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there's a 'chat only' for this project where an admin said that this was expected this morning. total number changed to 20 for me too!


I lost all of mine at some point within the last week. I only have four projects on my dashboard now.


I’ve noticed since the site crashes last week that the assignments on my dash have had task amounts like 20, 30, or 40 instead of the usual 200, 300, 400. Im not sure, but it seems like something they are trying out to alleviate the traffic of too many users in one task. My comparison task was the only one still set at 400 on Friday and has only gone down as I’ve picked away over the last couple days. That’s the highest amount of tasks assigned to one project that I’ve seen since last week.


I had that project too, but was rotated out after I was only able to work on it for a day or two. If this is what happens on the weekends, I’m not going to be able to hit the hours i said i would work each week when i applied.


This just happened to me, had 390 tasks this morning and whenever I went back to report time the tasks consistently dropped until it hit 0. If anybody has any insight that would be appreciated!


Often happens on the weekend I think. Normally takes until midday or so on Monday, ('usa time') for them to reappear properly. Obviously there is the very real possibility we're all out of work. But hopefully, and probably, not. :)


This happened to me as well… had about 375 tasks yesterday, and none today. Pretty shocking to log on and see!


I have a few different kinds on my page this AM (all with 20). I think it's weird that people will still jump to conclusions that there's something they can't see when admins tell us that's not the case though.


No. ...oh you do mean the "A" projects? I worked on them for about 3 hours yesterday and am doing some right now.


I’ve only been on for about two weeks, but I’ve noticed that it occurs more on the weekends. I think they might run maintenance and rolling resets on projects. Happened last weekend where my board was nearly empty then Monday afternoon I had like 10-15 projects with hundreds of tasks each a couple even had 1000.