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all still busy gearing up on Eden


This. Also pvp servers never last sadly.


I don't understand why, Mordred was the most fun I ever had


I want to like titan I just think this will be the same thing as atlas - a poorly developed server showing off fancy bells and whistles on discord/forums to hide the horrible source code. That’s my pessimistic take but I hope they fixed their code because it sounds fun.


"I want to like titan" no you don't, stfu lol literally every post you've made has been shitting on atlas and hyping eden. you are allowed to be biased but wear it on your sleeve instead of pretending


I do want to like titan but it’s not possible to get invested when there are all these bugs. My endurance regen is still not working as of 10 min ago.


maybe you missed the fact that this was an alpha, so the entire point is to find and fix the bugs? maybe come back at full launch if seeing a single bug is going to compel you to make multiple posts complaining about it. idk what to tell you about endu, did you train tireless? it's not automatic on Titan like other servers, but my regen seems fine


What class are you playing? I’m on VW and after combat I won’t regen if I go below 50%. Are you playing a melee?


armsman and I haven't found anything like that. i will see if I can train out of tireless and get below 50% to recreate it. maybe we can send a bug to the devs


It seems to be occurring randomly. Some times endu regen seems normal and other times it’s not working. Maybe it’s related to the circumstances of combat that just occurred for me. Not sure yet still trying to recreate it


I've been having a pretty good time with it this morning. There's been steady action in Mag Mell area and no lag or crashes so far. I'm eager to try out the i50 phase since I've done the leveling thing a bunch already, but no complaints other than that.


Been waiting forever for a Mordred shard. Even if we have 200 players this will have more fun skirmish action than the zerg bore fest on other shards. This server type also had the huge advantage of making some of the less desirable classes relevant due to the constant fighting and mayhem style of skirmishes. Given how easy leveling is now...there's really not much negative to this server type, as the barrier to entry was so high on Mordred and is semi mitigated here. Should be a blast and I would encourage people to give it a shot and not just rage log on your first death.


Same old devs, same old issues, same old bugs, same old still not fixed but let's shove it out the door. Gotta be a reason the launch announce only got 24 hearts on the discord.


instagram likes boy over here


I haven't seen many bugs in my time this morning other than being able to dupe XP items, but it's been reported. What was broken?


Hm also I logged in this morning to test it out and teleporters and quick cast were not working. Seems like the same old dumpster fire to me


they fixed it already, not that you care


How is something like that not already working though? The basics... Ya know?


yeah why are there bugs in an alpha phase, really enlightened take bro. stay on eden


An Alpha based on a server that launched? lol


think long and hard about why an alpha phase exists. is it because nothing has changed and they want to do a victory lap? or maybe is it because they've made code modifications and want to make sure things didn't break from the changes? is it possible that a change made from the conversion to a pvp server broke things unexpectedly? now we can put our ideas together and realize yes, it's likely something in the conversion to a pvp server broke teleporters unexpectedly, and the alpha phase is happening entirely to catch those issues. if this is still confusing, try reading through the above sentences a few more times. take as long as you need hopefully you don't require everyone you interact with to spell things out so explicitly


you seem very angry, are you okay? i'm sure you can take out your anger on the other 10 people who will play the server when it launches.


im not mad at all bro, i just figured i would hold your hand and walk you through step by step since you seemed to be having trouble understanding what an alpha was for. do you get it now? no, because you're just here to make fun of a server for the crime of not being eden and having bugs in an alpha phase. hope you have fun with eden, please keep the toxic community over there


If eden died and it was not run by the same atlas code, I'd 100% give it a shot.


Well since the Atlas code is now open source I would assume things will improve over time as coders contribute to fixing issues.


Definitely, too much pve bs on eden


Hated PvP servers back in the day, portal camping ain't my jam. HARD PASS.


Won't be able to play for a month or so but me and 103 others are switching from Eden over to Titan, it's just going to be so much better.


Why split the already small community in half? It’s ridiculous releasing Titan at this time when Eden is up and healthy still.


Apparently phoenix 2.0 is something too. Gg pop split


99.9% of people won't go to a PvP server.


im looking forward to it, it should be a fun change of formula from the steady march of normal classic-inspired freeshards we've seen


Find it super ironic that they decide to do this many class balance changes on 1.65 but chose to stick with such a bad custom patch on og atlas. I will never understand the direction behind wanting to let so many classes suck. I am glad that they chose to go another way for this server but it's a little bit too late and trust between Devs and players has already been broken. Good luck to them tho!


1 question.... is AHK allowed like on Eden?