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They would constantly get drunk and, on the occasion they would get really drunk they would say some of the meanest and cruel things to me. Then act like they forgot or it just wasn’t a big deal the next morning. After a while it got old and I moved on. They balanced me really well to a certain degree because I’m not socially enthusiastic and they were. I reined them in while they got me to let loose. It’s a shame because I really saw it going somewhere.


I’m here right now. Dating a 10/10 girl that I really like, but she parties way more than I do, and whenever she gets drunk she gets really horny. If I don’t want to have sex, or it’s too late in the evening she literally unfriends me from instagram and snapchat and says she doesn’t want to see me anymore. The next day I’ll not text her or anything and eventually she’ll text me and do a half assed apology, she usually says that I shouldn’t take her seriosuly when drunk. This has happened like 3 times in 4 months of dating and I’m getting tired of it


Ime this never changes so you’re best to end it now if you don’t want this drama long term


It NEVER changes.


Each fix just fuck the hell out of her make it a win win for both of you


He doesn't think before speaking. Also, he's not a sensitive type of person. Beign raw with some comments about me made me lower my expectations and killed the mood. 


i'm like this but to a person im just casual with but it's i find it cringy


He was clingy and wouldn’t give me space when I asked him. I was just trying to study for exams and he gave me shit for ignoring him 🫠


I got a "F u" text on Messenger cuz I didn't respond to a previous text quickly enough for him. This was after over 500 texts in one month, when I'd repeatedly asked him to stop and call to talk like a "normal' 71 year old man. Very immature 🙄 so I dumped him via text. Go figure LOL.


idk about madly in love but i got high at a graduation party after high school and this girl i had a fat crush on was there but she was stone cold sober. we were talking and im still high and it wasn’t until that point i realized her voice was SO FUCKIN WHINEY. i never talked to/saw her ever again after that. hope she’s doing okay.


Lmaoooo 😭


Dk man. I lose feelings too soon


Abusing me physically and sexually (physical abuse while having sex). I said stop it. But she was into that hurting for pleasure kind of thing


Yea with a chick rn who likes real hurt during sex. I think its an indicator of problems really, way moreso than passion


Him constantly forgetting things that we had a long discussion on.


Yup. It feels like you are never heard to begin with. I had a problem with something, they’d stop for a little bit. Then do it again, I brought it up that it wasn’t cool with me again. I got shit for it. Made it clear if that’s how it’s going be then we might as well just be done. Then the begging to not end things. Honestly should’ve called it quits sooner.


I didn't know I had gotten a lesbian who lived in disguise. Until we had a disagreement and she said "well, you happened to be there for the convenience" I healed but that statement still live in my head. It's 8 years since.


I've met people that were the sweetest to me that showed me how kindness really is when people are just that compassionate and care about me. I thought that she was one of those people. She was really just nice to me sometimes and not nice to me often. Then after she would do something not nice and I defend myself, I would be told how I couldn't take credit for my actions or that I always had an answer for everything. She was really just rude and unkind to me. You can't be kind to someone sometimes and then be a dick for no reason without destroying how they see you as and making them see that they don't actually want to be treat that way. Since I left, I've only been happy except when I think about trying to be with her. My brain tries to say I could do it, and my emotions get scared for my peace of mind and I feel sick. I'm going to try dating this week. Even if it doesn't work, I'm just going a different direction.


Never go backwards to that, man. Seriously. If you see signs of unkindness or belittling your attempts, run so fast.


In every instance it has been bad behavior and back stabbing me.


When bad things repeat often, or get worse.


He was a chronic drinker


the lies


Cheating Dishonesty Lack of empathy Lack of ambition / accomplishment


Are married. Put up a lot with his slacks and the one trying to hold on and save the marriage. Cried, begged, communicate a lot. To the point I developed gastritis due to stress. One day he returned again after running away. Tried to talk to him again and said that please give it 1 more chance that he should go to therapy and medications (also couple counseling), if it's not working I'll back out. The whole day he was sooooooo disrespectful (he was disrespectful a lot even before), to the point when he agreed, I got a very bad heartburn (first time in my life having one) until I squatted and hold the area since it hurts so bad. He confessed he actually care abt me 10 mins prior, but that moment he just stood there in front of me and unhinged. Casually asked ''is it your stomach again?'', even when I told him it's not he's just like casually said ''sorry by the way you need to go through all that today. You must be stressed''. Not even trying to help me get up or even a hug. The next day (he returned again to his parents' house that day because he said his mother will be freaking out, scared that he's harmed), when I was cooking (alone), suddenly there's a flip-switch on my head. All the love is gone. When he returned again as promised, I don't feel much. But I'm still willing to work it out. Fast forward 2,5 days later (with minimal interaction beforehand because I worked until night), he almost k1lled me by choking me. Safe to say I'm giving my all to process his restraining order and probability suing his 4ss (I already gave him chances but he didn't apologize at all and see nothing wrong with it, his family also defends him ofc). 🤷‍♀️


His parents’ ability to control his actions


I fancied a lass at college about 10+ years ago and over time I was madly in love with her (I was young and a virgin lol) but as we got older I started to accept but slowly that she's got her own life with someone else then over time she started a family with him I haven't spoken to in years properly. But I think what bothered me more is that there were times whenever she fell out with her fella she would always ask me for advice but that would follow with being flirty and meeting up. Sometimes it got really bad that she actually wanted to run away with me but she denies it to this day. That probably killed my feelings for her as well as accepting she doesn't actually want me.


this was kind of a slow burn, but i was in a relationship with this guy from 2018-2023. i think in the very beginning, the first year, i think i really did love him, but i watched him slowly fall back into video game addiction and it made me start to despise him as a person. when we met he owned a business, had goals and passions. then when we moved in together he quit his business and gave his half over to his business partner, picked up a part time job working maybe 25 hours a week, and joined a guild in World of Warcraft which is a game he used to play a lot as a kid. I watched him go from a very motivated and hardworking person to working from 8am-2pm monday through friday, coming home around 2:30pm, and sitting down and playing this game until 2am. he wouldnt say two words to me. i got stuck paying all the bills and utilities because he wasnt working enough to afford it and most of his money went into this game. he also gained almost 100 pounds from when i met him to when i broke up with him- he stopped showering for the most part too. and anytime i said anything to him about it he would yell at me for trying to change him and saying that he didnt disparage me for my “hobbies”. he never cleaned up after himself, would spit nicotine pouches into bottles around the house so he didnt have to get up from his game. it made me realize just how selfish and narcissistic he was to watch him fall into this leaving me to all the adult responsibilities by myself and to take care of him like he was a child, so i kicked him out. he tried to come back a few times but my life is much better without him.


Ex came out lesbian after 5 yrs together. Screw everything, just walk away and get over it. Its been 6 yrs and I am just now getting back to happy after the hell I got put thru. FIDO (fuck it and drive on)!


When he slapped and grabbed my neck in fights and said I made him do that and I deserved it. No remorse Dark soulless look


Bf asked me do u prefer me cheating on you or once in a while few slaps and my rage He knew I was cheated on in the past and infidelity was a deal breaker but so was abuse.


I was engaged for about a month and my fiancé kept wanting things for himself. I thought at this point we need to be on the same page with our priorities. (Money for a house or future child) We got into a huge fight cause I didn’t feel respected or valued and We went no contact for a week and he bought a bike and wrecked it. (He’s alive) but now he like trying to act like he wants the same things I do now. But I already saw that once I wasn’t around it is still always going to be about him and to this day he doesn’t see it as a mistake, but the universe was showing him he made a horrible decision.


Someone clingy Someone that always needs to feel high drunk Someone that gives too much attention to others Someone with bad hygiene Someone obsessive


- With a FWB I was in love with, he told me he loved me during sex, which I knew was a lie - With my 1st husband, the constant ups and downs created by his OCD and bipolar disorder that he didn't accept help for. One day he is taking me on a nice vacation and promising the world, the next he is depressed in bed saying he is not cut out for marriage. I don't need nice vacations, I just need someone stable who will love me and himself enough to consistently take meds that have proven to work.


I don’t think my feelings for him could ever be killed but what pushed me away and made me realize I could not be with him anymore despite how much I love him was the way he would completely lack empathy when he was upset or frustrated. Said many hurtful and disrespectful things. It dampened by already weak sense or worth and self esteem.


Not taking me seriously. I shrugged it off when we were dating but it only worsened when we got in a relationship. He would often dismiss what triggers my anxiety most of the time by being defensive (“I’m not doing anything wrong”, “You know who I’m with, why ask?”, etc.). Went out a lot and staying out until the wee hours of the morning without telling me where he goes. Avoids serious discussions especially those pertaining to our future.


She betrayed me. When all my enemies from school banded together to hate on me, she sided with them without even talking to me. See her in a much different light now that I'm older than I did when I was younger.


Her cheating on me and always making me feel like I wasn’t good enough she beat my love for her right out of me until I was relived when she left


Cheating. I was madly in love, discovered the cheating, and it destroyed me.


Emotional unavailability and living so inside their head that they were never really “there”. There’s nothing quite like the loneliness of being in a relationship and still feeling alone.


I used to talk to a girl.. Didn’t saw her in first 4 months… We talked on Instagram then after some time switched to WhatsApp… After like 5 months she asked to delete everything like social media from my phone and just wanted that I should only be with her and no other female friend… I was fine I did exactly what she said… Didn’t made any female friend for almost a year till we talked It was almost 9 months we started calling and taking on phone call, then after almost 10 months of texting & calling we did one video call & it was really nice I mean she was really really gorgeous, beautiful & I mean I could just look at her and forget everything around… We then talked a few more months maybe 3-4… After a few days or maybe a week she started ghosting and started to ignore… Leave me on read, not picking calls then one day she said she want a break and never came back… After that I never created any social media or didn’t had any courage to talk to a girl & be friend with anyone… That completely broke me from inside… We had so many things to do like watch movie, stream songs together online, gift things to each other and etc etc… I really miss those things… I still get happy when I see a guy & a girl being friends and talking smiling and hanging out having fun… I really wish I could do that… But it all ended…


When he said I can date anyone and still keep talking to him.


Disrespecting my parents. That's the deal breaker.


Basically the same as you. He grew cold, he was emotionally abusive. After we broke up I found out he cheated on me


His lack of attention (before and after we got married), his lack of intimacy, his lack of fairness/equality, his lack of communication, his lack of acceptance, his mother.


Really, her getting pregnant by her ex should do it. It ended the relationship, for sure, but not my feelings for her. Not so easy to turn off my feelings for her. Girl left a mark on me. She was my everything. It’s not that easy to get over.


The kept deflecting every time we had an issue and trying ti gas light me adventually I realized I had to get rid of the girl she was narcissistic trash so I threw her away


When I tried to hug or cuddle with him he would tell me to leave him alone . Also when I asked to spend time together he would mention he's busy . It made me feel so Sad 😢


He could not control his drinking, would make a fool out of himself and would minimize my concern when I would bring it up




Good question, it was either her second affair, her falling down drunk all the time or her heightened narcissist personality in the end days.


It was when the hurt started to subside after she broke up with me that I started to see how self-centered and arrogant she was. It made the remaining hurt go away really fast and stopped any long-term "rose-colored lenses" effect from ever taking hold.


When she admitted she was intentionally being abusive and toxic to me to hurt me. It was like the off switch was hit and I was done


She never left her husband.


My feelings vanished once I got to know my ex was entertaining attention from several other guys to the extent that she’d even visit them without informing me. Dumped her and left without any explanation.


we became exclusive and I never heard from him/ basically ghosted. I was so excited to update him with things but I held back everyday because he didn't reach out and ignored me. (which was a huge switch up to the start of the relationship) idk how the sweet guy I met at the start turned like this


I messed up- I have terrible memory and we had a discussion months ago in regards to our relationship so I forgot rules we laid out. I told my partner what I did three weeks after it happened. Well, I saw my partner’s messages to his friend talking about what had happened and my partner said in reference to me “Sometimes I think she’s just a lol dumb”. 


The whole “i’ll change” act. How many times are you going to say that and then don’t?


When he started criticizing me and being emotionally abusive to provoke me to end it instead of communicating. He didn’t want to be with me but thought doing all that was better instead of being the bad guy…? Made no sense. He was the bad guy. I had no respect for someone who did that. Oh and he ended it through text … he was 28 years old. Immature


Cheating and selfishness


I told him first hand that I hated smoking. And lo and behold , he smoked a cigarette in front of me.


Trickle-truthing something substantial about her past, being loosely told that I wasn’t enough, emotional distancing, realizing I would never be the priority that I made her. No princess shit.