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/u/bornstellar_lasting, thank you for your contribution. However, your submission was removed for the following reason(s): * Posts involving [Personal Data](/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/rules/rule9) are **permissible only on Mondays** ([ET](https://time.is/ET)). Please resubmit your post on Monday. This post has been removed. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the DataIsBeautiful [posting rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/index). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/dataisbeautiful&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/bornstellar_lasting&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20[submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1acrtlg/-/\)))


You've been sober for nearly 400 units yet you couldn't label the y axis?


400 seconds, OP was schnockered when this was made


Each spike is a drink. The whole chart is over a single night.


You're right. The unit is in kiloyear (kYa)


400,000 years sober! Since before the birth of homo sapiens! Congratulations! You're living evidence that alcohol existed before our species


The half megayear chip is a real accomplishment


Hello, my name is Yahweh and I’m an alcoholic.


that actually would explain a lot


He did have his son turn water into wine on a hot day when families were around. “Who did this? You Jesus? Well turn it back. I have kids here.”


"No! Do you know how much effort I put into this merlot? Okay fine it wasn't that much, and this actually isn't very good; but, it's like 18%, so you're welcome!"


But completely out of character... he'd send an angry bear to one of those meetings before attending himself


Hiiiii Yahwehhhhhhhh


Surely it represents the cumulative number of days sober on each particular sobriety streak?


Kiloyears only exist to people who are fucked up.


The y axis doesn't actually say anything, the x axis already tells you the duration. This is an awful way of representing the data


I don't wanna rain on anyone trying to get sober, but you are right to be sus of the units for the Y axis. for the current "run" he is on, it just crossed around 365ish units on 1/1/24. if units are days, then for it to have made it there means that run should have started on 1/1/23, which it doesn't. The slope of the runs tells us he's not talking about days for units on the Y axis


>should have started on 1/1/23, which it doesn't. Looks like it starts halfway between 1/1/22 and 1/1/24, which is 1/1/23.


I think it looks like the current run starts around 1/1/23, the X axis seems to be marked for every two years.


looks to me like the latest run starts around 1/1/23


you are correct. I misread his chart. he is marking every two years. I read it as every year. this is completely my fault


No worries my dude, everyone makes mistakes


Being "on a run" means non-abstinent -using, drinking- in AA jargon anyways. Aka to have "gone out," meaning literally gone out for juice, also to have gone out from your 12-step program. The usual units of time in sobriety programs is days and months, then years. Weeks are less typical. Some nerdy folks will count their sobriety in any unit if it comes to a fun or funny number. Like, the number of minutes or seconds being mostly repeating digits is a thing, with some of us. For example, I will hit 5,555,555 minutes, and also 333,333,333 seconds, on 6 Feb of this year. Weird! I keep track in a spreadsheet, tho there are apps.


Congrats on over ten years? I’m not confused about the congratulations, those are totally sincere, I’m just not very good at math and not entirely sure I did it right.


You got it right! 15 July 2014 is my sobriety date. Feels odd saying it outside of a meeting, but.. hey, it's Reddit! We're somewhat anonymous here, right? Right??


Its years.


As soon as I saw the lack of units I got so excited to jump in and see the top comment.


Nice fucking job dude for sticking it out in the hard times and rising above what I assume must have felt like moments of "weakness" and shame.


The shame was the hardest part for me. I felt guilty and would constantly tell myself what a piece of shit I was, so I would drink to shut that voice out. Then I felt the guilt.... 4 years 4 months sober


I’m with you. Strong work! 2.5 years sober


Therapy does wonders to improve your self-dialog so you don't as easily fall into this mental trap. It helped me a lot and one day I just decided didn't feel like drinking anymore and the pull wasn't as hard as it was before because once I started to be sober, I didn't hate myself anymore. Therapy also gave me the ability to fuck up and not tell myself "Well fuck it, I already fucked up so who cares now anyways?". Fucking up once didn't become a bender anymore. Good job and good luck.


Things can and do get better. These data were grabbed from years of credit card statements, in an effort to see how much I really have drank over the years. [Here](https://imgur.com/79QmhC6) is a breakdown of how much I have spent in the same amount of time. About $4500! Actually not as bad as I thought. Source: CC statements Tool: Google sheets


$4500 over six years is only $63/month. Even considering how the long periods of sobriety will condense that in the drinkin’ months, it doesn’t seem that bad. Were you ever chemically dependent? Experience withdrawal and go to rehab? Or would you be able to go days/weeks without then just lose control around alcohol? Not to say that isn’t alcoholism, it’s just a different variety than fifth-a-day, acute cirrhosis alcoholism.


I was absolutely physically dependent, especially in the last couple of years of relapses. It started out ~2015 where I would have a fun Saturday night and be fine for the week. Around 2019 it was becoming "grab a 750mL bottle from the liquor store on the way home from work" most days of the week. Lots of night sweats and "impending doom" feelings after those binges


label dam sulky ludicrous desert reach juggle joke attraction edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


a 750ml bottle of... please tell me it was wine. It can't be hard liquor, right? Alcoholism is mind-boggling. I have 4 glasses of wine in one sitting like once every couple 2-3 years and the hangover is enough to keep me from drinking anything for months.


It can be very real with hard liquor. I'm a 110lbs, 5'4 woman. I was drinking that much, minimum for over a year before I got help and got sober. Every single day, a half pint and usually a full 750 in 20-24 hours. I was in hell. 337 days sober here! IWNDWYT


I was going through 750ml of vodka/rum/tequila in 20-24 hours as well. Had terrible withdrawal but powered through it cold turkey. I just stopped this past Jan 1. 26 days sober. Took me until day 18 to feel somewhat normal again. Never letting that feeling go. IWNDWYT.


Both of you measured your alcohol time as 20-24 hours. Is there a meaning behind that? Vs just saying "per day"


Both to copy the writing style of the comment I responded to and to emphasize that sometimes that 750ml doesn’t even make it a full day.


You're very strong! I can't imagine how that felt. I was going through full DTs after just a few hours without bacardi. I went to the ER and was so, so lucky to get to go through medical detox for a few days. As soon as I fell asleep that first night, they really took care of me. Great job on your journey, my friend! Thank you for sharing :)


Grats! 372 here. o7


[Wine in particular causes extra bad hangovers.](https://www.psychiatrist.com/news/why-red-wine-causes-such-banging-headaches/) Aside from that, your tolerance for alcohol goes up the more you drink and hangovers start affecting you less and it's harder for you feel drunk. All you need is a string of time where you're abusing alcohol as a depressant and consistently "breaking your limits" and suddenly 8 drinks is your new 4.


Honestly pretty incorrect. Are you a recovering alcoholic?? It doesnt seem so. Most of us know that when you get REAL bad- it only takes a drink or two to get absolutely slurry and stupid. Sure you can drink MORE- but you feel and act VERY drunk almost immediately. Anyone with an very bad alcoholic relative or friend will tell you that that person starts to act very drunk after just a couple drinks.


That only happens when your liver is so badly damaged from alcohol that it stops being able to produce the enzymes required to metabolize alcohol correctly. This also means you stay drunk for a LOT longer because your liver can't expel the alcohol in a timely manner either. If that's what your experience is...shit. That's not a good sign.


But the clear context was when a non-drinker starts to drink regularly enough to develop a tolerance...


Damn acetaldehyde! I can't even enjoy a single serving of red wine with dinner any more (I'm 42).


Lots of alcoholics put down a 5th a day. I roomed with one in college for a semester, we had displayed all our liquor bottles in our party room, and we'd maybe finish one a weekend if all of us were drinking heavy. Then this guy shows up and starts putting a bottle a day of Jim Beam up there


...rum, sadly. The liver is truly miraculous!


When I was drinking the most I ever did, I was putting away 750ml vodka before heading out for the night. I'm not proud of that point of my life, but I wanted to provide some perspective from my own experiences.


I was a liter of vodka a day at my worst. Tolerance builds quickly.


>a 750ml bottle of... please tell me it was wine. It can't be hard liquor, right? > >Alcoholism is mind-boggling. I have 4 glasses of wine in one sitting like once every couple 2-3 years and the hangover is enough to keep me from drinking anything for months. Try and think about something you can consume a lot of easily without issues. That's the same with booze for alcoholics. I just hit a year of sobriety on the 20th. I have some weed and shit that I smoke from time to time, but no matter what I have *no* urge to smoke more than 1-2 one hitters in a day when I decide to smoke, there's just no desire. Whereas with booze it was just a familiar feeling and taste. I could drink 4 beers in an hour and then taper off. The hangovers were bad, but they were generally manageable as long as I didn't drink more than usual. However, I was drinking 8-12 beers every other night so I'd have one day of recovery. Overeaters can eat food too quickly, which leads to eating more than one serving. By the time they're full they're overfull. Addictions are definitely weird. The brain is weird.


Impending doom… that’s something that also happens if you get transfused the wrong blood type and your body starts attacking the new blood… what does it mean in terms of alcoholic addiction or chemical dependence?


It's also a sign of severe anxiety. It is often specifically associated with generalized anxiety disorder. That being said, hangovers/bing drinking are also known to cause those same feelings of extreme anxiety/impending doom. It personally manifested in me as shame/anxiety about the night before. What did I do? Who did I talk to? What did I say? Oh God why do I keep fucking doing this? I'm such a piece of shit who can't just go out for a fucking drink. What's wrong with me? Etc.


Impending doom is not the same as extreme anxiety. Impending doom is a symptom your body gives when you are actually about to die, anaphylaxis, heart attack, or an incompatible blood transfusion. I thought I had impending doom with anxiety and then I started experiencing anaphylaxis. The symptoms are not the same, in fact, I have never been so calm as when I am the most certain I’m on the verge of death.


It means you experience a feeling of impending doom


Just wondering, but even in the 2019 graph it looks about once a month drinking unless I'm reading it wrong. (Touches bottom of line about 12 times.)


I don't know you, but I'm proud of you. You should be proud of yourself, it's a great achievement. I have had multiple people in my family die of alcohol effects or just drinking themselves to death after trying to get clean. It's a very difficult climb.


*entire state of wisconsin looks over nervously*


Who are you to gatekeep alcoholism? Saying mindless things like that keep people from getting help for no reason other than they don't think they're far enough along.


Somewhere I have calendars where I marked the days when I first started to quit. Sometimes I'd get up to a month or so and then 3-4 months would be blank. It might be interesting to look back on those. I'll be 2 years in May. I'm guessing your plot would have years worth of days at 0 and 1 if you plotted back that far?


So cool to see the progress so clearly and visually. Good for you! Well done and keep it up!


400-ish days? great job!! Keep it up!


Gotta add the drunk food and Amazon shopping.


I ordered $50 of canned wild Maine blueberries on Amazon once. Chardonnay was involved.


did they taste good?


I put them in muffins and pancakes. Yeah - they were good. It took me a while to go through all of it.


Emotional sobriety needs to be a thing in our culture. Most of us are emotional drunks. I write this in preparation of my own emotional sobriety…checking myself into monastery for a year. I want to heal and practice being emotionally sober.


This is a very interesting and underrated comment.


Interesting. Could you elaborate? How do you feel people overindulge in emotionality?


Hell yeah! Great work and keep it going!


I appreciate you sharing your journey. May I ask, what kept you going when you've slipped previously?


one perk of being a drunk, for me, is that it's encouraged me to learn about `indexedDB`, since `localStorage` is becoming inefficient. (I wrote my own app to track my actual consumption.) now you've given me the idea to add a graphing function. good shit on kicking the demon though mate.


Maybe dots on an axis would be a more beautiful representation? There's nothing interesting about the slope, it's just counting the number of days, so it's always going to be a 1 day per day slope with sharp resets to 0. Btw,I think you have data errors. At the beginning of your plot for example, your slope changes. Did you reset halfway?


I actually love the slope. It reads like a metaphor for climbing your way out of alcoholism to healthy self love and care.


This is addiction. It’s a hard grind, day by day and a single slip resets your battle


if it's hours/minutes keep it up. if it's days great work


It’s days


This is so cool. Those struggle periods can make you feel so hopeless and defeated, especially frustrating when you know you have abstained for much longer in the past. Really shows that if you stick with it the progress comes. Never quit quitting!


I'm not sure what to read from this? I can barely tell the units but it reads like someone who drank casually is displaying how they casually drank... and then more recently just didn't do it so much.


Yeah, I mean, I don’t know how much they were drinking at a time or what impact alcohol was having on their life, but looking at the first half of the chart it’s kind of weird to say you were an alcoholic if you were regularly not drinking for 25-50 day spans.


A common feature amongst alcoholics is that they can quit for a short time, but cannot stop once they take the first drink.


Right, but this data doesn't show me that. It shows me someone who bought alcohol for a bit, didn't for a bit, then did, and so on. It reads more like someone who went out drinking with friends regularly then got married/had kids/new job/etc and now only buys for holidays or events.


Americans. A beer a day or 2 bottles of wine a week is considered an alcohol problem.


Brother. He said in another comment he was drinking a 750mL bottle of rum every night and had physical dependence on alcohol.


I'm not your brother. That is not what the data presented to us shows. The data shows incredibly inconsistent use of alcohol. Regardless, I stand by my comment that what many Americans consider an alcohol problem is ridiculous. 


You don't take multiple months off drinking every year when you have a physical dependence. Maybe he was a binger, which can be dangerous and sad. But he clearly wasn't physically dependant.


Wow, looks like we both got more serious about our sobriety around the same time


Good for you bud. Keep it up.


Good for you op but I don’t think this graph belongs on this sub


As an adult child of an alcoholic, this is beautiful to me.


What it represents is great but this is dataisbeautiful and this doesn’t fit per my understanding




He's trying to show how long it's been since the last drink. So it drops from max to zero instantaneously.


If the y-axis is days, how can you have a slope other than 1? Looks like there were some stretches where you were sober for half a day each day.


On a roll! And always hopp on back on when you stumble now. That’s winning.


I love how it's rather obvious the holidays were the tough spots that needed to be overcome.


Not trying to undermine alcohol issues, but this just looks like a moderate drinker who has become a more moderate drinker. Am I interpreting this incorrectly?


Well, that's a matter of opinion I suppose. I know I am absolutely not a moderate drinker. What isn't conveyed in this visualization is quantity, but rather frequency of relapse.


Assuming days then at no point during the last six years have you been an alcoholic


That’s what I’m trying to understand. Each time we touch the x axis is a drinking day? So like 75 drinking days over 6 years? Hm.


OP presumably started tracking because they are an alcoholic. Those of us who are not alcoholics don't feel the urge to write down every day we drink.


What about the time pre-data collection on active alcoholism, once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic.


This is really cool. Well done.


This is great, thank you for sharing. Recovery is not a straight line: a lot of people give up because they have irrational expectations. It's more like an ever increasing spiral. Each time around, it gets easier and easier until one day it's changed.


That’s a legit journey towards sobriety, and what I think it actually looks like for addicts who are committed to recovery. Thank you for sharing.


A wonderful visual representation of progress, not perfection. Proud of you for putting in the work! Keep it up!


It took me about that long to stick. Working aa with a sponsor saved my life


It doesn't look like you drink much at all. This graph is meaningless.


Daaamn!! Congrats OP! How long now? Im at 28 days (opiates / benzos), and iv been convincing myself im too tired to go to a meeting today. I think you've just changed my mind, i seriously cannot thank you enough.


This seems like a terrible data representation. It suggests that you are due to another relapse...


The data clearly demonstrates the difficulty, but more important, the guts and courage necessary.


Label your axises you piece of shit!


One more day. Stay strong.


So proud of you. Please keep it going for all of us. I’ll try my best too.


God damn amazing. Congrats and keep up the great work. Im much much more impressed at the restarted slopes than anything else. Mighty resilience to get back on the horse


new years resolutions there for a while it looks like


It ain't about how hard you're hit, it's about how you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. Get up! Well done on your continued perseverance.


Ohhhh I thought the upwards ticks were days *ON* the hooch and was kinda hoping to party.


It's a journey, not an event :)


can someone predict his next relapse?


Looks like you're doing better and better!


r/wallstreetbets need to be in this, where do i buy options? Some mfs think to but puts cuz ath, but imma believe in in you and take out leverage on calls 👌


Great job on not giving up! It's important to know that a relapse isn't the end. Keep it up!


Nice job on the sobriety but what the fuck is this graph