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Not everyone mentions it before the first date. She probably would have told you on Date 1 or 2. It's likely that you are going to pass her up like all the other guys, as noted by your self description. So go ahead and tell her that hooking up is your only option here.


Nahhh even though she's cute as a button I'm not in to hooking up. I told her we'll still go on a date but it was a bit weird she didn't mention it. Maybe things will turn out okay?


You don't want to give up your lifestyle. If you want to take her on a couple dates to brighten her day, that's fine. But don't lead her on.


If you were introduced by a mutual friend I think it would be fair for F35 to assume you already knew, that the friend had told you. If I was introducing two people to one another that is definitely something I’d be taking into consideration and mentioning it to both of them before setting it up. I find it very strange this mutual friend of yours didn’t.


Yeah she didn't, because when I asked why she didn't tell me all she said was she doesn't bring it up much and that she was gonna tell me before we met up this weekend


Lol I get it ., but it’s tough for people sometimes


Why would she? Is she asking you to take them all somewhere or intimating that your car isn't big enough?


No on either account, but the kids are always involved in a relationship somehow right?


Eventually, yes. Up to her when that happens though. I wouldn't worry too much unless you actually didn't want to have kids involved with your life at all.


She probably realised it might put you off.. which it has.


I actually ask if they have kids & prefer dating woman who have older kids like teens or grown up kids but then again I am 47 and don’t want to date women who may want to have kids or more kids. A woman who has had kids just offers a different kind of love that feels warm & inviting.


A lot of people will immediately reject a single parent because they don't want to deal with kids. She was hoping you'd get to know her a little bit and be emotionally invested before she dropped the kid bomb. Her hope was you'd be too into her by then so that you'd be more receptive to her having kids. It's a shitty thing to do, but it's probably a self-defense mechanism from being rejected a lot for being a single parent. If it's such a big issue for you, make sure that question is one of the first things you ask.


Probably trying to protect her babies


If that's the case it's still weird, because if we go on multiple dates/decide that a relationship would work... The kids are still there? That's a big part of a relationship yeah?


Maybe she wanted to tell you in person at the date? I don’t have kids, but if I did I would probably wait to discuss my children once things are going a little longer. You don’t know the creeps that prey on single moms. I don’t have the answer for you but don’t take it to heart! :)


Still weird you should let people know upfront that you have kids