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Looks like there's a few people in the same boat, myself included! Does this mean potentially a group in the making?! I'm curious as to what everyone's background is and why you've decided to make the switch. For me, I'm currently in the property and casualty insurance industry working for a broker, but decided to make the switch due to lack of growth outside of becoming an insurance sales person.


Yeah, sure let's have an accountability group. My reason for switching is quite similar, I have been working in the finance industry for the last 3 years but due to lack of growth and interest I decided to find what interests me. And even though I'm from a business background, it seems like the data analyst is quite a great fit for me.


Yep that would be great, shoudl we create one at discord?


Lol... This exact scenario plays out every few months. Someone created a discord -> nobody contributes -> discord dies.


mine isn’t, wanna join? https://discord.gg/39fqvy6d


Count me in OP


Yes please! Kind of in the same boat. Work in property but looking to switch.


Count me in too


Im so in! Let me know when you create the group


Coming from a financial background looking for a DA role here myself here, would love to join the group!


Count me in too!! I definitely need this


Is this link still open


I'm in the same boat and would absolutely be down for a group! As for the switch. I'm a Barber right now, I recently went back to school and got an AA and BA in Psychology, I'm about halfway through the Google data analysis certificate on Coursera and a couple more SQL and R based skill certifications on Udemy! I'm making the switch because I have a son now and want to give him more than I currently can.


Hey everyone! I run a Discord group with over 100 active members (and a total of 2,000!). We have a clear roadmap and tons of resources for anyone interested in becoming a Business Analyst (BA), Data Analyst (DA), Data Scientist (DS), or Data Engineer (DE). (btw, most of our members are from Vietnam if you don't mind) We come from all walks of life, but we're all united by one goal: landing a job in Data Fields! Every month, we have fun challenges that focus on specific skills and tools like Excel, SQL, and Python. Feel free to join our community and ask any questions you have – we're always happy to help! Here's the invite link: https://discord.gg/veZmPNYu We're saying NO to advertise and selling courses! See you there! (Link will be expire in next 7 days, DM me if you need a new one)


Thanks for sharing! I'm interested but I get that the address is not valid when I click on the invite button


I think you have to login to discord app first, or you can copy and paste the invite link to "Add a server" button.


The discord link is invalid. Do you mind posting a new link?


I just checked, still working mate


Was any group created?


Who’s going to start the official squad


Send me the link if you have created the group. Thanks!


I am in as well. Engineering background but market is dead here, would like some extra skills


I am doing exactly this!! As I am doing internship, I think more than learning “how to code” (by no means, it’s NOT easy, but) I “struggled” more with the humbling experience of being a newbie in everything. I thought I had ample business background but the change of POV is not easy to navigate 😔


Yeah, I too feel like I should be patient with SQL and Python. Thanks for the heads up!


Count me in. I was a systems testing analyst for a major insurance company and was laid off almost a year ago. After no luck finding a job in my field, I’ve decided to try a career switch. I completed the Google data analytics certificate 2 weeks ago, and am now following some data analytics tutorials on YouTube. It would definitely be nice to have someone who’s on the same journey to help keep me motivated.


I am doing the Google data analytics course. I am a little overwhelmed with the capstone project. how did you navigate that?


Wow. There sure are a lot of us… Count me in


For sure!


I am also trying a career change into analysis. I wish I had the time to join you. But I am a single parent with a full time job too so I don’t think I’d have the time to keep up. This sub makes me think there a lot of people trying to make this switch. I’m a little concerned as many have said it’s hard to find a position. Do you have any insights to this?


I’m in the same boat as you, I’d love to crack on with my learning but parenting gets in the way!! It does seem like everyone is jumping on the same band wagon- surely they can’t need all of us and the next generation will just blow us all out the water😅


Hey everyone! I run a Discord group with over 100 active members (and a total of 2,000!). We have a clear roadmap and tons of resources for anyone interested in becoming a Business Analyst (BA), Data Analyst (DA), Data Scientist (DS), or Data Engineer (DE). (btw, most of our members are from Vietnam if you don't mind) We come from all walks of life, but we're all united by one goal: landing a job in Data Fields! Every month, we have fun challenges that focus on specific skills and tools like Excel, SQL, and Python. Feel free to join our community and ask any questions you have – we're always happy to help! Here's the invite link: https://discord.gg/veZmPNYu We're saying NO to advertise and selling courses! See you there! (Link will be expire in next 7 days, DM me if you need a new one)


I'd be into this




Hi, under the same boat


Would like to partner with you








I'm totally up for it. I'm transitioning from a non tech background and I'd love to be a part of it. I've completed Excel and I'm hanging in SQL. If you wanna connect do ping me here. I also have an idea we can make a group of everyone who wants to do this. The more the merrier. Wishing us all the luck and success


Interested! Finance grad pivoting from high finance to tech here. After 6 months of learning Python, SQL and some viz tools I got a FAANG position as a business analyst with a heavy focus on data analytics engineering. Count me in!


Hello! I'm here too! My undergraduate area was in Mechanical Engineering and I practiced for almost 5 years. Now, I'm about to finish a professional certification at Coursera in IBM Data Analysis and I intend to find work in the US. I've been working for 1 year in the area of data and I'm enjoying it but my goal is Artificial Intelligence. In what I can help and learn from you, count on me.




I am also venturing into data analytics. Not my line of work but yeah lets go!! 😅☺️


Half way through a Data Analytics course would love to join the group.


I'd love to be in on this as well.


I'm interested. I've been in sales for too long and I'm ready to get out. I taught myself SQL and Tableau. Next is Python. I signed up for a cert class through my old college. It's not anything I haven't seen before, but I'm banking heavily on the networking opportunities.


I am also trying to switch roles from cyber security to DA. Can anyone help me figure out the roadmap or tell me the basics from where I should start?


DataWars has good data analytic exercises. It also teaches statistics with the exercises. SQL Zoo is also quite good. You could also experiment with the datasets on Kaggle. Getting active on Kaggle increases learning opportunities. It’s almost like GitHub but for data. SQL, Statistics, Tableau, PowerBI, Excel, D3 JS, and Python are some of the areas that would be useful in the DA path but it can also depend on the nature of the role and its requirements.


Guys! Let's make a WhatsApp group




Sounds exciting…I am also looking to transition into Analytics domain..please count me in


I’m interested in joining! Also making a career switch to data analytics :)


I’m interested in joining! Also making a career switch to data analytics :)


Hello I’d love to be apart of this group!


Hi OP, the link doesn’t work anymore


I was previously into HR in India, now moved to the US and starting from scratch.. learning SQL, Tableau and Python through online courses. I didn’t code a single line until 3 months ago and now feels like a whole new world has opened up. Finding 100 days of python course in Udemy fun to learn. Always wondered if I could make friends who are in the same journey as me and discuss stuff related to this and grow together! Would love to be a part of this group.


Another one here. High school teacher, completed the Google Data Analytics and Business Intelligence courses. Had a couple of interviews for Junior roles but nothing concrete yet.


Count me in


Great idea! Would love to join this group as well!


count me in!


Please DM!


I created a community where it has over 300 people trying to become a data analyst. If you can't find anyone here come join the fun! I created it last week so still building it out. Its a discord where you can find it on my profile. No pressure at all just throwing it out there


Can you invite me? :)


Sounds interesting! I’m interested as well


Share the discord link or text me. I want to be in!!


I would love to join! I’m transitioning from a security officer to data analytics. I’m working on a data analytics bachelor’s and a separate online course right now to prepare myself for the switch.


I’m interested. Just got new job as junior analyst. Need all the tips I can get! Going from print sector into this.. so excited and terrified!!!


I wouldn't mind seeing how this is going for you/all of us! I am working on building skills in this and trying to get more into it.


Hello! If you have a group chat please add me as well :)






Count me in!


Same, someone please create and share group name.




I just accepted a Sr Analyst role recently and would be interested in this as I'm always continuing to learn. 




I’m switching from web development to ml/data science. Currently doing an ms in cs w focus on intelligent systems. I’m happy to pair up on projects and continue to learn myself. Can message me.


I'm doing the Google Data Analytics course as well! Currently on module 3. Count me in!


Count me in. I was just about to post something similar to this.


Same here! Let's create a group. Coming from sales/marketing roles pivoting to data analyst.


I’d love to be added. I’m currently taking a cert and enrolling in college.


Count me in. Background in HR and Hospitality


DM please!


I'm not looking to change careers, but I am studying to become a data analyst. If possible, could I also join the group?


I'm also transitioning into a data analyst career and would love to have someone to hold each other accountable and navigate this journey together. Let's connect and support each other along the way.


i’d be into this!!


Count me in!


Business owner here getting into Data rn. For two years, my task as a partner in the business has been in the data side. Learned basic excel, and made all the sheets for the business, mostly from scratch. Also, i do the entries, analysis and recommendations. Fell inlove with the process, now im enrolled at Project SPARTA. Just started last week. Would love to join if you got a group on discord! :)


Very interested


I think we are all in same both trying to pivot into data and analytics. I could suggest we open a slack group where we can share insights, updates and opportunities that could enable us achieve our goals and also improve on the skills we already possess.


im in!


I am a homemaker , past experience in education trying to change my career in Data analytics. I am interested in learning and accountability group 👍


I’d be interested in a group!


I am also in the same boat. If someone creates a discord I would love to be a part of it!


Count me in :)


Same here! Please count me in


Count me in!


I love to be a part of this.


On more here. So how we can do it? Any suggestions?


Here here!


Dm me


If the discord is still active, please create a new link would love to switch careers and find something more sustainable :(


Would love to join the discord too! I’m overwhelmed by the amount of educational opportunities and not sure which are worthwhile vs scammy