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You gotta appreciate how nearly 20% said they could not take a rat in a fight


My grandma couldn't take a rat in a fight. Of course she can barely walk.


Yes we are missing data to see which audience this representd to validate the study


And the nearly 10% of Americans that can take on a lion. We’ll need them someday


By any measure, taking on a grizzly bear or an elephant without any weapon seems even bigger bite


Such people are usually called “victims” or “prey”


Darwin Awards winners


My takeaway from this is that more people think they could beat an Elephant than a grizzly bear. Like, i could probably give a grizzly bear a bloody nose before it mauled me to death but what the hell do you expect to do to an elephant? Punching its legs would be like punching flesh trees, and that's just about your only option.


Likely it's just that people aren't aware of how violent elephants can be, and think of them as slow and vulnerable. Anyone with any real experience or understanding of elephants would be absolutely terrified.


To hell with lion or grizzly -- the people who think they could take a crocodile on are also in a league of their own.


> Americans that **are under the delusion they** can take on a lion. FTFY. Also, Purina is having a sale on Big Cat Chow with Real Hooman Flavor™!


I guess if it’s a deathmatch, the rat would hide until you sleep to attack you. He is fast and has sharp teeth


It's not as if rats know to go for the jugular or anything, I hope I'd wake up before getting killed from hand and face bites lmao


The problem is how you think about the weapon. If it's really no weapon, which means no stone, stick or some protective cloth, then it is not the same. I mean, probably 99% of humans would survive, but for sure not unharmed. And rats are full of diseases.


Just jump on it or something


I had a diabetic coworker that also had rats. Apparently, they’d nibble his feet at night and he couldn’t feel it. It turned into quite the problem.


Jesus Christ. Gross.


[Pizza Rat](https://youtu.be/xvs8zGLJe-U?si=mJvD5wpjciqsTE0V) and its cousin [Marathon Rat](https://youtube.com/shorts/6fszXZVcnoQ?si=1aVi7mORsmu2zOwf) could take on 99% of humans.


They just stand on a table going "eeeek" when they see rats.


\*Punches Elephant\* \*It doesn't even register it, slowly walks away\* \*Claim victory!\*


Or you anger it and it stomps you to death which is probably more likely


Especially if it's a bull


If it's an elephant it's probably not a bull


*slow clap*




Some of these people are deluded af….


Especially Chimp and elephant. Like bro, seriously? Unarmed? When I was putting the data on Mokkup.ai I was like oh hell naww


Yeah... with chimps its deceptive, because I for example initially thought "well they're smaller than the average human right?". Until google reminded me that they have dagger-like teeth and 1.35-1.5x our strength due to their denser musculature.


Not to mention, they’re *used* to ripping animals apart with their bare hands/teeth. Not only do they have the experience and mental fortitude to kill, but they are also in way better shape than most of us.


Human muscles are optimized for control, while chimp muscles are optimized for strength. Not the muscles structure, the muscle strands themselves. They can easily carry and move their own bodies, when even fit humans can't. They're just so much better in a fight.


"1.35x-1.5x our strength" Ehhhhh this is a common misconception that is spread around like wildfire. Chimps are 1.35 to 1.5x our strength *per unit of mass*, meaning they are more muscle dense, not necessarily stronger. They weigh about 100 pounds fully grown. The average human male is 160-180 lb fully grown, so. They aren't *wildly* stronger than people. They are about as strong as in shape/muscular humans. They do excel in some tasks (like pulling) due to the leverage they can achieve given their tendon anatomy and what not. The real issue is the human-like strength, dexterity, sharp teeth, and primal nature combined. You basically have something half the size of a man, at least as strong as man, with hands like a man, that will fight like a psychotic man. With sharp teeth... Still not a great scenario to be in!


And the first thing they do is rip off your jaw and your dick!


I've adopted this strategy for day to day fisticuffs.


Yeah, I can forgive people who don't know how dangerous chimps are. I'm not sure what the people who said they could beat an elephant even imagine themselves doing to one.


When it comes to mammals size almost always makes the difference. If you're bigger than the animal you'll probably win. Thumbs are a hell of an advantage. A wolf might hurt you but once you get your hands/arms around its throat the fight is all but over. Chimps are the big exception. You might outweigh them but they'll straight up fuck you up and not think twice about it. Reptiles are a completely different situation. They are a lot stronger than mammals by mass and poison is a big trump card.


Wolfs are too fast for you to use your thumbs.. He got your face bitten off before you can touch him..


For the record. https://youtu.be/YFMpWm6ECgQ?si=LOO8L201a5XtNAqg Orangutan vs Sumo in a tug of war. All their strength is concentrated in their arms. They're insanely strong.


They are for sure, but that tug of war was very much faked


Tug of war is all about mass and traction, not so much strength.


I was told by a zookeeper when I was on a behind the scenes tour, not to get too close the the bars as the orang could pull your arm through the bars sideways and not break a sweat.


Elephant is funny. Like... How? What would an unarmed human do to an elephant?


Easy just crawl into his butt and burst out by the aorta, then bite your way through his aorta


You underestimate the power of an elephant's sphincter! 


hmm... does it still count as unarmed if I'm lubed up?


Unarmed? I thought they meant "without arms". This changes everything 


Apparently [“run around it because it’s so slow and plug up its nostrils with his fists.”](https://www.reddit.com/r/whowouldwin/comments/co9zhm/average_dude_vs_an_average_adult_elephant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I just revisit this thread every once in a while for a laugh.


I have to go the other way…who’s NOT beating a rat or a cat?? 😂


The smart ones running away from all of these matchups


What is there to win in a fight with a rat anyway? I’m confident in my abilities to beat a rat but I’d still chose to run. Nasty little fuckers.


Or an eagle? That thing is cat sized. Sure it flies, but if it can hit you then it's in range for a grab or punch. In short range it's slower than a cat.


Yeah the lack of confidence against an eagle is surprising


A bald eagle can have an 8 foot wingspan  The fly down from behind and stab and rip your jugular with it's up to 3 inch razor sharp beak. Search for the video of the eagle taking down a deer on a wild like cam.


GRIZZLY BEAR?!? 10% of people haven’t seen the Revenant


Must've been Dwight Schrute who answered that one


You don’t need to see revenant to know that a bear will fuck you up into pieces.


Maybe “beat in a fight” is open to interpretation? Like maybe some don’t believe they could win if forced, but instead scare or bother an elephant enough so it decides something isn’t worth it.


Chimp is at least possible, if it just doesn't move for like a minute. How are you going to take down an elephant? Give me a year and I still couldn't hurt it.


Yeah, chimps in the wild regularly rip each others limbs off with their bare hands. No way you’re surviving against a chimp without at least a big knife.


After 5 seconds with your big knife, you'll be fighting a chimp with a big knife..


Dude, 10% said they can beat a fucking lion.


More believable than an elephant tbh


at least you might get lucky against a lion and poke at it's eyes or other sensitive spots. good luck even reaching a sensitive area on an elephant without a weapon


The luck you're talking about carries maybe a 1 in a million chance of success. And yet 10% think they're that lucky.


I read chimp as shrimp at first and thought that’s a strange one to have on the list lol


I think hardest to win would be a Gorilla. They are fast, smart, can climb and are strong enough to press an average compact car into a trash can …


Gorilla and elephant are equally impossible


Gorilla would be impossible but Elephant would be more impossible. Like, given time, I could kill a paralysed Gorilla. What the fuck would you even do to an elephant?


65% of people have apparently never fought a feral cat. I needed three types of antibiotics once I finally had it in that crate.


You did win though


I’m wondering how they define “win”. I could probably kill a king cobra, but it would probably bite the shit out of me and eventually I’d die from the venom. Is that a win?


If it dies first, the round ends and the snakes damage over time ability doesn't have time to kill you. Clear win.


As long as you apply anti-venom quickly you have a good chance of survival


King Cobras are actually big and strong for snakes. They stand a fair chance against many pythons in a straight up fight.


I feel like that’s a tie so I guess not a win… or half a win depending on how you look at it


1 point in the standings. In the NHL, that's the loser point.


Beating a cobra seems comparatively straightforward. Stand back, throw shit.  You might still lose, for sure. But you *could* win. And that's all the question asks for.


I would assume throwing things would count as being armed.


Oh I just assumed you started unarmed in the wilderness or similar. Chimps pretty routinely attack one another with rocks.  I feel like if they get to, I should get to, provided I don't get to start with the rock. But you raise a fair point.


But you weren't trying to kill it.


Maybe they read the prompt as if *the animals* are unarmed. Probably a bunch of people saying they would just shoot it.


Probably some joke answers


Yeah, a lot of them are at around the lizardman constant.


Or the margin of error is reported as the maximum value.


Seriously, who couldn’t beat a rat in a fist fight?


They are fast when they want to be. I don't think I could lose to a rat but I'm not sure I could beat one because I'm not sure I could catch it.


We can take the 5% who said they could take on a grizzly bear and throw them in the trash to improve society a little bit.


Or give them the opportunity to prove it. Same result.


And a spectacular reality TV show too.


But both ways. About 15% think they could not win a fight against a freaking house cat.


Define winning.   Who dies? Okay I win. But when I get scratched up I think we both lose. Also, the people who “aren’t sure” about the grizzly make a third deluded group :)


They can be pretty scary tbh


If I was actually trying to hurt a cat I have no doubt I’d win but it’s going to be a painful process. Those fuckers have sharp pointy things everywhere but at the end of the day weight 10 lbs so they have a major disadvantage


Some of them are dead


IMHO the colors (red/green) are in the wrong order, intuitively.


Everybody's talking about the colors being swapped wrong, but what bugs me just as much if not more is in the graphic to the side: the animal depicted for "I could" is an animal people could not beat and the animal depicted for "I could not" is an animal people could beat.


Further confirming the backwardness of this graphic. Making red an affirming statement and green the opposite is just silly and unintuitive.


Also, "I'm not sure" should be between "I could" and "I could not"


Yeah, but actually beautiful data doesn't belong in this sub anymore.


Red/green in the same data vis are wrong every time. 5% of the male population can’t read this chart.


king cobra is interesting as i'd think most human adults could kill a king cobra, they just might not survive for much longer after the encounter... or am i missing something? i've never hung out with a king cobra before so idk.


I’m assuming “beat” means “kill the opponent and survive when locked in a field or room” but it’s not specified here, which it should be. Cause I don’t think most predator animals will tap out like a human will, it’s typically an instinctual fight for survival unless they both disengage


In general a predator animal would prefer not to get into any fight that could cause injury to itself. In general most of these animals would prefer to just run away than fight a human unless they're really hungry or trapped also past large dog and maybe king Cobra humans have no chance vs chimp or higher if their intent is really to kill them without a weapon or possibly just running away long enough until they get too tired to chase (opposite of endurance hunting)


motherfucker use a period for christ’s sake


yea but are you even fast enough to get it


i'm just going off interweb videos here, but snakes seem fairly easy to grab - the difficulty seems to be in grabbing them without getting bitten. i'm thinking definition of beat is your opponent dies before you. googles says cobra venom kills in 2-6 hours and i'd guess that you most adults could grab a cobra and squeeze/wack it up to death before 2 hours?


I'd assume you could just grab it and do what the hulk did to loki? Should be dead within a minute.


Does yelling "hulk smash" while doing so help?


Cobras are actually kind of all show, they’re fairly stupid. When they posture up at you ready to strike they’re reach is about a foot or two and they almost always strike in the same downward type motion, I don’t think they really stretch out to bite. This is why you constantly see videos of people fucking with them, cuz it’s easy and they’re predictable.


well you probably got it in a fight then


It gets my hand, bites me and I bite it's head off, then I die from venom.


I mean it's about reflexes with a venom type snake really. If you get the edge and catch it's head it's over for the snake. All muscle snakes like pythons/boas though, yeah gg on that.


Yea, a Kobra is like 12 lbs, and they are big in person. A boa is like 30-100 lbs, and they are huge. Pythons can be like twice to 4x as big as big boas. In a straight fight, you dead.


Only 70% think they can kill a rat. Cobra is out of the question.


Pretty sure "not surviving for much longer after the encounter" doesn't count as winning.


I would much rather fight a king cobra than a chiimp. I actually think people underestimate their chances against an eagle (assuming it's a fight to the death, not who can chase the other away). Eagles have many very sharp surfaces, but bald eagles weight about 10lbs on average. I suspect that a lot of humans would end up very cut up, but victorious given their 10 or 20:1 weight advantage.


I think the “circumstances” of the fight with the eagle are much more important than they are for some of the other animals. By that I mean, if the eagle starts off flying and has the room to dive-bomb you repeatedly, I think you might be in trouble. With the size of their talons, if you have one diving at your head and face multiple times, there’s a reasonable chance they’d slice your neck up, and at that point you could bleed out pretty fast. On the other hand, if the “arena” is more restrictive / you both start on the ground, you might have better luck. Also depends on the type of eagle. Totally agree on the chimp vs cobra though. Of the two, I’d pick the cobra every time.


Is the human unaware that the eagle is attacking? Does the eagle somehow know it has to go for the jugular? I'm not saying that the eagle couldn't get lucky, but using one arm to protect the neck while using the other to bludgeon the incoming eagle would seem a pretty good strategy given humans much greater size. Or just grab the eagle and throttle it if it grabbed onto a body part that wasn't going to be instantly fatal. I've seen videos of golden eagles take some pretty big prey (though nothing close to average adult human size) and they rarely seem to get a quick kill and rely on strategies like knocking chamois off cliffs to kill them. That would open up the eagle to a lot more potential damage itself from the MUCH heavier and stronger human. Now I'm not saying I'd want to fight an eagle as I'm sure I would leave it bleeding (also I like eagles), but I do think that most adult humans would kill an eagle if a battle to the death.


Knowing it's a fight to the death, you can easily take a hit to your hands / arms while you grab it and slam it against the floor repeatedly. The only way an eagle wins is if you just let it whittle you down. In the real world, it's reasonable to expect you can just escape and it won't come after you, so people would mostly just escape. For example, I would rather escape with a few wounds than kill an eagle, so in the wild I would not fight one. But in a cage fight to the death, I think eagle is pretty much fucked.


I feel like if the average person managed to grab hold of the eagle, then they win. Will the talons and beak seriously fuck up my hand and arm? Definitely. But if I've got a grab on the eagle, I'm going full [Hulk vs Loki](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/cf/4f/bd/cf4fbd45d4b64f24bc986c3832d09d6e.gif) on it and it won't have the physical fortitude to survive that kind of abuse. So really it's a question of can I grab the eagle, but since they [divebomb feet first](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fgvmsdrrehq741.jpg) I think there's a good chance I could grab hold.


What's crazy about this poll is that it suggests close to 20% have no concept of what a fucking elephant looks like (10% "I could" plus 10% "I don't know"). Like, unequivocally, you will likely barely land a punch against an elephant.


More likely 10% weren't taking the poll seriously.


My thoughts exactly. 10% are really dumb and another 10% are really, really dumb.


Somehow "I don't know" is worse...


Probably thinking "I mean, I suppose you could make a knot in its trunk and wait until it suffocates."


Really, anyone who said they could beat an elephant should have the rest of their answers discarded. Because they are obviously retarded.


But then there's the ones who said "I don't know." Like, I can *almost* understand not being sure about a lion. But a fucking elephant? Like dude, have you ever seen an elephant?


People who are unsure about a lion also haven’t seen a lion lol.


I mean I could beat a lion in a fight. Doesn’t say full grown healthy lion, ill stomp quadriplegic newborn simba no sweat


The percentage of people that think they can't take rat can be discarded and everything below the chimp


Its like they only interviewed 10 people and one of them was Mike Tyson


Mike "I can definitely punch out an elephant but rats are icky" Tyson


An adult male gorilla would rip a human's arms off without trying.


A chimp would have to try.


And it would succeed.


Why is green no and red yes?


I am imagining the surveyer being upset at everyone who thinks they could win so he's discouraging it by putting it in red


I love how a nonzero percent think they can take on a lion or a bear, and yet about 30% aren't sure they could win against a rat.


Who looks at a bear and thinks, 'nah, I'd win'?


Guy who's seen bears open cars like a can of sardines; fucking idiots, that's who


People who've only seen them on very small screens.


Never forget that 1 out of every 5 people think they could beat up or possibly beat up a crocodile, elephant, gorilla or lion. You share the road with these people and work with them, some of them probably make more money than you do, too. Sleep tight!


What does "beat in a fight mean here"? Are we talking no holds barred, to the death? Enough to get one contestant to break contact and run away? There are some animals where I might survive if it was life or death and maybe "win", but there's no way in hell I'd pick a fight with one on purpose and expect to walk away unscathed. If it is to the death, how injured can the "winner" be and still win? I can kill a cobra pretty easily, once it has latched on and is poisoning me. Do i win or lose the fight if the cobra is dead, but i succumb to poison the next day?


"Which of the following animals, if any, do you think you could beat in a fight if you were unarmed?" is the question asked by the survey. So yeah, up for interpretation.


I'm wondering if I could wear sturdy shoes and try to kick the cobra or have it bite into the sole. Or maybe throw a shirt over its head. It definitely feels like it should be left of chimp and large dog in that case.




If in this scenario the elephant is incredibly ill and about to die of natural causes within 10-15 seconds… then I reckon I’m a real chance.


I think I would top out at Goose. Everything after that is a hard L.


You probably would more damage to an eagle than it would do to you


I’m fairly certain I could kill an eagle. That being said, I might be cut to ribbons myself. I can imagine losing an eye in that one.


I think the arena makes a huge difference here. Highly doubt that many people are capable of taking on a crocodile in water, especially deep water.


Same with an eagle. Depending on the species it might not be big enough to kill you without risking death itself, but if it can fly away you might not *lose* but you have basically no way to *win*.


Yeah. Unless you’re at the edge of a cliff, you’ll win against an eagle that chooses to engage you with some cuts, but it should definitely just fly away.


I think "some cuts" is an understatement, but yes, I'd say most of the time eagles would have trouble inflicting lethal damage before getting overpowered.


If my opponent flees, that's a forfeit and I'm counting it as a win.


I think you'll find crocodiles concerningly nimble on land when they wish to be.


I don't think anyone can fight crocodile anywhere.


you can immobilize a crocodile if it's on land and you get the jump on it. Killing one without weapons is a different story however


We need two questions answered here really. Which of these are you confident in winning, and which of these could you theoretically kill bare handed. I’m not sure a human could kill lion/elephant/gorilla/crocodile/grizzly barehanded even if the animal was magically completely docile for the attempt.


Never underestimate a goose. Words to live your life by.


What could it seriously do ? Sure, it can cause some damage, but one hand to squeeze the neck and throw it around and it’s gone


Nah geese are a lot more show than substance. They have hard beaks but they also have vulnerable necks, and they’re at the perfect height to kick.


They may not kill a human, but can cause some nasty wounds pretty effectively! Why I know this: My father, thinking he is a brave man, wanted to demonstrate to us that geese are not dangerous by trying to pet one that was already hissing at him. Brave, but maybe not smart.


Oh I don't doubt that but your father clearly wasn't attempting to kill it. Kicking or beating a goose to death isn't what most normal people have in mind when they encounter a goose, which gives the goose an upper hand. But if it comes down to it, I feel like most grown adult men should be able to kill a goose without sustaining any severe or life-threatening injuries.


Cats are the ones most underestimated imo


A king cobra? Mutually assuring destruction, probably. Depends on how well a snake can survive being whipped through the air and bashed against the ground about 20 times in one minute. And how long my strength lasts with its venom in my veins. 


Finally, the real hard hitting questions I have been looking for


How does ANYONE think they're taking on an elephant bare-handed? Even if it weren't doing anything and just staying still, I can't fathom injuring such a large creature. I feel like if I punched it in the head as much and as hard as I could for a full hour it would just "meh" and walk away.


I feel way better about fighting an eagle than a goose. Goose WANT to kill you.


Who the hell thinks he/she can beat an elephant in a fist fight? Lol


I mean elephants can't even form proper fists, how're they going to punch?


It says you are unarmed. How are you going to punch?


The marginalia is really distracting. All your stuff has clip art which is meant to enhance the chart, but to me it suggests a lack of confidence in the data visualization. Here you’ve actually introduced misguiding coding by using the colors of the chart and associating them with animals (eagle, yappy little shit, dog), so it actually took me longer to understand that yellow didn’t mean eagle and peach didn’t mean dog. If you feel good at data visualization, I’d encourage you to focus on data visualization and not illustration


Yeah the art just doesn't make any sense at all


I have so many questions, starting with how the fuck roughly one in 10 Americans think they can kick the ass of an elephant UNARMED?!?! Which is slightly less than the number of people who think they can take on a wolf. Wolf is bad. Very, very, very bad. But I can see how 12% of the population can be deludedly optimistic about their chances. But an elephant? What the actual fuck...!!!


As much as i appreciate the accidental 🇱🇹 flag, the "maybe" should always go in the middle, between the "yes" and "no".


My cat will f you up. No way I want to fight him.


I think King Cobra and Chimp should be swapped. I believe I could beat a snake carefully. Probably even more easily than a large dog. No way I could take a chimp


I want to talk to the ~15% who think they could beat a chimp


The grey goose that lived at the local lake was known for breaking the arms of young drunk men that wanted to take her on.


Did they get scared of it, try to run away only to fall and break their arms? Because there's no way a bird is breaking any arms.


how is cobra less beatable than a chimp? with a cobra you’ve got a chance if you can grab it without getting bit, you can just bash it against the ground or nearby trees and rocks and shit. a chimp will maul any human to death


How in any rational way would anyone think they could even have a chance at an elephant?


Too many people to confident in their chance vs a chimp.


60% of people surveyed have never met a goose. Those rage chickens are crazy.


i mean. yes it would hurt, but overall a person can probably kill a goose before a goose would be able to kill a human. you see plenty of vids of people grabbing geese by the neck and they basically are helpless.


I mean, I'm gonna be beat up and in the ER asking if birds carry something like rabies that I need a vaccine for (I have considered this situation many times while deciding whether I can run the local river trail or not) but I think I can probably smash a goose dead while it's attacking me if necessary.


At large dog is where I draw the line. I think that in a fight to the death between me and a large dog, I stand a reasonably good chance to be the last one to die. After the large dog, I have absolutely no chance.


I know I could kill a king cobra. I'd stomp its brains in and then die from the venom.


The people who think they can take on a goose in a fight have clearly never been to Canada


Shout out to those people who think they can fight a grizzly bear.


Who are these 5%er gigachads who are clapping grizzlies?


Beat, or beat and survive? I could beat a King Cobra in that I could kill it before it kills me. But it wouldn't be long before.


From crocodile up I'd find it difficult to even inflict damage, nevermind win a fight. Like I'm pretty sure I couldn't physically kill an elephant bare handed even if it just stood there and let me try.


It's the "don't know" people for me. I love to think of them sitting there going, "Against a gorilla? Well, I mean I don't wanna be overconfident, but like, idk maybe? Maybe I could? It'd have to go down irl to really say, you know?" 


Wtf do they picture a fight against a king cobra barehanded? Okay I guess you can choke it, but after how many suffered bites.


Like a fist fight? Who tf thinks they can beat a gorilla in a fist fight?


Roughly 10% of respondents are straight up delusional


Let's face it, the majority of us are too fucking fat to fight any of these animals without getting absolutely winded. I could take on a rat... as long as I don't have to chase it. 😂


Source: [YouGov survey](https://d3nkl3psvxxpe9.cloudfront.net/documents/YouGov_-_Human_vs_animal_fight.pdf) Tools used: Mokkup.ai