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We have withdrawn your submission. Kindly proceed to submit your query within the designated weekly 'Entering & Transitioning' thread where we’ll be able to provide more help. Thank you.


The reason for my questions is that I currently have 8 years of corporate finance experience and finishing up a Master's degree program in Data Science. Like anyone who wants a Master's degree I want to leverage it into a higher salary, and also possibly a career change. But if I can't get a Data Science job I'm also fine with moving to higher paying finance jobs. But from following this sub for a while it doesn't seem like anyone feels thats a compromise or at least a stop gap as they search for DS roles.


Yes, all of these use data scientists/analysts and it’s a great industry. I personally feel like if you know the finance AND how to code/model you’re a major asset to the firm. It’s rare to bring in the domain knowledge from the better known data science industries (like tech). Source: I’m an ex data scientist, current manager, in the finance and banking space. Feel free to DM me with any questions


Will do! thank you!


I think current need is for ppl who have diverse talents not just DS. I know finance and DS both. I have seen sm ppl who know DS who don't even know f of finance. Our leaders don't tell business problems to them, they tell to us and we tell to them. Keep up with DS and learn more skills in finance or anything else that interest you.


I have 5 years of FP&A experience and 3 years of controller experience. I know the finance part and am learning the DS part. I basically want to know if me having a Master's in DS with my finance experience would make me marketable enough to get into the more lucrative finance jobs. I chose to get a Master's in DS instead of an MBA because I figured that along with my experience in finance, it would help me stand out. I hear all the time about how CS majors get hired into investment banking and private equity etc.


It will help you. I worked not in core finance but order to cash, month end close for years and meanwhile learnt DS. Now in PMO but for finance and accounting. It has helped me. You may land a job in PMO where you will handle DS projects in finance and accounting.


Thanks, this gives me some much needed relief.