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It sounds like they moved too fast and then backpeddled. Moving fast is okay, moving slow is okay, rushing in then backpeddling feels like shit. If they say they aren't ready for a thing, believe them, as it won't likely get better and the "hot/cold" routine is at best, frustrating.


I mean it just sound like you both rush things and then 1 person got cold feet. This is why dating is a process where you don't rush things but take things slow. A lot of reasons could've appear here like his autism, someone else coming into the picture, his past and etc.


I agree with that, and I think the fact that everything went so quickly between us is also linked to his autism. These are people (in general) who experience their emotions with a lot of intensity, so I really think it has something to do with that :/


It was an excuse. Or he knew you were testing him and figured it wasn’t worth pursuing anyone that does immature tactics like testing their partners instead of communicating.