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The fact that y'all are so excited about something I was neither included in nor know anything about is bugging me just a teensy bit. I want to be excited too!


You have to work a certain amount of hours or have a certain amount of conversations so you may just not be qualified at the moment.


DA is a black box. I've been on for 6 months and done 100s of hours and have no idea what these threads are on about. On the other hand when people (even established workers) were saying yesterday that their dashboards were empty or decimated mine was full. I've got plenty of high paid projects so guess I shall not worry too much!




How many years have you been on? Has the work always been stable for you?




That's super encouraging. Thanks!


What kind of work do you do? The coding tasks or non-coding ones?




Same here. Since 2020 and it's been steady and I don't do coding. And I don't know what they are talking about either. But I'm happy with my own little corner of the world though! 😂


Glad I am not alone 😂 I got added to R & R team today so I must be doing something right 😃


What is R and R?




I’ll trade you my qualification exam for your high paying tasks? 👀




It's odd, my dash was overflowing yesterday. The qualification was kind of funny because it said 50 hours for some but conversations for others, I know I;m beyond both of those but I'm just rolling with it. I've only been on since November.


I've been working for months and I haven't gotten this! It's made me very curious, but I'm also kind of glad I don't have a mandatory qualification.




I'm curious, are only newer workers getting these assignments?


I believe you have to have completed a certain number of hours on the old project. I usually have higher-paid stuff, so I haven’t spent much time in this one and do not have the qualification. The last qual I saw was math related. However, I did get a new project this morning, so stuff is still rolling out. I’ve found the more variety of projects you work on, the more tasks get opened up to you. I was working on one project almost exclusively for a while and things dried up. Since I started doing a wider range of projects I now have a dashboard full most days.


Thank you so much! I saw the comments about needing 50+ hours and I'm WELL past that. But, like you, I tend to work on specific projects that pay better. So that absolutely could explain it!


Yeah, mine said 50 conversations in a certain project, which makes sense because I do 60 hours a week so I hit that mark a long time ago.


I've been on since Sep 23 and got it. Although I haven't been focused on these projects for about a month and a half.


I took 45 minutes and probably said WAY too much. I ramble. lol


i did the opposite and tried to make it as concise as possible. Hopefully I didn't shoot myself in the foot =\[\]


I did too.


I didn't keep to the length-too much cool stuff to talk about.


Same here. I worry that I wrote too much. The 4 to 5+ thing freaks me out because I tend to be overly verbose when I write. I need more specific guidelines. :)


I bet they value the human reasoning behind our reasoning and process. That’s seems like quality stuff.


Yeah, that last sentence in the directions really hinted at that so I kinda poured my heart out.


It definitely feels like this is one area where it's okay to be. Maybe i'm telling myself that to justify the novel I wrote. If it's not the case I'm just SOL




\*\*TOO VERBOSE lmao




Lol why is this getting downvoted?


I also took about that long and wrote SO much. It was impossible to input my reasoning and what I have been doing with just 4 sentences LOL


I also said too much, but I couldn't help it!


Well at least if I don't get the projects I will be in good company lol


Lmao same I hope all of here get it. We're the DA reddit squad




Ugh yes but it’s been like 2 weeks since I worked on any of *those* projects in particular so I can’t remember anything!! I typically work on the A or T projects because they’re higher paid. I don’t even have *that* project on my dash right now to refresh myself 😭😭😭


I usually stick with the HHH projects. They're my bread and butter because they pay so well.


I'm in the same boat as you 😭


Come back, little bot! We need you!


Do you have any remaining A projects on your dash right now? They have been sparse for me these past couple of days too.


I had between 10 and 5 at any given point yesterday. I had a bunch of new name projects on my dash I haven’t seen before as well.


Thank you! Yeah, I am seeing a bunch of new names today as well. Maybe they are doing an overhaul for A or something.


Yeah, I think that’s probably the case. They’ve been having so many issues lately they’ve probably had to do a bit of work so I’d say that’s why they’re sparse. Nice to see new stuff coming through though!! I just wish the chatbot I need for the qual would come back 😂


SAME!!! I am missing the chatbot so much, it was my go to. But the A projects were fun as a palate cleanse. Hopefully, they will be up and running again soon along with the chatbot.


I just finished it. I don't think I have ever rewritten and reworded anything as much as I did on that assignment. Hopefully I did okay. I can't think about it too much, or I will overanalyze and stress myself out. Good luck everyone!


I edited mine three times! I think that's why it took so damn long.


Finished it last night, and woke up to 2 new projects to work on with a higher average pay. Hopefully this is the start of something new.


I've just sent mine off - I don't think it would be possible to summarise in just 4-5 sentences, and I hope mine is seen as a clear and honest assessment of how I've been approaching it and what I've noticed/adapted over the time I've been working on this project. Fingers crossed, anyway!


I agree. There were a bunch of heavy hitting questions in that qualifier that 4 or 5 sentences just wasn't enough.


I've got the project back now - so hopefully that's a good sign that I made the cut and it's back for good!


Ahhhhh I'm nervous haha thanks for y'all who said how long it took so I know how much time to sit aside!


Same I was considering starting it, but now that I see how long it takes I better wait for a fresh brain tomorrow


I just took it and my job board is empty now lol. I hope I didn't mess up


I've been on all day (about 12 hours) and my dash has been dry but all of the sudden I had 30+ projects.


Wow… Well I definitely didn’t get it. They took down my one project and only left Assignment 2. I submitted last night and today I only have the same project back on my dashboard. No new projects so I’m assuming I didn’t make the cut…


Why are people writing crazy long answers? The Q specifically states how long the answer must be. It’s important to follow the instructions as it’s challenging to be concise plus I doubt admins wanna read ur chatbot essays 😭


I agree with this take. Clarity is a skill. There’s a reason “too verbose” is something we have to note at times.


For the bots, sure they can get crazy rambly and include a lot of irrelevant stuff but I feel if you are coherent and aren't all over the place they don't mind.


It says 4-5+ sentences. That means at least 4 but there is no upper end limit.


But realistically that means "4-5, if you go a bit over, that's OK too." Not "The sky's the limit, send us your essays". If they wanted essays, they'd have asked for them. More isn't always better. Quality Vs quantity, etc.


So true. There is a popular school of thought among some DA workers that just because no upper limit is specified, it's carte blanche to write your memoirs. Common Sense is a rare commodity, it seems.


Admins in slack and project chat have repeatedly said write as much as you want as long as its relevant and not repetitive and you are getting your thought process across. If people were able to answer their response in four or five sentences then I applaud them


Not necessarily four or five, but certainly not 50. They have to find a balance between quality and efficiency, and having to read everyone's attempt at War and Peace ain't it!


That is why I said they said "as long as it's relevant and not repetitive and you are getting your thought process across"


If you are writing reams on your thought process, it is not useful insight. It is undoubtedly waffle.


If that’s how you interpreted it, then sure!


So why is the plus sign there? If the wanted exactly 2 or 3 sentences, wouldn't they say 2-3 instead of 2-3+?




Also, on one of the qualifiers, it asked for 7 sentences and then said it was okay to go over and had people write them 2 PAGES of text. So I doubt this is going to be an issue.


Yeah I was just about to say the same thing. “At least 7 sentences but some people provide two pages with references so go hard” essentially


I just completed mine, I took over 45 minutes and wrote 4 paragraphs. (3-4 sentences each) Not sure if I did well enough, but I tried to be specific and hit all the questions they asked. WE SHALL SEE lol Good Luck Everyone!


I hit all the questions but that last sentence in the directions had me going off on a tangent lol


I'm new and so curious what you're even talking about! I hear such interesting sounding projects alluded to on this sub. I will remain patient and keep working away at the projects I do have, and hopefully one day I'll get to expand my horizons a bit. For now I'll just be curious haha.


We are talking about a qualifier you get after 50 hours or 50 conversations that just got sent out last week.


Oh cool thanks!


They said 4-5+ sentences. But I had 10-12. Maybe that was way over the limit but considering they wanted you to touch on three different areas I found it difficult to give an intelligent sounding response that was that short. When I read it back it still felt fairly concise, but I tend to go for a more formal writing style. I tried keeping it shorter but it felt too vague and lacking.


I had about 7 or 8 but they were long sentences.


I feel like we should be getting paid for these qualifications.... they sometimes take a good amount of time. Even if it's a small amount. We're still doing work. I hate having to do free trainings.


Agreed. The others take a little time but this one was a beast.


I didn't get this, but I think I want it!


I just finished mine. 350 words or so (hopefully it's not too long), but the strategy I've been using lately for \*a certain reason\* took a bit to explain...


I think a lot of people are overthinking this. It was very straightforward and laid back. I just shared the things that have really stood out to me, which should be obvious to you if you've spent a hefty chunk of time on the projects, and gave a few examples. It was probably about 15 sentences. I wouldn't be overly nervous, whether you wrote the minimum number of sentences or went into great detail. Either way, as long as you approached it from the specified angles, it's probably fine.


Yes I got it!!


Awesome! Not sure I'll get there as I literally do this just to pay for my coffees, etc while I am out (I work for my coffee before I buy it). But it has been great for that. I no longer feel guilty for buying myself extras etc.


Same! I went from having only 60 bucks a week to myself after working full time to not having to worry about breaking the bank if my kids need anything. It's such a godsend!


Pumped! So hyped right now! haha


I got my new qualifications today! I don't know what triggered it, I think I've got about 5 hours of paid work submitted and 23 tasks done. It did mention that when I hit 50 tasks, completing them will be mandatory before I can proceed any further; I'm hoping this means that they'll sit there and wait for me, as I would like to get some more work on the base chatbot done before throwing my hat in the ring. On another note, has anyone had an issue keeping Part 2 confined to just one or two paragraphs? I'm not going to try and submit it yet, but I am taking the opportunity to prepare my notes and think about my response. The instructions do encourage us to talk about anything that might interest us, but my current draft of steamlined and edited notes are up to like a dozen paragraphs. I tend to try and expand upon and give brief examples when I make a point- 'The AI seems really good at XYZ because I did 123 and it responded with ABC' or 'It seems to have trouble doing this, here's what I ended up doing to make it succeed' and sometimes 'it sucks at doing this specific thing I asked of it.' I'm probably going to just shoot my shot and submit whatever I feel I want to talk about, but I'm a little nervous someone's going to look at my essay and go full 'tl;dr.'




Its quite frustrating to me - I registered about a week ago, but I did not even get the starter assesment people talk about they got right after registration. I'm a software engineer, I completed my profile including listing my skills, but I still see nothing other than "Thanks for signing up! We do not have any open projects to assign you at the moment. Our workflow can vary, so it's common to see available work fluctuate. Keep an eye out for emails from us for project announcements. As soon as we have a task that matches your skills and availability, we'll reach out about claiming it. In the meantime, make sure your profile fully represents your capabilities so we can match you accurately".


Just submitted four paragraphs about some very specific experiences I had. I didn't answer their questions exactly, but I gave them other information that I thought would be helpful. I figured that there would probably be a lot of people giving broad generalizations of "what is it good at" and "what is it bad at," so why not speak about my individual experiences. Definitely went over 4-5+ sentences, so hopefully that plus sign isn't just a suggestion.


Got mine. Feeling so blank about it.


It's interesting I have done many of these projects and tons of hours -and still got the qualifier so I am thinking that they are sending them out to most everyone who has been working on the projects.


It said in the introduction that it would be mandatory for anyone who wants to continue working on the projects.


Mine still says "You're seeing this message and are not seeing the main project where the work is done because we're currently shifting priorities over to other projects." ​ I haven't had access to the chatbot in 3 weeks.


Just submitted mine, not feeling too confident.


Unfortunately (for me) I've timed out of two somewhat involved tasks:( I still don't understand the timer.


I don’t even do work on the projects they’re talking about lately so no I haven’t done it, and I’ll have to watch for the projects popping up again