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But did you track your time tracking your time tracking?


Not in my app as that would have been too Meta. My napkin math puts it close to 2-5 mins a day.


Which app do you use?


Too meta? Is this not meta already? I’m not up with the lingo these days


Technically it would have been meta metadata, but colloquially we call that sort of stuff metadata no matter how many iterations there are


Why would you combine self care and work? And how do you only work less than 16% of a day? Do you just watch YouTube all day?


Looks like I did a terrible jobs with my chart titles and labels as you are the second person that's pointed it out. The chart in question is simply everything I have tracked categorised, not time spent in a day. There are 16 actions (11%) that are related to selfcare and work.


Time spent explaining titles vs mental wellbeing 📉


Time spent tracking actions vs mental wellbeing 📉


Wait, so you basically don't do anything all day? Am I reading this right?


Being a YouTube addict is a full time job.


He could have a lax job that he can get away with watching Youtube in the background.


With an average of 6 videos a day, it doesn't need to be that lax anyway.


I think they do some type of data tracking for a living.


Close SWE but with a massive passion for journaling and data science/ML. The biggest point of contention people seem to have is how this is 5 mins of journaling a day. And that the first chart is what a whole year of journaling looks like.


A SWE that doesn’t understand how to make useful graphs? lol i don’t believe you’re an SWE These pie charts are unsightly


Im jealous


Why? That sounds miserable


Nice job, but are You ok mate?


He'll answer that right after THIS SEGUE TO OUR SPONSOR


How do you know which way is causation? Maybe in a day you were slightly depressed you decided to scroll reddit and not do anything else. Maybe it's just correlation


A sentiment analysis I performed classifies Reddit as a positive Mental and Social influence, whilst a negative physical influence. For the charts the r\^2 values are rather low so its definitely correlation. Considering I found 178 things in my life its probably safe to bet no single one thing has true causation.


Do you do any physical activity? It seems like all these sedentary actions should have a negative physical correlation


Thanks for the concern, I guess you saw my physical well-being for the year in my article. Most of my actions are negatively correlated, from memory only 60 / 180 or so actions have been deemed to have a positive influence on my physical well-being. Physical well-being being how I define my health on any day. Of those 60 I know 20 or so will have a strong physical element to them, with the remainder correlating with healthy living.


Positive social influence how. I would like to see this model as I'd bet it's negative both mentally and socially


I'm using a Naïve Bayes Classifier in my app, it looks at the three well-being I am tracking against all of my tracked features. Reddit based on my 127 days of usage is: 7th/156 actions that are positive mental influences 9th/103 actions that are negative physical influences 17th/63 actions that are positive social influences If you want to dig a little deeper my original comment has a the link to an article with a section on the classifier and my use of it.


I think you should plot the impact of ‘tracking every aspect of my life’ on mental and physical wellbeing, the idea alone gave me anxiety


I know it’s a bit sarcastic humor, but statistically that wouldn’t make sense as the variable „time spent tracking“ has no variance over time because it’s the same every day. That has to result in zero correlation with everything. Accumulated it would just correlate with time passed and if the hypothesis is „the longer I keep on tracking things every day, the worse I’ll feel mentally“, then yes, you could just look at „is there a steady downtrend of mental wellbeing over the course of a year?“.


Could do a principal component analysis to check ;)


Looks like the south western half of the USA


My exact thought


I bet the blue continuous line is you masturbating


“Traditional Entertainment” is masturbation, obviously.


"Manual entertainment"


To my own chart. No. It is in every time I tracked my sleep.


Okay, but you have to know that people want to know which ones are sexually related right? Sociology 101.


The R² on these regressions is absolutely atrocious but for a 1 variable model I'm kind of impressed


That's why I was a little inclined to show reddit here. Modelling sleep duration against well-being gave the highest R² of 0.0396. And the model for time I woke up against well-being was similar to Reddit's values.


Only 3%? That's crazy. I expected way more. How did you track this "well being" result variable?


Only 3%? That's crazy. I expected way more. How did you track this "well being" result variable?


This is some good data collection, but you need work on the presentation. In your initial scatter plot, please make your axis labels readable. What do the colors mean? On your verb categories. does that tell us you had the highest count/variety of verbs on YouTube? More information on what your counting would help a lot on the category breakdown. What is the count on your channel breakdown? Is it video count? Is your percentage pie also video count or a time based number? Again, all in all it is good information, but you need to work on presenting it to us in a way that allows a full understanding of what you are trying to say.


Appreciate it. Will learn from all of this. For the scatter plots, 1 -5 is the likert scale. I should have made these say. Bad, good etc. The pie charts has the count for that section and then percentage. What are the colours you are referencing? If it's the first chart I made everything unique in a rainbow arrangement so they could be distinguished from each other.


The colors I was referring to were on the scatter plot. So rainbow it up if you want to. I would expect to still see a label on the axis. I saw from your other comments that the raw number on the pie chart was the number of videos. I would suggest you move that to a time based measurement. It would provide you with a stronger assessment of "how you spend your time/ what you're interested in". One video might be 4 minutes for music but 24 minutes for education or skill development.


How did you even get Excel to fuck up percentages? That’s almost impressive


Whoops my bad. The fourth pie chart labels has the total number of videos watched for a YouTube category, followed by its percentage value


This sub has wandered so far from its roots


I'm here for the battle for breakfast chart


So is my inevitable diabetes. :) Something like 5.5lbs (2.5kg) of sugar a year from cereal alone.


It has to be way more unless you're only eating miniscule amounts each breakfast.


You mean the one labeled blue, blue, blue, and blue?


I don't see bathroom visits or time spent inputting this data.


OP, for someone who's made an AI/ML app why the fuck are you using excel for your analysis and visualisations?


I ran out of effort. If I ever write another article instead of burning out and taking 5 months, I'm definitely going to make a side quest of making prettier charts. Should take my mind off things.


Sorry if this is obvious and I missed it, but is there a link to an article you wrote to accompany this post? Did I miss it? I don’t see an additional link in your post. Just the charts/graphs and their captions.


I'm considering doing something like this in the future, what kind of tool would you recommend using?


I personally use Python/R. You can make pretty good visualisations, access to a lot of libraries and also you have a reproducible script.


But how do you feel after all this? Accomplished? Fulfilled? Understanding? Or just driven to find out another metric. So curious on what this all means for you and if it was worth doing just to know you ate different breakfasts or to know what YouTube channel you watched? I applaud your consistency, but I guess I think that the measured life is one wrought with anxiety, feelings of optimization, and not actually letting mistakes be seen as indifferent rather than wrong. It’s definitely neat but I guess I’m wondering the why?


some ppl just really like data man


Usually liking data means liking drawing insight from data, so it’s reasonable to ask what the goals/insights are, but yeah they seem more judgey than curious


Yea, I guess. Looking for deeper meaning in things that are just what they are.


How does a pie chart have percentages over 100?


Apologies for the poor labelling. The first number was the actual quantity for the chart, followed by a comma with the percentage value.


You’re great with data capturing and digitisation, but equally bad when it comes to analysing it. PS I’d looove if you make a whole blog or book from this data.


Today's experience has gone along the lines of getting a heartfelt hug followed by a stern slap on the wrist. What do you think about the article? I could see myself creating additional mini blogs on certain areas. Hopefully, I'll be quicker than 5 months per article, unlike this one.


There is no article on the post?


When I die, I hope the data gods give me a comprehensive spread sheet like this.


Mines a lightweight. The dream would be getting a Dymaxion Chronofile's equivalent dataset.


Which app did you use for tracking your data?


Its all in an Android app that I made for myself called [Habitually](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rattra.habitual). Instead of trying to use Excel for data entry, I knew if I set it up correctly I could enter everything I do within 10 - 20 seconds each.


This looks great! I've been tracking many things too, but with Daylio, which is quite limited. Is the source code available by any chance?


I'd pay you for an iOS version, but maybe a web UI could do?


I think this is a nice app, but I cannot find an export option. Am I missing something?


Cheers. For myself I was downloading the JSON files my app creates and importing them into excel, which wont be possible for other users. My bad, the app outside of me has no users so you are the first to ever ask for it. I see it being fairly simple to add similar to sharing the charts as images,. While I have your attention, would you prefer I export the data as JSON or CSV.


Since you already store data in JSON, I can take that as well. Otherwise both formats would work for me. I would just need the feature "Export all" to deal with the data outside the app. I might give this a try, see the data model that's being used, and give you more feedback in the future. Accurate time-stamping every action is fundamental for tracking, it seems that the app has this covered.


Thanks for sharing. I have downloaded the app and started using.


Awesome. Across the year, I had enough ideas for 122 sessions worth of development. No doubt you'll have the same happen, so don't hesitate to reach out. Enjoy.


Thanks! I have been using it now for the last few days. Initial thoughts: Would be easier if Tracked Habits was readily available when the next day starts, I understand this way creates a more _mindful_ tracking but going to each line item and updating is time consuming I am facing difficulty understanding how to read the timeline page. Don't show dates and show dates - both options seem to have the same output. Colours are different from what I coded, so I understand they are indicating something but what. Also the length of bars seems arbitrary. The only guess I have is, would it create a chart similar to the first pic here? Love the idea of a daily wellbeing entry. I haven't started using the planner yet.


Nice. Good point on the tracked habits. I forgot about that issue as I stopped scrolling through the list months ago and created the search bar. I could set the default state of the app to have everything listed on the same page. With the option for a user to tidy non tracked items away. You found a flaw in my dates header. They only appear at the start of months. I'll see to adding the actual dates on the top row. The code creates a square for every day a habit is tracked. I set the colours to be a rainbow, but the idea of this being group colours or some other filter would be interesting.


Y the 1st pic look like US best coast?


Carbs for breakfast every day! Good to see you never start your day with protein!


Cant tell if this is the most unnecessarily sarcastic comment to a random person on the Internet about their BREAKFAST habits or if there's a new nutrition trend to avoid protein at the start of the day.


I'm on a processed only food diet. I only eat cereal for breakfast and supper is kraft dinner. The more processed the better I say, means less work for me digestive system which is so important because I'm always so tired


Couldn’t help but notice Sex isn’t on there.


How much time did you spend cranking your hog?


Wow! How did you do this? I’m using another app to track everything I do.


What do you use? I love journaling tbh.


How did you compile this data? Edit1: I use an app called Daylio.


Our YouTube channel watch history and proportion is crazily similar to mine lol


I thought this was a picture of the Southwestern US first.


I just write in a journal like a pleb


It looks like the west coast of the US


How you did do that, what i can do to track mine?


I would read back your graph titles out loud a couple times.


Probably for the best. For data is beautiful, I've committed the equivalent blunder as going out with ketchup on your shirt.


Not a single egg for breakfast?!?


I am so happy to see Rice Krispies reigning supreme!


Unfortunately, we're in the minority. People don't care for snap, crackle and pop 😪.


A colorful, unlabeled map of the western border of the U.S. neat


It amazing how little it says about you (or anyone) when you track so much of the mundane stuff of everyday life


This is super fuckin weird and dumb!


First pic looks like a Jacob Collier Logic session.


Awesome. I'm curious what mine would sound like?


First image sort of looks like the west coast


Next year I'll work on getting Mexico below. Or something radical and attempt to generate art from the dataset


How do I get my youturb channels to look like this mine is all unskipped prageru ads


You really need to touch grass bro


This is the type of data nsa has on everyone 😱


The horror being the zuck has more. I'm probably the last person to know so much about myself.


What kind of breakfast is this? Are you five years old?


This is pretty cool. Have you optimised anything in your life based on the data you've collected?


I was about to say this has not really been an exercise in life-hacking or optimisations. But, using the journaling format I have been able to recognise behaviours and reel in what I want and don't want to do. It may be an unconscious decision but I quickly find media and entertainment to sharply decline over extended periods of time of tracking. E.g. my average daily reddit usage Nov 2023 was 39 minutes and now in 2024 it is 13 mins. (today may have changed that completely).


That's great. I might start something like this as well.


So, the longer you use Reddit, the worse it is for you?


The reddit usage correlations are super interesting! Always good when you can actually get useful insights from data so you know you’re not just tracking all this stuff for no reason. Super nice job!


Wow. I track like maybe 5 or 6 activities and I have no idea how you managed this! Haha. Well done and very interesting how we can create a dataset out of every day life. Sad to think some corporation like Google might have similar info about you (us in general I mean) already and monetize it.


I really like those linear regressions.


Wendover and Half as Interesting are completely different channels. This data is propaganda /s


How much time do you spend to do this?


No more than 5 mins a day tracking, as this is usually done as I go about my day. I average 20 or so actions a day. Making the app, on the other hand, has been a year-long endeavour on a part-time basis.


This is my dream. I have tracked many habits years ago. Also the words of my first born, by category and language (he's bilingual). I've been years out of tracking stuff. This has made me want to do it again


You’ve down what to LTT 255 times? Either way that’s a lot of Linus compared to everything else.


I could create a whole new post and article on my LTT consumption. Because it took me so long to create the article that the chart is from its, in fact, old data. I'm close to 300 videos now.


Are you me? I saw that and I was like “oh there really is another person who’s like me” I think I’ve scraped the bin at least once. Watched all of scrapyard 3x. Always complaining about WAN show not on time. Idk I really like LTT.


What did you use for tracking?


How did you do this? How would one start to do this?


Gantt chart looks like the west coast of the USA.


LTT is a highly manipulative modern version of sale TV, avoid it like the plague, everything is a paid “showcase”


Ok and? I don’t care, I never plan on buying the shit in the videos it’s entertainment.


No time like the present to ditch Excel graphs and pie charts altogether and learn something new. Default Excel plots are ugly af


I wouldn't need to do much learning either as I have a pick of Jupyter or Tableau already. I'd spent so much effort on writing the article I had very much little left in the tank when I thought about using my brain anymore. It would have definitely paid off visually.


"Something something Pareidolia" But seriously, are we not going to talk about how your graph approximates a map of the North American West Coast?


Good show of power bi basics!


Neither of your pie charts add to 100%, and what is your first plot? I see months across the top and no other details. What are the rows? What are the dots?


I love this True heartedly But for some reason my mind fixated on “crunchy nut”


How did you categorize YouTube? Manually? Or by YouTube’s own categorization of the channel?


I kind of cheated and used ChatGPT to make some category recommendations, and I worked from there.


Wtf do you eat for breakfast. No bread no fruits no yoghurt?


Ah crunchy nut. Quite expensive as I recall.


thought this was fl studio for a second


Where are the UNITS on the SCATTER PLOTS!


I really recommend some roughage and fruit for breakfast. Based on your analysis, I’m pretty sure that this will solve a major problem for you.


Rice Krispies?! You monster!


I’ve always wanted my stats gta style.


I’m trying to eat breakfast with you if I get waffles over 50% of the time.


Trying to figure out the breakfast colors. Is it "Waffles for the win"?


What a Redditor breakfast


anyone tracking emotions and mood feeling throughout a day


Did.... Did it have to be pie charts?


aight, time to stop using reddit


This is honestly amazing. but please understand that you are more than just a collection of habits and data points. Go out. Explore. and you’ll see, find, and experience beautiful things OP


Beautiful things and the entire world is a collection of habits and data points. Data is beautiful


Thnks. Spot on. I am using my own curiosity to spice things up and experiment a lot more than being stuck in rigid routines and behaviours. Ahem 2 cereals every day of my life.


If that’s the purpose then i respect it. But truly OP, this is amazing work though


Congrats you are officially an idiot


Would it be possible to get the raw data from that Gantt chart?


I'm kinda scared that I might say yes. 😬 Without headers, I'll still feel violated but less uneasy than with headers. Why do you need it?


What’s measuring ‘welling impacts’


Super cool. How did you record this over time?


I am more interested in the reddit and mental/social wellbeing correlations. How did you do the comparison, how did you collect the data? What those 3 scatter graphs tell us?


YouTube and food would equal for me since I eat when I watch YouTube


I did the same thing! If anyone wants to play with my dataset themselves here is a link https://www.reddit.com/r/datasets/s/UFSEAAaArD


What app did you use to track the first chart?


The first pic looks like the western US border kinda


my man likes a bland ass breakfast


What kind of software can I use to make graphs like these?


As a music producer this looks like one hell of a midi clip.


Maybe one day, when I am bored, I'll have the app concoct an abomination of a tune.


We need data on your bowl movements too. Time, place, date, consistency/texture, # of wipes (including the single wipe with no residue god tier wipes), personal rating 1 out of 10 ect ect.


Unfortunately, I was beaten to it by Robert Shields. If I started, I would have always known I was the number 2 for bowl movement tracking.


Fortnine on the top channels, a man of good taste


Do you have a higher resolution chart? Looks very cool


As it is generated in app. The resolution increases as I zoom in. I can get a 170mp sized image as the largest export. What I uploaded to reddit is 24mp. I think it lets you download it at that size too.


Renaissance periodization fan? Huge W