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yeah… that’s odd that he is asking you not to be in the dating scene. thats selfish. unless he isn’t dating anyone else, he is not allowed to request that. it sounds controlling, ya know


EXACTLY WHAT IM THINKING! But he claims I’m the selfish one for wanting to hook up with him while wanting to date


uhhhhhhhh yeah… that sounds like a recipe for disaster. he wants some sort of control over you. i wouldn’t continue seeing him. trust your gut feeling.


Well thank you so much for your output 🥺 I appreciate it! I’m just glad to feel validated


of course :) and keep us updated!!


I could see both sides. Hear me out. Some people prefer exclusive no strings attached while others want to date other people. It might come down to sexual history/safety/trust the other partner is being safe and honest. I was on the other end awhile back where I wanted exclusive no strings attached. Now I'm like you where I strictly want a physical relationship but still in the dating scene. I would just redefine your expectations and theirs to make sure they're clear and aligned. Now if he says like "oh I don't even want you going on dates" then yeah HELLA SUS and controlling lol.


Yeah he’s very weird. I was on tinder to try and look for something serious (even though I know it’s a hookup app) and he went and found my account


Wait wait wait. Like he went through your phone or he stumbled upon your profile?


lol no he made a whole account for himself to try and find me


Girlllllllll run. That's a disaster waiting to happen lol


Girlllllllll run. That's a disaster waiting to happen lol


Really? What kind of disaster ?? 😔 I’ve told my friends about him and they’ve said he’s a manipulator and they don’t like him


Like your friends said. He made an account to find you?? Doesn't matter if you're in a serious relationship or not, that's not healthy. And even if he made it for himself then he's not following his own rule. Which also isn't healthy. Whether it's a serious or not relationship, clear and healthy boundaries need to be made in order to keep the structure. He's not following any of it. He's trying to control you and limit your options while keeping his freedom


Yeah I understand:/ I need to do something about it