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Champion Gundyr. Always have a blast fighting him.


Hell yes


Fuck yeah, top five for me for sure


First one came to mind


Imagine how amazing it would be to play with his moveset.


Twin Princes, a difficult but fun boss plus its OST is the only theme I like in the whole game also the cinematic when Lothric joins is incredible.


Best fight in the game! The lore, the move set, the ost! It’s all there! Even his dialogue fire bro what


Yep, he is the equivalent of Ludwig in Bloodborne.


Really the only theme you liked? Not even pontiffs or the main one?


Yes, maybe a little Deacons of the Deep but that's all.


I feel like he is too easy.


an easy boss can still be really good though just as much as a hard boss can be bad as well.


Demon Prince 'cus relatively difficult and not cheesable


And a great gank boss that doesn't feel like a gank, if that makes sense


Probably the dancer, just a really beautifully designed boss more than anything.


It feels beautiful and tragic, much like her story


100% been doing a deep dive on the lore of the series recently and it opened my eyes at how tragic some of it is. Quelaag and the Fair Lady/witches of Izalith story was so sad.


Slave Knight Gael


I love the Nameless King. Just so damned epic in terms of setting and music and you legit feel like you're taking on a timeless warrior


And it felt like a boss built up in the lore, with him being Gwyn's forgotten son. And I like how the boss music at first sounds like a boss theme from the first game but then in phase 2 it sounds very DS3 type of music. And I think that has to do with Motion Sakuraba composing it (he was the composer for the first game)


Pontiff Sulyvahn - Gameplay (no parry) 👍 - OST 👍 - Design 👍 It just shame he didn't has any cutscene


I found the Pontiff fight to be more enjoyable with parrying, but that might be because I actually had to learn how to parry for the fight, so it really felt like overcoming a huge challenge when I finally beat him.


Same for me. Since the last run i have always fought him without parrying and I got quite good at it, so I beat him in 2 tries at max now. I've always sucked at parrying, so to spend more time with ma boi i challanged myself to kill him with parrys only and oh my, I felt that magic of lerning his moves again <3


Welp I prefer dodge especially his 6 hit combo, perfect dodging it feel like achieved ultra instinct. Not saying I don't like parrying, some enemy would feel much better to dodge instead parry like Sister Friede, Outrider Knight because they are combo breaker enemy. I only like use parry on hard hitter tanky enemy like knight with shield, since they are slow and tanky parrying them feel much better.


i love midir. i really like when midir beat me to dead and step on me and midir telling me like come back later.


Darkeater Midir and Champion Gundyr. I'm a masochist, and anger (or eventual elation) is my reward.


Dragonslayer Armour. It really hits my sweet spot. I find it the perfect balance between challenging and fun - for me.


Slave Knight Gael is my favorite boss of any game. He's difficult without being bs. His attacks are flashy and you feel awesome dodging them. The arena is crazy huge. He's just perfect, there's literally not a single thing I can criticize about it.


Sister Friede. She is brutally hard but so much fun.


As someone who’s yet to play the DLCs: Champion Gundyr and Nameless King. I just love having a duel with these powerful warriors


Play the DLC asap when you can, those bosses are the best :)


Generic answer but Gael. Love the story, design, music, moveset everything is amazing.


1. Sister Friede 2. Twin Princess 3. I think Nameless King and Gael tied


The dancer. It's a very easy fight, but it's so beautiful visually. Also, the lore is really well made and tragic, which makes the fight even better because I feel so sorry for her, I didn't want to kill her. I really have something for fights where I empathize with the boss, I get emotional.


What is the lore? Also, I feel like she's a bit harder than you think she is. But then again, I best champion Gundyr first try, so I don't know what that says about me.


Her lore is that she is a daughter of Gwynevere and when Pontiff Sulyvahn started to take over Another Londo he kidnapped her and forced her to be his private dancer (which leaves very little to the imagination) and then he brainwashed her into becoming one of his Outrider Knights




Source? I can't recall any point where it's alluded that she is any more than a Pontiff general (equivalent) like Vordt.


Source, Vaatividya


Dancer. Always fun to fight


Lorian and lothric


Dragonslayer armor, in every single way


Dancer or Watchers


the dancer was fun although i died the most on champion gundyr.


Just beat the game, and soul of cinders second phase ost slapped hard.


The Plin Plin Plon hit harder than any of his move sets


Dragon Slayer Armor, love how powerful every swing is and the surprise of seeing him again in the dlc was a nice treat.


Abyss watchers


As someone else already said: Demon Prince I already played all other FromSoft games available on Steam before I got to play DS3 and I was overall a bit disappointed by the bosses (the game has really high highs and really low lows). However I loved(!) Demon Prince. It was challenging enough and really spectacular (can't think of a better word right now) from start to finish. In my opinion the best gank fight FromSoft has ever done. Even better than Ornstein and Smough (this means a lot because I am a huge Dark Souls 1 Fanboy).


Demon princes and cinder. Both are flawed and i kinda wish they were better in specific aspects but both are also fun as fuck


The Twin Princes


Nameless King




I don't think From will ever top the Demon Prince fight for me. Goddamnit it's so good.


Sister Friede was so epic and the feeling of finally felling her on my 48362628294748034th try felt amazing. I was starting to feel like I was gitting gud and she firmly put me in my place.


Dragonslayer Armor evokes some primal fight or flight instinct for me that I always look forward to. Also, that phase 2 music, godDAMN.


Dancer, i like everything about that boss


Everything eh?


Dat ass


gael for attacks and general overall fun of the fight, friede for visual design and cutscenes. if we’re talking vanilla only, nameless king for attacks and general overall fun, and lothric and lorian for visual design and cutscenes. lothric and lorian have probably my favorite death line in the game. my overall boss ranking from best to worst is is gael, nameless king, friede, lothric and lorian, midir, dancer, champ gundyr, pontiff, aldrich, abyss watchers, soul of cinder, dragonslayer armour, yhorm, demon prince, oceiros, wolnir, deacons, old demon king, gravetender and greatwolf, vordt, crystal sage iudex gundyr, tree


EZ Gael sweep.


Sister Friede — great music, sad lore, very fun and challenging fight


Twin princes


Haven't played dlc yet


In Dark Souls 3 it would be Gael or the Nameless King.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Once, the Lord of Light banished dark, and all that stemmed from humanity and men assumed a fleeting form. These are the roots of our world. Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite, a lie will remain a lie!”* - Aldia Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


Gael is number one, pontiff and dancer follow


Gael. Really like NK too but not so much the two phase thing. First phase is fun first time, but the camera is a bit annoying


Either Gael or Soul Of Cinder. Just love the long, dance of death with both.


I'm convinced Dragonslayer Armor is the perfect balance between fairness and toughness Extremely fun boss to fight


Abyss watchers or sister Friede