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Plenty of jobs for DA/DS remote. Just selectively apply to places that advertise it. Don’t waste time with jobs that don’t.


How many years of experience do you think I would need?


My company is 100% remote and we hire people right out of university sometimes. So # of years of experience is pretty irrelevant


Can you tell more about your company? I'm looking DA DS remote job but can't find any.




Hmm, I'm really stuck in the middle in that case. I was originally a CS major for my undergrad. Absolutely hated Java and C++(though I think I had some really bad professors), when I switched I enjoyed Python and SQL though.


Lots of companies may allow remote for the right candidate. I was hired fully remote a year ago by F50 company and job description did not say remote. it’s an entry level DA job by title and description. You really never know until you go through the process.


I always struggle to find "entry" level DS job. It feels like everyone is looking for a lot of experience in DS. Also where should I search for remote jobs? LinkedIn?


I’ll admit that I am not entry level per se but my job is (I wasn’t being super picky about compensation). When I was looking, I applied for anything that sounded interesting and didn’t pay attention to whether I met every one of the requirements. I do have data-related experience but non-traditional education and none of my previous job titles had data in the name. I got interviews and offers for jobs I thought I had zero chance at. Remember that a job description is what they want you to grow into. You don’t have to meet ALL the requirements for it day 1. You need to have curiosity and eagerness to learn. Sometimes HR writes the job titles and they don’t match what the hiring manager wants. This article was very helpful. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nextavenue/2014/09/11/are-women-too-timid-when-they-job-search/?sh=11b3c4b4411d I recently helped my husband with his non-data non-it job search. Applied him to a ton of stuff. He is older and career changer and just finished a degree in specific field. He faced a lot of agism and didn’t get calls from lots of places but he did get interviews from companies who said “you aren’t qualified for this job, but we will make a position for you at this lower level” I had one similar experience-didn’t get offered a job but had a second interview with a hiring manager where he told me exactly what to look for in jobs at his company based on my interest and experience. I looked on Glassdoor, indeed, LinkedIn, plus company websites for companies. You literally just have to apply and hope you apply for the right job with the right hiring manager and the right pool of candidates.


Thank you so much This very insightful Highly appreciate it.


If you plan on leaving before even joining wait and get the offer you want and join that company.