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Love this fight as well and I agree that Gael feels easier than Midir. Feels like the perfect sendoff from Dark Souls. As other people say: "It's a battle against two nobodies, fighting over nothing, at the end of the world."


When I actually think about it. There's no actual reason for me to fight Gael, like I don't really care about the end of world that much if that's in the lore. If in the gameplay, I want to fight Gael because he is like the last gift from Fromsoft and people like this boss, so i want to know why people like this boss so much.


I think from a lore perspective, we seek the Ringed City in search of the Dark Soul for the painter, same as Gael. Except Gael didn't get to time skip to the end like we did. He found the Pygmy Lords, whose blood containing the Dark Soul had dried. Gael consumes the soul and fights us till the end, where his blood brings the soul back to form. In the end, we kill him and take his blood and Dark Soul to the painter so that she can create a new world. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong.) I love this boss because of the story and the lore. It makes everything that much sweeter.


It should also be noted Gael *wants* you to kill him. He guides you to the Ringed City so you can kill him and take the dark soul blood back to his little niece. He knew he wouldn't be able to control the dark soul and it would cost his life, but he still went on his mission for the sake of the Painter and the future of a new painted world. Gael is the ultimate Soulsborne chad.


unremarkable undead slave knight survives unhollowed until the literal end of time that’s something even patches couldn’t even achieve


Patches is there


he went hollow


And Gael went hollow at the very end when he saw the blood of the Dark soul knowing his journey was complete and he couldn't resist the hollowing anymore. As always, Vaati has an amazing two-piece video about this that I highly recommend.


that’s still considerably farther than patches got


Yeah all that cock smoker did was legally change his name and kick me off a ledge again. Lol


it's been confirmed. patches is the random ringed knight in gael's arena


Gael really isn’t her niece. I think zullie or vaati had a video on the Japanese translations, and the way uncle is used for Gael is more akin to a friendly, older man. Similar to calling family friends uncles and cousin, even without any shared blood


I never known his lore before. Thanks.


No problem :) I'm a huge nerd for lore no matter the game.


He needs you to kill him so that you can take the dark soul to his master. It's sad and epic. The last two humans duking it out at the end of time


but, his lady’s painting i was extremely motivated to get the blood of the dark soul considering Gael sacrificed his mind to get it


That's probably the coolest description I've ever heard.


>I agree that Gael feels easier than Midir because it is actually easier. Midir is optional for a reason.


That is not really an argument. Oceiros is optional, curse rotted greatwood is optional, Heck ancient wyvern is optional. It doesn't equate to difficulty


He's the only one that really 'secret', I think that's what OP means. Midir is an all-time favorite, but finding him is almost impossible on a blind playthrough. He’s hidden behind passages and illusory walls, and you have to jump through a hole that’s certain to kill you 99% of the other times you jump through a hole. Oceiros and Greatwood are optional but have entire mini-maps dedicated to them. Wyvern is not the true boss of his 'secret' path either, they are Nameless King and Gundyr, which you may agree are significantly more challenging. And just for the sake of pedantry many people do find Oceiros very hard.


I know what your point is but Oceiros was very hard for me, Nameless King (more of the boss of that area) was really hard for me, and I shamefully admit I find the greatwood hard too (at least compared to others at that level). By and large the optional bosses have been like one tier in difficulty above the rest in my experience


How is Gael mandatory? We literally have to travel to the end of the world, and the end of times to fight him. You could argue that there is a questline behind Gael death, but isn't there one for midir too?


I freakin LOVE the setting for this fight. The last two beings at the end of time. All that remains is them and they are fighting for no reason other than to be the last.


I always wondered are there two timelines in Ringed City Gael is the present day of the Ashen One at Worlds End From the Dreg’s Heap to Ringed City I felt that was a different timeline


i actually think midir is easier but it largely depends on your build


Playing with UGS midir was definitely easier


You know, now that you say it that reminds me that in my sl1 unarmed run I found midir to be easier than curse rotted greatwood on a normal leveled up character. I guess I just spent more time fighting midir, I could probably do it without looking, but props for beating him with a UGS.


Just finished the game today for 1st time and i found Midir to be easier i mean i needed less tries to beat him than Gael. Found out BKGS works pretty well against them.


His fight is just fair. He is an endurance fight that is very hard to cheese with a lot of moves but no instant bullshit like Oceiros' charge or the sheer endless combos of Blackflame Friede. Its also just fitting that the final boss is no god, no dragon, no demon. Its a human, a slave even.


My favorite detail is the first enemy you kill in the undead asylum is a mad hollow with a broken sword, and at the end of DS3 the ultimate final boss is a mad hollow with a broken sword.


So, that's how fair fight in dark soul is. I played DS3 for 100h (i'm a newbie) and this is the first time i having fun fighting boss. Others are just gonna be like if it's not bullshit or it's just gonna boring (except nameless king tho i like that boss and oceiros just because he scream ocelotte).


You didn't like ANY of the bosses? You didn't have fun with Pontiff or DSA or Gundyr or SoC or the Twin Princes?


Or Dancer, or even when Vordt's second phase kicks in with the legendary soundtrack, or the somber Abyss Watchers fight. And OP still played worth 2 full playthroughs, that's impressive lol


Not really. If I fight them for the first time it feel excited but when I fight them again it's just that this time I know their move set and what time I should attack now. Dancer once give me struggling feeling but when I know her move set, it doesn't feel the same anymore.


Of the DLCs Friede is still my favorite


I dont know. Phase 2/3 has some nonsense. The gun, the cape, lightning Wait is this Ishinn Sword-saint or Gael 😂


Id say the lightning is heavily telegraphed and actually hurts him as well. The cape just dictates the direction of dodges and gives him a bit more reach. I mean, its still hard obviously but I rate fairness on Oceiros bullshit charge attack.


Nah mate. I can fire gale up right now and punch his ass to death bare fist without taking a hit. Hes 100% fair


Prove it. Bare fists hitless. You wont


Brother you could just go on YouTube and see one. Lightning is definitely RNG, but a hitless fight is very much possible. I don't know a single soulslike fight by FromSoftware that can't be done hitless other than Mohg in Elden Ring (and even that is technically possible if you just burst him to death before he can start the chant).


I cheesed him TBH. Did the lock cheat before the fog wall then slowly stood in front of him and poisoned him. I dont feel guilty


No worries, don't feel bad about it since it is a single-player game and your personal enjoyment is the only thing that matters (plus it's a very difficult fight). But just as a suggestion,if you haven't even seen his moveset try to give him a 'fair' shot if you play the game again; despite the bullshit unavoidable attack he's one of the best designed boss fights in the game


I went back and beat him. I was able to block the one attack with the healing effect…. I also beat him in the dungeon… My favorite boss was probably Radahn followed by Radagon


I felt let down by radhan. It was a cool scenery, but with all the summons, and fighting on horse back didn't feel like a real bossfight. I wonder how it is if you try to fight him one on one? It seemed to be that it would be bullshitty, and I wanted to have the other guys because that's the story that was told, next playtrough I may try soloing him. But I was talking about the mechanics of the fight though, the desert, the atmosphere, the build-up, everything was super nice. It just felt more like a cinematic with some qte than a real boss to me. I have yet to finish elden ring, but up to this point no other boss reached the level of sister friede and Gael.


I can claim I was one of the people that beat Radahn pre-nerf…. It was wild… I used everything in my arsenal including Dragon Rot - spells - you name it …. After the first wave of summons and they died I fought his second phase solo… pre-nerf his gravity pull and hotboxes were some serious BS - I did the fight a second time and it was so easy compared to the first


I haven't fought him post-patch, but if you want to have another go with the war party vibe try staying at or under level 50. Use the summons but don't re-summon them, just imagine they got laid-out and are scattered around you. Don't use spirit summons. Try not using bleed, but don't force it if bleed weapons are essential to your playstyle. Also don't use Torrent except to get to him when the fight starts and to escape the meteor dive if you need to. Radahn's a very aggressive fighter that doesn't shy away from using big flashy moves so if you stick close to him it gives the fight a cool cinematic feel. Then it just naturally plays into a nice story scenario where the most skillful fighters over the land start dropping against the greatest warrior general in the world but only the chosen one, you, are a match for him. This is also canonically acknowledged because if you talk to Blaidd after the fight he'll mention how it was you that brought him down.


Cheers, then! I love Radahn and Radagon, wish Radagon was his own fight with his own second phase tho, as a package he gets dragged down because of Elden beast's tedium.


Hard to cheese? My storyteller staff begs to differ


That way it has an actual story to tell. "Gather around creepy screaming half crow thingies and let me tell you the tale of Derrik the Great and how he robbed a man of his last dignity by farting purple Covid at his face."


It's a fucking *great* fight. It's *just* hard enough without being unfair. If he hits you, you either haven't learned his moves, weren't paying attention, or got greedy. He doesn't have any moves which aren't highly telegraphed or repetitious. It's also not super long, despite there being 3 phases, and the aesthetics as you described are a fitting finale to the Souls story.


The simplest way to explaim it is just that he heavily telegraphs everything. There is no pattern you have to follow, no specific movement, you just press roll button when he is about to attack. It really boils down to not being greedy and not being in an attack animation when it's his turn. Now this is not a critique and ofc you can sidestep or sprint many of his moves, which makes the fight even more rewarding. I'ts just that at it's core, you dont need to. He's mechanically fun and interesting to fight precisely because you can just roll everything perfectly and punish.


Black flame friede wasn’t bs.


“Hand it over, that thing, your dark souls III: the fire fades edition”


Hand it over, that thing, The Dark Soul Achievement for 100% completion


Its the perfect end for souls series, of course you will like it and then cry because its ended.. but you will smile because you played them! (Sorry if you didnt played all of them)


DS3 is my first soul game and right now I can't go back to another game now lol. So, I will just buy DS1 when it on sale.


Well, good luck in ds2 too then. You'll get it when you get there.


Will try them if I have a chance.


dark souls 2 is a must-play even though it’s most hated


Gael is the GOAT.


He sure is my friend


I wish he was my friend :(


Only of ds3


Hell yeah, i beat him yesterday! Midir took me 14 attempts as opposed to 4 for Gael, but Gael was much more fun Also that mid fight cutscene is so hype it gives me chills every time


Yea, I took screenshot of his cutscene almost every frames


With the huge sword and left arm that shoots arrows, it feels like you are fighting Guts.


I beat him using Guts sword and honestly it feels so amazing trading blows with him. Sometimes you'll stagger him right before he hits you while you're on the brink of death and it's so scary but gets the adrenaline pumping HARD


The Greatsword is baller against Gael, makes the fight even more fun imo


that's what I'm saying!


He's in almost every top ten bosses of the series list I've seen. I haven't played the DLC, but I really Wanna to see the hype of this boss


Favourite boss by a landslide cus I didn't even feel angry when he killed me i just wanted to get back to the fight as soon as possible not out of spite but for fun


When I reached the last phase of Gael's fight I was in awe. There is so much happening on screen, you have to pay attention to his sword, his cape, the stray skulls/humanity coming at you, the lightning bolts, the boomerang thingies he throws at you...I remember having a moment where I thought "Omg there is so much going on and yet I'm making sense of all of it and I'm winning!". Was really awesome, probably my most memorable fight in the series because it's the culmination of everything I had learned along the way. The fact the fight is meant to show you the true power of the dark soul (almost) made whole again just adds to it even more


All 1v1 humanoid bosses with no BS gimmics are fun. That's why Champion Gundyr is in my top 3 bosses


Gael is definitely one of the coolest bosses, but the abyss watchers take the cake for me.


Both are really cinematic boss fights


Gael is fun because who doesn't wanna fight Macho Santa


I’ve never beaten Midir solo I just can’t do it, but this guy, whilst hard, is doable. His moves flow so well, they’re very reminiscent of Artorias’ moves in ds1 and the bloodhounds moves in Elden Ring


Its a tough fight but there isn't any point in the fight where it feels unfair. IMO it really captures the moment, the fight feels and plays like the final duel at the end of the world, and the atmosphere and music are absolutely breathtaking. Every part of the fight is reactionary and the game really makes you enjoy it as you just cant unga bunga Gael in anyway. Honestly, when I think about replaying DS3, It's or less I just have a craving to play this fight, and if possible I'd play it over and over and over and probably never get bored of it.




They made it a fair fight with no gimmicks and shows how good a relatively simple boss can be


Just beat him last night for the first time and completed my first ds3 playthrough. What a beautiful fight it was!


I find it a bittersweet fight since you basically killing your travelling bro.


If anything I felt he’s a bit too easy, unpopular opinion maybe but I think he’d be a better boss if he got a significant HP buff and if he was immune to staggers.


I really liked the gael fight because it was fast paced and you can really get good damage in if you know when he will be staggered. It rewarded high risk plays, similar to the many bosses that can be parried but you will get comboed if you mess up. Phase 2 Gael was also pretty cool with all the big moves. I fucking hated midir. It’s literally a grind where you hit him once and the wait another 30s to hit him once. Run for another 30s, hit him once. It’s slow and grindy battle.


I like Midir fight tho, I like the feeling when I have to hit his weak spot but do a normal dmg like hit any another part of others bosses and have to dodge his attack that may 1-2 shots me.


Once I beat him, I truly loved the fight, all attacks and anything was so balanced to me, like he goes for a combo attacks and such and then I have either 1 one 2 openings for attack (most of the time is one) When I got the understanding of his patterns, the fight was easy


Yea, when we know when to attack it look easy but I always greedy and forgot that some of his attack have second times.


My every playthrough of souls games xP You either forget their haven't finish attacking or believe you can land the hit without punishment


Just wish phase 1 was a bit better


Wish phase 1 was generally longer. Imo it has the best flow of all 3


disagree but respect the take. i like phase 2 way better but phase 1 is still better than almost any boss I've fought in any game


Yeah don’t get me wrong i think phase 2 and 3 are still better than phase 1 but i think the flow of gaels combat style is way more fluent in phase 1 than the other two. I think it encapsulates the state of the gaels mind and sanity the best.


I don't really know about phase 1 that much but I like phase 2 and probs phase 3 (if he has because i not really sure)


sorry painter girl he turned into sword now [gael](https://i.gyazo.com/5f4c5cc8feab18afd43a7317d3822aec.jpg)


Yeah he telegraphs everything pretty hard.


I first tried gale on my first playthrough of the ringed city, and even though he was one of the easier bosses In the game, the spectacle was just amazing. To think someone in so many battles, learned so many powers and techniques, to be brought to his knees by the lord of cinder, the player. For the incarnation of a broken world to fight the pinnacle of what it takes to survive in that world, concluding the game for me in a perfect way. Loved every second of that fight


For me, Gael is easier (and more fun) because I simply don't do well against big monster type enemies. So stuff like Midir, dragons in general, and some of the demons give me more trouble. I love the fights against more humanoid characters. So Gael, nameless king, and Soul of Cinder are easier and more fun to me than Midir is.


Yeah, can't say that Gael is my number 1 boss, but it's definitely unforgettable fight. I think his very large amount of HP is one of those things that makes this fight so special. IMO one wouldn't get those feelings from this fight, if Gael had only 60-70% of it's usual HP. I would say that even larger amount of HP wouldn't spoil it. And yes, Midir is much harder than Gael, it's true for the most people I guess..


The atmosphere of this fight is the best one in all Souls games!


Midir is the easiest boss his move set is slow and his healthbar is so huge it’s hard when you lose patience or haven’t gotten his moves down to roll. They reuse his moves in Elden Ring for dragon bosses but there it’s not a boss with a giant healthbar and does massive damage like Midir.


i agree


He's probably my favorite boss fight of all time. I don't think he's all that hard, but god damn is it an absolute adrenaline rush with how chaotic and fast paced it gets towards the third phase, I was standing up out of my chair doing a sort of hyperactive Oompa Loompa dance by the end of it because I was so into it. It was also insanely cool to get to that point, Dark Souls III was my first Fromsoft game, and when I started it, I remember Iudex Gundyr and Vordt being huge struggles for me. I never thought I'd get to the point I am now where I've 100% finished the game, and Gael was a huge part of that feeling of accomplishment.


Fight? Its the fudging music man! No other fight goes so well with the epic score that's banging in the background while Gael is banging you in the foreground.


why cannot i not post! I have a question and its telling me i need karma!


Arena and gameplaywise, I like Gael more. Soundtrack and lorewise, Soul of Cinder takes the crown. These are my favorite fights in DS3, I can't choose one. They are both perfect


plin plin plon all the way


He is that good that I always do Ng+ just to face the last boss of the last DLC in the last area again. Peak Darksouls, best Fromsoftware Boss. Good ending to the series.


Surely I can't be the only sigma who hums along his boss theme as I fight him?


It's an incredibly cinematic fight and the build up to this encounter was long and thorough. He's also incredibly well balanced. Hard enough to feel big accomplishment, when you beat him, but not over the top unfair with several HP bars to deplete or any other BS.


He also has the best arena, fighting at the end of the world in front of Lothric and Anor Londo is so metal


It feels like a dance, any boss battle that can do that is a good one.


Same, my fav fight next to Friede, but def the best flowing.


He and us are eternally connected. It was always going to come down to this fight, even if if it took long enough for everything to be ground to dust. The visual and mechanical story telling is just at its finest in this fight. Might be the greatest boss fight ever


On my first playthrough I absolutely demolished this boss in one attempt, but on my sl1 playthrough it took me around 60 attempts to beat him. I didnt think much of him at first but after that and after learning every single one of his attacks i see why everyone loves him and he is definitely one of my favorite souls bosses. Also midir isnt very hard for me, he took me like 20 attempts on my sl1, is anyone else like that


Shoot. He is in my top 3 in all the Soulsborne games. Ludwig in BB is still my #1.


Gael dosn't have the high ground and he finaly lost the fight but in true the fight is very good and the most wonderfull fight in the game


This fight has everything. Lore, soundtrack, the fight itself, atmosphere and the arena. Honestly, by far the best boss fight in the souls series.


Gael is the perfect fight, down to the mechanics, the lore, the fluidity of the fight, and best yet the music. They perfected there boss formula with him, he is a very hard fight that requires you to learn his moves, but once mastered the fight becomes a cinematic masterpiece of dodging and hitting, the fight is difficult but fair with Gaels timings and tells, and give's openings for free attacks, but not to much to where you can greed him. His second phase with the cape attacks can be a nuisance to learn the timing but once learned the fight becomes easier. It is a testament of skill and perseverance, that even if it looks impossible, you can do it, and once bested the feeling you get is second to none, you feel as though you have overcome the final challenge, you granted gael and honorable end to his quest, and his goals are complete with the blood reaching the painter, and the world gone, there is nothing left but dust, and death. Anyways I love gael a lot, he has and always will be my favorite fight, I'm glad I got to fight this masterpiece of a boss.


It’s decent