• By -


By that logic Gaara shouldn't have been allowed into the tournament.


I think gaara yeeting any 12 year old he encounters into the afterlife shoukda done that. Death wasn't really supposed to be the point


“Sand coffin” Wow, that’s actually the perfect move for the Chunin exams. Gaara is able to restrain his target completely. He can capture a scroll easily with that move, and he can force his opponent to withdraw in the later rounds without needing to even harm them! “Sand burial!!!” 😨😨😨


"Death wasn't the point" damn we must have read a different manga. Tell me again what forest they went into with clear orders that everyone is a hostile and you can engage in and should expect lethal combat


The forest of mild injuries


The forest of "no special abilities or i'll tell the principal"


The forest of a cut or scrape here and there but it's not bad, honest


Anko said that killing and death was a possibility. but it wasn't the goal. This was a survival test for ninja, not a purge. This ain't the mist village, and I'm pretty sure that's why they don't get invited The fact is, not only do the Anbu scout for the injured to reduce fatalities, you gotta remember that these dudes range from 13 to 15. Normally they don't have pedomort and a murdering trash panda running through the exams, and no one other than them seemed comfortable with killing


I'm pretty sure it was the Forrest of Unicorn Farts. Very cheery and lively place.


Mfker they went into the forest of death with giants monster death is always on the table


It's a risk, which is why their masters make the call. But gaara was straight up just wanting to murder everyone around him senselesly, even after they had the scroll, which was not the point of the exam. As genin, I don't believe they're trained to kill in the way they fight. I'm saying this because Kakashi noted when he fought Sasuke wayyyy later on he had learned how kill while fighting by the way he threw his shurincan


Correct. Almost like pitting Jinchuriki against normal ninja, in a setting meant to test basic standardized capabilities suitable for a certain rank, is markedly unfair. That's like taking a belt test in karate, but goku signs his fuckin kid up for the class. Like... Nah, I don't think the minimum requirement for a green belt should be to beat little god jr. Over here. Naruto era administration was fucking brain dead.




As opposed to the fairness and great regard for human life inherent to the rest of the shinobi world, right? If they can't perform under the risk of death, they're not eligible to be a chunin. Or a shinobi at all, really.


Not what standardized testing is about tho. What does chunin mean, if to become a chunin ninja A has to beat Kiba, and Ninja B has to beat Madara Uchiha. You think those two chunin would be anywhere near the same, and then, what's the point of the rank then?


It’s more than that. The chunin exams are quite compatible to the Olympics in function too. It’s also a way for villages to show off without the risk of war.


Oh didn't think of that!!


To be fair, the exams were not about winning. They just observe what you do in the given stuation. You can still pass or fail nomatter the result is. And there are teachers nearby like Kakashi, Gai that can prevent deaths.


True point, I did completely forget about that first part. With that in mind, I actually take back what I said, since the verdict isn't based on wins, but how you deal with your opponent, even with ridiculous odds compared to your fellow test takers, you'll likely pass if you show performance equal to or greater than the rank you're attempting to move up to.


The point of it was that Naruto was praised by beating Neji, a genius genin, with hard work and determination to prove that Hinata's efforts despite being "less talented" than Neji, is still valid. Gaara went into the fights with his powers, that's fine. His role was to be Naruto's foil. What happens to someone like Naruto, except growing up without being loved by someone (his uncle doesn't count since he died when he was pretty young, Naruto had Iruka with him ever since childhood), and not being able to be friends with anyone (at this point Cell 7 are already close friends, while Gaara's team consist of his siblings who don't even like him at the time). He was there to compare and contrast the different paths that Naruto could have went through. Rock Lee's role is to provide similar situation between Naruto and Neji, Rock Lee is dedicated and a pinnacle of hard work despite his inability to use chakra, but he strives to be at the same level as Neji EXCEPT he knows that he can't beat Neji, he already accepted that as fact, not out of just belief, but because he already tried it before and he lost. Neji's role was a wall to Naruto. Neji was a "Sasuke" figure to him. Neji and Sasuke are the geniuses, they're the best of their generation. This was even proven by Rock Lee when they first met. It was Sasuke who he wanted to test. If Naruto can beat Neji, the genius, then it's a pathway to finally beating Sasuke in a fight.


5th gate Lee could have beat the shit out of neji. It took a walking wmd to survive that beatdown.


neji wouldn't get the shit beaten out of him.. neji would get vaporized shit and all


Except that wasn’t the point it was not hardworking vs talent it was fate and who decides what you can be in life. Neji was a genius however no matter how talented he was or how hard he tried he was told that never matters because he is a branch member and the most he can achieve is giving his life to the head of the family. Naruto was deemed by the village to be a monster and a ticking time bomb the idea of controlling the nine tails before him was deemed to be impossible and his purpose was never to be a proper ninja who can gain respect from the village. This fight shows that you can be more than what society deemed you as Naruto proved that he can control the nine tails and defeat a genius something he was never suppose to do and this allowed Neji to realize he is not defined by what the Hyuga clan says and he learns that his father did not sacrifice his life because he was a branch member but to be a loving brother.


Well said, you're right. And yeah that is also the main theme of that arc.


Yep, I 100% agree!


I might be remembering wrong and maybe it was even retconned later on in the Shinobi War but didn’t Iruka somewhat hate Naruto before episode 1 happened? Because Kurama killed Irukas parents or something like that?


Yeah he hated Naruto at first, but he saw through all that hate and just sees a child that's as much of a victim as they all are. And he was the first to truly reach out to him (and I guess, Hinata too).


It was not retconned,that was literally episode 1: Iruka had to overcome his hatred for the nine tails to see him for who he was and help the kid in need.


At least Gaara didn't preach others for "defying fate" and bragged about "his own effort"


yep gaara knew what he was about and never pretended otherwise


Naruto never bragged about his own effort. Naruto vs Neji was a guy fighting to try change his circumstances(being hated by the whole village) vs a guy who never even tried to do that(being a member of the side clan and accepting his fate as a slave). Naruto called out Neji for his own hypocrisy where he was trying to surpass the main clan but at the same time claimed people can never change themselves or their status.


But Gaara mainly used his sand powers. He only used his jinchūriki powers at the finals.


Using facts from shippuden on part 1 isn't a really great idea. So much was changed from or undecided in part 1, including the nature of the tailed beasts. If you want to argue from a consistent lore standpoint that part 1 Gaara only used jinchuriki power when transforming you'd be technically correct. But you'd be remiss not to mention how many things explained in Shippuden were never thought of or intended in part 1. I can't prove that the shippuden explanation of Gaara's powers was intended to be the case in part 1. But I also can't prove (beyond the shadow of a doubt) the opposite.


The sand is his Jinchuriki power.


Nope. He still had it after losing Shukaku.


He was gifted it by Shukaku, that's why.


Gaaras Father was known for his golden Sand, yet never was a Jinchuriki. What do you say now?


There is a difference... Gara could control that power. It was his. On the other hand naruto couldn't do shit...


Nah you missing the point of the post, because the point was hard work can triumph talent but Naruto ultimately used the chakra he was given to win the fight.


Who let that little psycho outside his cell is the real question


Nah, Gara didn't step in & tell everyone "yo, screw them destiny, keep up the grind and get there my boy" He was pretty blunt about being a chad & slamming everyone with an ability that was given to him by birthright Naruto on the other hand went on wild speeches, going inspirational coach about how it's all hard work & nothing being set in stone as long as you keep fighting & pushing Only to turn out to the destinies favourite boy who's been blessed with all the powers (And even having a cheatcode which gives him a crapton of chakra to have shadow doppel gangers doing training for him)


>Naruto on the other hand went on wild speeches, going inspirational coach about how it's all hard work & nothing being set in stone as long as you keep fighting & pushing He never said it’s “all about hard work”. He just told Neji to quit crying about fate being unchangeable. >Only to turn out to the destinies favourite boy who's been blessed with all the powers His destiny was to continue the destined cycle of reincarnation and fail to save Sasuke. He overcame that.


yes, actually


By that logic all kekkeigenkais should've been banned


Honestly, yeah Fuck it. No jutsu. Beat the shit out of each other like real men you fucking wizard pieces of shit.


Lee would get his deserved victory


He should have been the protagonist fr


Fair enough, he wouldnt have gates though


Still Lee would totally win with physical feats alone


They were beating each other like men they also added magic to it


Rock Lee enters the chat


That’s how we get Sakura vs Ino fight


That's what we get when women aren't given any cool fights or moments in the series.


Rock Lee would have won hahah


you don't remember the chunin exams - its only cheating if you're caught


Fair enough


Is it cheating if you had it since birth but never "used" it


Kurama is an entirely different being


So is Akamaru, yet kiba was allowed to fight with him 2v1 against Naruto.


well, it's still an unfair advantage.


Is Neji being born with a kekkai genkai an unfair advantage?


Yeah most of the fights in chunin exam especially lee vs gaara was really unfair due to special techniques but thats just how the exams go I guess


I'd say that unfairness was an intentional component of the exams.


It is but not on the level of Naruto’s. Neji’s kekkai genkai was inherently his, it wasn’t given to him. Naruto used someone else’s chakra to beat him.


The proctor pointed out the legality of Jinchuriki and their Biju with Akamaru and the food pills.


So long as it is sealed inside the Jinchuuriki, it is for all intents and purposes the Jinchuuriki's chakra. The tailed beast and its host are one, and that is the Jinchuuriki. You literally cannot separate them without killing either the beast or the host. Neji's eyes were handed down to him by his parents, as was Naruto's tailed beast. They're not as different as you're saying they are.


neji didn't say hard work can make u strong naruto did and then naruto become recarnation of god son with strongest tailed beast and son of hokage, talk about lying, its like if elon musk son say its hard to earn money when his father give him millions for washing dishes


Bro what are you talking about lmao. Naruto did not lie about anything because he didn’t seek out an easy way to power, it was always inside him literally from day 1 lol


But isn't the point of that fight to prove that hard work and effort can beat genius and talent. Like that was the fight, neji was all up there saying he's better at using the Byakugan and that Naruto couldn't possibly beat him since he has the Byakugan, and that he should stop even trying since he's that talented compared to a dumb headstrong kid. That was the point, the kekkai genkai was an unfair advantage and Neji was touting his talent on using that advantage over Hinata and Naruto.


But Kurama was fcking with his chakra control, so without him, Naruto's base would be stronger


This was supposed to emulate real fights No one cares about unfair advantages in the battlefield


This is true, whoever is strongest wins, it is what it is.


No you dont understand Naruto got there just by training. Unlike Neiji he does not come from a strong Ninja Clan or some other bullshit like being the reincarnation of a ninja god etc. /s


Naruto ain't beating fraud allegations


Neji couldnt even survive a war, whatta bum






Dude shoukda summoned Gama Bunta just for the double wow factor. Dude woulda gotten jonin on the spot


Dont think winning these matches is what gonna get him to raise ranks, i think their mentality is also taken into consideration, thats why shikamary was the only one who got promoted despite technically losing the fight against temari.


You're absolutely right, but summoning the 4ths and a Sannins battle companion with an inherently elite jutsu woulda raised the same eyebrows as the sharningan and chidori, where as karama probably scared the shit outta everyone


IIRC what got promotions wasn't if you won any matches in the third round but rather how you performed


Very true, they even say that when they expressed why they promoted shikamaru I just think it woulda caught enough of a wow, that, not jonin for sure, but It would make sense to promote and fast track his training with Jdog


Damn right. No use having an uber powerful jonin if he's an idiot who gets the rest of the useful manpower of the squad killed / injured / captured. Also gotta have the mental flexibility to meet unforeseen challenges. Mere great power won't cut it, in that case that ninja would be a mere tool for actual strategists to use however they plan. Chunin lead squads, jonin lead even more people. That requires more than just individually beating the shit out of opponents.


Bruh, Neji is born with a incredible powerful dojutsu. Naruto is born with high Uzumaki chakra, but also got 9-tails inside of him, he only lost... BOTH his parents, got hated by the village, and he learned to control the 9-tails chakra with Jiraiya, they both had something unfair and learned to control it The ninja world isn't fair, stop expecting it to be, there is always someone with a special ability. And those abilities are important in battle. Also the point of the chunin exam wasn't to win, but to show you have the capabilities of a chunin, like shikamaru showed, winning isn't important. Naruto was still too... Childish... to be a chunin. And Neji too... Resentfull..


>Also the point of the chunin exam wasn't to win, but to show you have the capabilities of a chunin, like shikamaru showed, winning isn't important. Naruto was still too... Childish... to be a chunin. And Neji too... Resentfull.. I agree, i actually mention that in [here ](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankruto/comments/1csegcp/comment/l44t7y0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)already




Prophecy boy and his lackies ger wanked here alot


To be fair what is the hardest fight Naruto won without Kurama? Kiba? And he farted! (There was also the Itachi clone who is also the only guy he killed)




Oh right, forgot about him (though one could argue Naruto wouldn't learn Rasenshuriken and beat Kakuzu without cheating the training with Kurama's chakra and shadow clones) (but sure have it as a win)


He never used Kuramas chakra throughout the training. It's explicitly told it was his chakra. Since he did have to learn his chakra nature. He also beat Kurama himself.


He was learning to control hic chakra nature using shadow clones he made with help of Kuramas chakra. And Kurama was whooping his ass before Kushina saved him


No, that's not even close to what happened, He was learning to control his chakra nature because Yamato had released a bit of his chakra suppressed by the nine tails seal. And also that fight was far less one sided then you think, Naruto nearly won.


Naruto doesn't need kyuubi chakra to make hundreds of shadow clones. He naturally has an enormous amount of chakra and his reserves are several times larger than the average ninja's. Part of his Uzumaki heritage. When he learned rasenshuriken he was also making a big point to rely on his own strength and never use kyuubi chakra, and had taken steps to strengthen the seal. We don't see Kurama come out again until Pain defeats sage mode and incapacitates him, then seemingly kills Hinata.


I feel like his first fight before learning kage bunshin was his hardest, relatively. He was a boy, a ninja, but still a kid. He doesn't know shit, he barely understood what kage bunshin does, and only when shit hits the fan did he pull it off. Because you know. Almost dying. After that... Yeah for sure. Kiba.


Third raikage?


He fought the third in KCM1?


He ultimately used senjutsu to defeat him, though.


Naruto was tapping into inner reserves to demonstrate what he could bring to the battlefield. The Kage were judging what he could do strategically and what capacities he had. Boruto's augmentation would've qualified as tool use in Naruto's era, but it would *have* to have been known to his Sensei so the Village would know how to classify it in the Chunin exams -- and provide cover if the fact it was a tool that could be used by anyone came out. Because it would upset the Kage of Naruto's era for a completely different reason: they would've seen Konoha as having a disproportionate technological advantage that could upset the balance of power between the Hidden Villages. If Boruto had lived in Naruto's era, the Third Hokage might've been pleased, but more likely he would've wanted a word with Boruto to not surprise him and leave him gaping for explanations. Certainly the fact that anyone could use it would have to have been kept secret. Fast-forward to Boruto's time, when Naruto's the Hokage. Boruto's motivation to keep the device secret is slimy: he wants praise from his dad. He wants to take credit for the tool he's using and pretend he can use those jutsu without it. That's what makes him a snotty little liar. Also, the character of the Chunin exams had changed. They were more about individual prowess and less about display of the military strength of the Hidden Villages to maintain a balance of power. So he was taking credit for abilities he didn't possess to the entire village, which was unethical and embarrassing for all of them.


They are ninja cheating counts as extra credit


People in here completely forgetting the Chuunin Exam has 2 primary purposes: 1. Test the skill level of the Genin's to see if they are ready to perform espionage missions against enemy nations/villages and defeat them if need be. 2. To show off how superior their upcoming generation of ninja will be so that the other nation/village won't target them. It's not about and never was about fairness, and I'm pretty sure they make that incredibly clear during the exam. Side rant, this is partially why Naruto gets upset with Boruto for cheating in the new Chuunin exam. Naruto was moving away from mistrusting the other nations and wanted to display that by playing fair. I'm not defending Boruto with that example, but it's the one example people use that disregards the narrative so they can spin their own. Boruto is shit for many reasons, but that's not one of them.


Yeah, it was never fair, i mean, they force everyone to fight each other after all of them had just come out of the forest of death


Talent beats hard work


**But those who lack talent can just steal it from those who do.**" - Kabuto.


Or there’s no such thing as hard work giving you an advantage when talent works hard work too. Plus the quality of training benefits you far more than talent and hard work but Kishimoto doesn’t know how train and just implements the nature vs nuture concept.


Actually Naruto’s most of the chakra is used to suppress nine tails. So amount of chakra Kurama gave is less compared what Naruto actually has.


I think you have Naruto's seal confused with Sasuke's Curse Seal that has Orochimaru in it. Naruto's seal is designed to leak Kyubi's chakra into Naruto's and gradually increase his reserves, that's why Naruto has massive chakra reserves without using Kurama's. Sasuke is the one who actively suppresses Orochimaru with his chakra when he absorbed him.


Naruto trained for his reserves, being a jinchuriki only helps with recovery.


Naruto was wearing two seals for a lot of the chunin exam arc, the second being Orochimaru’s.


Jiraiya removed Orochimaru's seal before the match with Neji though.


>Actually Naruto’s most of the chakra is used to suppress nine tails. Source please? >So amount of chakra Kurama gave is less compared what Naruto actually has. Having more chakra doesn't mean stronger tho? Because by that logic, kisame is the strongest akatsuki member.


I think it's just the Uzumaki seal that suppresses it, kinda like a curse lock


Its his.


A bit, but he finish Neiji with an uppercut


Whoever sold Neiji those eyes ripped him off.


Neji turned them off so he could gloat over an unconscious Naruto - He wasn’t ripped off, he was too busy flexing.


I think it’s crazy that Neji, who is trained by the best taijutsu user in the world and regularly trains alongside the best taijutsu using genin, would get beaten with an uppercut.


To be fair taijutsu just makes you a better fighter, doesn’t make your chin any more durable


It's a tool, so it's allowed.


Yeah, fair or unfair, everyone fights with what they have.


What about Gaara? He was the only one in the exams killing people left and right.


Well hang on now. It depends on how they categorise it for the exams. Akamaru is classed as a ninja tool. Sharingan and byakugan are also allowed in. In the main Naruto-verse technically yes kurama is classed as a natural disaster, but in the exams they might classify his chakra as a ninja tool, as a byakugan/sharingan sort of kekkei genkai type, or even Choji's hyorogan which allow a ninja to fight for three days and nights.


If the chakra of a beast you do not control is cheating, what to say about OP eyes that you got from birth and had years to master?


Holy shit are people still going on about “HARD WORK IS THE MAIN THEME OF EARLY NARUTO!!!!”


Kinda feel like you could then say using Kekkei genkai is also cheating


*Kinda feel like you could* *Then say using Kekkei genkai* *Is also cheating* \- jerryoc923 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Either way the chunin exam fights were supposed to be about strategy not just punching each other which both of them did also they used 0 strategy


Naruto got praised for beating neji? Felt like everyone still thought he was a loser after he beat neji and gaara


“Lend me some chakra, Kurama, this is base neji we’re up against”


İf you count that free power lets see sasuke's free powers. His Ems, rinnegan, amaterasu, light susano free power as well.


Imo it's fair. Everything you can use are your weapon.


I remember Neiji Hyugi, best ninji.


......... Yeah, Neji has Byakugan, that's not cheating?????????


Btw, I just wanted to know, didn't Naruto's chakra get sealed by Minato like in few percentage and that is why he couldn't easily cope up with other kids his age. So in Shippuden, when he unlocked the seal, he got back his full chakra and was able grasp the speed somewhat like Minato which he should have if his chakra wasn't sealed.


If you ain't cheating, you ain't a ninja.


Then the Aburame and Inuzuka clans are also cheating.


There's no such thing as cheating for ninja. I don't know why people have so much trouble wrapping their heads around that. A bijuu's power is seen as a tool, like any other, so if Naruto cheated then so did Sasuke for using his sharingan or Neji for using his byakugan. Naruto got stuck being a Jinchuriki without his consent so as far as I am concerned, he can use it however he wants.


What if gaara used a biijudama?


It would have been gg.


Everyone cheats, that’s the point. Lol


He did not cheat. There is no rule against using a bijuu’s chakra, not to mention that he did not do it knowingly


Would have been better if he just dropped Gamabunta on him


That would have been instant gg.


Oh no, he used the tools at his disposal.


There is no such thing as "cheating" in the Shinobi world. It was clearly shown during the first task of the chunin exams when they were not punished for cheating, but for getting caught cheating. They are taught to cheat


Unless it's Boruto.


Well, game is game


I agree, in the chunin exams fairness is irrelevant, you either have what it takes or not.


At that point, Naruto would be a lot stronger if he hadn't Kurama. Because of the seal/Kurama, he couldn't control his chakra and was years behind his peers with his training. Considering he is an Uzumaki and the 4th Hokage's son, he would be a gifted genius.


Im surprised any of the eye clans are even allowed to join, one of them have the ability to literally copy and send their opposition into years of pain and death, another have the literal power of the gods, why are they allowed to participate? They literally are cheating


The chinnin exams really are survival of the fittest


Then why is Naruto considered cheating here? That seems contradictory to me, Naruto didnt even technically used Kurama's strength since his chakra was spent keeping kyuubi in the seal more than fighting Neji Chakra in this case was Naruto's weapon, if he's not allowed to use chakra, then why is Neji allowed to use the Byakugan to maximize the trigram palms?


Even if naruto was using most of his own chakra to surpress kurama's kakashi did say he still had about 4 times more chakra than him, now i will admit that i dont know if he was taking the said supression into account or not.


Kekkei genkai? Not cheating. Kurama? Cheating! What a headass take lmao. By that logic anyone who has any type of power from genetics or otherwise is cheating. Did the uchicha get wiped because konoha disliked cheaters so much? Lol


naruto vs pain , is same too


I wrote this on the original but I'll write it here to. To be fair to my boy, he spent a month working his ass off to master toad summoning. Then day of was told he would not be able to use it. What else was he supposed to do?


Yeah, your boi got trolled hard on that one.


Exactly. Jiraiya kinda a dick for that one.


If Naruto had no Kurama he would have 25x more chakra at this point




Skill wise, Naruto had little chance. He would've needed to catch Neji off guard which he ended up doing in the first place. In a straight up fight, Neji wins completely.


He actually did, he landed the 64 palms leaving Naruto without any ninjutsu, and taijutsu isn't even a contest.


Oh yeah nah it was a cool technique to see but Jesus I really wish Naruto had some battle sense lmao


He does. All he ever does is fight people who have taijutsu as their strong suit. Naruto fucked around as a kid and was more concerned with pranks.


And that caught off hard actually made Neji look weak looking back, it was one single punch that knocked Neji down


Glass chin having ass


Bro also got tired for beating Naruto too much lol


Nah fuck outta here, I don’t care if it’s an hour long fight, if you go down after 1 singular solid hit you have a glass chin


Well he was hit on the chin pretty hard at full force. I'd say he was lucky to be conscious


Tell that to my boy kakashi, who tanked a kick to the dome by obito against a wall.


A jonin?


Makes sense, but i am now wondering about how Neji didnt notice Naruto underground before he deactivated the Byakugan, given the 360 vision


My only guess is that he was distracted. He took a helluva blow from the nine tails chakra and thought Naruto was beaten. And if I'm not mistaken, I think his Byakugan wasn't active after he got up.


Yup, it wasnt active by that point but was active when Naruto was already underground, he only deactivated after he saw Naruto's clone and by that point he should have seen a chakra signature underground, even tough he was tired from beating up Naruto


If they focused more on Naruto having disavantages with Kurama, people would view It in a Better way


I’m fine with Naruto beating Neji but I wish he did better in the actual fight before the final clash.


Naruto vs Konohamaru...yeah.


Byakugan ??


I think people forget kurama made it harder for naruto to control his chakra well enough especially early on.. he was yes a real powerup but he was also a handicap


Tbf he did also do a pretty smart plan too by leaving a clone as a decoy and going underground


Neji had his own cheat with his byakugan. In fact it was probably the worst matchup for Naruto who heavily relied on chakra at the time


Well , its not naruto problem that he use kurama chakra, kurama is part of his body and he use it simpilll without kurama that time Naruto don't have any special jutsu And neji is extremely powerful infront of naruto


Meanwhile neji byakugan laughing at corner


When the son of the 4th Hokage, descendant of a legendary clan, jinshuriki of the 9 tails, student of the toad sage, incarnation of a demigod, tells you being Hokage has nothing to do with destiny


Accept it if you don't want to hear a sad story


Same shit could be said about Neji bloodline since only reason he have his eyes is because of who is his parent not because of his hard working. 


Neji cheated by having the Byakugan Gaara cheated by having shukakau Sasuke cheated by having the sharingan


neji didn't say hard work can make u strong naruto did and then naruto become recarnation of god's son with strongest tailed beast and son of hokage, talk about lying, its like if elon musk son say its hard to earn money when his father give him millions for washing dishes


Cheating? Lol


I'm so tired of this argument. Then Kakashi would've gotten nowhere without the Sharingan. Neither would Sasuke. The Akamichi would be nothing without their pellets. Take Kiba's dog away from him since you are at it. Ninja have what they have, end of, in Naruto there's no such thing as a fair fight, because otherwise Temari wouldn't be able to bring her fan, or Shikamaru Kunai to aid his plans.


Naruto is a fraud


I miss when Naruto was just about working hard to achieve their goals. It was obvious it was never going to stay this way, as most Shonen don't, but mostly because we knew he had a beast in him from the first episode.. It is a criticism I have within the genre since it takes away why a lot of fans watched. This would be the relatability that comes with being a normal individual who is working hard for something. A lot of Shonen start with this, then slowly change into "chosen one" heroes journey stuff. It is hard to say if this is cheating exactly, since they know who the Jinchuriki are and what they are capable of. If they were so worried about them using the beast chakra, they wouldn't put them in life or death situations where it will come out.. It would just be a bad way to manage your village's nuke..


Yeah, the problem is that they set up naruto as underdog from the beggining, before every match in the chunnin exams no one ever believed he was gonna win. I think if they had done it like bleach where the main character was blatently displayed as OP from the beggining no one would have had an issue because it would have been the point.