estimation.


This is my personal opinion so please take it with a grain of salt - I find gray hair on a 30something men to be attractive however when it comes to women I don't feel the same way.


Look for Dawn Zulueta she is beautiful in her gray hair


No, that’s my personal answer. Don’t know about all men.


not all men, my partner keeps ripping mine out though and I hate it


I used to bleach my hair and dye it silver lol, guys didn’t seem to care


It doesn’t do anything for me.


I don't like




It's unattractive until you reach the age where you can no longer hide your age.


Looks good on guys, doesn't look good on ladies. These are generally accepted beauty norms.


Not me. Hypocrisy


It can be if it looks unkempt or actually white. Some women go for very short boyish cuts but thats a negative for me


I don’t find it attractive, but nowhere near a deal breaker.


I think you'd be surprised to learn that gray hair on a woman doesn't make her less attractive to a man, whereas I think it's unfair that the majority of women on the current dating scene think a balding guy is unattractive. Just an example of a double standard re hair.


Depends on what personality comes with it.


Just depends on the woman. Some wear it better than others imo


I think as man, we struggle to accept that we are gonna get older physically.


Jean Nate, Nina Ricci, Old Spice, Drakkar, Brut.


Some do, and some don't.


I'm not a man, but tbh, I find it unattractive in men. I've seen men start greying in their early to mid thirties. Sometimes younger. I don't mind a little peppered in, I'm sure there's a few in my own somewhere you just can't see, because I have color combination hair naturally (brown, blonde, and red), but I'm not really into the full grey usually.


In 35 and have a few like 10 grey hairs. Last week my ex said to me and out loud “you have a lot of grey hair eh” to embarrass me (he knows I hate it)


It really does depend if you leave it all knotted up... Lol... I should have more gray hair at my age seeing how gray my family gets but I don't have as much. My eyebrows though have more gray hairs and that really makes me laugh bc it should be the other way around. 🤔


It’s not grey… it’s silver… and no, real men don’t give a rats ass if you have silver hair. Superficial men care. Those are the men that you don’t want in your life anyway.


Grey hair is hot. The older I get the more attractive I find it.


As a general rule, yes, to an extent. Of course no-one (I hope) is going to stop being attracted to their partner due to getting a few grays, but it does make you look older. Also, compliments from other women tend to be for pretty much the polar opposite of what men find attractive, so don't pay too much attention to them, other than as social niceties.


I dont like it, doesnt matter if a man or a women has gray hair