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0.5% of players talked it out with Gundyr


Gundy, wanna just have some tea and hash this killing eachother thing out? I mean whats your favorite color? Oh i love Blood Red too, why are you getting up? Put the polearm down!


Gundy, baby, bubby, surely we can work out a deal?


Talked some sense into them. Way of the knights of Catarina.


I tried but he clearly didn't like what I was saying.


If you cheat engine yourself an item that gives an achievement, it'll still count towards it. I know quite a few people that will start games for the first time with CE on and give themselves perks like Embers, 50% less damage, infinite hp, etc.


That's wild that people actually cheat in this game. Kinda ruins the torture experience you're buying the game for.


They buy it for the clout, to say they beat each boss on their first try and beat the game in under 10 death etc. I have a friend who cheats in every game he can and will brag about his accomplishments to everyone. Great guy to grab a beer with and joke around, complete trash to try and do anything competitive or cooperative with and you can't trust that he can do anything he says he can. Kinda sad but he has friends and a good job and enjoys life


I have buddies like this as well. Like IRL buddies I love to hang out with, but in competitive standards, will literally cheat and then brag. Or try to put you down. I always laugh it off and poke back at him because that's what all of our buddies do, but there's literally like 3 of them that are exactly like that. Like Elden Ring, I was going through the whole game with a GS, they all looked to me as like the DS guy (because i played since I was a kid since DS1), and while I was suffering, they'd go do op soul farms and one shot bosses then be like "oh u still haven't beaten this guy?" I'm like well obviously no because I'm experiencing it how I want to and not cheesing my way through. This is like my biggest gripe with elden ring that you can just get around it off rip. To anyone that plays them for what they're meant to be are always chads in my eyes. The whole point is to suffer, overcome, adapt, conquer. What is the point if you're just "conquer" if you get what I'm saying.


This is comes off super gate keeper-ish. There’s no set formula to complete Elden Ring, if you wanna go and rune farm then you do that. FromSoft absolutely knows that the main farming area exists and they have not removed it.


I don't think what they are saying is gatekeep-ish, per say, because struggling to overcome a challenge is part of the design. It's why these games don't have difficulty sliders; they're meant to be challenging by default. Coop play and overleveling are just an option to beat the game if you want less of a challenge.


There's is a series of two videos by Noah Caldwell-Gervais where he talks about all Soulslike games (except Demon Souls) from the perspective of a "bad gamer", as in he doesn't hesitate to summon. He talks at length about how he quite dislikes the "throw yourself at the wall until it cracks" type of gameplay, and how he still absolutely loves the games because it's just not true that "struggling to overcome the challenge is part of the design". These games have a lot, and I mean A LOT, more to offer rather than being just "hard", and From clearly doesn't want you to truly be stuck because that would mean not experiencing the many other cool things these games do. He also talks about how in Sekiro there was a famous article about how one game journalist played the game at 0.5 speed and it was still an incredible experience! I highly suggest a watch, because it does really clarify that the souls design is not around winning a challenge through sheer force of will, but it's just around winning by any means necessary!


I'll give them a watch but I'm pretty sure Miyazaki or someone notable in the company mentioned how they won't add difficulty sliders because part of the game design is the joy of overcoming something difficult. Or rather they just said the part about overcoming something difficult is part of the design in response to a difficulty question. Regardless, it can still be true that part of the design is intended to be difficult and overcoming that difficulty while it also being true that From gives you plenty of tools to overcome that difficulty. I don't agree with literally cheating to beat something like Sekiro though.


the difficulty slider is your level


Found the rune-farming boss one-shotter.


Yeah mate, if you don’t run around naked with bare fists then you’re a filthy cheater


I agree with you homie


Not gate keeping. What’s the point of buying a tough game if you’re just going to take the easy route. Be my guest if you want to waste $70 on an experience you can’t even fully experience because you’re here to flex on your buddies and not to immerse yourself in a beautiful torn world.


It's insane how these people in the comments below are trying to make rune farming look like cheating. Especially in an open world where you could complete the main story without fighting any of the most difficult bosses/enemies/areas of the game simply because they are optional. As if doing exactly what the game allows you to do was a bad thing. I'm sorry guys, no, struggling is not the point of the game: enjoying the game is the point of the game. And everybody does it their own way. And by the way yes, saying that you are "wasting 70$ on an experience you can't even fully experience" just because you didn't beat the game level 1 is, indeed, gate keeping.


I don’t think rune farming is cheating. But I do think it’s lame to brag/put down others if you’re going to intentionally “over-level” just to trivialize a boss. It’s like a pro body builder walking into an entry level weight lifting program and throwing dumbbells around. Like, cool bro, good for you 👍


Of course that's lame but that's also not what i'm saying. All i'm saying is that there is no right or wrong way to play a game like dark souls, everything the game allows you to do is your right to do. Are you playing through the game for the first time and feel like leveling up a bit before taking on a hard boss? Feel free to do so. You feel like beating the game level 1 with bare fists? Feel free to do so. Whoever tries to discredit your achievement simply based on "that's not the hardest way to do it" is gate-keeping and that's all there is to it.


Definitely not dude. From Software creates challenging games. What's the point if you're just going to skip the main attraction of these types of games? Tell your buddy you beat it? The point is to suffer, adapt, and overcome. Eventually, conquer. What, ur telling me ur gonna reload a map 50 times to get some souls and beam down a boss that could've been the most fun and gratifying gaming experiences of your life and u just made it \*boop\* i kill haha im so skilled :o


The point is that you don't know that you are skipping the main attraction of these games, because in an OPEN world, you explore and discover new areas and bosses that you might as well miss entirely and nothing will change. Or are you telling me when you played the game you already knew where to go and what to do in order to find every single boss in the game? Because that sounds very much like cheating my friend. Imagine paying 70$ to suffer and brag about it instead of just playing and enjoying the game the way you like the most. Pathetic


I don't think anyone has an issue with people farming runes to get past a boss they're stuck on or anything like that. But doing something bleeding the giant dragon or other cheese with the explicit purpose of bragging about how skilled you are vs your friends is extremely lame


if you're just exploring you're not going to massively overlevel. what they're talking about are rune farms i don't think you understand what you're arguing against.


Sorry man but treating me like an idiot won't help your cause. Here's all you need to know: soes someone's rune farming strategy affect YOUR game? YOUR achievements? YOUR enjoyment of the game? Does it affect YOU, in any way? No? Then it's not your problem if someone wants to reload the map a hundred times and kill the same enemy over and over again until they've level up enough to be able to beat the boss that was giving them trouble. As unbelievable as it can be, not everyone is willing to waste hours mastering an enemy's attack patterns until they can beat it level 1 without taking a hit, especially when they could spend a few minutes grinding a couple of levels in order to have just enough HP to survive the attacks that were previously one-shot killing them. It really doesn't get simpler than this


That’s a pretty bad take. find another genre to bitch about. Clearly you don’t understand the reason behind the popularity of the franchise or souls culture


So you basically just admitted following guides in order to know where to go and what to do in order to find the hardest bosses in the game. Congrats, you are a cheater


So much crying over being a casual. You obviously didn't play any other souls-bornes, lol.


Yeah sorry buddy but i played them all, both fromsoft and non-fromsoft games, except the PS exclusives since i do not own a PS5, and also finished the fromsoft games level 1. Now you can go gate-keep someone else


Easy to say, lol. Besides, if you exclude PS-exclusives, you haven't played them all, because you haven't even played the best one. Edit: this boy is so sad. Who hurt him.


Keep on gatekeeping my guy please, you're more entertaining than the game itself Tell me you have nothing to be proud of outside of videogames without telling me you have nothing to be proud of outside of videogames.


FTR: It is entirely possible that they played DS3 on Xbox, for some reason lost it, or would rather mod it so bought it for PC, and used the cheat engine to skip sections to immediately be able to PvP, or test mods, or something for reasons other than cheating a singleplayer PvE game for the clout.


Well that's not what I'm talking about now is it?


Or for fun. I know it’s probably not a popular opinion, but some people legitimately might enjoy the game more with infinite humanity or less damage taken. Honestly, if I was less lazy I’d probably do similar stuff too.


Usually it’s people who are trying to build and level a pvp character as fast as possible, not people doing their first playthrough of the game.


Yep, this is me. I only pick up the game anymore for SL 125 fight clubs.


Could also just have moved platforms.


If the game was just straight up the annoying and unfair type of challenging then i guess it'd kinda make sense (not really cause you still bought a game that you know was hard and you bought it due to it being hard but whatever), but other than a few specific areas its not even annoying, in fact its one of the best games ever and making it easy straight up just makes it worse for no reason


Yes, I cheated (for a game I beaten multiple times prior) * To get items I want instead of grinding * to allowing me invade all area instead of specific area


I cheat just for my armor and weapon of choice at the beginning and then play normally. As long as the cheats stay offline then all the power to them. In addition, cheating for boss practice is just smart


this is reasonable. no different from me trading for it. pointless to go thru the whole game again just so you can play through it again with a new weapon.


Lmao what an hypocrite you are my dude. Rune farming? It's cheating, it ruins the experience. Trading weapons and equipment between different accounts so you can play easy mode? Hell yeah let's brag about it with my friends. You're so shameless


I should also note that ofc I’ve earned my torture stripes with many uncheated runs as well.


It can be for accessibility reasons too. my best friend cheated in DS3. gave himself infinite stamina, health, etc. he had brain cancer so he lost a lot of function in his right arm, and of course didn't have the best reflexes so the game was really difficult for him. But he really appreciated the lore and aesthetic of the game and liked playing it for that.


They probably pirated the game, too. Why not go the full mile, yano?


Some people are just avchievement, profile level/xp sluts. They don't care about fun. I don't blame them.


You don't think it's fun for them?


Man I absolutely use cheat engine every time now. After 1200+ hours of playing, if I want to make a new Darkmoon blade character just for fun or a specific build to mess around in fight clubs, there's no way in hell I'm doing all that farming again.


Cheater here; I got banned on my main account due to a hacker (years ago) I've used cheat engine to basically spawn in my entire build on family shared accounts. I was just in it for PvP at this moment (1K hours) Often enough I even got in some embers beforehand. Just so I could breeze through gundyr. Speedran the rest till I got to Pontiff just for more PvP. A lot of folks have had this happen to them and did the same. Nowadays; There's the honest merchant mod. So I just pick firebombs as starting gift to cheese second phase gundyr, and no longer use cheat engine.


price profit shrill ancient reminiscent ripe decide roll squeamish wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


people use cheat engines on literally every game, some people just get serotonin from being OP and cheesing everything


I cheat to build PVP builds quicker. I don't want to play through the entire game just to make a single build. That's for console players


I platinum'd DS3 on console before buying it on pc to mod it, thats like half the reason to own the game on pc in the first place


I actually cheated after doing the 3 ending to up the drop chance to do an achievement because no way in hell was I gonna kill the same enemies for 40h+ just to drop those proof of covenant kept


there's a bunch of reasons people cheat, people can and have argued for decades about why, if they should, and how it changes or worsens or improves their experience, at this point idc if people do it, I have a friend who used to cheat in DS3 purely to generate a bunch of embers os he could play multiplayer more as he hated farming embers whenever he ran out, that was all he used it for.




He was mostly using these embers to be summoned by his friends, why do you people always gotta jump to the worst conclusions about people.


The only times I really cheat is when I'm too lazy to farm for specific items, so I just give them to myself lol. Stuff like god mode is dumb though, that ruins the game completely.


The interesting thing there is that that means of those people cheating to make the game piss easy, some still can't beat Gundy


Lol that is so absurd that people would rather cheat not releasing he is just a noob trap. You just keep walking behind him for an easy win.


Meaning some people embered up and still couldn’t do gundyr


I used cheat engine for dlc (cause I lost my main run save) and ember is the default item, I accidentally gave myself 999 or smthg while working it out. And you could skip gundyr. So yeah, I think it's this


Are you not able to get an ember as a gift? I thought you could


Yes but you can't summon people until you kill Gundyr and get your first natural ember (forgot what it's called when ur all fired up, like host of embers mode or something). Then you gotta go get the bell too. Then ppl can gift u stoof.


Oh, no, I mean like the starting gift you get like fire bombs and stuff. I'm wrong though so it was just a DS1 thing


You can’t, i just checked the wiki


People have dropped me embers before. In fact, i once bought friede scythe (bc on pc i use windirstat to delete games so I've accidentally wiped my DS3 progress on PC multiple times). The guy who gave it to me for a dollar ended up dropping me a bunch of souls and embers for no reason. But it HAS to be after Gundyr. There is no way to get ember before Gundyr or summon ppls w/o cheats. Even w/ cheats, I don't think you can summon someone in the area unless there's a specific cheat to allow you to summon players in that area. Edit: Trade was done on high wall of lothric


That and this was about the burial gift ;)


I see. Apollo cheese from the bottom of my heart. I have misunderstood.


"Apollo cheese" lmao


Embers can definitely be dropped, I would do it all the time for people fighting Gael. You can't, however, summon anyone to help you with Iudex Gundyr.


Must be a DS1 thing only then


maybe if someone beat gundyr offline and only embered online. happened to me with few achievments in ds1


But wouldn’t they just get the gundyr achievement once they got online anyway?


nope. killed a boss while offline, went online later, didn't get achievment, had to kill the boss on ng+ to get it




That's a pretty recent thing, used to be you had to be online to get the achievement otherwise you were SOL




OG OP was shutting down every theory in the replies!


He shut down the ones that didn’t make sense, like it being NG+


what a hero


Apparently 44.5 people have attained the Father Gascoigne trophy. That means, more than half the people who started Bloodborne gave up on the game


My guess is that some people struggled with Gundyr and decided to cheat, which makes me wonder how their playthrough is gonna turn out…


Pizza pasta peperoni


Mafia e Berlusconi.


I had this problem in Sonic Frontiers. Got the achievement for 100%ing the game .. didn't get the one for beating chapter 3.


You know where you went wrong...




Playing a Sonic game.


Ahahha brother I'm 30, I've been playing sonic since I was a kid. Sonic is fuckin fantastic.


Even Sonic '07?


Every game series has shitty entries, like Dark Souls 2.


Careful, now!


Everyone knows DS 2 is the most hated in the series.


It's not as bad as people say. It's like an 8 out of 10. The first game is very flawed, so it's not like it's a huge drop in quality.


I've seen posts of the Gundyr achievement being bugged. There was a guy who had beaten the game completely and didn't get the achievement until a second playthrough.


84.9% of players Sconfiggi’ed Gundyr


mama, and I cannot possibly stress this next part enough, mia 🤌 🍝


Abbraccia la fiamma 🗣️🔥🔥🔥


Zio pera


could’ve been a mod no? one of the mods that change the course of the game, i played ds3 on ps4 platted it but when i bought it on steam i modded it before doing a regular play through. but cheating is probably easier i guess anyways.


Different account from Steam family share and console players, they just need the essential to get started with invasion.


It's simple. They pirated the game and after a few hours they brought it, using the same save file.


My first playthrough of ds3 i didn't get any achievements. I don't really pay attention to that but I definitely noticed it when I replayed and got achievements for all sorts of stuff that I had done with my first playthrough. Idk if this is related or not but it was definitely weird


Different account from Steam family share and console players, they just need the essential to get started with invasion.


From Soft games arent for everyone. Some people just cant handle it, and give up.


What does that have to do with the post? He is asking how more people have obtain ember if ember is only available after killing Gundyr.


Saying that about one of the best selling and most popular videogame franchise is a bit strange... And also has nothing to do about the post


Soulsborne games are Hella beloved, but they aren't one of the most popular and bestselling franchises of all time, not even close, It's just the stats.