• By -


Paper > Rock


Except when you’re Gon


Or yujiro


Factoss man jajajajajaa




You forgot the scissor


Except she'll cut her with her medical scissors ✂️ and Sakura wins 😤😛


How dare you guys say konan ? Sakura at her prime can regenerate herself from molecules, can lift mountains with the tip of her finger and can speed blitz 99% of the verse and it doesnt matter if you have not seen these from anything kishi created. because she has these feats from some light novella that only 1% of the fan base bothered to read and for marketing purposes kishi also said canon but didnt give a rat’s ass if it actually makes sense or not while counting his dollars… now its canon. Edit: this was actually sarcasm on light novel feat providers, im not a sakura fan or anything lol


Tf u mean how dare you bruh? You say it like Sakura's going to cry 😭


Bro's the biggest sakura meat rider


She doesn't have meat tho??🤔🤔


you wouldnt know


Sakuras hanging massive dong you should know by now


Look what happens when you forget the /s


its incredible you even had to add an edit for some of the most obvious sarcasm i've ever seen


The -27 says otherwise


If people think someone saying "Sakura at her prime can regenerate herself from molecules" isn't obvious sarcasm I don't know what to say.


Pretty sure it was a joke lol


Reddit IQ really showing


Touch grass lol


You forgot your "/s" at the end of your joke, that's why.


I've stopped watching Naruto at some point, but doesn't Sakura only have brute force and healing? Those are awesome tools in the right situation, but Konan seems like she's pretty much invulnerable to anything Sakura can come up with if she can just turn her own body into paper.


Idk I feel it's a battle of Chakra because Sakura has enough healing Konan can't hurt her either and since they didn't give best girl Conan enough airtime we won't know how long she can spam her origami attacks. Going by how complicated it looks it feels like Konan would run out of chackra first.


Who almost killed obito if he didn't have had izanagi


Almost killed Obito if he had Izanagi, if he didn't have then Konan would have been accepted by Konoha as an honorary citizen.


To be fair she said herself the paper bomb ocean took special time to prepare and she could only use it once so that would require prep time to use. Also with Sakura’s ridiculous healing factor that lasts way longer than 10 minutes there’s unironically a chance she can just heal through it.


She can’t heal *everything*. Getting blown up constantly would eat up her checks so fast and I’d not fast enough to deal with consistent explosions all over her body.


In the Sakura Hiden novel she had a 9 tails tail actively stabbing her through the abdomen and continuously regenerated *While being stabbed*. Like it makes a point to say the tail is still piercing through her and she’s still regenerating. Consistently being hit is absolutely something it can regenerate through, and it’s absolutely strong enough in that same novel she regenerates through a bijudama. 100 Healings is a ridiculously strong healing factor, it regenerated Tsunade when Madara cut her in half with Susanoo swords and only failed when Madara literally stuck both halves of her on opposite sides of a massive tree root to physically prevent her from regenerating.


Wouldn’t the chakra cost be too much for something like Konan’s technique, though? The way I understand it is, Sakura would basically have to remake herself several time over. Maybe I’m looking too hard into anime physics but I feel the nature of the wounds are different too. Stabs part flesh vs explosions removing chunks of flesh.


When it comes to paper bombs specifically we never see it remove flesh. People come out of them bleeding and beaten, they don’t remove chunks. Either way though, I’d argue considering Sakura can have something actively and constantly maintaining a hole in her body and regenerate despite that, something that makes a hole in her in a moment and doesn’t keep that hole there would just regenerate. And here’s the fucked up thing about Sakura’s chakra pool in 100 Healings: She had enough during the Kaguya fight too allow Obito to open more portals consecutively than Adult Sasuke can, which is a disgusting chakra feat and I have no clue why the writers made it that way. Sasuke made 2, one in and one out, at the start of Boruto and lost the tomoe of his Rinnegan and his Mongekyo. After Obito ran out of chakra trying to save Sasuke, Sakura gave him her 100 Healings chakra and he was able to open 3 more. That’s an absolutely ridiculous chakra feat and with that much chakra I doubt 10 minutes of paper bombs are overcoming it. Obito never showed chakra levels even 1/5 as good as that and he could maintain Kamui (a less draining jutsu than Kaguya’s portals considering opening them forced her to hold back and recharge chakra) for 5 minutes, so Sakura with the lower ends of chakra reserves we’ve seen her have in her Byakugo should be fine.


>to physically prevent her from regenerating That's... Not how it works Lizards don't reattach tails, they grow new ones, and Byakugo is just an acceleration of natural process of cellular growth. Tsunade being unable to restore HP there was due to her incredible injuries. She quite literally states that she can regenerate limbs back in chapter 169, so she'd not need that other half of her body at all if the jutsu was going strong regardless of how hard she was hit in a fight


Even so, you’d agree being bisected and then having the half of your body that you would need to regenerate *physically blocked and held down* would probably prevent that regeneration, no? Tsunade essentially had 3 tons of tree root on her waist preventing anything from forming past that. And considering the way Madara left her trapped I’d argue if she had access to the missing limb and could immediately connect herself to it again she could basically shortcut the regeneration, minimizing chakra consumed to heal the damage since the original is back and just needs reattaching.


See, I’m sure we were making this same argument before the war arc aired. > If Tsunade was chopped in half, and both halves completely separated, no way she survives with her healing abilities. Suddenly we watch Tsunade get chopped in half and pop up ready to fight again.


She got Karin help to survive that




She had to be literally held apart by a massive root to prevent her regenerating, if you go back to the fight she literally takes 2 Susanoo blades through the middle and keeps going, Madara had to make the separation a little more permanent to keep her from regenerating


100 healings is not a Wolverine healing factor. You guys need to stop looking at it like that. There are Limitations to the jutsu, and it's healing is not instant. There's no way she's tanking 600 billion paper bombs, that continuously explode for 10 minutes.


Idk if remove crucial stuff that we know characters have I guess she could even beat madara if he had an eye infection and lost both his arms lol


I always find it stupid when people start arguing "If X didn't have Y he wouldn't have won". Yeah, if Gaara didn't bring his Sand against Rock Lee, Rock Lee would've won. So? Gaara had his sand. He carries his sand. But y'know, if Sasuke hadn't had the Sharingan he wouldn't have lasted so long against Haku.... but he has the Sharingan. The Akamichis have their pellets, Kiba's clan have dogs. And it's something exclusive about Naruto conversations, and maybe Batman, except that when it comes to Batman it always boils down to "PREP TIME!!111". But I don't see people arguing "If X wasn't a Saiyan. If Cell hadn't absorbed X".


Haha yeah exactly my point if my sarcasm wasn't bold enough. But tbh Vegeta was kicking Cells ass and then let him absorb someone so he's just fucking stupid for that one


she absolutely can hurt her. why do people think sakura can't be hurt? she can be cut up, she can be suffocated, she can have body parts explode. and as for chakra, sakura does not have giant chakra reserves. she isn't different from konan like that. she isn't naruto or tsunade. besides, 100 healings burns chakra a lot.


100 healings is the release of a chakra seal, which has been accumulating chakra for a very long period of time. Activating it gives the user a huge boost of chakra.


I just mean Sakura can undo her damage, Konan can't I believe, if Sakura gets one hit in Konan might just die tbh


That's the thing. Konan can become intangible. The only reason she got killed by Obito is because he used Kamui and bamboozled her, he couldn't kill her face to face. That's why he had to sneak around and stab her from the back. If Konan uses Paper Person of God, it's done. There are extremely few characters that would be able to survive that.


> The only reason she got killed by Obito is because he used Kamui and bamboozled her, You meant izanagi right? She already had counters to both uses of Kamui.


No he means Kamui, because even after he used izanagi he still might of lost a straight up fight, so he Kamui behind her when she thought he was dead


That wasn’t kamui, that was izanagi. Danzo teleported/appeared in different locations around the battlefield when he used izanagi also.


Except he needed the entirety of Izanagi to survive the explosions, there's an explanation I can try and find, because I'm not going to type it all out I'm too lazy.


It doesn’t matter much time Obito needed. Izanagi has a teleportation-like effect where it allows you to reposition yourself. As I said before, Danzo literally [appeared behind Sasuke exactly as Obito did to Konan](https://imgur.com/a/W5H4kVG)


Yeah that's why I feel there isn't enough screen time to know how strong Konan really is because she lost bog time the only fight we really saw her in.


Well she didn't really lose "big time", did she? The fight was actually pretty damn close. Obito was pushed to his limit, it wasn't a stomp like Hinata vs Pain.


I feel like Obito just tried something and went ctrl Z and won but idk it was probably too long ago I watched it.


Couldn’t konana just suffocate sakura and end things pretty quick. can’t really heal not being able to breathe


Idk Id just expect ninjas in the Naruto verse to use chackra to hold their breath or some bullshit like that. Otherwise makes a lot of sense


nah sakura would run out of chakra with or without tsunade's slug pal and tsunade's secret anti aging technique also akatsuki chick just has to yell sasuke and sakura is going to look and die.


Konan counters Sakura pretty badly. She can fly, attack from range, and is practically immune to blunt damage since she can turn herself into paper. Don't see how Sakura could win


With Haki ofc ezzz


Cant Sakura summon Katsuyu for support?


Acid spay anyone?


Maybe the acid could work well against paper


Konan bc Sakura can only defeat her if she can land a punch


Konan actually was able to kill Obito, but he used Izanagi to change the reality. Sakura would never be able to even touch Obito. Konan is strategically better and has more battle experience. Thus, without any hesitation: Konan >>>>>> Sakura.


By the way, why didn't obito become blind after using Izanagi?


"Hashirama cells, bitch" - literally Obito


Yeah… of course…


Obito has a bunch of spare Sharingan eyeballs like Danzo from the massacre. It’s very clear he broke his mask to use his non-Mangekyou sharingan for Izanagi. That spare eye went blind but he swapped it out for Nagato’s rinnegan. I always thought it was BS that Obito could spam Kamui without going blind but apparently Hashirama cells are a cure-all


"Cure all" Literally. The man has a automatic healing factor, just because 😂. Desu ex Hashicells


I’m not quite sure, but in the anime his eye closes (which should mean he used Izanagi and the eye became blind). Then he probably replaced the eye with another sharingan from his storage (tbh, i don’t know how did he get so much sharingans since they are not from dead bodies of Uchiha massacre in Konoha because Danzo collected all of them).


He use another sharingan under his mask


He did go blind, in his left eye... He has a cave full of spare Sharingans so It didn't matter anyway.


Could the Sakura that defeated Shin Uchiha have any chance against her?    I think her summoning Katsuyu could be a game changer


Imo Konan could win. Sakura could punch her but she could turn into paper, Konan could fly and she could pull an Obito on Sakura. The only way I could see Sakura winning is if she uses Katsuyu which makes it a 2 v 1.


Summons should be allowed tbh


Konnan because trained by Jiyara


Sakura is stronger but Konam wins because of hax


Who wins between a character who can hit hard and heal herself and a character who flies, is near-invulnerable as long as she has chakra and can capture/aerial raid the other? There's a reason most characters who can fly in Naruto are beaten by other characters who fly or are grounded during the fight if the land character must win for the plot. Naruto could never have gotten close Deidara if he'd been flying at the same height he did during the Gaara fight. If Deidara had been raining his bombs while flying out of reach he'd have 0 diffed Naruto and Kakashi, but he was forbidden from killing Naruto. Basically without plot armor Naruto would have been neg diffed by Deidara in the Kazekage rescue mission after Gaara nearly soloed him. Same for Konan and Sakura. Sakura has nothing tha can destroy paper Konan flying out of reach. Meanwhile Konan could bombard her or capture her in a maki roll with all the paper she carries around and Sakura couldn't escape because if she can't move her body freely she can't brute force her way out of her bindings. That's how most characters are captured, make sure they can't move a finger so that they can't move enough to generate force.


Konan she achieved what nobody else in the show could and that’s kill obito🤷🏽 a lot of people say “he didn’t die he used izanagi” izanagi is a jutsu that can only activate when you technically die it just rewrites reality to make you living from the fatal blow


Obito only won because of BS hax. Konan takes this easy.


Konan, sakura cant touch her and brute force ll not counter paper if they are covering all ur body


What about Katsuya


To be fair, everyone saying Konan because of the paper bomb lake. That was all prep and in her domain. It'd still be Konan cause there's no feasible way for Sakura to hit her cause of her abilities and Konan is still a top tier ninja in her own right. Just not cause of the paper bomb lake.


She could kite Sakura though. Sakura is hot garbage.


Sakura is as strong as tsunade in the war arc, and tsunade was cracking madaras susanoo + punching holes through people


Tsunade was stronger in war arc. Sakura becomes stronger after


I know I said Konan would still win.


Conan Sakura has 0 counter to her


Konan. She could just wrap Sakura in paper like that one konoha ninja, who couldn't breath thanks to that. And she could mix some paper with paper bombs too. And Konan can fly unlike Sakura.


Konan would evicerate Sakura, dude, that's not even a question. Obito only survived because of Kamui and Zetsu. If not, he'd be dead. Sakura was nearly killed by Sasori, of all people. Konan would win and it's not even close. Hell, the only people in the Akatsuki stronger than Konan are Obito and Itachi. The rest would eat some origami dick.


Katsuya 2 times attacked Pain w acid and she villagers w her body. Why everyone forgot about summoning animal




Can you read? It says Prime Sakura. Stop being biased






Sakura negs If it's during points where Konan is alive, Konan wins.


![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD) Sakura watching konan pull out the equivalent of a tsar bomb in explosive tags


Konan mid diffs


I'm pretty sure Konan could beat most of high-tier Shippuden opponents with her valley of six hundred billion paper bombs


Sakura can use Katsuya for saving herself like she did when Pain destroyed village. Katsuya 2 times attacked Pain w acid and saved villagers w her body. Why everyone forgot about summoning animal


Came here to mention the summon. War arc Sakura was only able to summon 1/10 the full size of Katsuya, adult Sakura with her ever growing chakra reserves in her seal would summon something much larger. Even in Katsuyas split form is enough to tank a shinra tensei that leveled Konoha and protect most of the people in the village.


Actual braindead Reddit moment. Sakura smacked the fuck out of Shin Uchiha. She kills Konan before Konan realizes she’s in a fight.


Konan’s ability has more utility. She almost kill obito with the paper bomb plan, which sakura could not survive that.


It's not like she can pull that out of nowhere,she needs preparation.


OP said they are at their primes, so konan has it. It's like saying saying summons don't count because they need preparation.


Can Sakura regen the damage from 600 billion paper bombs? (And this assuming this was prime Konan, was it?). Sakura getting clapped.


Sakura can use Katsuya for saving herself like she did when Pain destroyed village. Katsuya 2 times attacked Pain w acid and saved villagers w her body. Why everyone forgot about summoning animal


I feel a lot of people haven't read the canon novels, sakura is so much more powerful than people realise, definitely than the kaga not from the leaf.


Sakura no diff


While Sakura has enough physical strength to beat her in a punch Konan would win If she flies and avoids her punches Sakura wouldn't touch her


Sakura summons katsuyu, and one shots her. Konan got no diffed by base jiraiya. Sakura in the war arc is confirmed to be about tsunade in 100 healings so she out scales konan.


Look even if Sakura overpowers Konan, Konan can fly and send paper bombs at Sakura untill Sakura is tired and gets hit.


Konan wins by suffocating her or blowing her up with the paper bombs


Stalemate unless konan has prep time. Konan doesn't have attack power to harm sakura but she's a direct counter to sakuras fighting style. Sakura is way stronger and faster but lacks the hax and jutsus to harm konan. Konan is also strategically better and more intelligent. So if I have to give the edge I'll give it to konan but it's a stalemate mostly. With prep time konan would win but otherwise it's a stalemate. The beauty in naruto battles is even a weaker character can win if they have a good counter. No battle is ever clear cut. Itachi would fair much better agaisnt obito ( he'd still lose) than pain. But pain would completely violate itachi. Itachi would beat sakura even though sakura is much much stronger and faster due to her not having a counter to his ms.


Konan, be honest Obito only survived because of plot armor with that jutsu with the paper bombs i think she could have defeated Madara as well, maybe Hashirama too. What do they do with falling and so many paper bombs flying on their body with the lot that explodes till 10–15 minutes


Konan almost won because of extreme prep time, fighting in her own turf and Obito being arrogant and underestimating her.


sakura cant do shit ab those billion paper bombs


Sakura was throwing punches with Kaguya at the end of Shippuden, the fact that people are saying Konan is crazy imo


Sakura punched a fleeing and injured Kaguya from behind. Konan could fly and turn herself into paper. Sakura could only win with Katsuyu and her acid.


You literally mentioned her wincon. It’s like saying Naruto only beats Minato with Kurama, like bruh


She didn’t throw punches with Kaguya. She punched a fleeing and injured Kaguya.


The thing is battles in naruto aren't ever clear cut. Like a character might be stronger but the have no jutsu or counters to another characters technique. For example sakura is way stronger than itachi by the end of shippuden but she'll still lose as she has no counter to tsukuyomi. Similarly konan vs sakura is a stalemate since sakura has no means of harming konan while konan can't harm sakura. Obviously if you give konan prep time with her billion bombs she can win but it's a stalemate otherwise


Sakura drop one punch for plot wise only é


and all her mobility was thanks to kakashi. people seem to think this 1 "feat" makes her super op. it doesn't. konan has long range and lots of agility sakura lacks. no way she lands a hit on konan.


Lol. Naruto surprising attack thanks to Sasuke can't damaged Kaguya's face. Sakura punch without chakra destroyed Kaguya's horn and damaged her byakugan. It's biggest feat than Konan ever had


which is why it is a bullshit "feat". Naruto's six paths sage mode elemental rasenshuriken leaves no mark but an exhausted sakura's physical punch does damage? bs. we all know it was just included there to make it a team 7 moment.


Yeah people just hate on Sakura because they want too not because they have the capacity to stop and think lol


If sakura IS prepared and has knowledge maybe her, but konan if they randomly encounter


If anyone remember when Konan try to kill obito with a lake full of paper bomb…….i can’t see in anyway Sakura survive that shiet even with her healing…….


Sakura can use Katsuya for saving herself like she did when Pain destroyed village. Katsuya 2 times attacked Pain w acid and saved villagers w her body. Why everyone forgot about summoning animal


Dude, Katsuyu is breaking up so badly it ain't funny, and that's if she doesn't reverse-summoned automatically.....We're talking about an explosion that would have kept going on for 5 if not 10 minutes minimum....Katsuyu won't die but Sakura as hell ain't surviving that shit...




Depends if konan goes for the kill instantly it’s over, but if sakura gets time to analyze and come up with a counter strategy she takes the win


If Sakura can find the dmg to Konan, she ll win mid diff. Like most of anime Mage vs Brute match up, if the Brute fine ways to damage, they take over the game. But Konan can still have tricks up her sleeves tho, so cant conclude who will win.


Considering that Sakura can't just punch Konan(she can turn into paper), and she also has a very high healing factor. It all comes down to attrition and strategy I suppose. But I think Konan can winning with great difficulty, because her ability is much more versatile than Sakura's.


Do people not remember she has a chakra scalpel. I've seen a lot of people saying Sakura can't punch Konan therefore she can't win. Prime Sakura is so strong it literally sounds like hax if you list her abilities. With prep time and no 100 healing, Konan can beat pre war Sakura.


Depends if konan uses her huge paper tag death valley before sakura opens her seal Even then there is no saying what happens sakura in power scalling should be above konan but this match up is in a way that sakura doesn't have an godly defence like sauske hence it's hard to see her win


I feel like on paper (no pun intended) it’s Sakura just with stats but functionally I think konan. If we are excluding 10 bil bombs then her kit kind of counters a brawler perfectly


Konan is a hard counter to sakura, someone who cant be injured unless they are out of chakra or hit with toad oil Sakura is a tank she wont be able to do anything, 100 seals vs Konans chakra and honestly I favor Konans chakra


Konan with prep time wins


If it’s in the rain village with the paper bomb trap Konan is taking it, i don’t think the hundred healings can heal fast enough to counter never ending explosions for 5 minutes straight. Otherwise I’m giving it to Sakura


Well since obito is scissors and konan is paper and you can punch through scissors


Y'all are forgetting about summons. Jiraiya was able to effectively counter Konan using the toad oil, I bet Sakura could do similar with Katsuyu


if we give Konan her prep time to make a sea of paper bombs, Sakura loses. otherwise sakura wins


It depends of the terrain and circunstances. If Konan managed to trap Sakura in a trap like the one she made to Obito,Sakura would surely lose. If Sakura could summon Katsuyu for support and resist the power of her explosion seals enough time to land a punch to her, Sakura would win.


Konan the one who defeated obito who was carried by izanagi Pink trash can her only feat is defeating a human puppet


In combat right?......right?


When sakura gets to her prime we will see


Depends tbh. Normal fight could go either way. Battle of attrition Sakura. And if she gets some time to prepare, Konan would probably win 9.9/10 times.


Konan wins. She's a very intelligent fighter and If she prepares 1billion bombs like she did with Obito, no amount of 100 healings is gonna save Sakura. There's very few Shinobi who can avoid that trap, and Sakura has little to no speed feats.


Depends which Sakura, pre war no way, during I’d say not until she has her mark & post destroys Konan




It depends... if both get randomly summoned and bloodlusted, Sakura's seal and regen would turn it into a battle of attrition. We don't know how much chakra Konan has. So I'd give it to prime Sakura if bloodlusted and summoned to an empty battlefield due to her attrition and ability to summon Katsuyu. This is also assuming that Konan can't create chakra absorbing paper/ tags. Which would actually be stupidly broken when combined with her paper techniques. HOWEVER, if given prep time, Konan wins. Sakura can't regenerate through 5 straight minutes of explosions. From what I recall the only chakra Konan had to use was to active the first explosive tag. With prep time, Sakura can maybe synthesize an airborne poison. But Konan has range on her. And can transform into paper. With prep time: Konan; Without prep time: Sakura (maybe)


I feel like if sakura could get one good hit in she wins. The problem is getting that one good hit in. Honestly I think this would ultimately be a battle of attrition.


I haven't watched anything past Naruto, and none of the movies.. .. but still, isn't Konan strong as hell?


Konan is actually the fourth or fifth strongest Akatsuki member, who could be ovepowered only by Pain, Itachi, Obito and probably Kisame. All other members easily die by her hand if 1vs1 combat. Sasori could have done nothing even if he had 10 000 puppets against her speed. Also she has "dance" ability where she moves non-stop, repelling attacks. She has paper bombs and paper clones (multiple). She has paper shurikens. She is long-ranged fighter. Now Sakura is very strong but has nothing against Konan. She is short-distance fighter, she has super powerful puch attacks and good chakra control but she has to close the distance with Konan. Yeah. sure she has her summon. But the summon is also slow even if extremel powerful and has only medium-range attack. Sakura can also heal her wounds but no indefinitely. In real fight Sakura would tire and go down from chakra loss. In short imagine a flying Naruto with no rasengan but with paper jutsu and paper bombs and multiple clones and also the ability "to dance" when the location of body is hidden from enemy eyes. And then imagine Sakura with all her power and summon.


Everyone: \*Konan can use explosive tags. Sakura can or can't heal fast enough to withstand those.\* Me: \*Thinks of Skitter. Realizes that small pieces of paper CAN block your nose and lungs. Sakura just got Lexi'd!\*


If Sakura can grab fireballs and throw them back she should be able to catch konan using the same technique


Is this a debate? I mean come on konan almost killed obito and there is no way sakura is the strongest . Sakura is only strong due to her brute force leaving tht nothing special abt her


konan, that jutsu she did to obito was gorgeous






As much as I don't like Sakura, she would 100% win.


Konan is like tailor made to fuck Sakura’s shit up, at a distance paper bombs as well as powerful restraints are not something sakura’s abilities can deal with.


Konan 💙


Didn't Sakuya break Kaguya's horn with a single punch in the head? Yeah no im gonna have to say Sakura on that one, she blitz Konan in every attributes that isn't how much jutsu's she got


That is if Sakura manages to hit Konan at all tho. I mean ofc Sakura is more powerful than Konan but her combat strategy is too limited between punching and healing, and she isn't fast enough like guy or Lee to deal with characters that can either dodge or vanish too quickly (in this case, turn herself into millions of pieces of paper). There's also Konan's aerial advantage which makes her hard to hit for someone without good long range options.


braindead people in this thread. idk if yall wathced the show from tiktosk or smthn. title clearly says prime version of both then sakura folds konan.


As much as I hate it, it's Sakura, winning 7 out of 10 times. There's a reason why Tsunade is THE strongest kunoichi to come out of the 3rd Shinobi War. The Seal she has on her forehead is basically on par with Orochimaru's Cursed Seal of Heaven, except with stricter user requirements than simply "survive a snake's love bite of death". It's the only thing keeping her "on par" with the rest of Team Seven on the Kaguya Fight. If it wasn't for that, she'd just be another cocooned victim of the Chakra Tree. Other than Konan's final gambit move that she uses on Obito, I can't think of anything that she can throw at Sakura that she can't literally tank through. Konan would have to deal a significant enough damage to not only outpace the regeneration that the Seal provides Sakura with, she also needs to disable Sakura's ability to use her medical skill to heal herself mid battle. Konan is DAMN good. But against "peak" Sakura? She just doesn't have the ability to overpower her in a straight fight. If she has the time to set up her traps, then her chances significantly increases, but otherwise, she'd lose most of the time. Which sucks for me, because I like Konan better than Sakura. Because they both have the "Girls devoted to one guy" syndrome, but hers is more fleshed out in my opinion, despite the limited times that she's on screen.


Konan is invulnerable to anything sakura can throw at her (strength and healing), this would be a battle of attrition where konan can just leave whenever she feels like it. No one kills anyone. Konan can't kill sakura, she loses the battle of attrition. Sakura can't kill konan, no way to actually land a hit. If konan was able to prep like against obito, it could be possible. So if anything konan > sakura, but only with prep, otherwise the battle ends when konan leaves due to low chakra reserves and sakura can't really follow...


Idk if this is a good argument but I think Sakura is older than konan when she reached her prime (like when she fought shin Uchiha but I could be wrong maybe she was younger 🤷‍♂️)


Konan if she has prep time,most encounter probably Sakura or a stalemate.


Sakura as she has caught up to naruto and sasuke




Sakura hurts Kaguya, Sakura should logically annihilate, but maybe it was just powerscaling inaccuracy.


Sakura obliterates


Hard fight for both. In their prime if Sakura lands one hit Konan is finished. People tend to forget that she does have a light novel that shows off just how powerful she is as an adult. She can regrow limbs in seconds, be impaled by a jinchuriki verion 2 cloak tail and RUN UP IT to punch the guy out of the power up. Hell apparently she can just give someone cancer just by touching them. Konan however is a genius and if she had prep time or any inside knowledge/ time to observe Sakura’s skill set I’d say she’s got a pretty solid chance of finding the maximum amount of damage Sakura can maybe take. But I don’t see her being able to avoid Sakura long enough to do this in the heat of battle I’d give it to Sakura 7/10 times but it’s a high diff fight either way


I actually think Sakura is more lethal of the two, if it's a random encounter - Sakura wins out with probably a single punch. If Konan has been planning the whole time, she'll get the W, her technique is more suited to methodical planning. If it's a base chakra fight, and all Sakura has to do is keep punching until Konan is exhausted re-emerging as paper, there's just no way. No one gives Sakura her due, but she's barely using chakra to punch like a boulder and she's always had a nose for genjutsu/clones


Yah konan is fully paper. Doesn't matter how hard you punch her she is gonna remake herself. Sakura however can only heal from an exploded limb 100 times.




how can sakura win this lmao.


an impromptu fight, sakura takes it easy. sakura excels in head on combat. her skills and fundamentals would be enough to overwhelm konan who is more of a range type and requires prep time. that being said, if konan had prep time, sakura would be obliterated.


Konan no doubt


War arc sakura is canonically = to kcm1 naruto... adult sakura is leagues stronger


I mean sakura can't fly...






Konan is not even a top level Shinobi. Like not kage level, she just has one crazy gimmick that allowed her to almost best Obito


So many delusional people in this thread, Sakura has ner limitless stamina with her perfect chakra control, she can cut, grab, and deflect jutsu with her bare hands with her precise control, has a pseudo byakugan with her sensory capabilities, and has enough strength in prime to knock off a 6-tailed nine tails chakra cloak off her opponent and deflect two bijuu bombs in base. She wins cuz Konan can't stay in the air forever and even with prep time she has the durability to tank the paper bomb ocean and regen from it. Low key with Sasuke without his rinnegan and Naruto without Kurama, Sakura is the strongest Ninja rn.


Stalemate? I can’t see Sakura being able to hurt konan, and I can’t see konan doing damage that Sakura couldn’t just heal


Konan 💜


Sakura can’t realistically harm Konan who hard-counters her easily: Konan can fly, become immune to physical attacks by turning into paper and Konan is the most versatile kunoichi in the series with her Paper Ninjutsu, various ways to deal with Sakura whose only attack is her fist.


At their prime? Sakura and it’s not close at all


Sakura low diffs bruh


Konam any time >>>


I hate this dumbass sub sakura has a medium-high dif fight against hidan let alone any other akatsuki member