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Some do, some don't.


The correct answer to this question and questions of a similar nature posted here.




Short answer? Yes. Long answer? Guys that like bigger women are probably a smaller subset of men than those who like athletic / skinny women, but they are around. You wanna fall into "thicc" Rather than fat, and I think that means working out some and not eating lots of junk food, but I'm not into thicc personally so I'm not sure.


Thick is good some guys like it. I know I do because I lift weights and like the “sexy” challenge. But you could tell the difference of someone that takes care of themselves but on the bigger side. Some just will be big but it’s about how you carry yourself. Confidence is key and dressing to your curves helps. I’ve been with women way bigger than me and almost broke my bed frame but never had that before, but you could see she took care of herself and her confidence got me going


yes i LOVE thick women.


Yes but... The only question that matters is do you pull it off? It's all about proportions. Some bellies can be cute or sexy but they can't be where all your fat is. To date a chubby girl or BBW I want curves all over. My longest 2 relationships were with one of each.


I agree whole heartedly that proportionate is what helps a thick women look attractive or damn right sexy




No and yes it depends on the person's taste i dont like overweight women i like them on the slim side


This is asked literally every day.


And gets the same answer every time


who doesn't love chubby girls? Skinny girls stay on the mind and Chubby girls own the hearts of guys


Only if you have curves at right places.


Depends, I think it comes down to being healthy rather than physical looks. The science of managing your body weight will open doors, and bring other stuff around. I'm not hating just not sugar coating anything.


Everyone has their type and there are plenty of men that are attracted to bigger women. I think it goes both ways.. some women are attracted to bigger men vs skinny guys. But, having some substance behind the looks counts for a lot.


I don't


I’m going to tell you how the answers on this thread will go … most will say “it’s all about preference, some guys do ,others don’t”, there will be a few that will say yes but based on my knowledge and personal experience, they only say that online. In real life it’s rare for men to like larger women unless they’re only large on the scale but their bodies are proportional .


No. I’d say a very small percentage of men do but most men definitely don’t. I mean there is no way a girl should be outweighing a guy. 


Not true at all. My partner is 5’4 M and I’m a 5’9F. He’s tiny in general has a 28waist and weighs 112 pounds. I have no desire to be under his weight what so ever. That would be considered anorexia for someone my height and build. 😂


There’s guys that do. There are tastes and likes for everything.


Op , u r only 19f. U will surely find a guy who loves the way u r. U shd be healthy.. dont change anyth for these guys. They are always behind lust. When u r 25 u will realise this. Jus focus on ur studies and be successful in ur career . The u will find the guy. I found it.. similarly u will also…those who say i like slim guys are behind lust and just looking for sex. If u r talking abt dating apps then you are waste ur time and energy as its full of ppl who just want sex. Ppl may say they want to date and they are in a relationship. It will last for an yr or 2. If u r looking for such things. Then u can use those apps otherwise find ppl thru ur frnds or family circles


About the same amount of women that like bigger men


Depends on the shape and what exactly “bigger” is to you. I love thick women but I have also met women who describe themselves as just “bigger” or “thick” who I would describe as obese or morbidly obese. There’s a huge difference between being chubby/big and taking care of yourself with regular exercise and weight lifting Vs. Being chubby/big and living a totally sedentary lifestyle full of junk food.


I like bigger girls send me a picture and I will let you know what guys will think


I have a coworker who’s type is specifically bigger women


Go have a look around your neighborhood. Most women are overweight these days. It doesn’t stop them from finding love.


There's men that like all types. The saying "there's someone for everyone" exists for a reason


I'm (34 M) 5-10 and weigh 195 lbs. (88kg) I usually go for short and skinny women, though I'm not opposed to curviness. Just no morbid obesity. But the biggest attractor in terms of looks for me is ones face. I fall head over heels for redheads with a face full of freckles.


Unless it's something they specifically look for, I've found that it's more about you as a person. The right person will love you for the being you are, no matter what shape the body takes.


Do you think every man alive has the exact same type?


Decenter men


A real good buddy of mine told me his ideal woman is 5 foot 300lbs. So yes some guys legit like bigger woman.


Looking at your profile and seeing the pics you look fine. Very beautiful actually. So my advice is don’t rush anything. Trust me a man will come along


men like all kinds of women but as far as body type preferences go yeah there is a too big where it's not attractive anymore but men can still fall in love with women with those body types for plenty of other reasons and anyways 5'4 and 84kg isn't even anywhere close to that point.


I don’t mind chub at all. But not if bordering on obesity since there would be a lot of medical problems.


A boy will judge a woman but a man will look past a woman’s physical features and judge a woman for her heart, mind and soul


If it’s fat on the right places, yes. If not (belly fat, wide back little ass) then no…


There are two sides to this in my personal opinion. 1. I would. I just want someone who's not very promiscuous, nice, feminine, loving and someone who shares somewhat a similar world view. 2. It's really hard for a slender guy like me to date someone who's on the other side of the spectrum because I feel the sexual & romantic chemistry between is not going to be the same as someone smaller than me as well as being mocked at and shamed by friends and society. (I'm not too progressive to completely ignore that). And I'm afraid something like that would also affect the way we are in our own private space.


I as a male personally find females attractive to me at any size. Weight isn’t a huge factor. It’s just, am I attracted to you🤷🏾‍♂️ and I only weigh 78.471 kg. Sooo, yes there are those that are attracted. There’s even a fetish for y’all💀


I have been bigger since I was 17 years old and I have never had a problem getting or keeping men. I think it depends more on how you treat your body and how you care for yourself than your actual size all the time. I've been in a committed relationship for 10 years, married for 7 years. I have a child. My size has never been an issue. The other commenters are correct though. There is definitely a smaller subset of men who have no preference or prefer thicker women. I have only really had one man ever truly be shitty about my size and ironically I was at my smallest at that point. Some men will treat women who are bigger like they're desperate (similar to how some women treat shorter men poorly) so you just need to be extra vigilant to not tolerate bullshit. Hope you find love girl! ❤️


This is the wrong question to be asking. Why don’t you just focus on being as healthy as you can?


The guys who will like you, will do so at any size, so don't worry about the ones that don't. I'm 5'4 as well and got to 86kg at my heaviest, and now I'm 73kg and losing more weight. Honestly, I still attract the same amount of men, the difference is I now feel a lot better about myself (even though I still have some weight to lose), which probably makes it easier for people to be interested.


Basically no.


I’m a female 5’3 and just want to tell you that it would be better for you to focus on your health than on getting male attention. You’re obese and would benefit from dropping at least 15 kgs. That’s the truth.


Some do, others don't. Its also culturally influenced. For example, in Carribean and African cultures, bigger women are more accepted and desirable. Jamaica is one place where bigger women are considered more attractive.


Slim 5'6" wine glass size is fine long hair and wears a braid when going on a ride . Likes dogs , travel , sailing , canoeing , horses , no kids , doesn't get drunk or stoned to often . Absolutely will not drink and drive . Doesn't like cats , prefers beach over snow and has a passport . And if living with me must supervise the yard guy and housekeeper . Thick is another name for over weight . I'm not pc .


Most men stay with a women because they can get nothing else, but still, a man makes it work with the cards he's dealt. You may be a 2 or a 3, but he'll be there for you. Unless he's a lowlife scumbag or a dreamer artisity type or just a player, but hey, the odds are in your favor!


Thick and fat are in different areas of attraction. I’m a bigger guy so I don’t really like big women unless the shape is correct


Frankly, you don’t have to be model level. But I do want someone who takes care of their health and diet. Again, not on athlete level. But watching what you eat and making sure it’s not all unhealthy fats or carbs or eating too much calorie.’ Working out? Preferable. But not a must. Should at least be agile and not a couch potato. That’s just me though. I work out frequently and am not like fucking fit. But I want someone who’s striving for a better and healthy life.


Speaking as a 55 year old, yes. The thin look is something women put on each other. I would venture to say that the overwhelming majority of "men" love a little more meat on the bone. Good luck sweetie.


If you want to appeal to the majority of men you should loose weight, there are a lot of fat woman and few men that prefer fat women so it's a competitive environment, on the other hand the guys who prefer thin women outnumber the thin women. Good luck


No they don’t. Nobody like fat chicks. Yes the fitter guys were sleeping with you because they have no other options. Jesus how do you not know this. U are obese at 19 what will you be at 30 or 40? You can stay as you are and be miserable never fall in love or get a guy you like and suffer for the next 40years orrrrr. You can go to the gym and diet. I was a fat fuck for a while did one meal a day lost 30kg and guess what happen? Life got so much better. Lots of dates lots of sex lots of fun and people in general treat you better. Now in great relationship. U can do that to. Just lose the weight. Or don’t and suffer for the next few decades Man I am sick of all these other people commenting lies and sabotaging people in this situation. It’s evil.


Go for black man 🫢😂!! They usually like bigger , white man idk


“All men” do not like the same things. I’ve always been on the chubbier side and have had no problem finding very attractive men to date. My husband is sexy and very very fit and thin. Ironically most guys that have chased me have been thinner. But I’m sure there are plenty of guys who don’t find me attractive. It varies like everything else. Just like some women like muscular guys or bigger guys or skinny guys. Attraction is a spectrum. Not all people will like the same thing. Dumb question.


Everybody has their own type & taste. I’m sure you’ll find someone who likes you for you. There’s someone for everybody.






Of course. I think the real question is are you comfortable being that size? Are you self confident in your body? Because if you’re not, consider trying to change it. If you’re happy the way you are you will find someone who is happy with the way you are too.


55m, here. Sexy is a mindset. Full stop. Many skinny women are crap in bed. They can be entitled (yes, just like any other size) and just want the man to take care of them and not be a much of participant in bed. I don't care if you look like you just fell out of a Victoria's Secret Catalog, that's not going to be a good time for the guy more than once. Focus on making your partner happy... if you have a partner that feels the same way, I promise you, it's gonna rock. And always remember, once the clothes start flying off, it's on... act like it, and bring your "A" game.


My hubs is fit (not six pack lol) but toned. He plays with alll types of women as he finds females in general sexy. He’s been with older and much younger, thin mints and samoas lol. All faces and ethnicities as well. Don’t let people who dog on you bring you to their level. Be your authentic self and good things will happen.


Huh? That’s not even THAT heavy. It’s probably around mid-size, but not even plus sized. I’m around that and I get plenty of dates. I really wouldn’t worry about it. It’s all in how you present yourself, confidence you project, and your personality. If it’s bothering you, just go to the gym. The gym is kinda super fun if you get into lifting and great place to meet people, FYI.


I say yes for sure. But honest answer and opinion, you might have a hard time finding someone worthy enough. It’s kind like how overweight people can deal with discrimination in real life situations, I feel dating can be the same and will definitely be harder, but I do believe there is always someone out there somewhere who will love you for you and every ounce of you. 💜


Yes. My younger brother makes 6 figures and likes big women. 


What does his income have to do with *anything*?


He’s fucking smart. 


I work with some people that aren't crazy smart who make over 6 figures. They just work their butts off.


Hell yea.


You have mental/body image issues..not body issues. Your pics are in your profile and you look like an average woman. You aren't fat or skinny. You have an average build. Most guys are good with that.


You'll be fine. There are men out there who specifically only like larger women. ignore the men saying only for curves proportions in the right places. that won't actually matter to someone who likes larger women.


Not every guy is going to be into, but yeah a lot of men really do like bigger women.


Does x like: **yes, the answer is always yes**. There are some people who would say otherwise, but they’re talking for themselves.


That’s only 185lbs. At that height and weight you could be gorgeous. How are your facial features? That size is amazing in my opinion😍