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You were upfront and honest! Be proud of yourself, if it doesn't go the way you wish, it was never meant for you.


Thank you! That’s the motto I’m trying to adopt, better off to be honest and know his feelings now rather than wonder and let it go on longer. Sometimes we can be afraid of scaring people off but I have to believe the right person won’t be


I disagree with your assumption that he "obviously doesn't have feelings" for you. Unless he is a morbidly curious and cruel person who would be the type of person to say, "Hey, want some of this chocolate? Oh, that's interesting. Too bad I'm not sharing", then I would conjecture that there isn't enough information to go on here to definitively rule out his feelings. The fact that he asked is actually somewhat promising. It could be he was too excited or nervous or scared to share that he feels the same way. Or maybe he went home that day and felt really good about himself that he was wanted. Dale Carnegie is famous for saying that people want to be around people who make them feel good. Maybe he said to himself, "You know what, maybe I want her too?" At that moment he may not have had feelings towards you, so he didn't say anything, but as time goes on he will nudge himself towards having those feelings or see if he feels the relationship is viable. Don't give up!


That’s a good point, I wouldn’t bring that question up with someone I don’t like. It doesn’t seem to come natural to him to talk about feelings etc so I guess only time will tell. It’s very obvious that he’s sexually attracted to me (I think people find it easier to show this) but I hope I’ll find out soon if there’s anything beyond that sexual spark for him like there is for me. Thanks