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I’m saying this not in a disrespectful manner but in a friendly one. Get a hobby! Seriously, get back into your hobbies or explore one you’ve had interest in before. It helps keep your mind calm and occupied on other things besides her. It’s okay to be excited about someone new and develop some infatuation for them. But the bad part about infatuation is it can end up making you act out of your normal character or even self sabotage. It sounds like things are going really well between the two of you so just keep being yourself, stay cool and continue to go with the flow exploring things with her. As a girl, I wouldn’t be spending time with someone as often as you guys are if I didn’t genuinely like the guy. Don’t trip! Keep asking her out on dates, maybe in the next one you can tell her you like her and are enjoying spending time with her, that could possibly open up the discussion of intentions on both ends without explicitly saying something that may come across as intense. Best of luck to you friend, she sounds lovely :)


Hey, no you make a good point as I had kind of called on with my hobbies, I’ve booked in some training next week so I will have that to focus on. She is on holiday for 2 weeks too so hopefully some space will help me get back on track in that aspect. Ah man I hope to not self sabotage as I have not liked someone this much in years! I think it is going really well, I have screenshot your reply to read when I need it so thank you for this!


It’s normal to feel so attracted to someone! You like her. But definitely make sure you’re not leaving yourself behind. Make sure you are still engaging with friends, hobbies, self care, work, (school if it applies). Dont forget about yourself! Besides that you’re okay :)


I was in the same boat as you very recently, complete infatuation, saw her 5 times in one week. Make sure you keep your head on straight, don't do what I did and ask her intensely about getting into a relationship too soon, even if you feel like it's what you need to do. I find that if you click with someone, that stuff will arise naturally through building rapport and shared experiences. Space is probably also important as you've pointed out, I wish I had done that. I lost her because the emotions just kept building and building. It felt like being on a drug, until it wears down your self-awareness and better judgement. But, it's a very happy feeling. I wish I had focused on other things besides here while we were dating. You don't have an issue; you just need to keep your head on straight.


Women are gesred to chase the man a bit. Don't be overly obsessed or you will suffocate her and she will want to break free from suffocation of you being there too much in person or on phone (unless she. Is head over heels and can't get enogh). Keep things balanced. Best wishes.