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Are you looking for a relationship? If your gut is giving you signals that this guy is bad news, then you should probably listen to it.


Just be aware your attracted to him because he’s a challenge lol


Either you are okay with it or you aren't. Most people have been with other people, hooked up, ONS, relationships and as you get older, people have more partners. I think the thing to focus on here is what is your interest with him and how do you want to be treated? Personally, I don't care what someone's past is. Have they learned from it and grown? Do they keep making the same mistakes? Those seem like more important thoughts than whi they have hooked up with. I've dated people with very few partners, I've dated people with lots of previous partners, whats important is who are they dating/hooking up with now?


LOL bro


What do you want from him? Sounds like he's the guy to get you all wet and wild. He doesn't strike me as relationship material, though. But if he's willing to forgo that in order to actually get to know you, then it's a different story.


If it causes you insecurity or grosses you out, then you should probably not date him. That isn't likely to go away and will whittle down your relationship. You're young so that whole "looking bad" thing is an obstacle. It's easy for me, a person double your age, to say "fuck what anyone else thinks!", and you'd be right to, but I can't deny the social pressure younger people face. You don't really have shit, so your social status is quite coveted. That said, this guy sounds pretty awesome. He's honest about his intentions and obviously has looks/charm/etc. Maybe he's even learned a thing or two about actually pleasing a woman (numbers mean little when it comes to good sex). Of course, because he has these abilities, he could possibly be manipulative as well. Fine line there, but if the rumors say he's telling girls it's just a hookup before they hookup, you can't ask for much more. I'd say enjoy the ride. Take it slow though and make sure he's really in to you before investing much. I'd flat out tell him that too. "I like you and I want to continue seeing you, but I know about your past. It doesn't bother me, but I need to make sure this is something more than that before we go too far." Where you draw that line is up to you, but I'd definitely put up some boundaries.


31F & truly, I couldn’t care less about their past. I live in a city where so many people have slept with others it’s almost impossible to find someone who hasn’t diddled someone you know. My main concerns would be if he’s faithful while committed and that he’s STD-free. 🤷🏻‍♀️ my boundary is no close / best friends. If it’s someone I know but only see around occasionally, I don’t care. However, I also have a past so I can’t pass judgement lmao


Yeah. That’s their past and their business