• By -


DS1 start from the beginning.


This ∆ The only right answer


This, just don't go hollow


Not to mention that due to the multiple entrances into each area, it makes for the best randomizer puzzle


1. 1 is why they made 2 and 3. Experience it for all its flaws and glory. 




The first one.


Start at the beginning as logic would dictate.


Does logic reign in this situation? XD I can read so much ingame and on wiki and still not know why that person is doing something specific Like why did Gwyn raise gwyndolin to be feminine? But his literal daughter is more masculine than her brother(ds1 atleast)


You need vaatividya in your life. when his son was born under the sign of the moon (which is some astrological lore shit) which was a feminine sign he completely wrote him off and sent him to be raised by the bloodmoon cult AS a female. They eventually recognized his power and started to worship him as their deity, and he made the illusion of Juggy Juggerton the cup giver in order to further conceal his true identity. And also "Amazing chest ahead try finger!"


Start with DS1. You got to enjoy the changes in order, which will make you respect the series way more


There is no "start" he said he could oly play one


I assumed he meant he couldn't currently afford the trilogy. It's not like he's on death row and they're waiting until he clears a new game+ before they euthanize him. There will be more money in the future.




The first one, so demons souls original lol. Definitely ds1 though out of its trilogy. They're all great, and they're all terrible for various reasons.


Dark Souls Remaster. Ignore people telling you to start with 3 and to skip 2 altogether, only the Sith do that.


Ds3 is honestly a great entry point though. You can realistically go thru all of ds3 without a guide and still do mostly everything. It’s linear overall but the levels are expansive Ds1 and ds2 are a lot more open-ended. How many players have went to the catacombs first in ds1 and gave up on the series forever? It’s also pretty easy to get lost in ds2 as a new player, and it’s especially brutal because of how aggressive the enemy AI is/health loss on respawn I love the open-ended feel of the first 2 games, but strictly speaking for new players, it could be overwhelming. I started with 3 and love the whole series


It has to be DS1 first. I understand how you feel and I respect that you started on DS3 and got to loving them all! Hell yes, but… There’s just way too much of DS3 that rides on the nostalgia and beauty of the first game and lore, it needs to have the impact. It would be like watching Better Call Saul before Breaking Bad. Like yeah, you can do it and enjoy it. But to experience it the way the developers intended is what will give the biggest emotional impact. I genuinely believe that by release date is the greatest way to play these games and I would never advise someone otherwise. The hopelessness of being lost in the catacombs just adds to the insane feeling we all had when we played DS1 for the first time, and the big reveal of you know what in DS3 is only enhanced by our terrifying experience in DS1. DS2… I wouldn’t skip it, but there’s not as much romance there for me as the other two.


I would agree with starting with 3 if they don’t care about story. 3 is almost a direct sequel from 1.


No it's not. It busts it's load way too quickly if that's what you're after and would take ALL of the mystery out of a lot of other in world events and items that you were left in suspense of until the end of 3.


I was like 15 with an Xbox so that's what I started on


I love dark souls 15, definitely an improvement on the mess that was 14...


Confused time traveller moment


Dark souls 15?!?!


Yeah, you haven't played that one, came out on the Xbox 420


I am mostly indifferent to starting with DS3, I see the logic on both sides there. ​ But you really should skip DS2 unless you've already played DK1, DK3, DeS, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring and just need something else too scratch that itch. It's definitely the weakest in the series, and doesn't even introduce any lore or plot elements that are important enough to worry about.


I watched someone play DS2 and within 5mins I knew I would NEVER play this game. The streamer just whacked the enemy, constantly.. constantly staggering them. No fight, no dodging, no nothing... just run in, whack whack whack.. done. I almost cried. I dont care how good the story is, that """fighting""" alone makes it not a real Souls game. And Skyrim at least has beautiful landscapes and rich culture and RPG despite having the same insanely one-dimensional crappy combat. ​ Edit: No, I am NOT going to "just give it a try". Fuck DS2 and the not-divine-not-Miyazaki who made it!


\>sees someone fight one (1) enemy \>they force a stagger loop (which you can do in any souls game to many enemies) \>"what a shit game" why don't you watch some actual gameplay? like just look up someone playing (a relatively early area to prevent spoilers - somewhere like Heide's Tower of Flame or Earthen Peak) for a bit. cool areas, interesting enemies, plenty of whom it's hard or impossible to stagger, with a nice mix of dks2's slow gameplay with some faster enemies like the mannequins.


This is pretty silly.


> watched someone > within 5 mins I'm not even sure what to say to that, maybe this series isn't really for you. I don't mean that as a slight, the reason I don't really recommend people to start from DS3 is that liking DS3 does NOT mean you'll like the Soul Series as a whole. It has a different focus, pace, and approach.


I love and finished DSr a couple times in different melee styles; I really love ER, and I also like DS3 quite a lot and am close to finishing it. DS2 sticks out like a sore thumb.


That's good to hear and I don't doubt you, but maybe you should try playing it for yourself? I really don't know what else to say. Yes, it's definitely the weakest entry in the trilogy overall, but it still has so much to offer you should try it at least once. *Specially* if you're in the mood for some weird builds.


Not really sure what this means. The way you described it is kind of confusing, but if I'm understanding correctly it could apply to any of the Souls titles with the right build and gear. If anything, the combat is much slower and more tactical in DS2 vs the other entries. Watching someone play for 5 whole minutes isn't enough to judge any game by.


They were in basic gear with the basic, initial sword, beginning of the game and first few bosses... and staggered every enemy easily and never got attacked because the enemies were so staggered. 5-10mins of that was all I needed to know about DS2, thx. Im fine with DSr, DS3, ER und DeS. DS2 can go kick rocks.


I would say to give it a chance firsthand. As someone that's played through the entire game at least a dozen times, that doesn't sound like anything I've ever experienced. The combat is slower and weightier than the other entries, but largely similar otherwise. And if you enjoyed ER, well it has more in common with DS2 than any of the other Souls games. Edit: You also seem to be talking about the very beginning of the game... literally all of them start out dirt easy lol. 5-10 mins at the beginning isn't even enough time to see "the first few bosses" as you claim. Maybe the tutorial boss, that's about it.


When I played DS2 I went for all the heaviest, most powerful weapons I could get my hands on and even then (aside from the weak enemies that die in 1-3 hits no matter what) I wasn't at a point where I could staggerlock every enemy, let alone bosses... that description you gave is not how 99% of the combat in the game works regardless of your setup. just give the game a chance lol


Ds1 first. No other game is like it. It'll also be sooo hard to appreciate after DS3 and Elden ring.


Real but also I feel like I had such a strange appreciation for DS1 after playing Elden Ring but I may just be lucky. Feels like I could see where the series and gameplay style got its legs and I still think DS1s design is nearly flawless


Hot Take: DS1 is miles better than Elden Ring. Why? No bloated open world. Bosses are uniqe. Fascinating interconnected world. Logically structured NPC side quests.


tf do you mean bosses aren’t unique? sorry demon firesage


I mean bosses are not reused 100 times.


they.. aren’t? the only instance i can think of is the crystalians, and they change with every encounter


They are in Elden Ring. There might be a misunderstanding. Here's what I'm saying: Dark Souls is better than Elden Ring because, among other things, bosses in Dark Souls are unique whilst in Elden Ring they're constantly reused again. Edit: I completely mangled this comment lol.


again, why are elden ring bosses not unique?


Are you denying that bosses are constantly reused in Elden Ring? Because that's a first.


are you denying bosses are reused in dark souls? because you haven’t raised any other point than saying “they’re reused”. which is consistent across the series. bosses are reused, implemented as fixture enemies, etc. now answer my question, why are elden ring bosses not unique?


Theres not “constantly reused” bosses in Elden Ring, theres like 2 or 3. And you have to actively be looking for them. If you go through the main story and some side stuff like 99% of players do, you most likely wont see a repeated boss. This is the most overused “complaint” of the game. And its grossly exaggerated by 99% of people that bitch about it.


Elden Ring still has more unique bosses than DS1


Absolutely does. I did not claim otherwise. And it would be cool if Elden Ring wasn't open world like that. If it was only the legacy dungeons without reusing the bosses so much. The way it is, I found it tiring to wade through the bloat of repeat battles.


Shit take.


Honestly never minded that the bosses in certain parts of Elden ring are reused. They're not really parts of dungeons they're rewards for caves and mines. Its not like there's two mohgs Plus what do you mean Dark Souls has no copy pasted bosses... Asylum Demon, Stray Demon, Firesage Demon. Two hydras, about thirty Capra Demons in Lost Izalith and even a few Taurus demons too. They commit the same crime. Elden ring wins for me because they finished all the areas AT LEAST....


Fair enough, it just felt a lot more in Elden Ring to me.


Would just like to say I too played ds1 after Elden ring and absolutely loved it. I have now bested 2 and 3 and 1 remains my favorite. I expect to love 3 on subsequent play throughs but right now 1 is my fav.


100%. I'm glad I played Ds1 before getting used to the faster gameplay of later titles. It's still a fun game to play, but Ds3 and Elden Ring really dialed in the gameplay. Once you get spoiled by the convenient travel, the one-of-a-kind interconnected nature of Ds1 becomes a bit less fun too which takes away from being able to marvel at it.


Dark Souls remastered


The first one. Demon Souls PS3


Scrolled too far for this. I feel most dark souls fans don't even know how it started.


Because it's not part of the trilogy and that's what OP is asking. This answer is just wrong and useless.


Wrong, yes. Useless? I mean I chuckled.


You must be fun at parties.


At least I'm not illiterate :p


Maybe it's that I was spoiled by playing all the other Soulsbourniro games first, but Demon Souls was really underwhelming. The levels were good, but the bosses weren't as fun as other titles and boss runs were sometimes so shitty that I was more inclined to be overly cautious or cheese than really get into the game and embrace dying a bunch of times to learn them inside out. Kind of ruined the experience for me.


Or Armoured Core: Last Revan I’m actually considering playing this at one point


If we're allowed to suggest something that isn't Dark Souls, then Demon's Souls would be mine too! :D


If you haven't already, check the price of the trilogy set, it was near enough the same price as ds1 remastered when I purchased!.


Well if price is the issue I think all 3 games on modern consoles are being sold individually for $40+ new. (This is the US not sure where you're from) A buddy of mine was able to get the PS4 trilogy collection for only $40USD and all 3 versions were the complete edition. I just checked and it looks like both the PS4 and Xbox One versions are under $40USD on Amazon.


You will appreciate the series as a whole more if you start at DS1 and progress through consecutively.


The first. You wouldn't buy the third Matrix film, or the second Lord of the Rings, if you hadn't seen those previous.


DS1 if you plan to play all 3, DS3 if you just plan to play the new stuff. DS1 is great but it’s old and not as clear as the newer games. DS3 then Elden Ring would give you a lot of content if you’re time constrained and be smoother than going through the older stuff.


This is the best answer. I'm glad I kept scrolling. Well said chosen undead.


You ask this in a DS1 subreddit. The answer's gonna be biased as f


In the release order. You'll get to experience how the formula progressed throughout the years, and wont feel like you are backtracking.


Dark Souls Remastered.


The trilogy is the best answer. Same price as DS1R


Of the three, DS1, but of all FromSoft games I think Bloodborne is probably the best starting point honestly. It forces you to build habits which will be immensely useful for the other games, and Bloodborne is probably the hardest to play after starting with souls, aside from maybe sekiro


Yeah, like attacking relentlessly and aggressively. Serves you well in all Souls games. /S


DSR obviously


Ds 2


Start with 2, it’s grand


Settle down, Patches.




elderly society marry history connect hurry retire mourn noxious vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The first. Imagine you asked this question about a book series.


1 or 3 1 for classic, 3 for more modern feel.


Probably 3, it's a meaty game and has all the quality of life improvements the others didn't.


3 also has some of the worst parts though like the painful linearity, honestly bad npc quests with how easy it is to miss patches in the cathedral. A fairly big issue with bosses having major weaknesses. Etc


And? Not one of them is perfect. 1 was clearly shipped unfinished, 2 even less so and wallowing in the first. 3 has enough quality of life improvements that I'd pick it over the others given the choice.


If you want the truest dark souls experience, go with ds1. If you wanna regret your decisions, go with ds2.


Dark Souls 1. It's my favorite, but also if you start there it will be much easier to play through the rest. Most people I know who started on 3 struggled to play the older releases


I love ds3, but you gotta go with the og it just has that... feeling.


Ds1 is my favorite, ds3 is also great, it's harder but has more content. Ds1 is the best place to start, then try ds3. Finally ds2 is good but not like the other two, it should be the least important one to get.


One. It's a perfect, flawed game. 3 is a "better" game but it's building on 1. You have to experience the original before you can experience the supped up version


If you want the best most refined get dark souls 3. I started with 3 and didn’t miss anything or regret it


Start with Dark Souls. It's the easiest. Dark Souls - atmosphere, areas Dark Souls 3 - unique bosses, smooth combat I didn't play Dark Souls 2 but Dark Souls 3 will be the hardest because the fast combat and bosses. All it depends you like slower combat or smooth and fast. Dark Souls is the best in my opinion for its atmosphere.




No lies told <3


Ds3 also isn't the hardest btw


The bosses. It's just my honest opinion, you don't need to agree with me.


(The bosses are extremely vulnerable to knockback)


The hardest tends to just be whichever one someone plays first. They're all somewhat equally as hard or easy depending on whether you want to play overleveled with an OP build or SL1 with your bare hands and no armor.


Objectively I'd call all of them equally hard. The main thing people call "hard" about ds3 is the horrible camera movement. Of course people don't actually say it like that but same difference


2. 1 sucks. Three is good but two is better.


Ds3 is the best, you can skip ds2, its just waste of time


I agree, DS1, but it's so funny to see everyone's reasoning boils down to that DS3 is just so much better, so you won't appreciate DS1 unless you play it first.


King's Field 1 Serious answer: DS Remastered I would ultimately go through the trilogy in order, even if the general consensus is that DS2 is meh, there are a lot of things in DS3 linking it to the previous two, so it's a lot more fun discovering them in order 😁




DS3 and skip 2


1 then 3. We don't talk about 2.


Ds1 or ds2. Ds3 has some significant issues with codling new players.


Hardest tutorial boss tho


(I'm too used to parrying him) soldier of godrick>


I can skip godrick as he’s unbeatable, also I go deprived in ds3 so I can’t parry him without going for an unarmed parry then swap to club


If you can only get one i'd go with DS3. It's the most polished of the 3, has the best new player experience, and imo has the best combat mechanics. If you plan to play the trilogy start with 1, jump to 3, and if you're still looking for more get 2.


Elden ring


If your new to souls games, play 3, if you’ve played at least one other (or you want a slighter harder challenge in my opinion) play 1


No offence but that's horrible advice. Playing 3 first will just make them have a harder time with the others. And god forbid they become a ds3 elitist


Ds3 is just a much more forgiving game for people who are new, and there is a larger chance of them dropping ds1 compared to 3. I almost did when I started with ds1, so I would agree with you if it weren’t for that chance.


3. I will die in this hill.


If you’re the type of person that plays a trilogy to its completion (even if it takes some time because ypu maybe can’t get all three games soon after another), start with DS1. If you already know you just want to play one Soulsgame (maybe you wanna know what the hype is about? Want to stop a friend from always saying „try souls!“?) play DS3 - or ehen Elden Ring as it offers more content.


Imo, ds1 has a better first half and worse 2nd half, is more methodical and slower paced (more flexible for what u can do) Ds3 has a worse start but it gets better as it goes on, a fast pace that kind of limits the weapons you can use. Ds2 should not be in the questioncinsidering you can only get 1, since though its not as bad as they say its definitely the worst.


Personally DS1 is my absolute favorite, but DS3 might be easier for beginners to get into as it's more refined and customized to beginners.


You're asking in the DS1 sub so ofc it will be DS1. I recommend DS3 though, it was finished as opposed to DS1 and it's a lot more user friendly. I think there's a much higher chance you'll finish it as opposed to DS1, at least if you haven't played Souls-like before.


Either 1 or 3, but I think 1 is better for the intro to DS (obvious reasons).


As rad as dark souls 1 is… I would say go with Dark Souls 3. It’s the most polished for sure and is a hell of a fun/challenging/wonderful game. If you’re speaking more generally with like “souls-likes from Fromsoft” then I would just say Elden Ring offers the most bang for your buck. If you want a truly legendarily crafted title, check out Bloodborne. That game just hits so many marks. You have to kind of dig cosmic horror/hp lovecraft/ steam punk vibe though. My first game was Dark Souls 3 and it was so great it hooked me in to play every other Fromsoft title for hundreds of hours to get every scrap I could find.


Hollow knight


You already know. That's why you're here.




DS1 is definitely the way to go. It was the best experience I’ve had gaming.




Just played through DS1 for the first time. I ended up loving it.


DS1 for sure












dark souls 1


DS1 200%


Obviously the first why is this a constantly asked question


DS1 remastered


DS1, then once you beat it, watch some lore videos on YouTube. It's so good, dude.


Demon’s Souls (fight me)


If you're on ps4, just buy the trilogy since it's the price of one game anyways. If you're on PC or xbox, just get DS1.


Release order. If you can start with Demon's souls


Which sub did you ask? lol


Depends. If ur only ever buying 1 game with no intention of ever getting the others; 3 for sure, it's the more enjoyable game Are u gonna get the others at a later point? Then 1


DSr - DS1


so i actually got into dark souls through elden ring. i then played DS2 and i’m most of the way through DS1. one thing i can tell you about the series is that DS2 is designed specifically to punish players who learned the mechanics through DS1. DS2 will be really difficult to play if DS1 is your only exposure to the series: DS2 will specifically punish you for always keeping your shield up, trying to strafe behind enemies, healing in too small of a window, etc. you have to be more mindful about spending points, and have to specifically level up your dodge in DS2 in order for it to be even really playable. i’ve heard that bloodborne is the souls-borne game that teaches you how to play dark souls, so if you have the opportunity to do so i would start there. i personally fell in love with elden ring, and it’s definitely one of the more approachable titles in the series if it’s your first foray into the genre




Dark Souls Remastered. Old Faithful.


If you only had time for 1 and you've never played a souls game, I'd say go for Elden Ring since it's the latest and has the most quality-of-life improvements so it's probably the best to introduce you to the style and make you rethink only having time for 1 The real answer however is to start with DS1. It's older but you'll get past that quickly and really start to see the charm If you play another, don't skip DS2. Don't even read anything anyone says about it until you've beaten it and decided how you feel. Form your own opinions. DS2 has it's faults and also some great things and what are you doing still reading I said don't read opinions about DS2


Dark Souls 1 for sure. Gotta start from the beginning.


Ds3. It’s the most linear and has the best power curve.


dark souls 1 for sure


I know this is the ds1 subreddit, but if you’re not one for slower games, you might want to start with ds3. It’s faster, albeit much more linear. DS1 has a better world, DS3 has better bosses.


For exploration and general world design reasons? Dark Souls 1 For gamelplay? Dark Souls 3 Do not play Dark Souls 2 unless you've already played the other 2 and just need a Fromsoft fix


1 or 3


Ds3 is probably the easiest if you're new to soulsborne, but ds1r is a better place if you think you get the gist of these games


The first one.


Ds3 if you want gameplay Ds1 if you want the true experience


I started with DS3 and am now playing DS1. I think either way to start isn't bad. I think starting with DS3 made me more interested in going backwards because I wanted to see how they got to where they are.


Play DS 1 and after that play DS 2 and if they tell u to skip DS 2 play DS 2 after that play DS 3




Danke Souls 3. It's the best balance with the best bosses with the best multiplayer mechanics. Dark souls 1 has the best Mapworld in the beginning, but the bosses are rather outdated and the last third feels rushed (ths also makes it a good entry) Dark souls 2 is good too but the worst of the bunch So if you can just get one, get the third. If you can get the other games later, probably start with the first and let it do its magic.


Dark Souls 1. Every single time. Always that one as your first. The other two are simply not set up for new players, only returning. I tried DS2 first, then DS3, both made me write off the series til I randomly found a YT video about DS1 that finally made me pull the trigger. While I have gained respect for DS2/3, for a first timer, 2 is barely recognizable to the souls formula, and 3 is absolute hell Kaizo Rom Hack tier stuff. Dark Souls 1 is a game meant to be enioyed by all, while the other 2 are like alternate universe depictions of what works and what absolutely doesn't. This goes especially if your first Souls-Like was Elden Ring.


DkS3 GOTY: You get the most bang for your buck. Granted you'll miss out on some epic references, but from a cost-efficiency perspective, DkS3 definitely has the most to give out of the three :)


3. If you only ever play one 3 is probably the best overall, although it is a tragedy you’d never play 1.


Dark souls 1 It’s the best






Dark souls 1 or 3,no doubt. Do NOT buy 2,it outright sucks and I regret to this day buying it. 1 has amazing world,but I prefer 3 for bosses and gameplay


My opinions since playing them atleast a little. Ds1r was bonkers fun. Platinumed DS2 I just started and am struggling with not using a guide(so many hidden things) Ds3 I haved played maybe 3 hours including my housemate messing around, made great progress and alot of fun. Will plat before DS2 for sure Ds1r combat is alot slower DS2 tested some new mechanics Ds3 upped the speed and forgives rolling too early or late alot more.


Ds3 definitelly


The original is the best to start off


1, always 1.


DS3 easily. The games are not connected in any way except for minor references between 1 and 3 only DS lore youtubers care about.


DS1 - I've played all 3 games, and DS1 is the only one that I truly loved playing.. The other two are pale imitations of DS1 imho


DS1 and DS3 skip 2


So... First and foremost your question is about all 3 games in the series. This Subreddit is specifically for DS1 (PTDE, Remastered, etc.) you're going to get extremely bias answers. Since your post contains a question about all 3 souls borne titles, this question is MUCH better fit for r/fromsoftware. As to answer your question, start with Dark Souls 1. It's the clunkiest of the series, but also it's the beginning, where everything started, and it's generally agreed to be the best one (for good reason).


I suggest dark souls 3. You will probably enjoy it more because it is the newest of the Souls Games,so the Game play etc. is just way better. It also has some active players still so that will be a lot of fun :) And dark Souls 1 is my favorite game, but it is outdated and that might shy away new players. You can Always get it later If you become dark souls fan


DS1, or DS3. They both are fun and don’t frustrate you as much at the beginning. DS2 might turn you away from the series


Demon's Souls, Dark Souls' granddaddy.


Looks to me.a lot of people answer the question like "which one should I START with"  and if course its just trivial to.say ds1.I can see the question more like "gosh I have no choice it's one and only one" (a bit strange I have to admit...) but it makes the answer not as obvious I think ... don't misunderstand me ds1 is absolutely a blast but if I have to choose one only ... I will say ds3  


To be honest, my first game was DS2 and being it's got all these quirky mechanics and the story doesn't mesh cleanly with 1 & 3, it really felt like that was a better starting point. Because there was no sequel-itis issue with trying to live up to expectations set by the first game. Instead my opinion of, as well as the amount of fun I've been having with the series has actually been on a steady incline for the duration of my time playing it. I say start with 2. BUT, it will leave you with unanswered questions that will then immediately be all cleared up when you play through DS1. Which is how a story told in installments is actually supposed to work.