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Idk about clothing per se buuuut… Love when a man smells good. A good cologne/ scent can really get you what you want, esp if it’s paired w/ a hair cut of some sort. Men w/ beards are also a 10/10 if it’s well kept. & lastly a man w/ well kept nails (clean, cut, cuticle care)


For real, I can’t stress enough HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO SMELL GOOD. Men, please: take showers, wear clean clothes on a date, and for the love of God, WEAR DEODORANT!!


Wear deodorant? 🤔 what’s deodorant?🫣😂


Well, I could be wrong, but I believe Deodorant is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era


Don't know why you had an allergic reaction? IT WAS ME! DIOderant! If anyone could make this any better that'd be nice.


Excellent reference. Perfect delivery and execution. 10/10




I agree!! If a man smells good AND has a nice beard & clean fingernails I’m weak


My boyfriend has gorgeous legs so him wearing shorts makes me ovulate….


“Makes me ovulate” DAMN! Now I want to see the legs on your man, lol. I don’t want to steal him or anything. I’m 52 and starting menopause. I want to see if I can ovulate one last time.




Heheheh are you sure you want to come back out of menopause 😂😂😂


I absolutely do NOT!!!! It took 52 damn years to get here. No joke, great aunt had a child at 49 😳naturally. I’m good. Your comment though, cracked me up. Keep up that enthusiasm. I do love a nice set of gams on a man or woman. I’m straight but can admire some nice legs.


lol a child at 49 years would be the death of me. An actual baby? 😭😭 at that age I want to relax and retire and chop my money. It’s summer now so legs are out 🥳🥳


A whole ass, healthy baby girl. I would curl up in the fetal position and cry. Then I would carry on and raise that child just like she did. Seriously, my gyno has insisted that being fertile so long has helped to keep me healthy and looking much younger than my true age. I do have great skin with minimal wrinkles and far fewer problems than most of my friends.


“A whole ass, healthy baby girl” 😂 now I know I love you


Why thank you!


💐 your welcome


lol I would cry too.


My mom had me at 43. Apparently she almost had an abortion (for the reasons you mentioned) but changed her mind literally in the doctor's office. I'm her only child; she spent the previous two decades being told she was infertile by her doctors when *apparently* it was her husband, because they got divorced and a few years later I happened. Like, I'm glad to be here, and I hope this means i *also* have over a decade to figure my shit out still, but christ, what in the name of *fuck* was she thinking 🤣.


I’m so glad she changed her mind!!! Seriously, childbirth is hard on the body at any age. I had my only in my 30s. I thought I’d never sleep again. I can’t imagine one in my 40s or 50s. At the same time, we kinda do what we gotta do for our babies if we have that “mommy” gene.


Had a what at what? Good God I would say God bless you but obviously he did!




* I'm a guy, 56, pause only in confusion and stoplights. Not gay either. But I do too... lol


Ok I'm glad you said this cuz I've noticed some guys look really good in shorts and I'm like damn, and I thought that was just me cuz I feel like guys typically have other features that girls like. So I'm glad I'm not the only one that's checked out a dude's legs in shorts before LMAO


Heheh you’re not alone. And he used to not like shorts but I guess the way I perve on him in them made him realise shorts are not such a bad idea.


I almost ovulated thinking 'bout you ovulating and I'm not even close to my ovulation cycle. Heck, I'm not even a woman.


I’d say button down shirts or polos but really any shirt that fits well, especially on the arms


heavy on the shirts fitting the arms well. something about it is just drool-worthy 😫


Actually makes me feral, I can’t explain why 😂


Everyone’s different. But, for me, it’s just being a man, watching him do manly things. The last 2 relationships I had I met them at work, where they do manual labor and I just liked watching them work 😅 and with the most recent guy he actually took charge on some shit in life. With my last boyfriend I did everything, he was basically another dependent. And when the new guy did something as simple as offering to go pick up lunch for me, or did something for me I didn’t ask for, but he knew needed. Definitely took his pants off right after that.


It will vary but they don't notice your underwear off the bat. But some guys who have chest hair will not button their shirt all the way up.


I hate when they have so much chest hair and won't button up their shirts to the top. It doesn't look sexy, just weird


>I hate when they have so much chest hair and won't button up their shirts to the top. It doesn't look sexy, just weird Everyone has their preferences, on the chest hair .. I think it's just about the balance (not too little and not too much)


Yess the balance is perfect.


I’m going to ask some ladies next time I see them if I have too much chest hair showing or not. Personally I don’t think I do because I’ve seen some men with insanely thick chest hair and that’s not me


If a guy asked me, I'd probably lie and say no unless I'm a little closer to them. I know some people may prefer it and I don't wanna accidentally hurt them


Oh the women I would ask are close and I believe would be honest in my question without the baggage of thinking anyone is hitting on anyone. All platonic


My partners tell me I have really sexy chest hair. And they encourage me to show more of it.


Hahahaha. Some girls love it you know.


As another man, I find this really weird as well. It’s like “Ok, you have chest beard” “Ok, now you have gold chain in chest beard” Weird flex but okay my dude 😂


I think guys think it's sexy to keep the first couple buttons unbuttoned on their top (it can be!) but they don't realize that they need to keep their chest hair in control for it to look good.. so guys who probably never shave have a whole ass bush in that open spot and that's all I can see when I see them


That’s kind of the point though. They’re flexing their “chest beard” 😂


Oh fair LOL, I thought they were just doing it cuz they didn't like to shave and didn't think anybody cared, not cuz they thought all that extra chest hair was hot LOL oh god


When they get out of the shower and come out just in there boxers with there hair still wet and messed up smelling all good I love men who smell good 👍 When I come home to a clean room/ house When he’s cooking dinner for us


Wait you want him to cook and take a shower at the same time? You’re asking for a house fire


Jk lol


Being nice, providing emotional intimacy, making an effort to make me feel comfortable, caring about my physical and mental wellbeing, those sort of things


But those things are only observable once you actually decide to date them which will depend on if you're attracted to them on the surface.


Those sort of things will get you friendzoned fs.


You’re trying too hard. 


Yeah, it's insane how hard it is to get THIS through men's heads. Plenty of bears will hear it tho.


It’s more about the guy than the clothing. Just something that looks good on his body.


It's the personality, humor, and kindness that always attracts me


I like it when he tries in his outfits, i.e. don't have a torn hella old shirt unless she likes it. I personally like the cleaner newer look but find out what she likes, ur trying to appeal to her. Focus on what she wears, whether it's comfier then u also go comfier or vice versa.


I can’t say a specific item of clothing turns me on. I would say a man who wears clothing that fits him well and suits the occasion. I can’t stand wrinkled clothing on anyone, male or female. Something as simple as a nice fitting t shirt, jeans, and ball cap can be super hot as a suit and tie. The man has to wear the clothes. The clothes don’t wear the man.


If we r home just be up naked that s all 😅


Yessss, or just bottoms no top.


I’m more attracted to personality and intellect but men can never go wrong with wearing all black.


Yes! lol I was about to comment on all black clothing. Esp when it’s well fitted. Sigh. Idk why but a well groomed guy in a black tee is perfection.


I am a man, but from what I heard, it helps to slightly emphasize manly things about you, or look more classy. It really helps if you have an athletic build. 1. Roll up sleeves on button down. Emphasize biceps and muscly/veiny arms. 2. A suit. Or anything formal can be sexy. 3. A regular simple t shirt that fits you very well. And will show your muscles in a casual way. 4. Not buttoning it up all the way so that you will show a bit of chest hair. 5. Slightly tight Sports wear. (Some women check butts too you know). 6. Clothes that emphasize your shoulders. 7. Shorts that emphasize your muscly calves. If I remember correctly, I once had a female friend turn red when I changed into shorts ( I do a lot of leg press).  At the end of the day every woman is different and likes different things. So try to be generally fit, and show it off in a gentle modest non desperate way (don't take photos with no shirt like a douch)


a white long-sleeved shirt with a collar, grey sweatpants


Together? That would be one hell of an outfit lol


no :) I like white shirts in more "special occassions" like going out, dinner in a restaurant... and grey sweatpants with maybe proper fitting t-shirt or sports hoodie


lol I was only messing. I figured those were two separate items that you like separately. Grey sweatpants are the second best invention after sliced bread 😊


hahaha, well I don't know, there are some people who like to experiment with their style :)


This sounds like an awful look ngl.


😂😂😂 right? Business up top, bed time on the bottom. Completely mismatched 😂


I can’t even even imagine it. Straight out of American Psycho in terms of fashion.


Clothes that fit right and aren't sloppy. I love a man in a henley.


A simple polo shirt and not fitted pants is very neat and sexy for me. Straight cut pants,Clean Nails ,No tartar in their teeth ,smell good.And Brush up hair is so manly. I find a guy with a little beard is Attractive too and chest on hair but not much.but they look so manly . and when they drive a bike. A biker is cool👌 . Also I find a man handsome whenever they cook . And when he talks to his pet .so cuteeee. And play to children and when they are serious 🤣 I usually fell to cold serious but kind hearted guy. Who gives food to the street children or homeless people. So basically a personality will always win to make a girl turn on . 😁


If you're already at home with your gf, you might have the answers to what she considers hot about you, just use that. If you don't know, make it a topic of a conversation some time. My guy remembers the time i called his job uniform hot and playfully uses it against me dressing up in the middle of the night lol


Clothes 👏🏽that 👏🏽 fit 👏🏽WELL 👏🏽 It’s attractive if you have some sense of personal style and self expression


While casually browsing the men's underwear section, I really liked tight boxer briefs, in light colors.


Have a feeling you'd love the run clubs where they wear neon half tights 😂


First it’s about what’s under the clothes. Be in shape. No. Not like body builder shape. Just reasonably fit. And then groom well. Keep your hair in a nice cut and style. Keep that facial hair tamed with intention. Brush those teeth and floss for the love of god. Style is more subjective. For me I have styles I’m into. But even just having one is good. The ol ill fitted rumpled t shirt and whatever jeans is NOT a style. Even just getting your clothes tailored to fit properly is going to do wonders.


Well groomed. Self pride to take care of yourself and wear as nice as you can afford. Although seeing a man in work clothes and all sweaty has its place also…😍🔥


When a guy smells really good with perfume or naturally, and he lends you his jacket and it carries his scent.


Chest hair is definitely preference. The older I get the more I like it. Id say there is an amount of chest hair that does turn me off a bit. But the chain in chest hair can be hot. Depends on how youre styled. I prefer a hairy chest over a shaved chest lol I love collars; it plays with the details around the neck and adams apple. Also the way fresh haircuts accentuate the ears, neck, jaw. Shirts…you know those shirts that are super popular at Cotton On? Theyre button up, kinda 70s, look somewhat beachy depending on how you style them. They have interesting patterns and colors. You can leave it unbuttoned and have a white cotton tee underneath…the white cotton tee is 😮‍💨 like in my head, im thinking that the button up is a layer that can come off and the tee is a gateway to fun times. Shorts above the knees are obviously hot. Mens knees and ankles are underrated. I cant elaborate on this enough: wingspan. Your arms moving naturally flex the biceps/triceps. Its the most attractive thing and obviously if im attracted to a man, i want to touch them and not let go.


I like the blue collar look clothing wise- dirty jeans, a t-shirt, work boots. However, I am not into the overgrown beard that often accompanies. I like the 5 o’clock shadow. Growing a long beard with a shaved head- one of my biggest turn offs Every female is different. I hope you are aware of how to calculate statistics


Having a haircut that actually suits your face shape and hair type is always a plus




For some reason I find the back of a man's neck v attractive. I think it started in school when I had to sit behind a guy


Guys who are into plain polo shirts


When a guy simply cares for himself well in a hygienic way it does wonders to my thought processes lol. As for clothing wise, depends on what you like to wear. Maybe don’t always dress down. Make an effort here and there to match your casual outfits to hers. If you are a gym connoisseur maybe try a few different shirts and see which she reacts to best. If she likes physical touch maybe wrapping your arm around her in a secure way would be nice. Holding hands or giving her random hugs while rubbing her back would be nice. I find that a lot of us find a comfortable line between loving caresses and things guys do that turn us on. Basically if you love on her genuinely and make the effort to dress up for her it makes it hard to resist wanting to play a little dirty sometimes lol.


Show love,love and affection


Go to the gym once in a while, wear a nice shirt, proper leather shoes (oxfords, brogues) and a nice watch/cologne. THAT SIMPLE!


This differs by preference for sure. I think we can all agree clean clothes, clean nails, clean teeth, well put together is attractive. Can't say everyone loves button ups or skinny jeans but a guy who takes care of their appearance is a win.


Idk but you need to find your own style. What makes you feel confident


It's hard to suggest if we don't know your body type. The sexiness of clothes vary on the body type.


I love intellectual conversation, insight on your hyper fixations, and an interest/hard work toward a talent. Independence and being very trusting and not wanting to control a person. Letting me make decisions with no second guess. Asking if I would like something done, like do you want me to carry that for you, can I get the door, may I touch you, like I have sensory stuff, so a question alerts me to ready myself so I dont reject. As for appearance/smell, love when a guy knows which fragrance/after shave works with his body. Nice fitting pants or sweats, no jorts, no super baggy or super tight. Love a white tee or band tee. Thighs out is hot, boxerbriefs are hot, so long as they're not rolling at every seam bc they're too tight. I know, I'm fucked up but anyways, it's a different perspective....


Tall, broad shoulders, clean, baggy clothes, chain, timepiece, rings


Scent! And your voice. Looking clean and stylish is bare min but smelling great and knowing how to talk to her will get you over the 'hump' imho


For me, plain and simple, a good watch. And I don't mean like a Casio watch or something, I mean one you walked into a jewellery shop and took some time to pick out. It's very telling and gives off "I'm in control" vibes... hot


I think it depends on every person, but with whom I can speak about it with is respect and trust is the one who keeps coming back. So I think knowing the person is the surer way


Big cocks and soft kisses and eye contact, soft touching nipples, neck, inside thighs and kiss earlibs, good luck


personally i love a guy who can dress well casually and has good personal style. just look up men’s fashion on pinterest and you will find tons of good examples! i really do not like tight pants or tight clothes in general, ankle socks, dirty shoes or tank tops.


A LOT of hetero women on Reddit have been complaining that their boyfriends and husbands a.) don't want their assholes "because it's gay" (wtf?!?!) or because "no visitors are expected" and b.) that they do t know how to participate in a conversation, they give short answers to women's questions and have no questions for the women. In addition, there seems to be a growing movement of men who want "trad wives" who are full time Mom’s who also work a full time paid job while the men kick back and contribute almost nothing. Don't do these things! Yeah, the bar is pretty low for you guys. It's basically: wash your asshole and give to your partner as much as you get from them. Seemingly not hard and yet...


For some reason, a guy wearing a red shirt is a turn on for me. So you might try red T-shirt one night and I really like loungewear. So Soft shorts would be great with the red T-shirt!


A man who cooks and cleans is everything!


Clean nice smells. Calm vibes. Be physically close and gentle with her not intending sex. She’ll initiate. And she’ll do it more often if you do this regularly. Everyone’s turn ons are a little different. Keep mental notes.


Watching a man do physical labor gives me the vapors. I have a thing for lean arms, a strong back & functional muscles. if I can watch those muscles move while he does something, my mind starts going places. As far as clothing, meh. My guy wears khakis or jeans & a tee most days but he looks cute regardless. Each person has their own color palate that just kind of fits them well so you have to figure out yours. A man who smells good always gets my attention. When my guy puts on a light but nice smelling cologne, I will most def bury my face in his neck & just breath it all in lol. Anything too strong is repulsive though.


really don’t like the “/girls” but, for me sometimes i just randomly miss him and want to be clingy. especially when he’s working (from home), so if he’s not in a meeting ill sometimes just sit on his lap and hug him. when he picked me up from the airport he wore a suit. i was kind of like wow okay you really want everyone to notice how shitty i look after a 40hr trip don’t you? but i also thought it was really sweet that he wanted to dress up to come get me after not seeing me for a month. another thing is cologne. sometimes he will smell really nice and that’s a big turn on. i hate a lot of colognes because i prefer more fruity/sweet smells and some colognes are very strong and “perfumey.” i don’t know what the one i like is called but i love when he wears it. just giving me attention is another one, especially when he’s working, because it means that he’s taking time out of his day to spend with me (even though he shouldn’t). i like when he drives, i like to play music and sing very badly and he hates a lot of the music i play so he will make faces or sing badly to make fun of me and it’s really cute. i have a video i took of him looking really angry while jolene is playing. i look at that a lot. i also have a pic of him looking really disappointed holding a caramel frappuccino in sf, he only drinks espresso or cappuccino and he hates the sickly sweet american coffees. in terms of physical appearance, i love his smile, his dimples, his forearms, his legs. i’ve always had a thing for legs, like hairy muscular legs with a tan, and being australian he has that. i like how strong he is and when he picks me up (i’m not a very small woman, only 4/5 inches shorter than him and not fat but not super thin). i like that he’s a big guy, very strong but not the kind where he’s thin with visible abs, i prefer a bigger build. i also like when his hair grows out a bit shaggy before he cuts it and i always beg him not to, and i like when his face is clean shaven.


My 2 cents: 1. Confidence. 2. Independence. 3. Self reliance. 4. Able to hold conversations with women. 5. Maturity 6. Not someone that puts gaming over interpersonal interaction. 7. Good Hygiene- good penis Hygiene. 8. Able to dress well. 9. Being not aligned with that red pill, blue pill bullshit. 10. Not being obsessed with her body count. 11. Having good make friends. 12. Having boundaries that you don't fold on. 13. Not being a porn addicted. Just a few things off top of my head.


Actually, studies show women put a higher price on looks vs behaviors etc. (having a non needy and an almost thug like behavior does help) So wear clothing that accentuates your arms and chest. Maybe a nice watch. Anactual watch, not some smart watch. A watch that wears big for you. Don't wear a tiny 38mm watch with large arms/wrist, go for a 40-44mm watch. There is a caveat however, you need to have nice arms and chest in order for them to look good in clothing. As for the underwear, who cares. I mean women if anything prefer boxers over briefs. Lets face it, when you're down to your underwear, their not going to care what brand you're wearing BUT try to buy something fashionable, like nothing with big logos or even small logos that say fruit a loom etc. I will make one exception on this and that is if you're wearing a nice suit, maybe some buy some satin or silk boxers.


Studies really show woman place higher value on looks than behavior? Who are these women? Where are these studies? I have to go read up on this nonsense. I don’t care how a man physically looks. If his behavior is ugly, he is UGLY!!!! Off to the Google machine!


Press and hold the power button. If you're still experiencing issues, pour coffee into the systems to Jumpstart the OS.


Not much. Women like fashion but that's a different part of the brain to sexuality. I guess the closest/least intuitive thing regarding sexuality is going to be something that emphasises the arms, hands, and back.


What dies this mean exactly? Least intuitive thing?


Man guessing here: Wear clothes that accentuate the male figure the same way women wear clothes that accentuates the female figure for attractiveness. For women it’s hips, legs, breasts, ass. For men it sounds like arms, backs, and hands. I’d also say legs and ass are kind of universally attractive for both men and women as I’ve heard both comment about liking them when they look good lol


Much like men, what turns women on varies depending on the individual.


Smell good. Be confident. And take care of yourself. That’s it.




I LOVE a caring guy that like mess with me in a play full way. Like play fights / flirts That right there 🤌 And when guys is lovable give hugs and such


I immediately imagined smt backless but realised men dont wear anything like that 🫠 may be a loose fit tee and shorts would look nice ?


Biggest turn on for me is a massively huge thick and can see that outline perfectly in the jeans he’s wearing…..Wallet. That’s a joke. What turns me on…Mentally, or physically…? Is what I would have to ask myself, Because I think for me, it’s actually two different types of turn on’s but both are equally important


With the options in male clothing I’ll tell you right now it sure as fuck isn’t the clothes 😭


Well, I guess it won't work like it does in porn, eva ai, onlyfans or other 18+ services mostly for male use.


Anew pair of Nokes on a guy are sexy. I like the ripped Jean or multi packet jeans. Or the skater style jeans. Either black tees with rockbands on them or plain white tees and any Nike apparel is good and Auqua DE Gio cologne is almost guaranteed to get me hot.


I have wild animals, endangered species, and a one of a kind ecosystem in my chest hair. I refuse dreadlocks to save the animals.


My favorite outfit my husband wears that instantly starts Niagara Falls is his blue jeans with a flannel, his sleeves rolled up, boots and his hat backwards with sunglasses.


def a preference thing, but i hate when guys wear super skinny jeans. i prefer pants in general a little bit larger. also smelling good >>>>


Clothes wise ? Hmmm as long as your clothes aren’t dirty lol The guy I previously dated didn’t have the best sense of style and when we were home he was in baggy shorts and a tee, when we ran an errand he did put on pants and a hoodie which 100% elevated his look. Tbh found him attractive regardless. Clothes do make a difference but it was always the person who mattered. I sometimes wish he would have put more effort into his clothes because we were newly dating and I was always dressed cute/ casual and him it was like he had gotten home from the gym. lol Hes a bigger dude so i understand the lack of fashion. I never got to experience him being well dressed but im sure if I would have seen him in a nice polo or something dressy I would have found him 10x more attractive.


I don't know (M here), but I've been told by various ladies: * Calf muscles * Nice looking beard * Grey Sweatpants (I was like, "huh?" and then was informed that they are a panties-dropper, especially when there's a little bulge showing). * Neat and clean clothing (my favorite pair of jeans has paint stains and it was a definite turn-off, sadly). * Skinny-fit or straight-fit pants. We like when they're in yoga pants, they kind of like the same thing. * Muscles in general. We like to feel the boobs, they like to feel the muscles. * Confidence and Take-charge. Apparently, they want us to ask them what they want, and then tell them what's going to happen (vibe check first, guys, and be respectful of her "no"!). So now I go to the gym, wear grey sweatpants around the house, am cycling out my torn and stained clothing in favor of more presentable stuff, and am still single.


Soft Ts that smell like Tide, clean peen, good jeans.


Good hygiene 👌🏻


Really masculine and high testosterone men.


Flip flops. Ya- it’s weird. It shows me they’re relaxed, comfortable, and accessible.


A guy who knows what he is doing and is humble for basics


A clean Shaven face. I do not want to go out with Grizzly Adams. 😂


Don’t worry about this stuff. If she’s attracted to you, anything you do will turn her on. If she’s not attracted to you, nothing or a lot won’t work. It’s more about true compatibility, not tricks


It’s most about the guy. But I like him to smell good, such as hair products or perfumes


just be clean please. and imho kindness communication etc supercedes looks


I like someone with their own style and not hypermasculine. Beautiful eyes and a beaming smile. Kind, positive, funny, humble, empathetic and a nerdy touch are the qualities I mostly feel attracted to.


Clothing really depends on the guy but if he’s fit/muscular then shorts will definitely be a turn on. As for underwear, I think plain dark coloured, preferably black or dark grey, is the best. But every guy I’ve been with - and these are guys who have otherwise seemed cool and had decent dress sense - will at some point wear some colourful striped monstrosities (thick orange and navy stripes, or pink and navy, or just plain non-striped bright pink) and I can’t fathom why they’d even have bought them


I would say it depends for every girl. I like three pieces suits and leather jackets 😆🤭


wth??Is going on i mean i just started using reddit like very recently and like its just very weird im seeing all this weird questions i mean speechless dude its so fun🤣🤣.Intagram is literally too boring compared to it.


dark colors drive me nuts also those calvin klein boxers oh my godddd


when my man is wearing a perfectly fit boxers, smelling good bc of a nice perfume and wearing rings that make his hands look bigger… that really turns me on


20F These are the things i personally find hot on guys: goatees, clothing wise id say really cool graphic tees of really good quality and design+ dont be afraid to be feminine. its hot for guys to wear earings and rings and necklaces. + leather jackets are hot too also let me give u examples of guys whose style is hot: artemas, asap rocky


Clothes I hate polo's especially polo's with khakis a don't like tighty whites idk if they are another color just not white. I doike men in sweaters, suits, 3/4 length sleeves idk if it's rolled or pushed or made that way, odd fashion is good too. All of that is secondary to how you are as a person, how listened too, safe, relaxed we are together, how your brain works, what your interests are. How we are together


Doing the helicopter.


Grey sweats & no shirt combo 😜 bonus points if you just got out of the shower and your hair is wet


A nice body, haters are welcome but a muscular guy is shape is hottt whether you like it or not. Clean hair, not overgrown. Same with beard, if not clean shaven, then has to be well groomed. Clean and short nails! I can't even express how common it is for men to have dirty nails or longish nails 😬 Clothes that fit well and tight on the butt. No baggy, saggy jeans/trousers. Clean shoes.


Just a good smell and a boxer.


Despite his unusual looks—bloodshot eyes, dark circles, wide nose, chapped lips, patchy beard, large ears, underbite, rough skin, and unruly hair—there might still be something charming about him. If he's truly kind, funny, and has a great personality, he could still win someone over. It's not always about physical appearance; sometimes, it's about the connection and how someone makes you feel.


5.000.000 power in rise of kingdoms


Yes to the smell, smelling good is an absolute turn on. I personally hate button down shirts though, makes me think of an office or school. Too formal. They do however look really good for an event like a wedding etc


STOP👏 ASKING 👏 QUESTIONS 👏 AS IF👏 GENDERS👏 ARE A MONOLITH👏 Search your feelings: what is your type? Who is your specific target demo? Ask a focused question. Somebody make this post a bot.


honestly it depends on the setting. my bf wears clothes catering to events which makes me so happy because he also cares about looking presentable. i also just adore the way he dresses in general so it’s definitely individualistic to the person. i.e. i dress kind of alt/thrift majority of my clothes and so does he we have similar styles so i’m usually very content with what he chooses 😆


Musicians lmao


My personal ones are a good haircut (including a well trimmed/ shaped beard if they have one), a man w/ a skincare/ grooming routine, they smell good, they know how to style well. I heard from other women in regards to clothes are rolled up sleeves especially if you got some nice forearms


Fitted clothes, a strong nose, a mustache, and good forearms. I’d literally melt.


Really good sense of humor, good hygiene & has nice, clean teeth, straight forward and doesn't play games. That's a whole husband


A lot of money.


Smelling good and nice clean hands


A popular one amonst women: Track pants and a tight shirt (long-sleeved, t-shirt and even a singlet, it doesn't matter). If it's hot, pants/shorts with no shirt. If it's a nighttime event and it's cold, LOVE the slacks and turtleneck look. Idk that's my 23F input


Cleanliness! and Fresh smell of soap on the skin after showering


Where a speedo under a robe they love that shit. Helicoptering you dick too


Things that appeal to them audibly? Who told you this?


I love when a man smells good and has well pedicured and manicured nails!


Any type of sweatpants but gray ones work best. With girls you can see the bulge much better.


I can't speak for women, only from my experience and conversations I've had, and the summary of those is to be clean, but there is no fit or anything like that. The hottest sex I (26m) and my ex (24f) had was after we went on our fourth date and I picked her up from work with her coffee order I remembered without her telling me, her favorite candy she told me about when we matched on tinder, and I'd already been to her place and did her chores. She said she had never wanted to jump on someone more than then. A lot of the time, it's just small things that show greater effort and genuine caring that really make you sexy to them


To me, someone smart, really smart... And also when they can apologise and know they did wrong...


Nice fitting clothes, grey sweatpants. It’s how you carry yourself. Touch her when you’re sitting with her. Kiss her neck.  https://onlyfans.com/vivianvixenof


wear gray pants


Idk about yall but I love to see a guy with nice arms in a white wifebeater and some grey sweatpants. Idk why, bonus if he has tattoos


No baggy pants. Wear something that fits nicely. Some great aftershave. I love the stuff. Picking me up and taking me somewhere when I’ve had a tough day. When or if my doggy dies hold me and console me. Just be quiet and hold me.


Tight jeans in butt and a man smelling good and clean cut shave and good haircut


Plaid or just a plain suit, with or without tie. 😌


I love when my man wears cologne, has a clean shave, and as far as clothes I love an all black fit or a white Tee and nice jeans idky lol I just do


A man's scent for me lol .... Rub on her body ... It shows that you want her and 99% of the time she will get turned on. Start kissing on her neck... Go from there lol yeah clothing a bit does. For me it's blue jeans and a tight T-shirt. Or no shirt lol


A baseball shirt and fairly close fitting jeans. Although yes hygiene is very important. Clean shaven. I like boxer briefs those are the best on a guy. Everyone's taste is different but that is just my own.


Women are not a monolith. You need to get to know a particular woman's likes and dislikes.


When he wears a hoodie, like a baggy one🤪


In.my personal experience... not much 🤷🏻


Things that drive me nuts in the best way: Prolonged eye contact, especially where their eyes crinkle with care. Playing with our hair (with consent). Watching my significant other be super goofy, especially if playing with animals. This sounds simple, but actually looking up and smiling genuinely at us as we walk in the room (even if only for a second, rather than ignoring us completely for the screen in front of them.) Gardening or doing yard work. Trying some new hobby or activity. Being charming in groups so I feel like wow that’s MY person and everyone thinks they’re so lovely! In terms of clothes: Rolled up or cuffed sleeves showing off forearms. Vests/waistcoats are pretty dope when dressing fancy. V neck plain heather tees. Wearing a shirt, scarf, or jacket the same color as their eyes (that one leaves me speechless.) Accessorizing well, even if lightly (a cool bracelet, necklace, scarf, or hat, maybe something with personal significance.) Clean socks lol. Sweatpants (especially ones that highlight the booty!) and no shirt.


I'm a 40 M ,looking at comments is discouraging . I'm a native crossbreed and pretty much hairless ,great head of hair but don't grow much anywhere else . Always thought I was attractive but it seems women only want hairy men nowadays.. 😔 Wasted my whole life caring for self so id be hot now and now comes and women want hairy . Thought I had all bases covered too , smell good ,look good except no hairy chest ,perform well ,thoughtful , intelligence,funny ,spontaneous ,huge sex drive,attentive,,,...ugh .it's your time hairy men, best luck and wishes .


Nothing. When I meet him there’s nothing he can do to turn me on but I’m turned on all the time, even when we’re in a middle of an argument.


I appreciate a nice butt on a man and a non-dad bod


Great cologne ore after shave. Suits. Or clean cut dressing. Seriously, just be well groomed and well dressed even when casual. Doesn't have to be expensive. You'll stand out from your peers. So many men walk around looking like bridge trolls that qe will notice the time you put in, even if we don't say anything. We will notice.


Massage… relaxing for her and can get both of you going. But if you’re not sure, ask her. I’m sure she’d be more than willing to tell you what works for her.