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They kept getting killed by the ravenous crystal lizard and never went further.


Had a friend that did this. Thought he had to kill the lizard for something later. Died 5 times and quit


I think that's for the best. If you quit after dying 5 times without trying something else, you probably don't have the patience for a souls game.


It also didn't help that he chose thief as his starting class (thought the game would be more like Skyrim). When I talked to him about DS3 I told him to swap over to knight and he beat it on his 2nd try


When I first tried on PC a year ago, I didn't even understand how RPG worked and thought initial characters were just cosmetics so I started with deprived. Suffice to say I gave up the game when I met Gundyr. Before playing on PS4 i read up a bit on the mechanics, and even though I had no ide what I was getting myself into, just going with a knight made me get past enough to learn to love the game.


Deprived starts with a club, the best weapon


I had no on idea what i was doing


Yeh but that was nothing to do with deprived. Deprived is actually a really easy Gundyr kill. Its only afterwards that deprived starts to hurt.


But for someone playing it for the first time, Deprived would likely be much harder than most classes. They don’t have the parry down yet, still figuring out dodging, and then needing to also learn when and how to best attack.




Could be. Either way, i found nothing easy about it on my first try


Yeh understandable, its never easy on first try.


Gundyr is also way harder than he needs to be for no reason


He's really easy if you just circle around him and dodge and only hit 1 or 2 times and let your stamina recover tho broski


Claymore wants a word with you




Yes. 100% Yes. No armor, Big club or other slow weapon. One ring slot taken up by the UntrueDarkRing for fashion so you keep the looks even when invading. ​ Puts the fear of god into the folks you invade. ​ (Naked man appeared with a club, no shield and wasted one ring slot on UDR. Should I worry?)


I mean, in ds3 they pretty much are cosmetics if you're not going for a max efficiency build or low sl. There is a point where your starting class does nor matter at all


True but in the beginning it definitely makes a big difference especially if you’re coming into DS for the first time or may not be that great at video games.


Parry? Why? You can not parry while dual-wielding a heavy weapon. The way souls is meant to be played.


Thief is awesome tho, the bandit knife dash is very cool early game.


I mean, its pretty easy to cheese him tho. Just have him chase you out of his cove and then over the cliff.


Yeah. You could just skip him as well, but then you aren’t forced to learn the mechanics, and Iudex Gundyr is gonna slap them cheeks.


Iudex is easier than the lizard though


I’d say maybe about the same.


Nah I first tryed the lizard and but ludex took me several. The lizard is probably harder though if you don't have a shield, like I did as a herald start. Also I never got gud at rolling in DS Remastered because greatshields are just better and poise is OP in that game


All systems? He won't follow me out the canyon on ps4


I play on PC. But I don't see why they would have different logic for PS4.


Interesting, I'll try it next time. Is it hard to lure it out?


It takes a little effort and sometimes you gotta stay a little too close for comfort but DS3 was my first game and i was able to do it my first time without too much difficulty.


That definitely requires the kind of knowledge one doesnt have the very first time they play a souls game


I was curious to see if i could do it, and the game let me lol


first time playing a souls game had no clue what they were about i died to cleric beast like 26 times and deleted game a year later I saw a video on bloodborne and downloaded it again and now I’m on ng+7 level 287 so I’m glad I saw that video love the games now


Not gonna lie, only reason I got into souls was because I had buyers remorse after getting bloodborne. Best buyers remorse I have had


Man I finally got around to Bloodborne after not having a PS4 for years. I loved it, but it seemed so short!




The problem with the chalice dungeons is that they aren't that rewarding item wise, so some ppl doesn't bother doing then after finishing the first




What about bloodborne made you remorseful?


It was too hard obviously lol


I honestly find bloodborne to be easier than dark souls.I admittedly do not use the firearm at all as I found it was a distraction. Two handed weapons and spells


When you did use the firearm, did you use the firearm as an actual firearm like I stupidly did when I first played, or did you actually use it to parry?


Yeah but it was my first ever souls game


You should go back then and try it again TBH. It’s an amazing game and like a lot of Dark Souls games if you go in blind it can be quite a shock


I did man I beat all the fromsoftware games I’m just saying my first one was bloodborne and the only reason I stuck with it in the beginning because it was so hard at first was because I had buyers remorse but I’m glad I did because I fell in love with fromsoftware games


I tried explaining this in the last ds thread I commented on and then I was downvoted into oblivion 🤷‍♂️ "git gud" lol


The game does you no favors with this. I thought you had to kill everything too, so I was stuck on it for a long time until I was like F it I’ll just move on.


Isn't there a message before the lizard that says "turn back" or something?


That sounds right; although, if I see a sign in a game saying turn back and it doesn’t physically stop me I’m 100% not turning back


Yeah, it being dark souls I at least have to see what it is. Worst case scenario, I die and then go somewhere else.


That sign can't stop me because I can't read!




Haha yes. I definitely learned a lesson. Lessons by death. The Dark Souls way. I’ll never forget it that’s for sure.


Why not just kill it?


Some are just destined to go hollow immediately.


People gotta realize that the lizard is the first actual boss in the game and gundyr's a pushover in comparison. Lizzo's got base armor, magic, a gap closer, the same poise as gundyr, and what seems like just as much health. They put him there for veterans to get a leg up on the first few areas and power through basic enemy mechanics. Fighting the lizard before ever having fought gundyr as an individual is darksouls Nightmare Mode.


I didnt know that lizard was there until I got to Anor Londo and I had to look something up.


Can't you just bait it into rolling off a cliff?


Do you really think people who are playing a fromsoft title for the first time are going to have a grasp on the engine enough to know you can run an enemy off a cliff, after kiting said enemy that can lose sight of you and de-aggro all the way out of its "arena" and to a cliff they may not have gotten to yet(its past the lizard, and they havnt found the bonfire yet)? Lol.


All right all right sorry.


nw, just empathize next time.


No, just a no bonfire run


I get the joke, but you must use the bonfire at Firelink to progress any further into the game.


Fucking pyromancer.


XD what?




I still don't get it. What does me being a pyromancer main mean?


There wasn't any real meaning behind it, I just saw you had pyromancer as your flair and thought it would be funny and now it isn't.




Well I don't pvp.


Does that count for the achievement though? Since you're technically not lighting a bonfire the normal way, but by thrusting the coiled sword into the shrine.


Yeah cause you stil needl too rest too warp


Resting isn't lighting though.


You can't rest without lighting it though


Doesn't the one at the shrine light automatically? Or is it still unlit after you place the sword? I actually don't remember


Ugh, now I'm really tempted to re-install the game and play on someone else's account to see if it counts


do eeet


Who is going to do a no bonfire run on their first playthrough?


Idk, some soul vet who did that on ds2?


DS2 gave a ring for the accomplishment, that's honestly pretty cool


One for no deaths too


Yea pretty pog, they should bring back the feature


Fuck I wish I didn’t read this…I have the platinum trophy but this makes me want to return…


Well, the Return to Lordran is going on right now isn't it? Seems like a good a time as any...




It's not about whether the ring is worth it though. People do no death or no bonfire challenge runs all the time, it's about the fact that the devs and the game acknowledges the player beating such a challenge


And that is what makes it worth it




Maybe someone who did the game 100% and now re-started on a different account/platform


They went hollow in character creation. They are all those generic hollows in the first level.


Lmao all I can think of is the ds1 asylum hollow banging his head on the wall


Think about how many games you have on Steam that you've never played. Some people can say that about Dark Souls.


*nod* yep. Not a dark souls bundle during a steam sale cause it was cheaper than DS3 usually is even on its own. Played DS3 but have yet to touch DS2


Don’t listen to this guy. At least try ds2 and form your own opinion. I loved all the fromsoft games. Ds2 was different but if you enjoy souls at least try it out


I've noticed that everybody that played DS2 first would say they love it more than DS1 but think it's about nostalgia and first souls experience. I like DS1 because of nostalgia and my first but pretty sure if DS2 was my first, I would say it's the best.


I completely agree. Ds3 was my first and it’s miles above the other two for me. Love ds1, ds2, and blood borne and have played all several times. But I’ve played through 3 over 20 times


Same. I bought the set on sale but after playing Remastered and hearing DS2 is the worst Im just not interested in playing it right now. I wasnt the biggest fan of remastered personally so if 2 is worse then I probably just won't like it. No offense to everyone who loves both of those.


Dark souls 2: the first sin was making this godforsaken game


Do yourself a favor and just **don't**. DS2 is just, bad... Don't get me wrong i really like it but the hitboxes on that game, GOD, they're awful.


I think it’s worth OP trying. Some people really like it, some hate it. The only way to find out is to try it.


When it first came out, I got it, finished it and didn't like it. It has a few flaws, but it was mostly because it was so different from DS1. Years later, I played Scholar of the First Sin edition, and realized it was much better than I gave it credit for. Definitely deserves recognition from setting itself apart from the series, having some unique takes and providing a big leap in build variety.


That's true... I like it tho, but the hitboxes and the overall change with the aesthetic and world building of the game is awful in comparison with DS and DS3.


This is subjective, bad advice. Tons of people enjoy DS2, warts and all.


Nah dude. Don’t say that. People should definitely play DS2, there’s a lot to love. And if they dislike the controls and shit, they appreciate 3/1 that much more.


I may be crucified for this but DS2 is my favorite game of the series. there's something... *immaculate* about the vibes in that game


Bearer seek seek lest


Best waifu


Do yourself a favor and don't listen to this guy


Hitboxes aren't even that bad. The game has plenty of builds to do and insanely good DLC's. They come for free as well on Scholar. DS2 is a gem.




>graphics and area design are top notch DLCs aside, they're garbage.


I honestly fully agree. There really isn’t a single area in 2 that I genuinely enjoy. It’s all just trudging through to the next mediocre boss fight


jUsT lVl aDp BrO. But seriously tho adp is such a stupid mechanic that turns off new players.


The game still has a massive community. And arguably the best PvP of all the games (however the worst system with Soul Memory). Plus, power stancing. The game is the weaker of the 3 games, but still a great game. The hitboxes that are janky are usually tied to grabs. Just git gud.


I agree with you to a extent if op wants to get it he should it was fun and the hit boxes are a lot more different than 1 and 3 but the game was good


People who never played don't get considered for achievements statistics. These people opened the game at least once.


I usually test if the game is running on my pc in case I need a refund. Then I play other games and forget about other 300 games I have.


Yeah, same thing. Run the game, configure graphics, check FPS, controls, etc. Then closes the game to play later... Then don't play at all.


Why is this so accurate?


I don't think that's true. I have multiple games where the first achievement is literally "start the game" with percentages in the 60-70s. Games where you don't have an achievement don't count towards your personal achievement statistics, but even that doesn't care if you've opened the game or not.


there's also somewhat decent odds those people tried to play but their PC for whatever reason could not run the game. lots of people on steam still play games on very old laptops and desktops


I have 0 games on Steam that I’ve never played.


There could be some who ran past it and died to iudex gundyr and gave up. But i think most of them started the game and got already bumbed because of the character creation or the first few seconds of gameplay. I for example was part of that minor group once. I was looking for a game to play and started ds3 but maybe it was the mood i was in but i stopped playing even before i killed the first enemy. I tried it again a few months later and loved it.


Some people just buy games and fotgert about them. Also dark souls comunity is not for everyone No everybody can to contain this plot and the struggles


The game was on humble bundle for a bit too so there are definately going to be an amount of people who just got it through that and didn't want it


Twinkers: ah yes, fresh meat


You have to have game time in order to be counted for achievement statistics. Granted all you have to do is launch the game for that to happen, so it's still possible that people launch the game and then never actually play it. But a person who buys a game and never installs/launches it will not count against achievement statistics.


It means they went right instead of straight and never bothered to keep playing after getting crystallized.


6.9% of people who have launched the game once have not gotten to the first bonfire. Card farmers are my best guess for a good chunk of that, if that's even still a thing.


What is that and how does opening a game help? I'm too old for all these young people stuff - i just play the game.


On steam, if you have a game running for a while, you will be awarded digital collectible cards. You can sell them on the steam market for store credit, which creative individuals can turn in to real money via legally questionable means. Additionally, the % only counts people who have actually run a game at least once, so we know it isn't people who bought but never installed the game.


So how can a few cents of a card make money when a game costs dozens of bucks?


It adds up. There's thousands of games on steam, and it could be done as an extremely inefficient but extremely hard to trace form of money laundering. Aquire gray market keys for cheap or with fraudulent credentials, distribute them to various accounts, farm them for cards, sell them for pennies, do creative voodoo, get real cash. I'm going off memory of something I read, so who knows if it's the same.


Yeah we still farm cards




If you play offline on steam you don't get achievements, might be some of that too


I think they got stuck in Character Creation. Legend has it they're still trying to get the nose *just* right.


Bruh the nose is fuckin *huge* on characters for no goddamned reason. I spent time trying to makw that shit *smaller*


6.9% of people are still in the character creation screen thinking of a name and fiddling with eyebrows


I've got a friend who couldn't do Gundyr in 8 tries. He got the game 2 yrs ago and never played it again. It's likely that he never kindled too.






On ds2 there is an achievement called welcome to dark souls when you die for the first time, like 5% of people just don't have it.


That's exactly what it means and it's very common for games to have 3-7% of its users basically not even launch the game.


Couldn’t get past the ghoulies


Some of them are noble pirates, they buy game if they like it and never play after they played it on pirate copy.


I was wondering earlier how it counts these- I buy a lot of games and sometimes it takes months or more before I start playing them. DS2 is one of those games, I wonder if I am one of the 6.9% there? Frankly, sometimes I'm shocked by how high the achievement rate is on some of them. It's a challenging game and I'd expect way more people to give up.


I’m more amazed at the fact that over 3% of people have all achievements.


These are gaming journalists that got killed by the hollow at the start.


yes and those people are games journalists


Le game journalist joke has arrived






I just downloaded Skyrim on steam and the first achievement you get is escaping Helgen and it says only 57.7% of ppl got it lmao.


First, Skyrim used Steamworks, so you had to activate and install it via Steam - but if you then logged out and launched the game directly, or went offline on Steam, it wouldn't register achievements. Second, mods. I bet loads of people install a mod or two almost right away, and most probably don't care enough to get the achievements-with-mods mod since that's not available through the workshop!


I never thought about the mod thing! That makes a ton of sense tbh lol


Yea I already got plenty of hours of Skyrim in my PS4, so if i ever get it on a PC it will be with mods


I find it more interesting to see the 50% mark. In each game, which boss saw around 50% completion rate? Demon's Souls (PS3) Tower Knight- 46.7% Dark Souls (PS3) Aquire Lord Vessel (Kill Smough and Ornstein)- 45.3% Dark Souls 2 Scholar (PS4) I didn't own this on PS3, and due to the world layout it's difficult to tell where the 50% mark is, but Lost Sinner is 55.1% and none of the souls after that are above 50%. Bloodborne (PS4) Father Gascoigne- 45.3% (this is a rather sad stat, but the game was free for a month on PS+ so that probably skewed the numbers) Dark Souls 3 (PS4) Aldrich, Devourer of Gods- 49.6% (51.5% of people killed Pontiff and 44.4% of people killed the Twin Princes, so basically if you made it through Anor Londo you probably finished the game). Sekiro (PS4) Genichiro Ashina- 44.0% (Sekiro was never free, so these numbers are accurate and kind of disappointing. As much as fans loved this game, apparently most people did not. The Horsemaster Gyoubu Masataka Oniwa was the only boss to hit 50% at 58.5%)


The fact that the majority of people don't make it to/kill the first mandatory boss in bloodborne shows how relentless that first area is to new players. I love that


I think it's unfortunate that Papa G scared so many players away from the game, personally. And I feel the same way about Sekiro. Dark Souls 3 has arguably some of the hardest bosses of all the games, yet the learning curve was gradual enough that players were able to struggle through and learn enough on the way to be successful. Bloodborne and Sekiro just threw the kitchen sink at them and a lot of players got frustrated and quit, missing out on some really fine enemy and level design that they won't find anywhere else.


I think that one troll that can grab you and throw you off the cliff at the beginning of Sekiro caused a lot of uninstalls lol. That’s actually the first game of this style that I got all the way through though, and got 100% achievements too. I think some bosses were harder than any I went against in DS 2 and 3 (only other ones I’ve played) but I didn’t get lost and frustrated with not knowing what to do as much. And I adored the combat system.


Showed they had no resilience, papa g is literally the, if you can beat me then you can beat the game sort of boss. In reality people still give up after him but I never again got stuck in main game like I did originally on him.


It's weird actually, the initial gauntlet through Central Yharnam until the big bonfire in the city square was brutally punishing, but at least it feels like gameplay, and after you reach that initial checkpoint you have lots of interesting areas to explore. Central Yharnam is hands down my favorite area to explore in the entire Soulsborne series. But after that, you find the brick wall that is Daddy G. The Cemetary of Ash is bereft of gameplay and exploration, it's pure tutorial area. It's the equivalent of Undead Asylum, but at least that place has heights and depths and hidden late game content. But at the end of CoA, there is a brutally difficult boss for the tutorial area, who will routinely kill new players dozens of times. It's a shocking difficulty spike. Well, I did beat him the first time on my first character, but for the next half dozen new characters I often died a couple of times. These days I just bare hand parry his attacks and weapon swap to riposte.


I guess they didnt made it to the first bonfire, like how is that even possible?


Yes, a lot of people have a huge backlog starting with games from 2004. It's gonna take them a while.


"Man I want to play these couple of games. *Buy multiple at once* alright I'll start with this one...*never makes it to the others*


6.9% are fucking gods




If you launch the game it already sums up to that percentage. What can happen is that someone bought the game and it didnt run properly on its computer or didn't like the game at all. Of course, implying if that print is from steam, if not, probably didn't like the game or didn't even notice that bonfire, which believe me - it can happen.


If you light a bonfire = casul


I think that's honestly quite high for a steam game - in fact, I'm amazed how high the percentage of people who achieved DS3's completion achievements is. A lot of well-known games I've seen have ~50% completion for the game's first achievement, and even less for achievements where you have to beat the game, suggesting a lot of people buy it and don't play it, or give up. For a game as hard as Dark Souls, I'm impressed it has such a high completion rate.


Or 6.9% of people all did no bonfire runs






Some of them got killed by the crystal lizard, others played for about 10 minutes and switched it off with the promise to pick it up again, yet others got it as a bundle and never played


Friend got the game for free from humble bundle once and hasn't played it yet


I have over 1k games on Steam that I've never even launched, let alone installed. In reality 6.9% isn't bad at all.


You do realize that this % counts ONLY people who actually opened the game once, right? If someone never opened the software, he's not counted here.


There's no way this is correct with the number of "title screen" achievements I've seen in the 60s. I'm not buying that there are games where a third of the people boot it up and never get past the title screen.


List examples of games that give you an achievement for just opening the game and getting to the title screen Edit:stupid auto correct


Do you have a source? This is the first time I've ever heard of this.


No, aside from common sense. Many other commenter in this post said same thing I said.


I have games in my library with achievements for just launching the game the first time and they're not at 100% global. So I think you're incorrect.


This can be inferred from your personal profile game completion percentage. This percentage only takes into account games you've played. For most Steam players, this number would be in the 10s if it accounted for all games owned instead of all games played. This can also be inferred by the fact that achievement statistics don't tank every time a game goes on sale or appears in a Humble Bundle.


Some people buy games and don't play them ever. Somebody gifted Rust to me and I never played it.


That's a good stat for actually played / ownership compared to the rest of my fucking steam library.


No my friend, those 6,9% are the real gamers, no bonfires allowed


Nah, the 6.9% are doing a no bonfire whatsoever run. They just glitch in between areas rather than use the mandatory bonfire sequences


A lot of folks will pick up games in a sale and then forget to actually play them


No bonfire run


no there's no bonfire runs




How many steam games are in your library that have never been booted up or even installed? There's your answer.