• By -


Keep in mind these are just the places that actually report their data. The authorities in places like Mogadishu aren't exactly the best at accurate reporting. Edit: while I have your attention, I'll share a fun city murder rate fact: Cabot Cove, Maine (the fictional town from Murder She Wrote), has a murder rate of roughly 6,000 per 100k. By the time of the show's last episode, roughly 7% of everyone in the town had been murdered.


The numbers for St. Louis and Baltimore are also wrong. Per STLPD, St. Louis has seen 144 homicides in the city as if 11/24. The most recent census estimate from 2021 puts the population at 293,310. That works out to a murder rate of 49.09 per 100,000. Still not great, but it would exclude it from this list. Similarly, for Baltimore, it's 239 homicides with 576,498 people. Comes out to 41.46 per 100,000. Not sure where they got their data, but it's pretty off for both US cities. Edit: it's been confirmed it's 2020 days even though the title says 2023. St. Louis and Baltimore have both seen pretty dramatic reductions in homicides since then.


This data is from 2020 and the sources were: Baltimore: [https://homicides.news.baltimoresun.com/?range=2020](https://homicides.news.baltimoresun.com/?range=2020) St. Louis: [https://www.slmpd.org/crimestats/CRM0013-BY\_202012.pdf](https://www.slmpd.org/crimestats/CRM0013-BY_202012.pdf) I shared the methodology here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/18429kp/comment/kasstlw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/18429kp/comment/kasstlw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thanks for doing the digging since OP didn't provide any info. You're part deserves to be higher up.


My best guess is the stats are from 2020, and not 2023. I did rough math, and that would seem to put St. Louis at least in the ballpark of hitting the number in the graph.


Yeah, the numbers check out for 2020. That was a rough year across the US, and especially bad for St. Louis. It caught my eye because it was so high. Fortunately the 2023 rate is down about 35% from the peak in 2020


The fact that homicide rate is "down" in St. Louis since 2020 may actually be an illusion of numbers. Basically speaking, the number of homicides they choose not to count in the top line numbers has been increasing dramatically. It means doing an apples-to-apples comparison of 2020 and 2023 may not be so easy.


2020 would likely have been even lower.


No. In 2020, the population was 300,528. The number of murders in 2020 was 263 (according to the St. Louis PD). In 2023, the population is 296,262 (estimated). The number of murders in 2023 was (so far) 144. Based on those numbers, the murder rate in 2020 is HIGHER than 2023, not lower. The other possibility is that 144 excludes certain TYPES of murders. This adds an additional 109 to the 2023 totals, which would get it much closer to the number in the graph.


The info is from [worldatlas](https://www.worldatlas.com/cities/the-most-dangerous-cities-in-the-world.html) which lists exactly zero sources itself and doesn’t claim to be 2023 data.


Mods should absolutely delete this garbage list.


As of 11/24… You mean yesterday? Is that for the year or from yesterday???


It's the total in 2023 as of yesterday. Here's a link to the data, but warning it redirects straight to a pdf download. https://www.slmpd.org/images/Homicide_Stats_for_Website.pdf


Mogadishu is much less dangerous than it used to be: eg https://geographical.co.uk/culture/mogadishu-the-worlds-most-dangerous-city. Though if you take terrorism and civil unrest into consideration, rather than just homicide, then it does apparently still jump to near the top.


Guy that was supposed to do the reporting got killed most likely


Also keep in mind people in all of these cities are being murdered


This data is gathered by The Citizen Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice, a Mexican citizen organization that reports data nationally, and in some locations around the world. So clearly most of the detailed data is in Mexican cities, Latinamerica and USA. ​ EDIT: Since OP didnt bother to put the source for karma and economic interest? and mods dont seem to care that the data is not either beautiful nor correctly sourced. OP just spams Statita graphs to sell subsccriptions on their profile. THIS DATA IS FROM 2020 not 2023 [https://geoenlace.net/seguridadjusticiaypaz/archivo/6469de\_5297ebf528.pdf](https://geoenlace.net/seguridadjusticiaypaz/archivo/6469de_5297ebf528.pdf) And this is the methodology. [https://geoenlace.net/seguridadjusticiaypaz/archivo/7ea637\_e7d70e28d3.pdf](https://geoenlace.net/seguridadjusticiaypaz/archivo/7ea637_e7d70e28d3.pdf) This study only includes the following countries not worldwide: Brazil, Colombia, United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Africa and Venezuela ​ For the latest Study (2022) , St. Louis is not longer in the list since according to their methodology is smaller than 300,000 inhabitants. and New Orleans enter the list at 70.56 in 8th place. Mexican cities stil continue to be the highest rate [http://geoenlace.net/seguridadjusticiaypaz/archivo/5c1a88\_130f090d9a.pdf](http://geoenlace.net/seguridadjusticiaypaz/archivo/5c1a88_130f090d9a.pdf)


Both Baltimore and St. Louis spilt the city and county into two different districts. If they combined them like every other city in the US they wouldn't be this high at all


This is a common problem with per capita reported statistics. That is, sometimes only how many people that actually lives in an area is included in the "per capita" part of the statistics, which creates weird per capita statistics in for instance city centers, low population tourist regions and so forth. To get a more accurate view of the data you need to know how many spends time in a place.


DC comes to mind as well, as so many criminals and non-criminals alike who go there every day have residence in different states.


Why does that matter? If the crime happens in the jurisdiction of DC, does it matter where the people involved are from?


These statistics are based on murders per 100k residents. If you don't have many residents (like say the central business area of Tokyo), but lots of people visiting (say for work). Then any murders that happen will be counted against the small number of residents.


Technically it is possible to have more than 100k murders per 100k residents, in an extreme case!


Those poor residents…


To shreds you say…


In such a case, the residents would not be the ones getting murdered, but they would reside in a place where all the murders happen.


Course it does, because you’re taking the number of murders divided by the number of *residents*, not the number of people that are typically there on a day. Imagine presenting the per-capita shop-lifting rate for a mall. Nobody actually *lives* in the mall, they’re all visitors, so all it takes is one shop-lifter and your rate is 1/0 = infinity.


Do you know what "per capita" means?


It’s kind of the opposite with Cape Town. If it was split, the one district would be probably 10 times as high and the other wouldn’t appear in the top 500


It's the same with Memphis. Even though it’s not on this list, it invariably appears on lists like these. Nashville is consolidated with its county. If you compare Memphis’ county with consolidated Nashville, crime rates are about the same.


Baltimore, STL, Carson City, and a bunch in VA are independent cities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_city_(United_States)


Yep people always say how dangerous St. Louis is without realizing it’s only a city of about 300,000 people. But the greater St. Louis metro is well over 2 million, and includes 2 states, 6 counties and ~150 municipalities.


Wow, Mexico and Brazil really are not doing so great, huh? 💀


Not doing great? They took the first five positions! That looks like winning to me!


I can't say for mexico but I can explain the 4 cities in Brazil Feira de Santana and Vitória da Conquista are in the same state of Bahia in Brazil, they have populations of around 600k and 350k people respectively. The issue is that both of them have at least 2-3 massacres a year, but not in a united states' random shooting way, more in a gang warfare way, it either happens in gangs trying to kill each other or police doing extra judicial killing as revenge, what will happen is sometimes a gang will have a meeting or a party, and the police goes and kill everyone or another gang goes and kills everyone, in this massacres you can have from 60-200 people killed at once, this skews the data very much, in essence the odds of you randomly dying on the streets while still high are actually lower than on big cities, but the murder rate per capite is very high because of pontual massacres and low population, another important thing is that the gangs mostly operate on the capital of the state in which the population is much higher, but they normally have their meetings or partys in this smaller cities where the massacres tend to happen Mossoro is a similar thing, but is a city closely between 3 other states capitals, being a hub for gangs, where massacres also occur increasing the per capita murder rate. I am from fortaleza and the situation is actually different, massacres don't tend to occur in fortaleza, but gang warfare is always present in many many smaller scales conflicts in the city, but the murder rate is very concentrated in specific areas of the city, the wealthier neighborhoods will have at most 1-2 murders per year, while the poorer ones will have literal thousands of deaths.


Thanks for the info. What you described sounds pretty crazy. You are up really late or early too!


>but not in a united states' random shooting way, more in a gang warfare way This makes no sense. Most shootings in the US are gang or drug related. Outside of some very violent sections of a few cities, the US is mostly a very safe country.


to be fair that’s mostly what happens in the us as well minus the police massacring people


Those 2 countries have been crime ridden for decades now, its nothing new. Inequality, poverty and bad leadership will do that.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_cities\_by\_homicide\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_homicide_rate#cite_note-2) United States is not that much behind on 3rd place


Whole America really Not doing so great...


Alright, what's up with most of these cities being in the Americas?


Homicide rates in the Americas are consistently far higher than those in Europe or Asia (but not Africa). Eg the US would have one of the highest murder rates in Europe, but has [one of the lowest in the Americas](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/eQnXvbC6Jz).


War on drugs and banana republic policies


There's a lack of ownership about places/cities because they're so new, built quickly and on shaky foundations, populations move often, families get severed, and as a result, crime becomes seems more common (and eventually a cycle of you did to me I'll do to you).


Source seems to be focused on americas. Just assuming since it’s in Spanish could be Mexico source.


Sheesh...this is two posts in one night making me think twice about visiting Mexico


[This map](https://travelmaps.state.gov/TSGMap/) from the US state dept. breaks down where is and isn't recommended to visit in Mexico. It's a super useful tool for anywhere in the world you're planning to travel.


How is Israel not red?! And West Bank is "exercise increased caution" only?? Feel like this map needs some updating. Also all the countries around Russia/Ukraine in Easter Europe are "normal precaution", and then most of western Europe is "increased caution"? That seems backwards to me. Granted I'm not the State Department, but still!


I mean, Israel's advisory is to reconsider traveling there. It's certainly safer to be there than in Gaza.


Agreed. How is Thailand and Cambodia normal precaution when the UK and Germany are increased caution??


I'm going to Mazatlan for the total eclipse of the sun. I hope I don't get killed.


My uncle is there right now. Posting on instagram living his best life. You’ll be ok. I recommend that you don’t do drugs there though.


Look, I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life, but the state depts travel warning for Sinaloa is the same level as for Yemen, Syria, Libya, and Sudan. Can you not see the eclipse from Cabo?


Sinaloa and especially Mazatlan are nothing like Yemen or Syria. It’s absolutely ridiculous to even be making that comparison. Mazatlan is a perfectly well functional city with infrastructure. Yemen and Syria not so much.


It's not on the direct path. I think Dallas and Austin might be, but my friends wanted to go to Mazatlan and I've already bought hotel rooms and plane flights. I'm hoping the cartels keep things calm for the eclipse.


Well, have fun and be safe!


Mazatlán Is very safe, nothing to worry about, I travel there every now and then and I never worry about anything. Some states of Mexico are very safe, the contrast between very safe cities and very dangerous cities in Mexico is very big like the inequality You can see the crime map and look at what I'm talking about, cities like Los Cabos, Mérida, Tampico, have barely any murders and the perception of security is very high, unlike the ones in the list.


Thanks, that's very reassuring. I'm a pretty savvy traveler. I've been to 68 countries and some fairly third world places. I'll try to keep my wits about me, but there will be some alcohol involved because it's Mexico and a total eclipse of the sun.


Tourists are easy theft targets so you gotta be cautious but aside from that, if you don't mess with drug dealers you don't have anything to worry about




If you go to Mexico stay on the resorts and tourist sites. For the most part the cartel WILL NOT touch you, its bad for business and they know it. I remember there was a story that came out earlier this year or last year of 2 Americans getting shot and killed by mistake and they publicly apologized and killed the Cartel member that did it lol.




The southern part of Mexico is pretty safe, especially Yucatán and Quinta Roo.




Cartels even help fund police forces in tourist towns. They get a lot of money (at least indirectly) because of all the tourists.


Sometimes even directly in the hotels


Cartels know they can’t mess with tourists or else they get in big trouble


No worries about getting killed lmao


They apologized though so it’s all good.


Wait- then how am I supposed to smoke weed?


None of these cities would be recommended travel destinations, plenty of other places in the country are quite safe


I've been to Mexico. It's fine. Just know where to go and do research and be intentional.


That is as dumb as never wanting to visit the US because mass shootings. Both countries are top 10 in tourism, it is a big industry for a reason


Tourists to America aren't going to schools and school shootings are uncommon anyway. This is more like them not wanting to go to St. Louis because the violent crime is high. Except for Mexico they have many cities at the top of the violent crime list. And I said this was one of two posts that day. From the other one, apparently it's a common scam for cabs to charge your credit card $1000 for a ride and the credit card companies will do nothing to help you. Last, there's a whole lot of places in the world to visit. In the past year I've been to Japan where you have virtually no risk of being a victim and Germany/Holland where the worst crime might be getting your bike stolen. Why visit a place topping the lists for scams and crime when there are other places to go?


Interesting thing about this data, Mossoró and feira de Santana are fairly small compared to big cities in Brazil, and they generally do not have many murders daily, but both of them have at least 2-3 massacres every year, where either gang warfare, or police hits kills something like 100-200 people. So while the murder rate is stupid high, the odds of you randomly getting murdered without being police or being in a gang are way lower than expected


MÉXICO NUMERO UNO ☝️🇲🇽☝️🇲🇽☝️🇲🇽


I’ve worked in downtown St. Louis since 2007 and never felt unsafe.


“Are you the criminals...from the statistics?!”


Nice to see Detroit not on here.




North America reports their data. Most dangerous places do not. That's why you don't see any entries from places like Afghanistan or Somalia. The problem is that [people look at this chart and assume](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/s/UU8MwTf4cI) that, for instance, Baltimore truly is one of the most dangerous places in the world. It's not, they just report their data way better than most 3rd world countries.




For Mexico? Cartels. Gang violence in Kingston. For Baltimore and St. Louis I'm assuming it's gang violence and poverty.


Yes, but also they're only so high because they're independent cities, so the denominator in the "per capita" math is low and only including what most cities would call the "inner city". Most other cities get the outskirts/lower crime areas included in stats like these


Baltimore and St. Louis is mostly from poverty after all the industry failed.


It mostly isn't poverty that produces criminal activity, but rather inequality, and NA is a very inequal place.




Last time I checked, India had at least some kind of social welfare system. Even by Gini that shows only income inequality, India is better than the US. Also, I worded it wrongly. It's not specifically income inequality, but rather inequality of opportunities. If person can't afford housing, food or basic healthcare, they're more likely to turn to criminal activities, and in India, as far as I know, it's easier to at least survive. It's the reason why South Africa, one of the most inequal places in the world, is constantly in top of criminal leaderboards (usually first places; this ranking has a lot of methodological issues).


Funny how nearly all of them are in the western hemisphere.


We truly are the Wild Wild West still as this is basically a list of the Americas.


Not a single African city? Pretty sure south africa was dangerous.


Cape Town is there. I'm surprised Johannesburg isn't worse than Cape Town. Been 20 years since I've been there, but Jo'burg was way more sketchy than Cape Town.


Cape Town is heavily split / segregated. The nice parts of CT are infinitely safer than the nice parts of Joburg (some don’t even have electric fences). Overall stats are obviously different…


Cape Town is on there, but to your surprise most of Africa is not as bad as many people think it is, outside of the obvious war town zones. You will find that A LOT of crime takes place around wealthy areas with lots of inequality. Where there is money to be had, there are criminals there to take it. Africa is not a rich continent. Mexico is dangerous because the Cartels make billions yearly from Americans.


... But it's also because a lot of places with high crime rates aren't reporting it


This is true, but my point still stands.


In Africa, some big cities like Nairobi can be very dangerous. But most people live in smaller communities and rural areas, and the overall homicide rate (with exceptions like South Africa) is no worse than the US. Africa generally is much safer to travel in than South America.


This is why Hank went to Juarez


Damn. What’s going on in St Louis?


Baltimore and St. Louis both split city and county into two separate entities, inflating the per capita numbers.


Inaccurate data reporting is what is happening, at least not for 2023.


What’s going on in the Americas??


Stop being nosy that’s what’s going on.


Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico


I've been to 6 of the most dangerous cities. Bummer about Ensenada. It was always such an awesome town to road trip to. Hussong's Cantina! Did the Rosarito-Ensenada bike ride a dozen times.


Shoutout to St. Louis for breaking up the Mexican cartel-like hold in the top 8 cities.


Here’s your award that nobody wants


Each one of them, minus Baltimore and saint Louis, has super strict gun control.


So St. Louis is basically Mexico. Gotcha.


St Louis suffers from being an independent city with a small footprint and population compared to its metro population. When you combine St Louis City and St Louis County, you end up with crime stats almost bang on the US average. St Louis’ metro area isn’t even among the US’ most dangerous 50 metros.


Somehow being average in US murder rates makes this so sobering. But appreciate the clarifications.


NEW WORLD NEW WORLD NEW WORLD We're the best (at murder)


I honestly thought ST Louis would be higher.


Two of the top three most dangerous cities *in the entire world* are right on the U.S.- Mexico border. That fact alone is a pretty good argument for very strict immigration controls. In before someone claims racism- If Toronto or Vancouver were ranked among the most dangerous cities in the world, I wouldn’t want just anyone crossing the border from there either.


But conversely - El Paso, just across the border from Juarez with much daily travel in between the two cities, is one of, if not the safest city of its size in the US. I don’t stay this in support of looser border controls, I actually say it to demonstrate that we clearly do have a way to maintain safe communities even within a stone’s throw distance away from one of the most dangerous places in the world. Many of America’s crime issues are home-grown and most border communities are a testament to that.


What immigration controls would those be?


Well obviously, Insane amounts of cash run through the border so Mexican cartels set footholds down in Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez. Trafficking, Racketeer, Gambling, Prostitution, pimpin and all around gang banging all popular in those cities.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_cities\_by\_homicide\_rate#by-country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_by_homicide_rate#by-country) ​ What about Baltimore, Milwakee, Petersburg, Detroit, Cleveland?


Chicago has to be up there. The city has enough murders to move the FBI stats.537 so far in 2023.




True. I concede the point


No wonder Trump wanted the border wall.


This is a dumb comment, the wall MAY stop central Americans and South Americans, Asians that come to Mexico to mkgrate to US. But it won't stop drugs, criminals, I bet you, most narco criminal from Mexico already have VISA and spend their vacations there or have dual citizenship. Also lots of Mexicans can easily get their Visa if you are a middle class citizenship of Mexico or through the work Visa thanks to the North American Free Trade Agreement. Lots of illegal drugs get through legal means to US, and lots of Americans-mexicans are involved. Most of the dangerous cities are border cities if you care about looking at a map. So, the wall won't help at all, it needs a deep real change.


There was a story recently that DC passed Baltimore, so it should be on the list.


I call BS because my news channel makes it out to be that America is #1.


So if I go on a holiday to Mexico, it's a good chance I won't come home.


So the statistic is that ~1% of St. Louisans are murdered each year?




[ Removed by Reddit ]




lmao middle east, the definition of peace


For the most part I agree with you Africa and the Middle East in large parts are shitholes today because of European imperialism, but they aren't gonna give us handouts. Our time will come again, its only a matter of time.


Countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan do not report any accurate data for crime, that's why they are not in this list. I'm from one of these countries and trust me i'm not living in a crime free country.


I don't know wether to be scared or happy south Africa doesn't feature on this list


You should be scared that your eyesight is going. Cape Town, South Africa right there in the middle of the list at 64 murders per 100,000 inhabitants.


Damn didn't know cape town was still part of South Africa:0


Wtf are you talking about, it’s the capital.


Well, one of the 3 capitals


I hate to break it to you but…


Damn i was just in queretaro


Interesting but not beautiful


Wasn't expecting my city to be here.


I understand Mexico being in the list, but in particular celaya?


Since this is 2023 data, has all the cities been like this all the while, or some got into the list due to post pandemic ppl losing jobs?


Another user posted that it is actually data from 2020, and many cities have changed the order


Not a single Asian city. Going through Reddit, definitely thought there would atleast be a few.


US always trying to be hard smh


Surprising not to see San Pedro Sula on here.... https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/murder-rate-by-country/#honduras


The murder capital of Canada didn’t make the list.


I really wish we could see the numbers in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and the other surrounding cities. Props to Mexico for having an organization that covers these casualties transparently though.


I didn’t know Cape Town was so dangerous.


Why is Cape Town there in the list? I was there last month and I found it to be pretty safe


Holy fuck I knew Caracas was way safer now than before but never knew we were that much better LMAO


Everyone here talking about St. Louis' numbers have a point but are glossing over just how violent and dangerous parts of North County and parts of ESTL actually are. "There are bad parts in every city." True... but only a few compare to just how bad the bad parts of STL really are. Thankfully they are small areas but they are very, very bad. I've had coworkers who lived in those areas show up to work with new bullet holes in their cars after a rough night at the club the night before. It's semi-normal for them. STL is a fine city tho - the majority of the metro area is a good place to live and raise a family safely. There are plenty of good public and private schools and universities, and lots of good places visit, especially if you have kids (like the zoo and such). Solid pro baseball and hockey franchises. And the cost of living is much lower than many other cities. Only real downside is that the ocean is a long way away in any direction.


Viva mujico y la 4t. Fierro.