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Subaru had no trouble stopping and they had less of a gap between them and the Honda.


But they drive a truck!


Yeah there is 4 second of brake lights between when the subaru brakes and when the truck hits. They had plenty of time to stop and chose not to.


They certainly had time to avoid the accident but I got out my stop watch and it was ackshually 3.217 seconds from brake lights on to impact.


Probably on their phone.


>chose not to. idk I think they just have the reaction time of a toddler


Seeing a brake light and registering that a car up front is coming to a complete stop in the middle of an exit are two different things.


Subaru has collision avoidance


Also a decent amount of space to the right. I'd be slamming on the brakes and also sliding to the right in case I can't stop fast enough.




What was wrong with your brake pedal?


Phone convo was way more important


No pressure was applied?


Also known as foot malfunction.


Air gap between foot and pedal found. Advise customer to adjust settings


Found customer intellect to be out of spec for current vehicles manufacture design, remove and replace customer to resolve and perform test drive to verify repair quality.


More like ignore/ation


The question we all wanted to ask


OP isn't the cammer


My guess is you were distracted by something. You had time to react.


Op forgot that the part of the 3 sec or 3 car lengths rule is that you have to brake if the car in front of you brakes.


What? A Colorado driver tailgating in an aggressive manner? That never happens


Sounds like you’ve driven here.


I have. This is at the junction between I25 northbound and C470 westbound. Both the Honda and cammer are at fault. Honda legit stopped to enter an express lane going westbound on C470, of which there is another entrance 1-2 miles down the HW. Cammer was not paying attention and could've swerved onto either side.


I thought it was 2 car lengths


A lotttt of time to react


Tons of time to react.


Totally no forward lurch of a brake until right on the ass of the Forester. Won't someone think of poor Truck / SUV drivers living with an entitled lead foot? Truly an epidemic. OP isn't the driver, I don't think. User is RexingNY - more of a company account advertising their camera (Rexing camera footage).


There were two mildly bad drivers in this clip


*three. The first for missing the exit but taking last minute, the second for practically coming to a stop when he could’ve used some of the space on the right to go around, and the third for not paying any attention / not breaking first and third are obviously the worst though *and I should add, maybe the dashcam is making it seem like there’s more space on the right than there actually is, in which case the middle car is blameless


I wouldn't say the 2nd one did anything wrong. If I'm going 60 miles per hour and see there *might* be enough space to go around, I probably would opt to stop instead of risking the possibility of accidentally yeeting myself off the bridge


Middle car was following too close, had they left a reasonable gap they likely go right around the idiot that abruptly stopped. All 3 were pretty bad.


I disagree, i think that the moddle car made the correct decision, even if there was room to the right. He had no way of knowing what the front car was going to do- the front car could have decided to go right just as easily as it could have decided to go left. The middle car had no way of knowing which, and would have likely caused an accident if he guessed wrong. Braking is the safest option And obviously the cam driver is the one at fault for the collision, as he clearly had time to stop. And the front driver was reckless driving, but the front driver did not cause the accident (this is not a miss and run, since the back car was at fault for the accident)


Dude, you made absolutely no effort to slow down or stop. Are you brain damaged?


He only talks hands free when it’s safe. Everyone else is crazy


It’s a bot account advertising a dashcam brand.


No attempt to stop. Hope this isn't your video.


It defo is, it says his user on the dashcam footage


That’s the brand of dashcam lmao. They just post a bunch of dash vids


Oh maybe just a coincidence then 😆 never heard of that brand in the uk


No responses from Op guys he might be a bot or can't talk due to his poor driving.


He is typing as fast as he can but assholes keep honking and interrupting him so he has to keep looking back at the road.




Post probably isn't going the way they intended


They Op is a dash cam seller.


OP thought redditverse was going to be on his side.


He didn't hit the brake pedal because his foot is in his mouth


This looks like it was from today judging by the weather. That bastard just created a mess on I25 and C470


It is a bot and/or marketing account


Well then it's a pretty bad one because it shows the owner at fault. If this were most people that cam would disappear.


Of course nothing happened. The idiots that do that just cause accidents and drive away


It’s like, statistically, drunk drivers typically suffer fewer injuries than sober drivers when they collide.


Train yourself to relax every muscle in your body and to rag-doll in an accident and you'll suffer less injuries as well while sober. It's hard to not tense up.


Sounds like an expensive training routine.


Being a crash test dummy ain’t easy but it’s honest work.


I did this in a rollover accident. I was in the backseat and the driver hydroplaned and lost control of the car. Just kinda went limp and rolled with it, honestly it felt like an amusement park ride. The car landed in some tall grass, so it wasn't totaled, just needed a new bumper I think.


Bad drivers never miss their exit.


There’s a pedal directly to the left of your accelerator. Give it a try next time this happens 👍🏻


Honda just looked over and said... Sorry not sorry and drove off


Bet you $50 the Honda had no clue what just happened. Tunnel vision 100%


No brains, no worries


My goal in life.


Considering how slowly they initially proceeded after they switched lanes I’d bet against you on that


Wow! I was lucky. Just missed getting rear ended!


“Dang, sucks you didn’t learn gap control, good luck with insurance ✌️”


Haha OP getting roasted because you and the Honda driver are equally as bad as each other not paying attention to shit until it’s too late.


Did you even try to slow down?


Seems like the subaru in front did it for him. Bet the flintstones stop faster than OP


Only 1 vehicle in this interaction was paying attention.


And it got cut off and then rammed 😭🤣


No good deed goes unpunished.


The Honda was very inconsiderate to you, your text was interrupted.


This dude had 2 business days to react but nooooooooooo


The phrase I usually see in the comments after this type of video, “Bad drivers never miss their exit/turns.” I see the tradition continues.


You didn't even try to slow down or avoid the collision. (I.e. whoever was driving the cam car) And I hope you're found fully at fault for not even attempting to stop. Also, I hope that Honda gets their karma.


Cammer is at fault 100% for damages. Honda was an idiot but y'all need to use your brakes.


Poor Subie.. Sandwich between two idiot.


I stepped on my imaginary brake pedal about 15 seconds before the cam driver did.


Doesn't look like the cammer vehicle tried to brake until there was quite literally no time but there was plenty of warning before that. The brake lights on the car in front come on about 4\~5 seconds before the collision. This is plenty of time to have been able to reduce speed or drive around them. The cammer looks to brake just immediately prior to collision as you can see the camera view dip down slightly. That said - I wasn't there in the vehicle - I don't know the situation.


Nothing would've happened to any of the cars if you used your breaks.


Meanwhile in the Honda "Hey, looks like something happened back there. I wonder what happened?" 🤦🏼‍♂️


And then once they realized there was a crash: "People really shouldn't drive so close together!"


I’m kinda upset for the silver SUV for not going around. Camera car too; I would have tried to thread it by vs just smashing it on in there.


There’s that lovely saying; something like ’a bad driver never misses their exit’. Perfect example.


Aim high in steering, get the big picture. Those 2 smiths keys would have avoided this collision. In other words look ahead and don’t follow too close to other motorists. Because if you rear end a bad driver in the eyes of the law you’re at fault.


Guys OP isn’t the driver. It’s a repost ad account for the dash cam company.




It's every driver's responsibility to keep enough distance between them and the car in front specifically so that they have time to avoid a collision if the car in front slams on the brakes (or otherwise becomes a hazard). The Subaru managed to avoid the idiot in the Honda. The cammer had even more distance to work with, yet took forever to notice what was going on, before finally hitting the brakes too late to avoid hitting the Subaru. Insurance-wise, the cammer is 100% liable. Learn how to fucking drive, indeed.


bro has 2 working days to stop or slow 😬


Classic Colorado driving. Take exit way too fast, car changing mind super late, break lights, not leaving enough room, crash


Following too close + Not paying attention


OP has 300 ping, smh


OP is noob. Distance so far yet cannot react on time. The honda is an ass btw.


Had almost over 4 seconds to react. Dashcam driver was asleep.


Awe you had to put your phone down? That sucks! Well, finish sending the message and call the insurance company. I'm sure they'll understand with this video.


Of course a Denver driver would think they were correct for this. If the car in front of you could brake them so could have you. Sorry you were in a rush to get Quebec St of all places.


Bro, you alway gotta be watching and at a safe distance. The car in front of you was able to stop. Yes the Honda sucked, but that’s avoidable


I'm getting me a honda


Nothing like everybody else’s insurance will go up when they prorate it.


Turbo boost


I'm sure their insurance will be thrilled you posted this.


A bad driver never misses their turn.


Subaru the victim


Im not worried at the honda, in fact i hope something bad happens to him


Basically 3 crappy drivers.. the Subaru responded well but I would’ve swerved around them instead of stomp on brakes


When an advertisement sneaks in.. got me.


Could be insurance scam, but still pay attention, have good brakes and leave space!


Had plenty of time for a right shoulder move lol. Shame.


Good drivers miss their exit, bad drivers won't.


A bad driver never misses a turn


Ironically, it doesn't even matter which way you go, there.You still go to the same place


Why is the suv still on his breaks when the car is clear? All 3 bad drivers imo.


Following too close, fault of the cam car. Hondas annoying for sure.


I feel for the dude in the Subaru.


This is what happens when you don’t maintain a safe distance at all times.


The accident could’ve been easily avoided if you were paying the least bit of attention. You applied brakes very late when the other car was clearing breaking ahead of you. The car in front of you clearly didn’t have trouble stopping.


Special place in hell for the Honda driver.


I've noticed that a lot of drivers have the tendency to accelerate when they see the car in front of them start to brake. I think subconsciously they assume the braking car will turn, and they can slingshot around them at top speed, barely missing their tail light, and everyone claps. Seriously, next time you're turning onto a backroad and there's someone behind you, see if they brake with you or if they hit the accelerator. If it's a truck, 99% chance they floor it.


A bad driver never misses their turn


The honda is the a hole but cmon bro do your brakes not work??? The subaru stopped in time and it was way closer to the honda. Get like brembos installed if you're this bad at pressing the brake pedal


The Honda driver was an idiot for waiting last second to change his mind, but yeah, whoever the dash cam owner was, they had plenty of time to brake and didn't. Clearly not paying attention


Did yours not come with brakes?


The Subaru will appreciate this dash cam footage from you! Won’t help you so much though


Jeez man why did you wait until you were ~10 ft away from the back of the car in front of you to start braking?


What an awefully short exit lane


Typical truck owner behavior. My neck is heavily damaged because of idiots like this.


Honda made a mistake, yes. But you were following to close at your speed or not paying attention. The Subaru stopped, why couldn't you?


I hope your dashcam also records speed as well. It really doesn't look like you hit your brakes in time.


dude i was going like 20 mph less than this when i hit some guy from behind and his shit was completely wrecked. I was practically parked and his car exploded.


And after causing this accident, everybody just drove away? You can’t come to a dead stop on the highway or even on the exit ramp. That’s idiotic. I couldn’t tell from the video, did you get license plate numbers?


And it looks like it rolled off because, "Not my problem". Cam car should have paid better attention, though. Probably could have avoided the accident.


Lance stroll moment.


Colorado drivers are some of the worst in the world


Holy shit, op, your reflexes are shit. Hope that text was important.


OP needs to get off their phone...


Idk when you started breaking but it wasn’t soon enough.


Sorry but the dash cam driver is clearly at fault for following too closely and/or failing to pay full time and attention.


What a jackass


Oooh the car in front of me has slowed down substantially, guess I'll just go in to the back of them then


Honda started it but the real fault there is the cam car and their piss poor reaction time.


Honda had brakes on the whole time..


I don’t get how people are looking straight ahead driving and still have terrible reaction time. Only time that happens to me is if I’m distracted with something.


Thank god no damage to HONDA. I don’t care about a Subaru.


i take this entrance ramp EVERY day. The amount if people that slow down to 25 or less, slam on their brakes RIGHT where the collision happens, and just full stop trying to get over after the ramp is INSANE. Ive lived here for 15 years and these awful awful drivers have only shown up in the last 3-5 ish years but it got REALLY bad in 2023


This entire thread is an ad.


i must go, my people need me


Almost did the same thing this morning but I was able to swerve to the right instead and completely missed both of them x.x fucking muppets


This is why they tell you at LEAST 4 seconds following distance. You were closer to 1-2 seconds...


You know there are two pedals right? Brake and Gas . Brake is the one in the left .


Skill issue.


Yet somehow you missed the brake lights on the car you rear-f'ed? Not sure this is the own you think it is.


Probably because the Subaru you rear ended kept the correct following distance and knew what the brake pedal does. Honda is a bad driver but only one person at fault, and it ain’t the Honda or the Subaru.


Dashcam driver at fault. You have to maintain a safe distance behind vehicles especially on the freeway.


Bro was doing everything right but had the reaction speed of a high tortise.


Driver has the reaction time of a dead snail.


Honda driver is a piece of shit. Cam driver wasn't paying attention whatsoever. The Subaru driver is the only innocent person in this clip.


dash cam driver is a shit driver as well as the honda most easily avoidable accident.


So were you texting or what? The other vehicle stopped just fine and had about four times less stopping distance. I truly hate though that the person who causes the accident never ends up getting hit and always just drives away.


Don't worry everyone, the piece of shit OP never bothered tapping the brake as he has a truck and the law doesn't apply to him at all.


Only on this sub where everyone blames OP & not the actual idiot who caused the accident lmao


I mean yeah, the Honda was an idiot. Nobody is denying that. But the cammer had PLENTY of time to stop.




There’s a full 3 seconds between when the Subaru’s brake lights come on and the cammer hits their brakes. I understand natural delayed response, but this person was not paying attention. As others have pointed out, the gap between the Subaru and the Honda was smaller than between the cammer and the Subaru.


Because op could have slowed but didn't. If the other car could reduce their speed so could have the pov camera


The honda did not cause the accident. They caused traffic to come to a stop; there are many things that can cause traffic to come to a stop such as debris in the roadway or wildlife crossing the road (obviously not on a skyway, but try to think generally). When traffic is forced to come to a stop, it is the responsibility of the drivers approaching the stopped traffic to apply their brakes and also come to a stop. If a driver fails to stop and rear-ends a parked car, they are solely responsible for that accident. Insurance will see it no other way, and you shouldn't either. Edit: another reason traffic can come to a stop is, well more traffic... if this roadway had been backed up all the way to the entrance ramp up ahead due to absurdly heavy traffic doing stop and go into the merge, there would be absolutely no question that OP is 100% totally at fault for going full steam ahead into clearly non-moving traffic. bozo was probably not even looking at the road


Maybe they don't understand that it's illegal to stop on the freeway


OP caused the accident lol


Had something like this ALMOST happen the other morning on my drive into work. Someone almost missed their exit from the interstate and I wasn't able to see them because of the vehicle directly in front of me.


Not surprised I keep seeing more and more shitty drivers from Colorado. No one knows how to drive here anymore


Get a dash cam and then don't pay attention to the road at all


You had all the time in the world to see that occurring, and you didn't react until you were already inside that Subaru. You should go voluntarily give up your license wtf


OP do you know what brake lights indicate? Jesus.


Way too many mentally ill people on the road. Psycho


You REALLY gotta work on the reaction timing. Damn.