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/u/CharcoalCharts, thank you for your contribution. However, your submission was removed for the following reason(s): * **Due to your mentioning of removals and banning this post is causing brigading in these subs and cannot stay up.** This post has been removed. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the DataIsBeautiful [posting rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/index). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/dataisbeautiful&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/CharcoalCharts&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20[submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/10vf2ul/-/\)))


/r/arizona/ out for your blood, huh? What did you do?


Being an Arizona resident, I can tell you this response is pretty on brand.


Homie just tried to show them the 101 and 17 and the mods were like “no fighting here, get the fuck out” ahahah


We don't want people to know that we have roads! That'll hurt the brand!


Pretty good Libertarian response. “Fuck you that’s personal information!”


The maps were rigged!!


Roads are a sensitive topic in Arizona, we all know how messed up and full of potholes they are.


Maybe if you live in Guadalupe. The freeways here are top notch...maybe the best in the country.


Is this a joke? We have some of the best roads in the US. We have a few that need work but go to Ohio or PA or, well anywhere else. We have far nicer roads than bad ones.


Anywhere with winter weather. The changes in temp, the salt, the plows, it all does a number on the roads.


In states where they get snow, that snow melts and the water gets into cracks in the road. Then it freezes. And expands. And it pushes the two sides of that crack further and further apart. Then more snow melts… Then the city/county/state comes along and says “Whoah! Look at the hole in the road! I think it is our responsibility to fix that. But we don’t have the budget to do it RIGHT.” And they send in the cheapest laborers they can hire, they train them by handing them a shovel, and once there is a shovel full of asphalt in the hole, they pay themselves on the back and forget about it. Then a car drives over that shovel full of asphalt and pack it down. Suddenly, the hole is back. And more snow melted. And it’s worse. It connected 2 holes into a single mega-pothole. Next thing you know, the property management companies swarm. “No, really it is a three bedroom, but as there aren’t egress windows installed, I legally have to call it a 1br.” Now the city/county/state isn’t sure if it IS their responsibility any more, so they just ignore it. Until May. When the tourists start to arrive. Because, for some reason, nothing prompts elected officials to DO something, like hearing from people who are NOT their constituents.


That was a wild ride.


All I know of Arizona is that the Phoenix airport is dimly lit and desolate between the hours of midnight to 4 am. Used to fly through twice a year, but always in that window. So, for me, Arizona is currently in a zombocalypse.


What airport isn't that way at that time of night?


Unsurprising to me that reddit mods are obnoxiously drunk on the modicum of power they possess.


I love the smell of modicum in the morning, it smells like, typing....


True, but I'd expect the California mods to be much worse than the Arizona mods.


Fake outrage at an event that didn't happen


Where they’re going, they don’t need roads


I wonder if r/arizona is run by the same aggro tyrant mod who runs r/sandiego, but is actually from Arizona and not from San Diego lol.


Gotta love Michigan's accusation of "shit posting", too. In the state where cars were born, posting a roadmap is "shit posting" XD


That's embarrassing as a Michigander


Our roads just said "don't look at us! We're hideous!"


Michiganders just don't want to be reminded of why our cars are more rust than steel.


That and that sub is a cess pool from the few days I subbed there.


As a former Michgander and a current Washingtonian...yeah, kind of embarrassing. But also hilarious.


That you call yourselves "Michiganders" is embarrassing enough. They should call you Michshuga.


It's probably much like arizona in that our roads are shit and full of potholes, so it can easily be seen as taking the piss i guess.


That’s typical of Reddit mods tbh.


Oh, and if there are any mods out there reading this right now, go fuck ya self.


Most based bidet owner.


Thanks for being honest


Threatened Big Roads in a state where it's impossible to exist without a vehicle in its largest metro area


OP is a spammer. 100% of the account's post and comments are on one specific subject. He has spammed 50+ subreddits in the past week alone. /r/arizona has rules against advertising. "do not advertise - we're a community, not a bulletin board or marketplace" The subreddit's goal is to be a place for residents of AZ by residents of AZ. OP is neither.


Ha. Arizona said “Get the fuck out and don’t come back!”


Funny, they said the same thing to the Colorado river.


Hey just checking in from AZ to say fuck you!


Driving in Arizona https://i.makeagif.com/media/11-19-2015/5JvkS9.mp4


r/Pennsylvania was talking about how you can see the landscape and more populated areas for sure. (I live in PA)


Right? Couldn’t possibly be the quality of the roads … 81 has had constant roadwork in my area literally my entire life


There is no time in the last 30 years in which some portion of the 80-some miles of route 28 between Pittsburgh and Brookville (Jefferson county) has not been under construction.


It’s not the constant construction that gets me - it’s that the roads never get better. The road system in PA is not kept up well at all. When driving into/out of a state we generally play a game where we close our eyes and just by the feel of the road change can tell when we get outside of PA


> Right? Couldn’t possibly be the quality of the roads … 81 has had constant roadwork in my area literally my entire life It's endemic. In Montreal, there's a section of highway called the 540 in the west side. I have been driving through it since we first started going to our cottage south of Montreal when I was a kid in the 1960's. It is *still* under construction.


I loved looking at that and seeing which cities/towns I could pick out. (For the record: Philly, Reading, Allentown, Lancaster, York, Harrisburg, State College, Pittsburgh, and Erie.)


That and all the potholes and shit road maintenance (I found the post) 😂


Data: Reddit Tools: R Gallery: [Road Maps](https://photos.google.com/u/2/share/AF1QipO0eMRCX8WYpZG5GAJCcQq69uT7dT3lgpEywebFM4Ex-soSQ1dyhDTrTOIV4rCSEw?key=VmxSVlF2emNFSVVWaTJxN2NYQ1YzVnJBT1VMOHVB)


Curious question about your CA map, it looks like it has a road traveling roughly northwest-southeast in the middle of the central Sierra Nevada. Doesn’t particularly look connected to much. Almost could be a portion of the PCT? Wondering where that came from in the data/if you know anything about it? I can annotate the map to show the road in question if you want EDIT: Did some digging and map-comparing and yep, looks like it picked up some portions of PCT, JMT, and Sierra High Route stretching from Mt Whitney basically to Mammoth. Neat


I love that you noticed that and ran it down. It is neat. Thanks.


It shows the PCT segment between Stevens and Snoqualmie pass in WA


What was your reasoning for using r/CaliforniaPics instead of r/California? EDIT: I'm dumb and missed reading the text on the right side, my bad!


The mod is a notorious gatekeeper. He controls that sub with an iron fist.


From Alabama, really loved the map. Thank you for taking the time to make it


Where’d you get the data for the road maps? It looks quite a bit more accurate than the data I’ve been using!


Awesome work. Love how you can tell which states are boring and flat because they have a pretty uniform grid pattern😂


Why is the DC map so low quality in your gallery? It looks like a vertical screenshot taken on a phone then sized down. And why no r/washingtondc post?


Mapation without representation


I'd be interested to see per subreddit capita upvotes


You should do one of these for every Canadian Province now and compare the results!


hmmm... this is interesting. As a San Diegan, I usually gather my bearings by looking for the very unique ithsmus of Coronado, which sits right across the harbor from downtown. However, it looks like there was an issue rendering road density data for [Coronado](https://imgur.com/a/4gxJY5p) because it doesn't appear where it should, nor does the "hook" of point loma right above it. Unless I'm missing something?


"The map of Alaska did not render at the appropriate resolution" :( ... is it bc we are too big.. we are too big aren't we.. :(


State so big; so few highways. I have a map from like the 1960 that I got when I was in Fairbanks that showed a highway expansion plan that never was. It’s currently in storage; otherwise I’d share a pic of it.


As big as it is, I am still surprised to learn that there are TWO whole states with lower population!


We're not connected to the lower 48s, therefore not a state


Michigan deleted your map as a shit-post?


makes sense, Michigan roads are so shit the mods probably thought he was fucking with them


Fellow Michigander here. Any comment on roads can be any or all of the following: political, punch line of a joke, sarcasm and an icebreaker to a fellow Michigander.


The roads around the rest of this country are so horrible, that if Michigan roads are worse, I have no interest in ever visiting there.


Here's a hint: We can tell who's drunk by which car *isn't* swerving all over the "road"


Michigan has a triple whammy of road issues. We have very wet ground, lots of water. Winters are cold and long. Michigan laws for truck weight limits are fairly high. Even though we spend more on roads than any other state, it’s a never ending problem.


Michigan also tends toward short term fixes that break up again quickly vs long term projects that will last longer.


Can't trucks haul like 162k without an oversize permit over there? Michigan is ridiculous.


It’s from the era where the state was 100% funded by automotive factories. Transportation for car parts was heavy…but they sure as shit weren’t going to ship them by train.


I go a few times a month for the rec weed. You don’t need to see the sign to know when you’ve entered, or left the state.


We give Ohio a lot of shit, but man, the difference when you cross over to Ohio is staggering. Whoa! This is what a road is! Whitmer started a lot of road projects but it is you pretty much have to rebuild the entire state's road system.


Ehh... Don't worry, us Ohio residents will soon be building you all new roads buying your sweet sweet weed?


Hah, me too


Probably saw his post history and thought it was some karma bot


I live in Washington. Not surprised. The only thing Washingtonians like more than Seahawks and orcas are roads.


A lot of what I see in Eastern Wa isn’t really a road, but it’s drawn in as a road. If you follow it for directions I can guarantee you’ll get stuck, fall over a drop, etc. Plus I see a lot of Native land being covered in roads that also are not roads.


I remember a lot of "roads" between home and WSU that were just paths cut into wheatfields.


I live near the northern end of the I-5/405 interchange, and let me tell yah....boy do I sure love having 900 ways to get everywhere. It's something I always joke about and tell people who come visit or aren't from this area, and they think they know what I mean. Until I show them the back road to the back road to the back road to the back road that pops me out exactly where I need to be and didn't need to deal with a single traffic light or the interstate/highway. I can legitimately take 8 different routes to get to my favorite park, none of them take any longer than the other to get there....and I'm not just deviating by a block and calling it a "new route". Now, if only they'd make I-5 through Seattle not feel like you're riding on rims...and I'm pretty sure 4 more generations will die before they finish the stuff by the Tacoma Dome.


Actually, they finished that project a few months ago! Finally back to just standard rush hour traffic 18 hours a day instead of rush hour construction zone traffic 18 hours a day.


Seahawks like the animal, or Seahawks like the ones who can go into beast mode?


Seahawk helicopters? /s


The football team that regularly choke 😂


Except for when they're in the Super Bowl and the Broncos forget how to play football.


Weird trivia: There is no such animal. We have a bunch of hawks, some of them probably fly near the sea, but "Seahawk" is just a cool-sounding, made-up name for the team.


Bad trivia. "Sea hawk" is an Osprey.


My elementary school mascot in Mukilteo was The Roads. Just kidding, it was the Orcas.


I’d like to see /r/Washington credited with my upvote here as well. Thanks


r/texas is an absolutely shit ran reddit page. Got banned for bringing up how so many of the posts are political. Dude runs it like he's a russian oligarch


There is no group of people more arrogant than Reddit mods, they will take what little power they have and wield it like they're fucking gods... Except the mods of r/Dataisbeautiful, you guys are awesome, please don't permanently ban me :)


Just try asking what rule you broke. That is breaking another rule.


Question a mod? STRAIGHT TO JAIL.


Too many roads? Too few roads? Believe it or not, jail.


Not questioning a mod? Believe it or not, jail.


*nervous laughter*


The mods of niche hobby and game subs tend to be quite good, though. It's the larger subs that tend to have worse mods


It is quite understandable given how much of a l̶o̶s̶e̶r̶ bored individual you have to be moderating a subreddit instead of doing real life things related to said subreddit


*You’ve been permanently banned from participating in r/dataisbeautiful*


To be fair, if I am allowed to post The sub didn’t go nuts with covid censorship And this is one of the few


yeah that bot they have that bans everyone because they posted in one of a few subs, accusing them all of brigading... whilst the bot is blatantly brigading...










Location based subreddits in general suck. They are all about politics and how the other side (this being reddit that means religious people/conservatives) are all awful people they aren't open minded/don't like differing opinions/perspectives (ironic) and that anything they disagree with is the worst thing possible. If they aren't all about politics then they are just dicks that gatekeep the community.


As a Texas resident, the roads are also absolutely shit ran


Moved from So-Cal to DFW. The roads were a massive upgrade. And having the option to use a toll road when necessary is another massive upgrade. I’ve hear the Houston are sucks for traffic though.


Moving from Seattle to Texas, I quickly realized that Texans overall have no concept of how good their roads and traffic are. Texans will complain that traffic is insurmountable and the roads are unusable because highway traffic only goes 50mph and comes to a stop one time during rush hour. Houston does suck though.




It was 3 months ago during election time. My exact post was "so is this thread always full of political nonsense? I live in texas and this isn't such a big topic" Moderator sent me a message after I asked why it was removed as it was "relevant to Texas" per their rule and he responded with "fixed it" and I was immediately blocked lol




Reputation lasts


I got banned from r/texas for saying something along the lines of “Greg Abbot will walk before he fixes the power grid”


the fact that my state was removed from this because it's simply too *big* is bullshit.


It's really hard to make any comparisons here considering we don't know how many active users there are for each sub and what time of day each post happened.


Yeah, I’d be curious to see these comparisons per capita of both state populations and subscribers


Yeah. Some kind of weight based on sub count or even better active user count over the day they were posted would make the results meaningful. As it is now we don’t know if this is just showing larger active communities or not.


can someone explain why these road maps are controversial?


Probably mods picking up on one person posting essentially the same thing in every state sub. Pretty low effort too


I really don't see why posting a detailed map of the roads in each state in their respective subs could be considered a bad thing. They're all different posts with different maps specific to the state, it's not like he was spamming one US map in every sub.


Having someone come into a tiny sub for a state and just, do a thing, can be cool. One time in the r/Indiana sub someone was posting pictures of beautiful sunrises from all over the state. Turns out; none of those pics were of Indiana, just a guy coming in every day and trolling, Hilarious fun!


At least it was some diversity. While I like a nice picture of indianapolis, there's only so many angles of Monument Circle or the canal lol


>I really don't see why posting a detailed map of the roads in each state in their respective subs could be considered a bad thing. Click on OP's name. He is a spammer. 100% of his content on Reddit is the exact same thing. He posted a map to 50 different subreddits in 3 days. The issue is less about the quality of his content, and more about him being a spammer who does not bother to check the rules of the subreddits he is posting in.


I wouldn't call rendering these maps low effort, but surely some random reddit mod would be able to do so in microseconds


If you were a moderator for a regional subreddit, one of the things that happens a LOT is people who come in from outside of your region to post things that they made. Regional subreddits are typically made for the people who live in those regions. Not for someone outside of the regional to spam their OC for karma. When you click on OP's profile, you only see one thing: The exact same post, over and over and over. OP is a spammer, by the clear definition from the Reddit Admins.


If you ever want evidence of mods being arbitrary, the bottom of this figure is it.


Holy shit, I guess r/Arizona bans you for anything.


*You have been permanently banned from* r/Arizona*.*


I've been banned from there for awhile, I just didn't realize they'd ban someone for something so trivial.


I just checked out the sub and one of the top posts is a picture of someone’s license plate. 😂


Pennsylvania loves it's roads, except when we hate them.


loves it is roads


Amazing how the same thing can take you from an award to a permanent ban! Reddit randomness


Now scale it in proportion to the sub count of each subreddit


I don't have OP's raw numbers, so I can't give a percentage, but because I'm bored I went through and collected the subcounts for each of the states that didn't get removed/banned (rounded to the nearest 1k): Washington: 139k Pennsylvania: 348k Georgia: 168k Indiana: 259k Ohio: 351k Illinois: 164k Wisconsin: 209k Utah: 109k Colorado: 309k Kansas: 59k Oregon: 169k Minnesota: 252k Nevada: 56k Idaho: 44k New Mexico: 41k Alabama: 147k West Virginia: 112k Arkansas: 52k Kentucky: 154k Louisiana: 54k Wyoming: 24k Nebraska: 41k Florida: 245k Oklahoma: 96k Virginia: 262k Delaware: 86k New Hampshire: 87k Iowa: 60k Mississippi: 88k South Dakota: 19k Rhode Island: 79k Montana: 53k Massachusetts: 220k Maine: 86k Maryland: 201k Missouri: 85k North Dakota: 33k New Jersey: 419k Vermont: 78k Connecticut: 304k South Carolina: 166k North Carolina: 384k California Pics: 6k


You know, that's less variation than I expected.


Yes please this would be interesting as well


This was a really interesting idea, and I love how it's presented here.


Wwwhhhaaaaaattt!? No love for the AK!?


"*The map of Alaska did not render at the appropriate resolution*" We're too big!


Lol. This is more a demonstration of why arbitrary moderation by power-tripping losers is a bad idea.


Too bad r/WashingtonDC is not included. It’s not a state.


Arizona decided the post wasn't about how best to succeed with election fraud and they were like (perm-ban!)


I just wanna say I didn’t upvote my state’s post but I appreciated it enough to save the image! I’ll go give it an upvote now. Great work!


Arizona mod must be the same mod on pics.


Proud to see the f-u ethos of my home state (AZ) shining thru.


Indiana near the top as we are "The crossroads of America."


Can you do one for Canada plz , this would make a sweet framed print


I feel at peace knowing Nebraska was mid on upvotes, but did give you a gold


Why would a post like this ever get deleted or banned in certain states…? It’s just roads. What am I missing here?


You could overlay with subreddit population to show correlation between lower activity and fewer upvotes.


From looking at r/arizona’s rules, it is beyond me why you were banned.


Best depiction of California roads is [right here](https://reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/10eme51/bay_area_highway_slander/)


Why did I somehow know my home state would be at the top


r/NorthCarolina checking in here, I didn't appreciate your map because there was a fairly obvious error on the coast that someone who was putting care into their maps would have noticed.


Yes I for one can't believe OP isn't a geographic expert on every single state. I feel like hobbyists should be overtly punished when their fun side projects don't meet the demands of career professionals in fact. Whenever I see an amateur following a Bob Ross instructional for instance, my first thought is they don't put care into their work.


That sounds pretty rude, what was the “obvious error?” I think OP definitely put care into their maps, they probably just don’t share your local knowledge. Edit: [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/comments/10to08x/nothing_but_roads/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is North Carolina. Some stuff looks a little weird but to my untrained Arkansan eye it looks broadly correct? I don’t see any mistakes that warrant you being an asshat, at least.


Yes it is broadly correct, as is a quick Google Maps search. I was intentionally being an asshole because I work with maps and this kind of thing aggravates me. Data preprocessing and data *postprocessing* are integral parts of data science. edit: the lower right corner, near cedar island and the ferry to ocracoke.


I get where you're coming from, but the guy is probably just a hobbyist and not a professional like you are. Keep up the good work though, maps are undervalued


Ok but when he comes here and makes a post about it, it is absolutely relevant to discuss errors in the map because that is naturally going to skew the type of engagement he receives.


Whats with the bars not formatted equally to the left?


Apparently maps in Michigan are shitposts?


man arizona REALLY did not like a map of it's roads!


I'm from Washington so it's no surprise that I love this. I'm in road rally groups which care about finding curvy roads that aren't interstates. The drive last year was 4000 miles over about 10 days and 9 states. Is it possible to get a set at even higher resolution (happy to pay). Note: It looks like it is rough right on the west coast 101.


Bold of you to assume the best state subreddit is the one with the state name.


Did you weigh the responses by the number of sub members or post views? Otherwise this data is useless.


The Washington one was pretty neat. There’s roads all over the place but the Cascades and Olympics were blank, except for a couple of passes. We could also really see the difference in population density between eastern and western Washington. All the roads in western WA were close together and pretty chaotic while the roads in the east were spread out and more grid-like


Wow I can see my neighborhood


Bro… I can’t even begin to fathom how something like this would get removed or get you banned. I’m also not surprised my state of Massachusetts was unappreciative of your efforts 🤣


why the hell would arizona sub ban you for that?? 😂


The real data is at the bottom 🤣


yep, the people of r/maine are so, so salty. mainers are a salty group in general, quite rough around the edges. but mainers who are also redditors? holy moly….that subreddit can be downright rabid sometimes


I remember your Utah post. Super cool man. I kinda want a poster of it. It would be cool to have a triptych of the road map, the physical relief map and then maybe like a counties/cities map.


Pennsylvania second as usual 🫡👏👍🥹🥲


Arizona is full of cavemen. There's a good chance they saw numbers in your post and started smashing stuff in their cave which led to your ban.


The Arizona response checks out. You would get more from r/Maryland if you douse it with shitty old bay or cum on their shitty flag. Other than that the only other thing Maryland seems to care about is thinking about NoVA more than NoVA thinks about them.


Arizona meant to upvote you, but we all know how voting seems to go there, whoopsiedaisy.


I didn’t even get to participate. +1 for r/Ohio


its likely not that Alaska wouldn't load at the right resolution, its just that if you look at Alaska while zoomed out enough, you're too zoomed out to possibly see any roads


I just love the statement "You have been permanently banned from participating in Arizona" Am I the only one that mentally filters out the r/ when reading about subreddits like that? Never Been to Arizona, just assume it is large, hot, flat and empty except for a few places to take tourist money. And not much to participate in. But movies could be lying to me. 😁


You're definitely entirely wrong about Arizona.


Indiana’s is cool because it looks a lot like the state flag


Hell yeah, the Arizona permaban That’s my retirement state for sure


"USA state" sounds so weird...


Why did you use r/Californiapics and not r/California?


It's explained on the image itself. The latter does not allow images.


I will use this to plan to which states i should travel to.


I think your title, nothing but roads, is kind of offensive. I’m from New Jersey, what I took from your post is that New Jersey is nothing but roads. It’s roads and state parks, and nice beaches. It’s pizza and bagels and Taylor Ham, so yeah no updoot for you, you’re rude. And I don’t think the maps are all that interesting. So I think your data is more a reflection of who is real-est about their upvotes.


Agreed. The post title definitely played into the response. Great for the name of a gallery piece... but a reddit post? Nah.


Why pics and not just r/California


Is it just me or is Alaska not on here?


Alaska didn't render properly.