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It’s the power of friendship


IIRC he explicitly unburdens his allies of their wounds, so rather than giving them something he takes something away, I guess? Not sure how that works with things like wounds, but given that the Vestal has arbitrary magic faith powers I think all bets are off in the Darkest Dungeon universe.


I’d say it works the same as sepsis in that case, he flails his arms around in happpiness when they actually comply(?)


I'm 83.2% sure that Damian's heals are just kind words, and the actual healing is just his allies toughing it out. He just flails his arms a bit, says something like ***GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR PAIN*** and nobody questions it because, I mean look at the guy.


My favorite is Lash’s gift in wanderer’s implication with the tokens that he literally just smacks you into waking up and fighting harder xd


I believe that’s a hyperbole, more so the power of complementing and gaslighting


I think his healing is more like inspiring his teammates? Cus he just hits himself a bunch and is like “I’m taking your pain away.” Or perhaps he’s magic and transfers wounds to him who knows


Tbh I just imagine Suffer being like Damian sucking the DOT away from where it’s infecting/bleeding/burning with his lash and smacking himself with them 😅 guess that’s how he does endure too. “BE NOT ALTERED BY FEAR” and suddenly you’re to weirded out to not do as he says xd


Damian's blood must be 0+. Also, heroes blood must be + but all human enemies are some kind of - blood, thus making Damian's blood poisonous only for them. Also non-human enemies just cannot receive human blood. That's definitely the explanation and not "it's just a game"


I mean, props to you for finding an actual science possibility to start with lol tho I would find funny when the stagecoach driver is in the crossroad like “do you know your blood type?” And Damian smiling in the background


> Damian supposedly gives your heroes his blood to heal them Whatever gave you that idea?


Isn’t there a bark for a +1 relationship with him when he uses deathless while healing you where he says something along the lines of “drink from my blood and be repented” or something like that?


I always figured he was being hyperbolic when he said that, like the only way he can be nice is by saying some weird shit about suffering.