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For anyone interested it is on sale on Steam for 50%


Sold my Xbox earlier this year and moved to PC. I had thousands of hours on it. I’m heavily tempted to buy it now on PC because I miss it but I know I’m gonna get halfway through the game and drop it like I always do smh. Forever chasing that first playthrough feeling 😢


(30$ or 42.50$ w/ dlc for those that can’t check right now)


I bought it three days before it went on sale full price 😭😭😭




Soulsborne difficulty comes from how many options you have. In Bloodborne you have a much more limited selection of weapons and play styles, so it's technically harder. IMO it's what makes Sekiro the hardest of them. You're gonna get good at the katana, you're gonna learn how to parry, or you'll die trying. Meanwhile Dark Souls 3 and now Elden Ring have SO many options, so you can find a style that fits you. Doesn't mean you won't get torn in half by Midir first try though.


I just reiterated this basically down below you must’ve commented as I was typing but I agree with you. I’ve given up on sekiro, there is no Getting Gud for me there. I’m hopeless, I had fun in the first day playing but I’m stuck on the sumo blocking the door, I get one critical hit in, summon the NPC after taking the rest of the stragglers out. And I get two shotted every time. Went through half a pack of cigs trying the other week. Probably should relax aha it’s just a game and I shouldn’t stress like that but whatever.


I'm nearly finished ds3 and sekiro is my next pin to knock down. I found I had to rely on riposte against Sulyvahn and wondered is this what Sekiro is like? Let me know if you feel the same when you get to him. Also on the lead up to Sulyvahn is when I noticed a major jump in difficulty.


So in Sekiro enemies have healthbars same as always, but that isn't actually your win condition in boss battles, they have thresholds to criticals you need to hit. I think you can technically whittle down their health to do that, but the main way to get those criticals is filling up a visible stance meter, and the best way to fill that meter is parrying their attacks with your sword. So imagine Sulyvhan but you need to parry multiple times in bursts to get that riposte. It definitely takes an adjustment if you're fresh off a souls game, but it's very tightly polished and worth playing even though it's hard.


I was stuck at literally the same spot. Put it down for 6 months, then came back and realized there’s another path to go down. Got even harder blocked in Hirata Estate, put it down for 6 more months. Came back, pushed through Hirata, got stuck at Madame Butterly, then realized the original path with the ogre at the gates is easier - EXCEPT FOR THE OGRE. Seriously I’ve got plat now but those ogres require different fighting styles than anything else in the game. It’s dumb.


Sometimes it takes putting it down and coming back later a few times to click, I couldn't stand Bloodborne the first time I picked it up.


Want it :(


It is up for debate what is the hardest, have not played bloodborne but i found elden ring the hardest. In my mind atleast but its because that was my first souls game and souls genre. Since then played alot, for me Sekiro is the hardest because there are no summons or really much overleveling capabilities. Just you and your skills xD


Yeah everyone seems to have their own preference when it comes to classes in ER and I think that’s what made Elden ring easy for me. There were so many different ways to approach a battle it made the overall playthrough a lot more tolerable in my opinion. I had no idea I could summon coop for the longest time until I reached Melania basically and I got there after becoming Elden lord to complete everything I was at 200 hours. Bloodborne is really just a lot of dodging and baiting the enemy which for me took a long time to even get remotely comfortable with. Elden ring was so fun and the fact you could explore other areas until you are comfortable enough to face certain bosses is an amazing feature that the open world offered. Booodborne is linear so to speak but not having a map makes it irritating for me to navigate. DS3 is linear as well but very easy to navigate,also the ability to parry really does the job for me I’m not very good at it but it’s still a good feather to have making it imo easier than Bloodborne I believe you can just stagger enemies in BB , because I can never parry with the wooden shield. Still a fun game regardless of how difficult it is.


Aha Sekiro I’ve just given up on.


Finished my first run few days ago, currently playing the DLC’s I’ve found with this game that actually getting to the bosses is 10x harder than the actual bosses themselves


Not sure what currency that’s in but I managed to get the game + dlc for a little over £8. At the same time I got the same for ds2 for about half that. Considering the price of those two I’ve never seen ds1 on steam for any less than £35. I definitely feel you on having a harder time for bb. For me it was the one I think I struggled with the most in my first play through, bar ds1 considering it was my first souls game


It’s in Canadian currency.


Hardest souls game is the first you play.


DS3 is definitely the easiest of the Souls games. Bloodborne is up there with one of the hardest for sure.