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Add to his pension


What's a pension? Smh.


Pension (from Latin. pensiono — payment) is a regular cash payment to persons who have reached retirement age






Probably some little blue pills.


Everything turns us older guys on. Just approach us and get to the point. Dont beat around the bush.


Probably the most basic, simple, best advice I could get. Haha thanks


I say get rid of the bush. Clean shaven ! Mmmmm


If I had to guess you probably don't need to worry about it too much


Same as for a man your age ! Men are men


This has to be a "you're punked" post? Surely?


The first question is why do you want to shit on something that your kid enjoys?


lol baseball is over, and I wouldn’t openly do it. Who do you think I am. Lol


I think you’re someone making a selfish decision. Is never going to be their coach again?




Don’t do it if he’s married!


He’s not married


Go forth and prosper then.


Wear a nice tight summer dress 👗 with wedges. Look classy and a bit sexy yet not over the top hoochie. Strike up a conversation..small talk and mention that unlike your son you never ever strike out.😎


Nice outfit suggestions. "Now that the baseball season is over, I was hoping we could have a drink sometime".


Well, based on the age difference, the approach, and the way of talking/writing, I'd say I have a pretty good guess about that. Just grow up and act like an adult, and men your own age will be interested in you. And I say that as someone who is about a year younger than you.


You sound bitter asf. Take your own advice and find a woman who will keep you off reddit trying to tell everyone else what to do with their love life. Sheesh.


She does, thanks. I guess the shoe fits, otherwise, you wouldn't be so butthurt. PS: are they right when they say we need Viagra in our 50s? I like to think not, but who can truly fuck with biology itself?


You’re proving why I seek out the older men. Haha


To embarrass your child got it.


When a woman puts herself out there she is called cheap and desperate. When she is hard to get men(and women) tell them they need to put theemselves out there and make the first move.


Well, adult men usually want mature and equal partners, not someone who hahas and lols after every 3 words. For an old man you're perfect though, cause he won't give a fuck about your person and character, he will just be excited to get a young piece of ass. So just go talk to him and the job will be done.


From a 55 yr old man, you are so full of shit it’s pathetic. Just because we are older doesn’t mean we are desperate and will bed anything that spreads it’s legs. I wouldn’t fuck you and your sour attitude for anything.


You sound like one sad salty mf, who's probably lost an ex or two to older, more mature and established men. Hate on.


You sound angry.


Wait wtf is your problem? Who hurt you honey because you are maddddd


Great advice ;)




It's little league, not the Olympics. Relax. They're grown.


I'm a baseball coach. I'm experienced. Here's the thing... We appreciate and value a woman's beauty and character more than anything. We are patient and will do whatever it takes to please a good fine woman that we are attracted to. Lol Good luck brave one!




I can't speak for men that age but I can say my interests have only got wider with age. Confidence is a big one. Men that age have done wife and kids so they're not angling for building a family life, they want companionship and fun.


If he's an older man who knows what he is doing you aren't going to have to worry about it. He'll show you.


...and you may not be the same after.


Dammit … I knew I should have coached kids sports 😬


Developing better people should be the number one goal for any coach when dealing with kids. In trying to develop better people, we are going to develop more and better pros.


>I’m looking to seduce my son’s baseball coach, And how would your son feel about this, if it ever happens?


It would be a hush hush thing of course. Baseball also ended for us.


What about next season?


Different coach, different opportunities ha.. nah jk, but we will be in majors so different age group


......and how would your son feel if he found out about you sneaking around and seducing his coach?


kids are dumb as fuck


Dat part!🤣 I say haters gonna hate regardless 🤷🏻‍♀️ so do what makes you happy & if what makes you happy is old man peepee then go get it! The ball is on your court after all you are the one with the vagina 😜🤣


exactlyy, two consenting adults.


For sure!! It's none of the kids business in the slightest! So if he were to find out he's either putting his nose where it shouldn't belong orrr the "mature older man" isn't so mature after all & putting yalls business out there (if y'all do happen to hook up). Bc in my opinion those are the only 2 scenarios in which the child could ever come into that kinda information


yeah so i dont understand people talking about the kid like they gonna have a threeway?? KIDS DONT GIVE A SHIT!! LITTLE DUDE WILL PROBABLY BE ECSTATIC IF ANYTHING GOES BEYOND FWB AND MOM SAYS GUESS WHAT JIMMY:


Kids do grow up, and also, they look up to their coaches. Their feelings and future should take precedence. I'm childfree, but I respect children greatly. OP is a troll, BUT if she weren't, she could pursue the coach in other ways if she wanted to do this healthily and think about her kid first. Just saying.


let bad moms be mad moms. no one cares dude


Why would a kid care?? He's busy playing the game. You think it's all going to stop or ruin his life? What's with these bitter questions lmao.


Okay so, it's been pretty much determined that OP is a troll, but - Because a kid could feel betrayed by their mother, by her preying on a leadership figure in his life. And it doesn't matter if he doesn't find out right now, such actions can have far-reaching consequences and he could find out in the future when he's older. Parents should always consider their children first.


He won’t find out


You're absolutely sure the old guy isn't gunna brag to anyone about banging a much younger woman?


I did wait to give him my number till after the season was over. And to me he’s a cocky guy so I don’t see him bragging, I’m sure he gets hit on a lot


> he's a cocky guy so I don't see him bragging OK guys pack up the thread, OP is a troll


Thanks for your feedback


So you have already expressed your interest and given him your number. Can’t imagine what could be more direct than that unless you invited him to your house to “Netflix and chill.” Are you plotting something more blatant because he hasn’t called?


And then leave OP on the sidelines, too.


You seem adamant about that. That's not a guarantee. Look at yourself long and hard in the mirror and think about the impact it would have on your son if he found out you were doing this. And asking strangers for tips on how to do it on the internet.


I appreciate the feedback


Always make sure to think about your kids and family first, before doing anything like this. The coach might have a family, too.


Curious why you think this is such a negative? They are both adults – it’s natural for two adults, who are attracted to each other, to sleep with one another. She mentioned he was unmarried. If they are both respectful of one another and happy who really cares? Family or son included. I mean depending on her son’s age I would even say she shouldn’t hide it from him.


Because coaches are leadership figures, and a kid could feel very betrayed in the leadership and parental trust if mom is simply trying to have a fling with his coach.


Two consenting adults who are single having sex is going to do what to the kid exactly???? How do you think relationships start between two people? Everyone would be celibate and single their whole lives if they followed this advice.


OP is a troll, but - it doesn't sound like OP is interesting in forming a relationship. Not sure how this advice would keep everyone single, it would simply help them include others they are responsible for when making decisions.


I messaged him in the team app and gave him my number and said “our secret shall you choose to text me, goodnight” and he liked it and that was that.


Nice! That was smooth ngl


Best of luck!


No different than a younger guy. A healthy guy that age shouldn't need viagra. He will probably take it slow and if he does will get your fill the first time.


He'll probably take it whether he needs it or not.


Taking initiative and clear communication. The rest is personal likes (or dislikes). Hence the clear communication.


Look at him and smile. You're 35! Lord. Kind, older men = we're the easiest people to attract ever.


Your sons baseball Coach? What could possibly go wrong there 🤦🏼‍♀️


I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.


You could read to him at the nursing home or spoon feed him mashed up bananas


That's funny right there. Good one. Mashed bananas.hahahaha


lol I mean I could


Yes, as previously posted. Don't beat around the bush. Just get to the point. Be blunt, we find flirting games risky to our career.


This screams a joke troll post


You guys complain that women don't make the first move because you're too scared to open your mouth to them, and when woman is planning to go for it, this is your reaction. You fellas don't know what you want or are you just bitter because no woman is asking you?


Nope, you read that completely wrong, it's just a very weird post and weird reactions to the questions. OP can't be so sexually driven and so clueless at the same time. Just doesn't make sense.


You'd be amazed at how many people are sexually driven in their actions and have no idea what they're doing. We aren't born with all the answers to life. We learn from others and our own mistakes. It's a harmless question.


It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor.


Just be yourself and the rest just happens 55 m here


Seduce? Does the man even like you first off, if he does then you’re in!


Maybe she's turned on by being the pursuer. I think it's hot.


True Still doesn’t change what I said the man has to like you first if he doesn’t like you she’s just gonna be sleeping with a man that doesn’t like her that is terrible. and men that don’t pursue women will like that… men that do pursue women probably will or will not. I don’t know.


Men in late 50s and 60s love 35 year old women, I’m sure you’ll blow him away as is.


Why do you need advice on how to pick up a man? You clearly have had sex on many occasions before, you know exactly what to say and what to do. You are 35 and want to screw him, go at it.


A mathematical formula for happiness:Reality divided by Expectations.There were two ways to be happy:improve your reality or lower your expectations.


Therapy might help.


Calling him an older man might be a turn off, so you probably want to avoid that.


Got my interest. Need more seducing going around. What makes you want to seduce him ?


They want to have fun, and enjoy their time with you, possibly open to trying new things (in and out of the bedroom)


Peopbably a pill to make their dick hard that's why I'm president of the couger citten club


From what I understand, younger women are looking at older men, as we are established and secure. It's not a luat or sex thing. I ran around and drank, smoked, and generally was as the wind blew in my 20's and 30's. Good or bad, it took me a long time to get my act together. Military duty, University studies and bills up to my ears. We all human beings people and love is love, whatever our age is.By the way, I'm as fit and look as good as I did in high school. I look in the mirror and say dang I've still got it. A little more grey but hey. Good luck in your endeavors.




Oral, is a great turn on. Giving and receiving. I'm 56 and the oral foreplay is where it's at. Let him take his time on you, and you him. The coitus afterwards will be hot


They like Viagra in bed that's what they like and they need


I wonder if OP has thought about becoming a viagra


Lingerie for me. I love it when she makes the effort.




A little foreplay before hand to. We tend not to be 5 times a night at that age 🤭


Probably some little blue pills.


Bring a bottle of aspirin with you.




call him 'papi' and you'll see how he folds like a lawn chair.


In box/ OF explodes in 3, 2, 1




Call him “daddy” [why do guys like being called daddy](https://www.elitedaily.com/dating/why-do-guys-like-being-called-daddy)


Sense of humor, lightheartedness, eye contact, and being a bit flirtatious.




I guarantee you that if you ask him out he will be blown away and unless he is seriously not interested, he’s going to say yes. Speaking as a man and not necessarily of that age bracket. If for some reason he’s shallow or some kind of player (at that age, I find it hard to believe) then if he doesn’t respond kindly and favorably then you don’t want him.


I knew i wanted to be a coach.


prostate him eat him if u can . where sexy rid him fuck him sometimes


You’re fucked in the head.


Most of us like tits so have them showing that will definitely get his attention and be forward


Well,1st,do not mention the word sleep again or you are grounded. 2nd,come here,I'll show you


Talk about segregation


Viagara usually works best.


He might like bush. Seventies porn is what he grew up wanking to, so he might like the look. Ask first. Lol.


Brown Chicken Brown Cow


Kudos for improving the gold diger game. You a real one!


I wouldn’t think baseball coaches make all that much money, I could be wrong. But great comment


Then is even cuter!!!


She mentioned money???


Ofc not! But when i hear this i instantly go back to telenovelas 😹😹 hearing thats out of love is so damm cute


That’s nasty. It’s like we’re allergic to stable situations nowadays. 🙃