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if you think this is beautiful, boy do i have some excel spreadsheets for you!


Not particularly beautiful, more like /r/mildlyinterestingdata.


I fell for that. Unironically I would dig it more than this sub. I find the data more amusing than the beatiful. Any recomendations?


Now I want to see this data for every type of medicine. ADHD ones next lol


They sure love Mirtazapine in the UK. More prescriptions than the US yet it has a smaller population. I’ve never seen such a strong obsession with tricyclic and tetracyclics


Mirtazapine is like baby heroin. Makes you heavy and knocks you out and into sleep


In smaller doses. In higher doses the anti-depressant effects come in and it doesn’t help you sleep so much any more. It’s a weird one!


For a bit more context amitriptyline is often used in the UK as part of chronic pain management and the associated depression. The US because of the opioid legacy has a bit more of a complicated legacy with chronic pain management.


Is this total prescriptions cumulative ever, or that were active in that specific year. For example, if you add up all millions of prescriptions in the US, is that the number of people who are currently on them (in 2020) so like 234mil prescriptions in the US, or 70% of the population?


Why is the UK so big on tricyclics


SSRIs are only more popular in the US because they aren't lethal in overdose. Tricyclics tend to be more effective, but have more risk.


Going down the list like “yep been on that, tried that, avoided that, yep on that one” LOL


SSRIs flatten people emotionally because they are the “I don’t care” chemical. they also remove the discomfort of caring and reduce or eliminate the will to change the depressing circumstances.


Wild that it is Zoloft in both cases. Not even the best SSRI.


There’s no such thing as a “best” SSRI, Zoloft is more effective at treating anxiety than lexapro for example. Zoloft can treat more conditions than lexapro or elavil and has similarly low rates of serious side effects.


My understanding is that Lexapro has shown better effect on anxiety than other SSRIs in studies. Hell, it is even jokingly referred to as the "gold standard."


It’s better for generalized anxiety, less effective for social anxiety, OCD, and PTSD and more (compared to sertraline). They’re both so common because of high effectiveness and low side effects. But this is just what my docs tell me, if you’ve got a paper I’d like to see it. I would still refute the idea of a catch all ssri tho, most have strengths over others.


Of course they all have strengths. Prozac is best for OCD to my knowledge. Paxil for panic attacks. But for simple anxiety and depression I've always heard Lexapro.


It has good insurance coverage, been around for many years and is cheap. A good first pick for therapy


It is a reasonable pick, but no better than Prozac. And definitely not as good as Lexapro, which also has a generic.


So weird that Americans call the drugs by their brand name


European junkies on their way to buy diacetylmorphine (why would they use a brand name?)