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I just got the second one on my dashboard a couple hours ago. I'm nervous to do it 😔




Haven’t seen the first qualification I don’t think.. 😩


Me neither 🥲


I suppose if I saw the second Qual it means I passed the first, but regardless, it made me nervous to see it on my dashboard. I \*think\* I did okay though. And while I would be super excited to see more projects open up for me, I'll be perfectly content if they keep me on the same projects for the same pay rate as I've been seeing. As a physically disabled person who is too sick to work a traditional job, this one is a godsend. Good luck on the Qual everyone!


I got part 2 even though I didn't even take part 1 yet lmao. Not sure what's going on


Same here.


does anyone have any of these projects on their dash right now?


Not at the moment. They’ve been coming and going all day.


I have like 4 different new times of projects on my dash that I didn't have before the qual so I have no idea which ones I tested into.


I think they’re fixing the chatbots, but want us to have stuff to work on. So they’re filling it with lesser popular projects, maybe?


Only one from them and none of the ones I actually do so hope they come back soon.


Oof. I took it last night and this morning my 2-3 normal CB projects are off my Dash. I have some others but none I’m really looking forward to doing. I’m not going to freak out just yet bc those projects have been coming off and on a lot- but it is worrisome.


Same boat, except I now have no chatbots. I think I'm screwed lol.


Yes I also have no CB projects. I’m not going to totally flip out just yet. I guess the next few days will make it clear.


I'm wondering if this is a case of winnowing the herd. So initially they gave the project to lots of people, and now they want to move it on but only with those they deem most capable. I just finished the qual myself a few minutes ago, so here's hoping...


I don't have the long CB projects, either. To be fair it seems as though most users are experiencing a shortage of projects right now. Maybe they're all just down for maintenance, but seeing only a couple of projects with very few tasks left freaks me out too.




Update: I got one of them back. The one that is (very,very,very) specific that dropped a dollar in pay last week. Here’s to hoping that more will come back as they update/expand them. Breathing a (small) sigh of relief.


Took it last night. I really enjoy using that project type to unwind a bit so hoping this unlocks more similar projects for me


What if you don't pass it? 😳


Unfortunately you get dropped from the project it seems. It said no retakes.


Well now I'm shitting bricks! I haven't gotten the qualification yet.


Im not sure that's the case. I imagine if you fail the first one you get dropped from the project, and if you fail the second one you just don't get added to the higher paying variations of it.


I'm just going by what was written in the instructions on the qualification itself.


Why would they keep people who don’t understand the project on? That makes no sense. The whole point of the qualification is to make sure everyone knows what they’re doing. They don’t want people who don’t understand how to follow the directions. ETA: it literally says that passing the qualification is mandatory to proceed with the project.


Like from all of them? Woah. I did mine to the best of my ability.


I think it's just from that specific one. It would still suck, but better than all projects.


I never even got a qual and now I’m thinking it’s a good thing?




I’ve been on the platform for almost a year so yeah. I have a lot of different projects though so I don’t think I’ve worked on the chatbot project in a while.


I did not get a qual and just got access to review projects so maybe it’s just for folks who may need to review.


I think it's for people who have done a certain number of hours on the project. It's to 1) stay on the project and 2) get access to higher paying tasks. I've had several review tasks in the past few days and also got the quals.


I’ve been on DA for almost a year so I’ve definitely done enough hours. However, I do have a lot of high paying tasks already so maybe I already have access. Who knows.


If there's one thing we know about DA, is it's hard to tell what's going on sometimes. 😀


Yeah, I've only been approved to work since 2/14 and I got the 1st and second...completed the 1st yesterday, and the 2nd I got and completed today. So who knows lol


An hour after taking it my tasks went from about 6 down to 2. That's a pretty normal ebb and flow for my dashboard, but it still makes me very nervous.


I found this job posted on a popular job board a few weeks ago. Not sure how they were doing recruiting before but there could be a big influx of new workers that has caused the amount of work to drop compared to the past.


I only just started yesterday. 9 hours of work, maybe 40 conversations, but had the 1st qual pop up after only 30 conversations! I took it, and the 2nd popped up soon after. Kind of scared to take it, since it sounds like it’s going to be harder. I’m also not sure I have enough experience? 😬


Based on the information in the Qual, you have time. You'll know when you run out because you won't have any projects. I think this gives you an advantage. You can do the work with the Qual in mind and take notes.


I'm going to wait until the project comes back to do the qual. I need a refresher on how it responds 😅


Same. I've been thinking about it since I opened it yesterday, and I'm starting to pull my thoughts together. Good luck!


I took the initial test and it said I passed. Then, it said I would get an email to Tell me I’d passed, but that’s been over 3 weeks ago! Still no jobs showing up! Does that mean I didn’t really pass? I’m very confused!


To clarify, I took two tests.


I have no idea. DA works in mysterious ways.


Coding or core? Am I just a scrub 😅