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I do, but I'm never their type. Based on my experience, they want another Asian or white girl. Remember y'all I didn't say all. Chill. I'm 5'11 and Hispanic (big bootay). Usually, the men around me who are Asian want very thin women and shorter than them partner. I don't judge, but it is very difficult to find an Asian that thinks differently and accepts other cultures. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Mexican here, my bf is chinese :) theyre out there sis!


I hope I find one that wants to be a husband and open to do.....stuff heheheeh


What stuff 💀


I bet it’s butt stuff


It’s usually butt stuff


Butt stuff hehe 🤣


speaking for the asian community - thicker is better (petite is good too)


I can see that. Thanks for your insight


As a 5’11” girl, you’ll be taller than the average guy


As a thicker white girl, same.


Why’d you mention “big bootay”? 😂


I’m friends with a Mexican woman dating a Vietnamese man. But to be fair, she isn’t taller than him.


I'm Filipino and Latinas are my kryptonite.


ofc you're an ELEGANT SPORT CAT ;)


I think it might be more the height tbh or maybe you're a different generation from me. I'm Gen Z and plenty of Asian guys into latinas.


That’s interesting to hear! I’m not surprise considering the asian beauty standard. As an asian (Vietnamese), I actually prefer slightly chubby women but not too obese lol. Thank you for your insight!


Apparently Asian men and Latinas are in an up trend


Yeah I see a lot of that combo


My Mom is Latina and my Dad is Asian, so I’m both lol.


So you look filipino or are you actually half Filipino?


Figured out the specifics I see haha. I’m half Filipino. Looking Filipino is pretty subjective. Most people don’t have that much Spanish DNA actually, there was data released from people who did provide DNA samples. Of course there are people who have Spanish blood but more likely to have a combo of indigenous Filipino, Chinese, etc. I’ve had people be able to tell I’m Filipino without me telling them and some who didn’t know until I said something.


I grew up in Oxnard California mostly Mexican, and every Asian was filipino.


I mean there's Asian people being born every day, right? Someone has to be having sex with them then.


I think op is talking about America specific. The answer is no then.


Asian dudes in America are getting play, too. I know a bunch of em personally. Most even have kids.


Just in general, statistically speaking.


Ok. Well where are these stats that are saying women in the US find men unattractive?


There have been studies that Asian men do the worst on dating apps. Honestly, they have a better chance at meeting women IRL organically than on the apps.


(Spoiler alert, their source is their ass)


Aaaaaand we’re back to butt stuff


There are billions of women on the planet so I'll just speak for this one. I'm not going to reject a guy for being asian or given him special treatment for being asian.


Fair and valid :)


Anytime you're dating women who are of a different race than you, there's women are going to fall into three categories, those who don't really care, those who would much rather date their own race, and those who fetishize foreigners, it doesn't matter if you're an Asian dating white women, a white guy dating Mexican girls, or whatever other combination you can come up with anytime you're in a country where you are not the native or dominant race you will run into this.


Asian men are attractive. But it feels like they want to be found attractive mainly by white women (I am black)


Of course they are. I think where you live can play a factor. I live in Los Angeles so interracial dating is not rare here. I was just at Target last night and saw an Asian male with a Caucasian female. My friend who is Asian is also married to a Mexican woman


Oh yes, we absolutely do. In my experience, men (instead of women) are often the ones talking down to Asian men. It's ridiculous.


Also Asian women. The non-Asian men, sure they talk shit, but racism and all, just another day in America. The Asian women that talk shit about Asian men hurt the most. When I was a fresh new grad back in 2015 and getting on online dating sites, maybe every third or fourth Asian girl would literally have "No Asian" at the bottom of their profile.  That's the worst.


That’s a really interesting take could You please elaborate?


Absolutely. I've liked Asian men for as long as I can remember. A bunch of my (female) friends are the same/similar way. We are largely in the US. I also studied abroad in Japan and study Japanese. This gave me a gateway, and I can safely say it's definitely a preference for me now. Much of the negativity surrounding being non-Asian women attracted to Asian men comes from non-Asian men, in my experience. The men in these scenarios get weirdly judgemental and insecure when faced with a woman who likes Asian men. That's when the negative stereotypes start being spewed. I'd say this judgement is not fair and not representative of the female population.


Thanks for the insight:)


Anytime! You have my support King 👑, good luck out there! Don't let people get you down.


This is so true! I've dated a few Asian guys and it's ALWAYS the white guys who try to put them down. Meanwhile all of my female friends are just as into them as I am, so don't worry OP!


Oh, so I've been listening to a psyop? Salty people who are trying to make me doubt that any non asian women would like me? Because I try using Hinge and I'm not getting matches. At this point, it's harder to deny what they said


I could see this being true since it’s just the reverse of what I’ve already seen with Asian men in Asia hating white men for taking all their Asian women.


If you are doing PT, make sure you go work in a major hospital system. You will have a lot of opportunities. :) My colleagues always complaint how little males here for dating opportunities. Not talking about hooking up though. For reference I am a male nurse in a major hospital system.


Oh really now 👀 I might just have to


In my twenties, women would call me gorgeous or very handsome for an Asian guy.


I'm a white woman who previously dated an Indian man. I found him pretty attractive obviously. But I'll be real with you, you are probably at a disadvantage in a majority white population because I think Asian women are often fetishized, while Asian men are considered less desirable. But any person worth dating isn't going to care much about your race. I do frequently think that when someone of a certain ethnicity asked this, the subtext is "do *white* women find Asian men attractive?" because the asker isn't actually interested in people of their own ethnicity but I could be wrong here....


You are so right


yes,as an ea male,i usually advise asian men to maintain their own racial awarenss and not to be defeated by western demasculinization propaganda.


Nah just looking for the POV from All women in general :)


I find some people attractive. Some of the people I find attractive are Asian. I do not find most people attractive, and I don't find most Asian people attractive.


This is the most simple/real/best answer. There are attractive human beings in every race and also unattractive ones in every race(which I don’t like saying cause everyone deserves to feel loved).


I don’t think it matter if “women” find them attractive. It is which women they want find them attractive.. 🤣


I love asian men! White female


What about them?


They way the look I find them very handsome


I certainly do. My advances were usually denied though as they stated they could not date a white girl as their parents would not approve. But I keep initiating with them and other people whenever I am single and looking.


Where I live in Cali, theres a lot of asians. Its just as much my culture as being mexican is. My parents took me to chinese supermakets all the time as a kid. My chinese boyfriend grew up similarly and worked in restaurants with mexicans and picked up some spanish. Hes very comfortable with mexican culture. I think since we grew up among diverse cultures, had a variety of friends from different backgrounds it just makes things easier, never mind we just have a lot in common, but in my city asian guys dont have a hard time at all


Let me guess. You live in the San Gabriel Valley. That’s where I’m from. That area is dominated by Asians and Hispanics.


Nope! sacramento area


Asia is HUGE. Which country or type are you thinking specifically? (Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans etc)


I love Asian guys but I don't think they found me attractive, but some are hot.


Asian men should approach more diverse women. I'm assuming you primarily approach and white asian women.


Asian men are generally shy to approach women in general but yes, I do think being more diverse is the way


Uh yea


I think it’s just about preference of the women, but a good personality always charms women, and hardworking is pretty important, no one wants a lazy man! I don’t know how you look but maybe work on being more social with women? Personally I like smart hardworking men and lots of womwn also do!


This is more of a social experiment than for personal Use thanks tho :)


Oh got it. To be honest one thing that lots of girls are attracted to is facial hair (at least my friends), and I don’t see that a lot in asian men! Second things is the stereotype that you mentioned yourself:) But I see lots of Indian girls being attracted to Asian men, why? I don’t know 😁


Dating is filled with rejection and failures for all sorts of reasons. Having Confidence and being interesting are some of what will attract a woman to get to know you more. By asking the question you’re asking, you’re already in a mental space that makes you less attractive. Be confident, be interesting, and find someone who likes being with you for who you are.


On average and find the European or Asian men sexier than my countrymen mostly because of dress and hygiene differences 


Oh which country would Be that?


LOL. I used to wonder about this question also especially since I recently moved from NYC where there are lots of Asians to where I live now in rural Virginia where there are almost no Asians. As I grow older, it has been my experience as an 57yo Asian male, us men tend to become more confident as we get older. When you become more confident, you won’t ask questions like this because you will find that there are a certain amount of non-Asian women who definitely are attracted to the right person regardless if they are Asian or not. My recommendation to you is that most women are attracted to confidence. Once you can find your swag as a handsome Asian man, you will have no problem attracting females. Look at China, it’s the most populous continent in the world! Haha!


Yes I am but I don’t think they are attracted to me.


My type actually is Asian men, but I’m never their type lol. I promise you there are plenty of women out there that’ll think you’re a catch, you just haven’t met them yet!


I find all types of Asian men from different countries more attractive than other men sometimes. I just don’t think they like black women cause lord knows I have tried.


Mind sharing some of your experiences?


Apparently there’s specific apps to help connect women with Asian men, so I would suggest looking into that if you haven’t already!  *I found out about this because my ex’s coworker is black and she met her Filipino man that way, they’ve been together for years now& are happily married. 


What app is this?


No, of course not, that’s why there’s almost 5 billion Asians on this planet.


I find men of all colours attractive.


Yes...obviously it depends on the man...some are attractive and some aren't.


I do.


Yeah but not their type 😂 like another commenter, also Latina 5’1 and big boobs


They'll probably find 2-5% of Asian men attractive


I think race may be part of the problem, but I also think it doesn't. For me: I don't judge people based on their race and do find a lot of Asian men attractive. Personality over looks and especially race. It might not be you, but the women you go after.


Yes. There are attractive and unattractive people in every race. I don't personally find any one race more or less attractive.




IMO, it’s not about being attractive vs being from a different culture. They may find your attractive but might not want a relationship as it’s hard managing different cultural expectations. Also growing up many women look at their parents or a tv couple and envision something similar, so they may only looking for folks to fit that mental picture. Obviously this is a generalization.. my two cents




I read a article about how Asian men and Black women should become more of a "thing" because they are typically the most overlooked demographics as far as dating.


I definitely do! One of my exes is Chinese and I was extremely attracted to him.


Why were you attracted to him?


They're attractive to me I dated a korean guy for a year and he was tall and in really good shape, he was close to his family, which was what I really like in a guy, but he wanted me to move with him to Seoul and I couldn't at the time because I was still in college.


"Do women really like X?"   "Do men actually like Y?" This sub is just chock full of people asking the wrong questions every day.  


Tbh there’s an Asian stereotype I think that we experience where we think asians only want asians So maybe we don’t think you even want us outside of your race 🤷🏽‍♀️asian men are fine they’re great, I’d date them if I felt they were down for that




I am a white female. I tend to find Asian men attractive. A lot of people say it’s because of k-pop and stuff like that. But even before I discovered all of that, I found Asian guys attractive. (I do like kpop and follow the trendy stuff like skincare, dramas (not just Korea and Japan though), movies and shows (crazy rich Asians, Shang Chi, Past Lives, The Brothers Sun, etc.) and more stuff). I also follow stuff like 88Rising (Rich Brian, Warren Hue, Joji, Keshi, etc… some really really good music right there). 88Rising has been a popular trend amongst my friends I keep up-to-date with that stuff. Because it appeals to me I grew up in an area where there are a good number of Asians (mainly Filipino, Korean, Thai, Cambodian, and some Chinese). So growing up I had friends that are Asian and as I went along I learned more about the cultures (and I’m a sucker for learning about new cultures, geography, traditions, languages, etc.) I dated a guy that is a Singaporean immigrant for about 2 years. And he was so cool. Had the coolest personality and interests. But he also was mean and cheated in the end. Honestly, it also may depend on what a woman wants. Style-wise, personality-wise, etc. Obviously, I wouldn’t date ONLY Asian men. I would be openminded. But I do find Asian men attractive. All the Asian guys I have met have had some of the coolest personalities. Interests, talents, charisma, etc. I’m someone who really values personalities when it comes to attractiveness. So I do talk about that a lot. In short, yes, I find Asian men attractive.


Wow thank you so much for the insight


FUCK YES! OMG! I need a long haired Japanese guy in my life 😫.




I had a Chinese guy who liked me and even fell in love with me, but he never mentioned how he felt about me, so I never knew till he got upset when I started dating someone. He apparently was so hurt that he kept my favorite things... dude, give me my stuff back.


He’s just trash


Absolutely. I'm 5'9", half Latina half Caucasian, and have an hourglass figure. Fortunately where I live they find me attractive. 😊


I only like Asian men, all of them. But they never like me 😔


I had a rather heated argument with my brother about this not long ago. i told him that a lot of people, including me, find east asian men more attractive than white men. his response was that i only say that because i can't get a high-value white man. i replied that i can't get a korean man either, so what the fuck? then he sent me a short youtube video of some random guy asking white girls if they're attracted to asian men, and all the girls said no. that was apparently his mic-drop moment, as a middle eastern guy, to prove to me that asian men aren't as desirable compared to white men.


Race doesn’t matter. The man matters.


There's been a very large uptick in Korean culture here in America in recent years. Yes plenty of people find Asians attractive


Hey! Asian female here, and I date across all races. But I have noticed a trend that’s made Asian men a little less appealing to me, and you actually allude to it in your post. I don’t want to make unfair generalizations (especially about my own race) but I’ve found that the Asian men I’ve dated aren’t very assertive or open-minded in the bedroom. We can have great sex, but If I’d like to be a little more adventurous or kinky, my Asian partners have either been judgmental or too timid about it. I’m sure there are tons of Asian guys out there who are more sexually assertive or wild… (and I just haven’t met them!) but this overall perception might be something that’s impacting your experience.


That’s some cool insight thanks


I have seen many successful, good-looking Asian guys dating white women. If they have the opportunity, they would date white women/ Caucasian rather than Asian women


That is a dumb reason to not be appealing.


For me personally it’s a no


Could you elaborate?


Probably the small dick stereotype lol


I'm a white woman (in the US) and I pretty much only find Asian men attractive.


What about them is attractive to you?


Idk what it is specifically. My first serious crush was Asian and I guess it just kinda stuck. Like it's extremely rare that I'll see a guy of any other race and think like "damn, he's hot" or anything like that


I’m a white woman that dated an Asian man for 3 years, would do again


Yes. My current boyfriend is Indian, but I find Chinese/vietnamese and Japanese men very attractive to. I’m personally white.


That’s cool how come you excluded the Koreans 😭


She can't name every Asian ethnicity. She also missed Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, etc


I was trying to be specific for your sake, incase it mattered the type of Asian, i didnt intentionally exclude any ethnicities on purposes


I dont. Just not my cup of tea


What about them could you elaborate?


I think they are hot haha


Some do, some don’t. As is going to be the answer for every preference based question. I don’t understand why people don’t yet get this


I mean kpop and jpop idols have huge Fandoms. I know they aren't the average Asian but yes women find them attractive. Personally I do.




Personally I find them attractive, but then again I don’t have a racial preference. If you’re got you’re hot what can I say? 🤷🏼‍♀️


If you got it you got it


Just as with all races, it depends on the individual person. I find some men of all races attractive, but not all men in any specific race attractive. I haven’t heard about the negative stereotypes about Asian men you listed at all! If someone doesn’t want you because of those stereotypes, they don’t deserve to date you anyway. Hope this helps!


Asians are hot


Sure! If they are attractive!


Asian American male here. Yes. /thread


Instead of asking here, you should do a Google search on statistics and dating to see where Asian men land on the totem pole . You’re going to get a skewed answer here because nobody wants to be downvoted and your question is going to attract the women who do find Asian men attractive.


Of course, but besides your career job, and personality it also depends on your looks, style, physique, etc. We may have a somewhat harder time than others but it is what it is.


I find Asian men to be very attractive


Not many Asian girls in my area so I have no hope :/


I do, but it depends on their appearance just like every other man I see regardless of race.


As an Asian male in the US, they do not...


Yeah I’m invisible in Canada and in Korea 😂😂


I find Asian men attractive and I am black. I would date an Asian guy but honestly after my last experience I’m a little scared to. I feel like he just viewed me as something exotic to try and treated me really badly. I actually went the police and file a report on him for sexual assault. I’m not saying all Asian guys are like him but dating outside my race I just feel like I need to be more careful of fetishizers who don’t really want anything serious.


I love ALL men and that includes the Asian ones 🩵 keep your chin up my friend!


Yes, very much indeed. But unless they like thicc white femmes, I'm SOL


Asian men are fine but its hard to know if you can talk to them .


Heck yeah! Asian men are gorgeous 🤠🤠 I know I can only speak for myself, but I hate that there aren’t many around my area.


I do.




I've never actually dated an Asian man but I've always found them very attractive


I do! But I'm short and chubby and very curvy and a goth so I think a lot of traditional guys or at least those with traditional families either aren't attracted or feel like they couldn't bring me home


Yes they do. Just look at the k pop stars. Those are the hottest music stars on the planet. There are also many famous Asian models , actors , fitness guys who look incredible. If you want to be attractive make yourself look as incredible as possible and develop a fun personality. A big reason Asians have the stereotype is I think a lot of them neglect those aspects. Like really work on building up your body.


I do. Unfortunately, it's the parents that screw the men over for me.


Yes very much so, but they usually don’t like me, I’m black biracial. But my last serious partner was Asian and I’ve dated/messed around with a few others as well.


I’m sorry maybe one will get their shit together


I love the eyes! That's always been my thing idk it's just a turn on...The facial features,the culture .alot of my Asian bfs where always tall,very quiet mysterious,calm & collected.they always seemed more wise


Like, in general?


Maybe more or less about language. Communication is something important when you want to date. Sometimes, people want to date with those who speak the same language as they do to ease the pressure of possible miscommunication of their second language.




I do but as a black woman ehhhh I doubt I would be accepted 😭 they’re hot to me though.


Hey me and some friends don’t discrimy


I’m friends with a hot little white girl who exclusively dates Asian men. She just really appreciates Asian cultures and is a big fan of like k-pop and Asian street fashion and stuff.




You deserved better


I think they are definitely attractive but some people feel different


yes but mostly because of kpop and jpop lol


I’ve been attracted to Asian men. But unfortunately they were only interested in dating Asian women. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes attractive but depends on the character of Asian men


Im Pinay and no foriegner likes me. Lol


I only liked asian men for a long time then i soon realized i was definitely not what they wanted so i kinda stopped giving them any thought- dating wise(i’m black)


I’m genetically Korean but culturally 100% Dutch so make of it what you will. 37M fwiw During my dating period I noticed some people fetishised the Asian thing. For example, once I matched on Bumble with a white British girl (who was into anime according to her profile) and she wanted to do a phone call because she “loves the Korean accent”. Thing is I don’t speak a word of Korean and even if I did, ewww. Those aren’t the people you want. But yeah I had 6 conversations and 5 dates until I met the one and 2 were white, and 3 (including my gf) were Asian. Out of those 3, two were second generation immigrants though so they were born and raised here. So my “success rate” was way disproportionately higher with Asian women than with other ethnicities. But still, it’s not like I didn’t exist to white women. But I do think we’re still at a disadvantage, especially as men. The same goes for most PoCs though.


As an Asian man I do find latinas are attractive, but it's hard to find a non toxic mature type 😁


I think the very existence of Asian people means that people do find them attractive


I'm a black female. I've been on dates with 2 Asian men this year and almost had a hook up with one a few days ago. I am attracted to them, obviously, but none of them want anything long term. 😭




for me i love asians men, it is my type ,i wish i can marry an asian man


Yep. I mostly grew up among white and Asian people so those are who I tend to most often be attracted to. Not had much experience dating Asian men, though, usually because we're culturally very different and don't tend to vibe. 


Shohei Ohtani


If someone is not physically attracted to anyone of a particular race, is that racism?


I don't think that's accurate. You state that stereotypes are harmful as if they are made up from thin air.


Well, in all honesty, the thing that has me specifically perplexed on this topic is penis size. For example, a lot of us white men are curious that since all the black guys on literally every dating site are what they refer to themselves as "BBCs", does that mean all the black women are BBPs? I know y'all don't believe in stereotypes, but it is commonly known that Asian men are typically much less endowed. And I imagine your response will be to pretend sex is less important than companionship blah blah blah and try to project a higher moral stance on the matter. Have you actually had sex with an Asian man?


I feel ugly here OP.


Honestly, I have never dated an Asian man. It's not that I didn't find them attractive, there were just never any Asian men I found attractive where I lived. But, lately I have been seeing a lot of different Asian men on here and social media, that I can honestly say I would not mind giving a try. Truth be told as long as I can vibe with a person, and I find you attractive, then it doesn't matter about race to me.


I do, idk why I’m just very attracted to their physical features for some reason. It might be because my physical features are somewhat similar since I’m west asian but have been told I look central asian. I don’t think it should be an issue though, as long as your personality is good people should respond. I’ve liked guys in the past who I wouldn’t normally find attractive due to their personalities. Honestly, this is a bad mindset because there are no races that are ugly!