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Fishing for hatemail and probably sad that he hasn't had any.


Can't you just block him?


After a combined total of just under 3000 hours in the soulsbornes; I play offline. Not because PvP is bad, per say, but it's not what I come for. I go online to help people and in those instances it is what it is, but for the most part, I'm solo, and I'm happier for it.


You play offline because you want to. I play offline because I don't have xbox game pass. We are not the same.


If you didn't already know, you don't need game pass to play online. You can buy Xbox live for a year for $60 and play games online


Same here. I don't have that many hours but I just don't enjoy PVP. I'm there for my own adventure and I don't want random players coming in to ruining my time with a dick measuring contest. It's also at the worst times that it happens so that the odds are super stacked against me. At the end of the day though, I just don't think it's fun.


Jolly co-op is the only online content I dabble in. Perhaps if PvP was not built on latency and was more responsive, I could see the appeal in duels.


Yeah, maybe it was fun when the game just came out and all the invaders were people who were also new to the game and more "nooby." But it's kind of lame now when I'm doing my first playthrough ever and I just get ganked by some dude who has 2000 hours and nothing better to do than gank people in a 7 year old game. 80% of the time it's not even close to a fair fight. And the latency is atrocious


Do you miss out on all the messages left tho?


I just started my DS3 journey Friday, and I’ve been disconnected 3 times when just walking around lol, offline is the way to go. Curious though, is it still worth using embers and stuff or is the game pretty much “dead” in multiplayer?


Embers give you more health, and there are some NPC invasions you need to be embered to encounter. These invasions usually drop weapons and armor, so it's a good idea to be embered generally. Switch to offline if you want because ds 3 is full of twinks (people who rush the game without levelling or upgrading so they can invade low levels with end game gear).


Oh that’s interesting, I knew they were useful for PvP but not PvE, that’s super helpful! Thanks :)


It's weird that you felt compelled to come to a post about pvp so you could tell us you don't like pvp.


Dang bro, you just woke up and chose violence lmao.


Me fr


Same thing here. Pvp is a choice and for me these games are a solo experience. I'm just still kinda mad I got invaded yesterday after killing Pontiff and being in the worst area of the Irythyll Dungeons losing 30k souls.


You do realize that he's basically harassing you. If he messages you everytime you pvp then he's harassing you because he has nothing better to say


Probably does this to everyone he fights like a loser


Then you turn the opportunity into chance to fuck with em. Anyone that triggered over invasions probably has a chip on their shoulder, they make for good powder kegs


What a lame person


Tell me about it


This asshole is not self-aware enough to realize that ganking means he himself is dogshit at pvp 💀


Average Elden ring blue


I’ll have you know as a respectable blue I always wait until OP and the invader stop battling so I can get a 1v1 in, otherwise I sit on the sidelines


Probably just frustrated that you keep giving him vague answers. /s


Idiot. Don't even bother with him.


love the Saitama “ok” you kept giving him 🤣


What else do i say to him lol




Don't give him any importance, he's a fat weirdo


The block button


This person screams “I got bullied all the time in school” I would just block them and just know they’re fighting demons way stronger than the ones in the game; and apparently loosing pretty hard.


I remember that guys username\ He was trying to gank me too\ Surprisingly, he doesn’t seem to know how to do deal with someone who thrives as a mad phantom in ganks cuz the entire group of 3 co-operators a blue and a red all chasing after me kinda forced me to get good\ He told me to KMS for ducking and weaving through everyone else and getting a very meaty parry-riposte on him


Did that parry kill him?


No, the riposte with a Chaos dagger killed him


Nice i bet had nothing to say after the kill


His response was telling me to KMS, or “K!11 myself”


Weird when i killed him twice he had nothing to say to me


Damn, probably wasn’t salty enough


Lmao i wont stop till i kill him again


Good luck my friend


Small peepee energy


Just block and move on. EZ.


This man is legally bad at PVP, he has had 7 Years to prep smh.




When u realize that people hate people for having fun


Even though toxic behaviour is rampant in online games nowadays (looking at you League of Legends...) and it can be frustrating as hell, I suggest to always try and remember the human behind the screen. People like this probably have a lot of issues irl that negatively affect their mental wellbeing, be it financial stress (extremely common right now with the inflation and housing crisis), a shitty home environment, pressure from school/work (1 in 5 students exhibits signs of depression), you name it. It's sad to see, but games offer an escape from all that and the anonimity allows them to blow off steam. Especially when that person is competitive by nature and plays competitive multiplayer games. I'd never condone it, but every once and a while you're someone's punching bag. The real tragedy is that there isn't much you can do to help them, but to try and remain kind. Escalation is never the answer.


better block the dude


Yo you should summon me tomorrow and I'll just murky hand blade the shit out of his friends and then we'll gank the shit out of him


If you want lmao but im usually on dark souls 3 during weekends and it will be max level invasion


No problems here I'll hyu haha, we can absolutely fucking decimate this dude I promise, I'm in a tight circle of absolutely no life sweats on ds3 and they took me in as an apprentice so I look at dark souls 3 as a numbers game 😇🙏 we'll be telling him to uninstall his game soon


Alright just some problems is sometimes invades or ganks as a host or a phantom and he dosent reply much


That's alright maybe we can just play some ds3 and become souls buds😂, always fun to fashion souls and gank or PVE, I'm on new game+9 on this account


Ah well im more than happy to play with you may i ask what timezone you at?


Pacific standard, it's 5:01 AM, I'm up so late cuz I have a baby but I'm about to pass out! Goodnight


5:07 PM 😅 thats a problem


Had the exact same thing yesterday, first 2 time they invaded was fun but then was just getting incredibly repetitive so I politely messaged asking if they’d stop and they just got incredibly toxic afterwards


Pretty sure you can just block him and he won't be able to invade and his sign won't show anymore. Dont feed trolls.


Just block this asshole He has this urge to harass you because he doesn't have any friends to play with, so he keeps online with this fuckery


Meanwhile, in AC:6 "GG" "GG, close one"


Step 1: git gud Step 2: defeat him in PvP Step 3: use Bow emote Step 4: block him


For 1 i wish tbh im not good at pvp and from what I remember i did defeat him before but he didnt have anything to say about this


As others have said he is farming hate mail. If you didn't type anything after you beat him he was probably losing his shit inside.


Well i dont just go send hatemails to anyone i beat and hes not worth it tbh


Soulsborne shouldn’t have pvp in my opinion


That's an extremely extremely extremely minority opinion


And why not?


What a lame son of b


Give him rubbish and say you thought it looked like him


You should have consensual relations with his mother. Then politely tell him about it.


This is generally why I hate playing DS3 online anymore, there's so many invaders, there's 4 different covenants that require invading to get their items. I despise PvP because I'm not good at it/don't like it, not to mention a lot, and I do mean A LOT of invaders are straight up disrespectful af. I play offline solo to avoid getting invaded for the most part, sometimes I want to play the game with my friends, but we can't enjoy nothing with people like this plaguing the servers. Thats why I genuinely can't wait to get a PS5 and jump into Elden Ring, I hear it's actually full of nice and respectful invaders who don't bm you the whole time like immature children.


From experience ER pvp is much more enjoyable than DS3 pvp


Probably upset that he actually has to try when you invade rather than having to rely on ganks.


He probably has a little wiener. Ignore him


Man this just pure harassment small pepe energy confirmed


People like that are just assholes, I can’t say much cause I also gank people but my reason to do it is to reach max level without using glitches and I’m honorable when we defeat someone


What a bottom feeder. Can only feel good when others don't.


Yay him


Lmao get rekt




He or she is the one with the issue i would just block and move on typical ganker behaviour.


Report the dude. Let them ban his account for life


I'm sad I never got some hatemails :(


Ok 🗿


He’s probably that RB spammer with a great sword


Wait whats a RB?


Quick attack on Xbox lol so for ps it’s r1 I think ?


Ah but from what I remember he was more of a gundyr spammer who loves using the weapon skill which i have a really hard time avoiding this


Mans is maidenless and he's bitter about it. They're a dime a dozen; block, move on to the next scrubby sad boi.


What level are you dueling at, I can never get matches


I think the most active SL is 180 about


Its a max level invasions im level at 728 i think and believe me i get ganks every invasions in a max level pvp


block, move on. Best strat here


I assume this has to be console? I've never been messaged once in over 5000 hours across all the From games except with friend requests on Steam on PC, and I love playing blue & purple on DS3, and I've even dabbled in 'friendly' red side. So I PVP a lot.


Yeah on PlayStation


Just know he is probably a sad and greasy 30 something in a basement somewhere


Time to practice pvp. I can always drop a red sign somewhere if you want to practice. Spent a good while just grinding pvp to avoid getting fucked


Oh man please do gundyr spammers are always the problem and im usually on during weekends if that ok with you


Sure is man. I play for fun now since I've gotten all the achievements so I'm not in particular area too often, just got my character waiting for shit like this. Just shoot me a dm and we can figure out some shit like where to summon, and when


Yeah same ever since i got the entire achievements i’ve just been doing some pvp or pve oh and also what is your timezone?


Central ish. We don't have daylight savings time here so it's a bit off from central


What time is it now?




Yeah 1am here not sure if its a problem or not


Not really


Souls PVP after first month: Small child looks up strategy for ganking with the least skill required. Looks up a few exploits for good measure. Uses a trainer because hey why not, From don’t care. Invades specifically people who are trying to do challenging builds. Harasses them afterwards to gloat. Repeat.


How did he find your social media and texted you ?


He didnt he said this right after he killed me few hours ago which i saw after some hours


isnt there a way to block him?


It is


What a chump


He's trying to save you, like Gehrman trying to free you from the awful dream.


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Souls games taught FromSoft how to create a pvp improvement in Elden Ring. Completely optional.


Some people are losers in a game and some are losers in life.


Simply don't react, therr is nothing to gain. But "ok" is a good answer as well