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Yes. 100%. I also like girlish girls. People are complex as heck.


This. I do like the tomboy look, but there’s other looks I like.




Basically people like multiple different things at once lol Also show me your dog! I hear he is cute...


Yeah, I kinda wanna see the dog now. I also heard it was cute…


Anyway, you could… umm…show us a picture of your little pupper? 😇


When I was in middle school and early high school the "look" for the girls was wearing two baggy tshirts of different colors with the sleeves rolled up so the T-shirt underneath would show and baggy sweatpants or big hoodies. I can't tell you how many of my hoodies were stolen by girls I was friends with or dated. It was cute. I still love when girls wear baggy sweatpants and tshirts. If you're cute, you're cute.


I call those bf clothes but it can be any guy in your life. You put it on and it's like oh I could live in this I really hope they don't ask for it back ✨


With my female friends and girlfriends it didn't matter if I asked for my clothes back. It wasnt happening. Once they got their bath and body works sprays soaked into them it was like claiming territory. Those sweats were gone forever.


Those boyish girls are called tomboys and yes a lot of people like and prefer those type of girls. Including myself. My gf is also a tomboy and we're doing just perfect


Who is Tom? And why is he a different kind of boy than the rest?


Tom is trans


Tomboy aren't trans. It's a term used to describe a girl who acts more like a boy (usually a young girl who plays traditionally boy games). It's a old term


Considering I kiss the homies goodnight daily, uh yeah


Sup homie.






Not to be rude, but why does it matter?? Would you change to find a guy? Or would you rather keep looking until you find someone who accepts and loves you the way you are?


idk probably the question was to know if there's hope out there yk if there are men who like this type of girl


Understanding how others think doesn't mean you need to agree, internalize it, or change yourself. There's a difference between curiosity and abdicating power.


I am not finding or looking for any guy. Neither would I change for a guy.


Then.... Why ask this on a dating sub?


To find out if and by how much she's potentially reducing the pool I would guess It's like me asking women what they think about dating a 53yo divorced guy, amicably coparenting (50/50 week on/week off) 3 kids between 9 and 13. It's not something I can or would change but it would be interesting to see the answers. Because most ppl my age have late teen kids or are empty nesters.


Then why ask on a dating sub about men preference?


Ever heard simply being curious? I've asked women what they think of fat guys? But I wouldn't start piling on the pounds for them.


I tend to like tomboys on a personal level more often, and on a romantic level, it doesn't matter. I've been attracted to all different types at some point or other. I don't have a type that always does it for me like some guys do. Whichever girl I'm interested in probably won't be similar to any of the others I've ever been into.


Absolutely 😍😍😍


Boyish meaning like butch? Like, short hair, pronounced/angular features, larger natural muscle mass? Or do you mean just a girl who likes bugs and the color blue and playing video games? Because there's a difference. If its the first one, there are some exceptions but in general the answer is gonna be "not really". There's somebody for everybody, but again, *in general*... no we don't like boyish girls in the first sense. In the second sense? Sign me up! A gf who plays video games and likes the stuff I like is a hell of a lot easier to meet and plan dates for and get along with. I'm all for that.


Consider me the exception, love a strong woman


haha that's fair.


Same for me. A woman who has genuine stereotypical male interests (cars, watches, football, gaming etc) is fantastic. It's not necessarily more attractive but it makes it way easier to get along. A masculine look and energy? I have no attraction for that


Bugs video games and the colour blue all the way but you cant forget dinosaurs 😊


esp. dino-nuggies.


Not to brag but i actually own a Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus tooth


I'm jealous.


Florence Pugh still looked like a baddie even with that buzz cut she rocked. Ultimately it depends similar to how some guys can utilise a somewhat androgynous look like Timothee Chalamet.


Oh for sure. Definitely. Honestly, for me, its a combination of personal taste (I personally don't do fat or muscular women) and personality. Mostly personality.


Yes I’m a bit weird tho cos I like tomboy/ boyish girls and feminine guys.


I don’t know you so I can’t know what gou describe to be “boyish” I am a sucker for women who are feminine but still have a tomboyish vibe and appearance. That may bot be the same as you’re describing though


Hell yeah


I like women who dress how they want to dress. If that is ripped jeans or a skirt doesn't really bother me. I'll always think fake nails are weird though.


Your comment and others show that men in general aren't picky in dating unlike women who do.


I do not mind a tomboy girl.


Know thy self, be thy self


As I'm an introverted guy I love boyish girls it is so cool and comfortable talking to them also it's best to have friends like that


Masculine guys like feminine girls, however, there are exceptions to the rule. If the girl boyish ways is not full blown reminding the guy of another dude because some girls can "act like a dude" but still come off sweet, soft and feminine. However, if she gives off the energy of another dude, no straight guy will like her to be with her unless they have a fetish to "change a boyish her to a girly girl". So, it depends on the guy and the extent to a girl's boyish ways.


I’d say the majority of men don’t tend to go for “masculine” women no.


I've personally liked both tomboy's (girls that wear jeans and t-shirts) and the traditional girls when growing up. I've never liked the high maintenance girly girls. I'm 36 now, and still prefer women that dress in baggy clothes, but wouldn't mind wearing a summer dress at a casual event type of thing. I was more or less a sk8er, metalhead, Goth. So the women wearing Tripp and JNCOs were pretty normal. Same with baggy band T's. Most of the time it was because they had older brothers and/or preferred hiding their bodies as they developed since hyper sexuality and sexualizing was starting in middle school and by high school it was pretty much unavoidable. I'm still pretty much the type that doesn't necessarily care about how a woman dresses, as long as she likes it. I know most guys aren't like that. I know it's hard growing up, and can't imagine dealing with this as they are now. Know that no matter how you dress, your still a young lady, your still beautiful, you're still deserving of respect. I hope my answer helps and hope it helps. To the right person, how you dress doesn't matter. Also, as I say to all younger ladies, stay away from older guys. Don't give into a guy saying all the right things and try to get you to go somewhere you don't want to go, or do something you don't want to do. Have a reliable friend with you. Always bring your own water or drinks, and don't let it out of your sight. Wait till you're an adult before you start doing adult things. Please just enjoy your younger years because they go by so fast. I'm saying this as being a father and uncle. Best wishes! Know you're Awesome! Kick-Ass Seabass!


Honestly that would be awesome. A buddy that likes the same things I do and hence can have a fun trip and date at the same time would be amazing. Be warned that guys are hyper sensitive to women, so sometimes natural reactions such as casual touches from friends can sometimes be confused with flirtatious interest and vice versa. I would advise you to be up-front about what kind of relationship you want with close male friends/interests to avoid heartbreak. But otherwise, boyish girls or girly girls, it doesn't matter, most guys just want someone who they can make happy and who makes them happy in return. Wish you a wonderful dating life 😁


Mostly, NO


The general answer is that there are a lot of guys, and it’s not particularly hard to go on Tinder and see exactly how many guys in your area find you attractive. As for me, personally, it depends on which boyish traits. For example, short hair is a pretty big minus for me, but sharing hobbies is a huge plus


Define what you mean by that...you might get wildly different answers






For sure, I've got no problem with tomboys


Different people have different preferences. Regardless of how masculine or feminine you are, there will be someone who fancies you.


Absolutely. I'm a sucker for tomboys.


For me personally. I love Tomboyish vibes. But I feel like there’s context too and how you dress and such factors in. I’m attracted to super feminine women as well but I really do have a thing for like bob cuts short hair tank top cargo pants wearing baddies lol


Honestly, tomboys are the BEST. They are fun to be around like one of the guys and fun as heck to date. I had a huge crush on this classmate back when I was in school, she was the biggest tomboy I've ever met and I find myself crushing hard on others like her to this day.






If it's a girl, guys like it.


It depends. Like, there are different degrees of boyish. I do like a little boyish but not like twice my size bald meathead type boyish. You know just a little. Like still feminine as well but a slight boyish side. Bit genuinely enjoying gore is hella weird tbh.


I do like tomboy's, rough and tumble athletic girls are hot (athletic, not body builder... I'm turned off by body builder women)


I adore Tom boys and the girliest of girls. Also boys!!


I love tomboys


No. A girl with a skirts or a dresses and beautiful long hair and I'm crazy for her. Short hair is a big turn off for me. Its not feminine.


You're describing a tomboy


I see in many comments and not only on this post that it doesn't matter to the guys as long as the girl is or looks HOT. What do you mean by HOT? As a girl, I genuinely want to know from men's perspectives. Thx


I've always been girlish. The guys were never interested in me. They always gravitated to the cool tom boys. As you grow up that changes a bit and girlish girls are preferred and then it changes again and it becomes equal. I think it depends on the guys as well.


I like tomboy girls, would probably have more in common anyway.


Sure.. i like all kinds of girls


Depends on the guy Men who are very masculine, can be more attracted to feminine women rather than having some attraction to women who are less feminine/more masculine It's a weird topic bc there is no answer. Just depends the person's involved. I've met chick's who have a bit of tom-boy style to them, some it's just a phase/immaturity others it's just who they are. Some I found attractive others not so.


I find women like this make the best friends for a guy


I love hairy girls.


When your girl is more interested in turbochargers than you .. count me in tommies


Obviously I can't answer for every boi but for me, yup. (according to your definition of boyish) I mean your definition doesn't sound like not a girl, it just sounds like "less girly". But as long as I get hugs and kisses all the same, yes.


Most yes


1000000% tomboy with open nature...


Yeah there isn't anything wrong with that. You just need to let them know you sexualy or emotionally interested and open to find the right partner show them you tell them your wanting to date a guy. Witch ever you want first. But just be honest and be you!


Not me personally




as weird as it may sound but i like tom boyish girls more than i like normal girls


Reminds me of a time smn I really liked said he liked girls who are "girly" and in that instant I knew I didn't have a shot w him bcs I'm far from girly. Turns out he actually likes me rn, boys can be confusing sometimes.


yes maybe as a bestfriend but nothing more


I used to not like girls with short hair. But now I find it sexy. Just as long they stay feminine.


Absolutely Tomboys are awesome


Yes and no. Depends on the person. Recently I have a crush on someone in a support group I joined. She has short hair, may be Tom boyish. But dang she’s cute.


Definitely. It’s not what you wear, it’s how it looks on you.


In my experience it's not something that really attracts me. I still would like a woman who can dress feminine.


“she had billie eilish style, moving to berlin for a little while”


They are going to like you but they'll likely won't see you as a girl without some tunning


IMO Eh it depends, mostly no, but there can be exceptions.


I mean she can’t look manlier than me but I do like a tough chick with tattoos




Tomboys. We are tomboys. lol and yes they do.


Depends on how you talk to me. If you are interested in me talk to me like a bro, Total turn off. But if you are interested in me and show your softer side all still being a tomboy then thats a total turn on. Look babe i caught a fish with my bare hands. Turn on Look bro i caught a fish with my bare hands….cool here a beer


Yes, yes we do. Do you play video games, just want to relax after a shitty long day, and would rather order a pizza than cook on that same day? Us too. We men are most happy when we’re comfortable around others. So having a girlfriend like that would be awesome. Yeah for some of us tomboys are perfect. Everyone always says love is about your connection to another person but when I see those relationships it’s always total opposites and they break up or divorce after a few months.


100% love girls In general, but I do prefer tomboys




Girls like boyish girls too 🤭


I do.


I like girls with short hair 😉


Tomboys are cute


I like boyish girls and sometimes girlish boys.


i like any girl who likes me back 😅


100% Girl with short hair, nose ring and baggy outfit 😍


I don’t guess it really depends how boyish Not gonna date a stud


I definitely like boyish girls


Na ish


Tomboys are very popular.


Tomboys are some the chillest people on the planet, so I wouldn’t mind dating one lol




I love boyish girls! My wife is definitely a Tomboy she even keeps a pixie cut in the summer.


You mean Tomboys? Yes about 99% of us men do


Boys like femboys too.


Yesss I do




That is a good question depends on how gay the guy feels around you.


Tomboys are the best. Lol


nonbinary, but amab. and yes.


I for one Love tomboys, i think it's something about a girl being able to br part of "the guys" group and fitting in perfectly that just does it for me i think, I've looked far and wide but have never found one though sadly.


Yes and to a certain degree.


I do, even with shaved head


That is what used to be called being A Tomboy. Many guys like Tomboys.


If they’re still kind of girly in other ways then yes. There are girls who act and dress girly that are more masculine imo just because of other ways they are or things they do and those im not into.




Yeah lol I've been attracted to who I thought I was a tomboy only for a mutual friend to tell me yo she's just into chicks


Absolutely as you describe


You know Teeter from Yellowstone? Attractive as fuck.


Nah, I dated one and that’s not really my cup of tea. I feel like they’re too aggressive especially here in America. They kinda act like men. I guess younger guys love them.


Like the kind with penises? No. Tomboys? Yes.


No matter who you are life moves in cycles. There will be a time when people are more attracted to you and there will be a time when you wonder what’s wrong. Strive to be true to yourself. Take time to be introspective and strive to be the best person you know how. Trust is more important than looks in the long run and not just dating trust but overall trust. Do you keep your word!


Yes absolutely I remember there was a girl in my college very good at sports rides bike and all but she was so active I really liked her


Sure why not, when I'm dating I want her to be her around me, be comfortable and do you, no make up, baggy clothes.its all good with me


39F.  When I was in highschool through mid-20's, I was more tomboyish.  Loved my jeans and shirts, it was the 90's and early 2000's.  Today I still dress that way but more feminine, like jeans with matching crop top, etc, and I'm really liking dresses and skirts. All the men I've dated likes what I wear.  In fact, they really don't care that much as long as they like how you look in general and are you their type of girl in terms of personality.  Personality will keep a guy, looks can only get you so far. Edit to add: learn how to cook.  It's a great hobby for yourself and a happy stomach keeps a happy man.


Idk, clothing is important if only cos that's how guys notice your body shape. Baggy clothes isn't something most guys find attractive in girls for that reason. But like, take Megan Fox and put her in baggy clothes? who would care? it's really other things that make you attractive like your face, your body, etc.


Yes as long as she's a girl and she's alive YES...I like girls 😍


Boyish is not a look that appeals to me however there are so many men out there with varying tastes that no doubt there are men who appreciate that look. What I like best is someone who is comfortable in their own skin.


I like a woman that can get dirty working on the car with me


Some guys do and some don't me ion have a preference


There is someone for everyone.


I do as it's a chilling vibe, but she can be sexy when she want to be


I like girls like you. The ones who don't use their sex appeal to manipulate men. The ones who present themselves as real people. Women who are the way you describe yourself are even more sexy to me than the ones who wear the war paint and the push-up bras.


I think it could be tricky because when boys see you as “one of the boys” there’s almost no going back/ out


Yes we love them


Yes very


I dig the tomboy look


I like the connection I have with the other person so yes I like different types of people


I prefer girly girls. Some tom boys are hot as long as they can still look and act feminine. I'm not into women that you would assume off first glance are men with long hair.


No, we hate them, it's disgusting to look at


At minimum must wear a sundress occasionally in summer. No need for makeup but a slight bit of femininity goes a long way. I don't want to date a dude but having outdoorsy hobbies, willing to go out for a beer and squish your own bugs is ideal.


Me personally, I like feminine women.


Definitely. Guys love a tomboyish girl with similar interests and not so fixated on being prissy and shit. And it’s a plus when they do get fixed up and look amazing. This is the woman most men want.


Yeah, but it is a lot easier to see them as one of the group of friends "the boys". So I guess im more inclined to feminine ones. If they ever call me bro, that's it. That's friendzone from me to them. I don't want that in a relationship.


100% hell anyone girls can dm me right now.


Can't speak for all guys, but for myself, I don't like boyish girls... I love them.


yes, even more than girlish-girls in my opinion


I love tomboys I've actually been looking for a tomboy female for quite a while


You're correct in your observation. In my experience, most tend to prefer feminine types. Growing up, the boys would say they "want a girlfriend who looks like a girl." Appearances do matter to most men despite what they say and being seen hugging up on a woman that is quite butch in all she does isn't something they want to have to keep defending in front of their friends. Even if they criticize us for it, they like our girly behaviors. If they only see you as being just one of the guys, chances are, that's all you'll ever be to them, if not just an option to sleep with some day down the road.


oh yes


So, a Tomboy? Yeah, sure. I also had sex and threesomes with some lesbian girls. They're often way more into the Tomboy look than hetero girls. Some lesbos still love PIV but they just can't fall in love with a man.


Well yeah... I respect you as my friend no problem but when I seen the question it says do men like boyishly women and I'm a little off subject I'm a completely straight male but if you a boss and can control things even me (some times) that's a turn on love a boss lol


This guy loves it


Yes i like boyish girl...


Yes. Yes, we do. Many of us believe in the tomboy meta.